
h00sierI can't seem to set up a bridge for my snappy img running in qemu-kvm00:13
h00sierany ideas?00:14
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mvo_sergiusens: hmmmm, right, native is not ideal indeed, sorry for overlookng this05:56
dholbachgood morning06:53
seb128hey dholbach & snappy world06:57
dholbachsalut seb12806:58
dholbachhow are things in snappy land06:58
seb128good, still working on getting personal to work ;-)06:58
dholbachyeah, I saw some uploads of yours - looks like it's a bit more work enabling everything06:59
seb128yeah, let's see how things look like today06:59
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fgimenezgood morning07:05
seb128mvo_, bah, you broke ubuntu-core/desktop-next builds :p07:49
* seb128 fixes07:50
seb128or not07:51
seb128mvo_, let me know when you are around to discuss the issue :-)07:51
mvo_seb128: whats the issue? clickpkg -> snappypkg  ?07:51
mvo_seb128: sure, let me look07:52
mvo_seb128: sorry, but that the only way to know if it works, upload and hope for the best. no local testing :(07:52
seb128mvo_, btw you had your changes commited as if they were uploaded, but they were not07:52
seb128so I changed back to unreleased, batched some desktop-next tweaks and uploaded07:52
seb128hope that was ok ;-)07:52
seb128mvo_, you can do a local build, it just takes a while07:53
mvo_seb128: sure, I though I did upload, I guess may I should go to bed07:53
seb128mvo_, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-June/033458.html has "howto build locally"07:53
seb128need to adapt the PROJECT/SUBPROJECT env variables07:54
seb128but that works (or at least enough to check the groups thingy)07:54
mvo_seb128: I'm not sure that works in the age of LP builders07:54
mvo_seb128: oh, you checked it works? nice07:55
seb128yeah, I did the user/group config for desktop-next using that07:55
seb128"Setting up ubuntu-snappy-cli (1.2-1+524~ubuntu15.10.1) ...07:55
seb128Warning: The home dir /nonexistent you specified can't be accessed: No such file or directory07:55
seb128Adding system user `clickpkg' (UID 109) ..."07:55
mvo_seb128: the build failure is due to a out-of-sync issue of snappy and livefs rootfs07:55
seb128seems like ubuntu-snappy-cli creates this group07:55
mvo_if Chipaca can review https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-gettext-fix and https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-gettext-fix2 we should have a working image again07:56
mvo_seb128: yeah, it does create the snappypkg user in trunk but trunk failed to build for unreleated reasons so they got out of sync07:56
mvo_seb128: but all my faul, once the fixes above land we should be good again07:57
seb128mvo_, any estimate of when you can land those fixes?07:57
seb128I'm sort of waiting on a new image build to continue my personal work07:57
mvo_seb128: once someone reviews them, you can do that too if you want, should all be pretty small/obvious, I just need a ACK on the MP :)07:58
* seb128 looks07:58
* conyoo error parsing serv.dat07:59
seb128mvo_, those look good to me, I comment approved but can't approve the mp, not in the right team08:03
mvo_seb128: sure, thats fine08:04
mvo_seb128: thanks08:04
mvo_seb128: great, I top-approved, once they are merged (every 10min) I will trigger a build and once that is available we can do new images08:07
seb128mvo_, do you plan to upload to wily as well?08:10
mvo_seb128: oh, you don't use our ppa, sure, I will do a upload08:11
seb128mvo_, thanks08:12
seb128and no, we don't use the ppa08:12
seb128we are good citizens ;-)08:12
seb128mvo_, tarmac doesn't like my +108:13
seb128"Voting does not meet specified criteria. Required: Approve >= 1, Disapprove == 0. Got: 1 Pending."08:13
mvo_seb128: silly thing, I approved now as well to make it happy. we can't block oyu08:14
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Mailman^WPostal Worker Day! 😃08:27
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seb128mvo_, thanks for the snappy upload ;-)08:48
Chipacamvo_: aw, for a moment i thought you were fixing the apparmor thing for arm :)08:53
Chipacamvo_: (ubuntu-core-launcher seems to need an additional .so on arm than on intel, at least last night)08:53
ogra_seb128, mvo_, i dont think the fix that was uploaded will work09:03
ogra_you only fixed the fallout ... the reason for the failure is the switch from clickpkg to snappypkg09:04
seb128ogra_, ?09:04
seb128ogra_, snappy changed its group from clickpkg to snappypkg09:05
seb128ogra_, mvo updated the groups in livecd-rootfs to reflect the change09:05
seb128but that was uploaded before ubuntu-snappy09:05
seb128with the new version there is no clickpkg user anymore09:06
seb128why would it fail?09:06
ogra_because there is a snappypkg user now09:06
ogra_or snappkg09:06
ogra_(not sure how exactly it is called)09:06
ogra_the user was just renamed ... but your livecd-rootfs change doesnt have that rename09:07
seb128ogra_, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/210356511/livecd-rootfs_2.319_2.320.diff.gz09:07
ogra_oh, i missed that09:07
ogra_ignore me then09:08
seb128ogra_, my upload from today was to fix the ":ubuntu" missing after I tweaked the groups yesterday09:08
mvo_Chipaca: uh, arm failing? meh, no I did not look at this09:23
Chipacamvo_: ok, i'm looking :)09:23
Chipacaooh, maybe it's the 32bit-ness, not the arm-ness09:25
* Chipaca tries with x8609:25
Chipacatyhicks: do you know of any reason we shouldn't include libgcc_s.so in the apparmor profile for ubuntu-core-launcher even on amd64 where it's not needed? it's needed on 32bit platforms and i'd rather not have a different profile for different bittiness09:29
* Chipaca makes a branch prediction09:30
Chipacatyhicks: added you to https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/ubuntu-core-launcher/libgcc_s/+merge/263489 but probably should've added your team instead (which team should that be?)09:42
Chipacasergiusens: elopio: fixes https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1470210 for you09:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 1470210 in Snappy "integration tests fail with: error while loading shared libraries: libgcc_s.so.1" [Undecided,New]09:43
Chipacai should move that to the launcher, shouldn't i09:43
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fgimenezmvo_, Chipaca hi, i'm getting this http://paste.ubuntu.com/11803910/ on bbb, is it a known bug?10:42
ogra_the dates look weird10:42
ogra_how can 87 be newer than 88 ?10:43
rsalvetihaha, indeed10:43
fgimenezogra_, yep :, i got10:44
fgimenezogra_, the image with:10:45
fgimenezsudo ubuntu-device-flash --revision -2 --verbose core rolling --output bbb-edge-2.img --channel edge --developer-mode --oem beagleblack10:45
ogra_hmm, so is that timestamp created by u-d-f ?10:47
ogra_i thought it comes from the server10:47
sergiusensChipaca: I'll defer on that one11:04
Chipacasergiusens: sure, wasn't asking you to review C code :) was just heads-up'ing you wrt it being fixed there11:04
ogra_seems seb128 cant have his system-a/b partitions mounted by label on amd6411:07
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ogra_dont we use labels on grub installs ?11:07
sergiusensChipaca: it's a one liner :-P11:07
Chipacasergiusens: cee coooode11:08
Chipacasergiusens: scaaary11:08
ogra_looks like neither root=/dev/disk/by-label/system-a nor root=LABEL=system-a works11:08
Chipacasergiusens: * not even code, let alone C :)11:08
Chipacaogra_: yes, we use labels11:08
ogra_do we act special in any way on grub based installs ?11:08
Chipacaogra_: and that works as far as i've been able to test it11:09
seb128does it require some initramfs support we might be missing?11:09
Chipacaseb128: efi?11:09
seb128the partitions have label according to blkid11:09
seb128no, that's in virt-manager, I think standard grub11:09
ogra_well, and udev should at least create the /dev/disk/by-label/ symlinks11:09
Chipacaah, no, then it should work11:09
ogra_but seems they are not there either11:09
Chipacaseb128: can you go to the grub console?11:10
seb128Chipaca, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/shot0001.png11:10
ogra_Chipaca, how would the grub console help ?11:10
Chipacaseb128: plz to grub console11:10
seb128Chipaca, I need to go for lunch, people are waiting, but I'm going to have a look to that once back11:10
seb128Chipaca, please give hints and I can read the backlog then ;-)11:11
Chipacaogra_: i'll do a search from there11:11
Chipacaogra_: as i know what i expect there11:11
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ogra_Chipaca, but the mounting happens from initrd, way later when the kernel took over already ...11:11
* ogra_ <- confused11:11
Chipacaogra_: but it's not finding root11:12
Chipacaogra_: which is specified by grub11:12
Chipacaogra_: so that's wrong, somehow11:12
ogra_its not finding the labeled partition ... even with manually specifying root=/dev/disk/by-label/system-a or root=LABEL=system-a11:13
seb128Chipaca, echo $root gives hd0,gpt211:18
seb128Chipaca, unsure what info you want/need11:18
seb128shouldn't the LABEL thing be independant of that? it wouldn't boot at all if the boot was not correct11:18
ogra_thats what i mean11:19
ogra_grub should only find the boot partition, load kernel and initrd and switch over11:19
ogra_mounting happens from the initrd11:19
Chipacaseb128: search --no-floppy --label system-a11:19
seb128system-b on gpt411:21
seb128(which is the one I want/which has the /)11:21
Chipacaseb128: echo $snappy_ab11:22
Chipacaok, so now11:22
Chipacawhy is root gpt2?11:22
seb128no idea, it's the snappy personal image11:23
seb128Chipaca, the grub config is http://paste.ubuntu.com/11757708/11:24
Chipacaah, i don't know how that's partitioned11:24
ogra_shouldnt differ from core11:24
Chipacaaugh. when is the new grub.cfg going to land already :)11:24
seb128same as core11:24
Chipacaseb128: ok, so your root should be system-a or system-b, not some other partition11:24
Chipacaseb128: do this:11:24
Chipacaset label="system-$snappy_ab"11:25
Chipacaset cmdline="root=LABEL=$label ro init=/lib/systemd/systemd console=tty1 console=ttyS0 panic=-1"11:25
Chipacasearch --no-floppy --set --label "$label"11:25
Chipacalinux /vmlinuz $cmdline11:25
Chipacainitrd /initrd.img11:25
seb128is that going to teach us anything?11:26
ogra_(you probably dont want console=ttyS0 on a desktop system :) so you can see the messages on screen)11:26
seb128I can boot fine using root=/dev/vda411:26
seb128gpt2 is a "system-boot" vfat partition11:26
Chipacaseb128: vda4?11:26
seb128k, really need to go for lunch11:26
Chipacawhat's vda4?11:26
seb128in a virt-manager vm11:26
ogra_seb128, do you get a busybox after the mount error ?11:26
seb128no, back to grub11:27
ogra_i dont see a prompt in your pic11:27
Chipacaogra_: console=tty1 console=ttyS0 puts it on both, afaik11:28
ogra_the first one applies to kernel messages11:28
ogra_the second one to userspace11:28
ogra_so as soon as the kernel hands over to initrd the messages go to serial11:29
Chipacaoh, that's not what we want11:29
ogra_if you only set console= once it will apply to both11:29
ogra_so you just want to drop console=ttyS011:30
ChipacaYou can specify multiple console= options on the kernel command line.11:31
ChipacaOutput will appear on all of them. The last device will be used when11:31
Chipacayou open /dev/console.11:31
ogra_the last sentence is key :)11:31
ogra_(having /dev imples userspace ;) )11:32
seb128Chipaca, in any case u-d-f makes a system-boot vfat partition on personal, unsure why the $root points to that11:32
seb128cyphermox or slangasek might know11:32
ogra_well, the commandline is created durin livecd-rootfs if i'm not wrong11:33
Chipacasystem-boot is where grub lives, system-a or system-b is where the kernels and initrds live11:33
Chipaca(in the current scheme, that is going to change rsn)11:33
ogra_ah, no, livecd-rootfs doesnt set any root= arg ... it only sed's /etc/default/grub for systemd stuff etc11:35
Chipacaseb128: you asked me whether we'd learn anything from entering all the above; the answer is that we'd learn whether the future grub.cfg would be able to boot this, whatever it is :)11:37
Chipacaogra_: so, console=ttyS0 console=tty1 is what we'd want, right? to have serial for kernel/early boot but everything else on tty1 as expected?11:37
ogra_yeah, sounds right11:38
ogra_i still dont get where grub is involved with the rootfs mounting (beyond handing the cmdline over to the kernel)11:38
ogra_the actual work happens inside the initrd ... and the initrd doesnt seem to have any knowledge of the labels11:39
Chipacaogra_: this might be the old grub config confusing me; reading the grub manual, there's nothing special about the root env var11:41
Chipacaogra_: afaict, just setting “root=$root” in the linux commandline is what's expected11:41
ogra_well, it works if seb128 sets root=/dev/vda111:42
Chipacaogra_: the variable, or the commandline?11:42
ogra_whatever is in /proc/cmdline11:42
ogra_the initrd parses that11:42
ogra_and then calls:11:43
ogra_                # convert UUID/LABEL to a device name11:43
ogra_                path=$(findfs "$root" 2>/dev/null || :)11:43
ogra_so findfs doesnt return any usable thing11:43
Chipacaseb128: is this reproducible? how?11:44
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ogra_parsing the cmdline happens very early in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/init ... mounting in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/ubuntu-core-rootfs11:44
* Chipaca -> grubby lunch11:51
sergiusensChipaca: mvo_ https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy/returnErrIfErr/+merge/26351012:12
Chipacasergiusens: ETOOMUCHERR12:13
sergiusensChipaca: we probably want to backport this one too12:13
Chipacasergiusens: i've got a couple of changes to that grub.cfg, when you're looking at that again12:13
Chipacasergiusens: can we have a test case?12:14
Chipacabecause i thought i'd fixed this before now :)12:15
sergiusensChipaca: sure12:15
Chipacasergiusens: if you're in the middle of somehting12:15
Chipacasergiusens: i can do the test case :)12:15
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sergiusensChipaca: I am, but I can do it ;-)12:31
zygahow can I ignore certain files for snappy build12:33
zygaI don't want it to zip up verything in .12:33
* ogra_ hasnt found a way beyond moving the files out of the way12:34
zygais there a bug on this?12:35
* zyga goes to file one12:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 1470491 in Snappy "snappy build should not zip everything in ., add an option to ignore certain paths" [Undecided,New]12:37
zygaogra_: have you seen snappy-device-agents?12:37
zygaogra_: https://code.launchpad.net/snappy-device-agents12:37
ogra_do they wear black suits and sunglasses ?12:38
* ogra_ thinks he saw one on the street12:38
ogra_(no, havent heard if it yet :) )12:39
zygaogra_: it's a set of tools for deploying snappy images to devices automatically for the CI stuff we're working on12:39
zygaogra_: currently just BBB and _very_ hacky/underdocumented12:39
zygaogra_: but it's something you may want to look at12:39
zygaogra_: it's basically one day old now ;-)12:39
zygaogra_: merge requests and bug are much welcome12:40
zygathis branch as a way to create a snap out of that12:40
zygasnappy deploying snappy12:40
ogra_so thats the equivalent to phablet-tools ?12:40
zygaogra_: apart from deployment it can run adt tests12:41
zygaogra_: maybe, maybe not, it will be tailored to each device we have to support12:41
zygaogra_: p-t is far more consistent because it can rely on adb12:41
zygaogra_: here we may need magic voodoo :-(12:41
zygaogra_: depending real devices12:41
ogra_well, you can kind of rely on serial for arm boards12:41
zygaogra_: we try to encourage the a/b/c method12:41
zygaogra_: yes, I know, I'm trying to convince plars to use it :)12:42
zygaogra_: we'll support many methods12:42
zygaogra_: exposing one interface/api/tools12:42
zygaogra_: depending on what kind of stuff you have you may pick12:42
Chipacazyga: we don't zip everything, fwiw12:42
* ogra_ isnt so thrilled by python though ... 12:42
zygaogra_: but in the end you can deploy any image to a bard12:42
zygaChipaca: oh? so what does snappy build do, --help is not saying anything useful and there is no manual page12:42
ogra_but thats just personal preference12:42
zygaogra_: would you write this in go?12:43
ogra_shell ;)12:43
zygaogra_: oh, shell is terrible ;-)12:43
zygaogra_: error handling12:43
ogra_shell is lovely if done right ;)12:43
zygaogra_: I love shell but...12:43
zygaogra_: right, show me one script that handles errors and cleanup right12:43
Chipacazyga: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy/snappy/view/head:/snappy/build.go#L5412:43
ogra_zyga, you know about the trap function, right ?12:43
zygaChipaca: wow CVS and darcs12:44
zygaogra_: sure12:44
zygaogra_: it's possible12:44
zygaogra_: just _hard_12:44
ogra_not hard :)12:44
Chipacazyga: it's like a list of past mistakes12:44
ogra_anyway, you picked py ... i'll get along12:44
zygaChipaca: I think the bug stands, it's not possible to tweak this and the defaults are not optimal (or can be in general)12:45
zygaogra_: we picked CLI for now, the implementation may be totally different for each tool12:45
Chipacazyga: i wasn't disagreeing with the bug :)12:45
zygaChipaca: ah, thanks, I misunderstood12:45
zygaogra_: we just want to get started, deploy this and let it be used via the CI message queue12:45
zygaogra_: we'll see what kind of API we can provide at this level12:46
zygaogra_: but the external api for this will be the message queue12:46
zygaogra_: later on I'll probably build something more like lava where you have a http API for sending test jobs12:46
zygaChipaca: what is DEADJOE?12:47
zygaChipaca: that list is pretty full of magic12:47
Chipacazyga: as the comment says, it's inherited from other places12:47
zygaor ,,12:47
ChipacaDEADJOE i believe is no longer used, but used to be joe's tmpfiles12:48
ogra_anyone here using the joe editor ?12:48
zygaogra_: ahh12:48
* ogra_ thought that was dead since a decade or so :P 12:48
zygaogra_: it seems this list predates that :)12:48
ogra_i wonder if people using joe for editing also use elm for mail :)12:49
zygaogra_: yeah, both of them do ;-)12:50
Chipacahah! it still creates 'em12:51
Chipacaand ,, is from baz, apparently12:53
ogra_ah, i thought it was cunieform12:55
ogra_sine we seem to want backwards compatibility to the beginnings of mankind12:55
zygabut no tla support12:55
zygaI'm dissapointed ;-)12:56
* ogra_ is off to the dentist13:11
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rsalvetiogra_: good luck :-)13:14
mvo_fgimenez: you did not get a reply to your question about http://paste.ubuntu.com/11803910/, did you? if not, I look now13:32
fgimenezmvo_, ok thanks :)13:34
mvo_seb128: is this  failure something new? the boot issue? iirc you mentioned that it was working before(?)13:34
Chipacaseb128: i just built a personal image and it boots fine, so please fill us in on what you're doing :)13:37
Chipacait doesn't do much *more* than booting, but that's probably not snappy :)13:38
seb128Chipaca, what grub entry do you boot? and on uefi?13:50
seb128mvo_, which issue?13:50
Chipacaseb128: you boot uefi using virt manager?13:50
seb128Chipaca, no, but maybe you use uefi and that works? ;-)13:50
seb128just checking13:51
Chipacaseb128: no, kvm, i don't touch grub and it just works13:51
mvo_seb128: that it does not boot13:51
seb128how did you build the image?13:51
seb128Chipaca, "u-d-f personal rolling --channel edge --output img.img"?13:51
seb128mvo_, the cloud-init hang or the invalid grub config?13:52
Chipacaseb128: no --oem? i'll try without an oem and see13:52
mvo_seb128: invalid grub config13:52
seb128Chipaca, no oem no13:52
seb128mvo_, since ever, but there is an "ubuntu" entry in the grub menu which does work13:52
Chipacaok, gotta fly, but will continue with this after13:55
seb128Chipaca, thanks, I'm going to try with a new image in a bit, but nothing changed this week so I doubt that got magically resolved13:55
seb128mvo_, you didn't do the seed update needed for the ubuntu-snappy migration?13:57
mvo_seb128: I did, not uploaded yet though, sorry13:57
mvo_seb128: I do that now13:57
sergiusensmvo_: on s-i updates I get system-image-cli: error: unrecognized arguments: --progress json13:57
seb128mvo_, thanks13:57
sergiusensmvo_: almost therewith update grub13:57
mvo_sergiusens: hrm, is system-image-cli installed on the system? or is it still using system-image-snappy-cli ?13:59
sergiusensmvo_: in what image was it removed?14:00
sergiusensor swapped14:00
mvo_sergiusens: in the same that switched to the new way of calling it - at least in theory14:01
sergiusensmvo_: which one is the new way? --machine-readable or --progress json ?14:01
mvo_sergiusens: the new one is progress json14:02
mvo_sergiusens: so if that arg is used the image should have s-i-cli instead of s-i-snappy-cli14:03
sergiusensmvo_: hard to tell with no dpkg info ;-)14:03
mvo_sergiusens: :-D14:04
mvo_fgimenez: thanks again for the crashreport, there will be a branch shortly14:05
fgimenezmvo_, np, thank you, elopio found it yesterday running the integration tests on the bbb (he is really brave :)14:09
fgimenezmvo_, at first we thought it may be related to the tests14:10
tyhicksChipaca: ubuntu-security would be the team14:21
seb128tedg, hey, nitpick but can you look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/url-dispatcher/+bug/1470531 ?14:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 1470531 in url-dispatcher (Ubuntu) "update-directory errors out on missing directory" [Undecided,New]14:25
tyhicksChipaca: approved - thanks :)14:26
sergiusensmvo_: fgimenez oh, I fixed that bug in the update-grub work just now, was driving me nuts14:28
tedgseb128, Sure, do you have a session systemd running?14:28
seb128tedg, probably not since I don't have a session open14:28
seb128it's a boot to the greeter and a systemctl --failed on vt9 from systemd.debug-shell14:29
tedgseb128, ? Then how did that get run? It should be a session job.14:29
sergiusensmvo_: fwiw, it crashes for grub as well ;-)14:29
seb128tedg, hum, let me check, I might have logged into a vt on that boot14:29
sergiusensmvo_: I think my fix is a lot simpler even if a bit more hacky14:29
seb128tedg, but no desktop session for sure, just vt login14:30
tedgseb128, To be clear, I think it can still be fixed, more curious.14:30
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mvo_sergiusens: :) I tried to make it less ugly but I don't mind as long as we fix it soon14:35
sergiusensmvo_: I don't want to delay update-grub work more though14:37
elopiofgimenez: I followed your advice and moved the meeting 30 minutes.14:37
elopiostarting from tomorrow :)14:38
tedgseb128, Looking through the code it seems that it should handle that case. Do you have a log file?14:38
fgimenezelopio, ok :) i'm already there14:39
fgimenezelopio, i've pushed the fixes you suggested to the build-test branch14:40
sergiusensmvo_: so, latest image still has machine readable and latest snappy has --format json ...14:40
seb128tedg, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11804973/14:41
sergiusensmvo_: and client.ini looks really weird now14:42
mvo_sergiusens: it does?14:43
sergiusensmvo_: there's a client.inie now as well14:43
mvo_sergiusens: *ick*14:43
mvo_sergiusens: let me try to find out why we got the old one14:43
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ogra_`<ogra_> seb128, can you boot with break=premount (and also make sure to have no serial console on the cmdline) ?14:46
ogra_`<ogra_> so we can take a look why findfs doesnt find a label or why udev doesnt set the links14:46
ogra_`<ogra_> the break= should give a you shell in the initrd ... (if we didnt hack that out for snappy)14:46
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seb128ogra_`, let me try14:47
seb128ogra_, "no serial console on the cmdline"?14:47
ogra_yeah ... no "console=ttyS0"14:48
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seb128why not? (just curious)14:48
ogra_because that would spawn the shell on serial14:48
ogra_(and also print all output there)14:48
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ogra_at least in the constellation Chipaca showed before14:49
sergiusensmvo_: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy/noUpdateGrub/revision/49214:49
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sergiusensmvo_: just missing some tests if the approach is good14:49
sergiusensmvo_: so far the files get sync'ed, but I'm stuck on other broken things (and the fact about bootlader dir being nil took away most of my morning)14:50
seb128ogra_, that reboots back to grub ...14:50
sergiusensmvo_: lesson learned should be to panic instead of returning nil if you are going to panic anyways ;-)14:50
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ogra_mvo_, sergiusens, is there a way to switch off the auto-reboot ?14:51
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ogra_in grub based systems14:51
sergiusensogra_: yeah, snappy config ubuntu-core14:51
sergiusensautopilot: off14:51
ogra_sergiusens, well, from outside the image14:51
ogra_we need to debug the initrd14:51
sergiusensogra_: yes, create an oem package with autopilot off in the config14:52
ogra_oh man14:52
ogra_we need a cmdline option for such stuff :)14:52
sergiusensogra_: but the reboot on panic, you need to edit manually yourself14:52
sergiusensogra_: like, mount .img/system-boot, edit grub.cfg, boot14:52
ogra_ah, itrs in the grub.cfg ...14:52
ogra_seb128, can you turn it off there ?14:53
ogra_sergiusens, does that generally prevent the shell (does it replace the std. panic() finction of initramfs ? )14:53
tedgseb128, I'm not sure what to do with that error, we're making directories and opening the database all before it happens. Normally I'd say we can access it, but it would seem that we already did.14:54
sergiusensogra_: we don't do any customization wrt panic14:54
tedgseb128, Here's the function, perhaps a second set of eyes will see something: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/url-dispatcher/trunk.15.10/view/head:/service/url-db.c#L2614:54
sergiusensogra_: it's just a cmdline -> panic=-114:54
ogra_seb128, drop that too, i think that disables the shell (so even if it wouldnt reboot it wouldnt spawn a shell with that option set)14:55
seb128ogra_, "that"?14:55
ogra_from the kernel cmdline14:55
dholbachfgimenez, elopio: sorry for the mail spam - balloons and I just ended up in another meeting tomorrow, so we thought we'd shrink our open house meeting to just 30 mins - I think that should be fine14:56
seb128ogra_, without that it boots to a kernel error14:56
ogra_what does the error say ?14:56
seb128let me try again in a vb14:56
seb128I booted the vm to change the grub config14:56
ogra_og, you do all that in a vm ?14:57
ogra_then i could do it myself i suppose14:57
elopiodholbach: sounds good.14:57
dholbachthanks a bunch!14:57
fgimenezdholbach, ok np for me14:57
seb128tedg, it's snappy and /root is ro it seems14:59
seb128tedg, you don't handle mkdir failing14:59
tedgseb128, ? I think we do: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/url-dispatcher/trunk.15.10/view/head:/service/url-db.c#L3915:00
tedgThough it probably doesn't make sense to run the click hooks for root15:01
seb128ups, rather the sqlite3_open()15:01
seb128tedg, I think ^ fails15:01
seb128I was going to say15:01
seb128tedg, I think the "Unable to create tables" is from sqlite3_open(), that function creates the filename if it doesn't exists15:03
seb128also I'm unsure why is /root should be ro of it that's another snappy issue to be resolved15:04
tedgseb128, I guess what is confusing is that mkdir() in theory isn't failing, but making the file is?15:04
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seb128tedg, it's possible that the directory got created when I had a rw mount I guess15:05
seb128so maybe local issue...15:06
seb128or it's part of the image for some reason15:06
seb128need to check15:06
tedgWell, we'd still return an error if we couldn't make the directory.15:06
tedg:-) It would just be an error that made more sense.15:06
seb128ogra_, unsure how to edit grub.cfg ... wouldn't it be easier if you/whoever wants to debug build a personal issue and kvm boot it? ;-)15:10
Chipacayeah, got it here15:11
seb128Chipaca, you did? what did you change?15:11
Chipaca sudo ubuntu-device-flash --revision=-1 personal rolling --channel edge -o personal_x86.img --developer-mode15:11
seb128compared to what?15:12
seb128e.g what option did you use that gave a working grub earlier?15:12
seb128it was the oem one?15:12
ogra_seb128, yeah, is that possible with the std u-d-f yet ?15:23
seb128ogra_, yes, using the wily version15:23
seb128ogra_, see the command Chipaca just gave15:23
Saviqogra_, hey, mzanetti mentioned there's a problem with the Pi GPIO on snappy, anywhere I can read more on that?15:23
Chipacaseb128: previously i'd used --oem generic-i38615:23
Chipacaseb128: and that works15:24
ogra_Saviq, no, the issue is with using custom or overlay dtbs to actually enable GPIO on the Pi15:24
Chipacaseb128: at least as much as the ubuntu grub entry works without it15:24
seb128Chipaca, hum, k15:24
seb128unsure what's the difference15:24
ogra_Saviq, we simply dont have proper support for that yet ... and specifically for the Pi it is tricky since the binary blob owns the actual dtb15:24
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* Saviq looks suspicious at the choice of the Pi for the Matchbox then...15:25
ogra_well, thats one of the reasons the Pi isnt officially supported15:25
Saviqogra_, one issue I have with an add-on 433MHz transceiver board from openenergymonitor is that the bootloader goes apeshit when it's connected, might that be related?15:26
ogra_you likely need the right dtb overlay to enable it15:26
Saviqogra_, so I'd need a custom device tarball?15:27
Saviq== a custom image15:27
ogra_you need a custom oem snap ...15:27
ogra_but even then, no guarantees that the kernel works with that dtb15:28
ogra_(i.e your dtb might define the right device but the module/driver might be missing)15:28
Saviqand in that case I'd need to build a custom kernel15:28
Saviqohkay, /me has his work cut out for him (/hethinks)15:29
Saviqnow who can tell me how to fix security_yaml_click_ security_yaml_ errors :/15:30
ogra_Saviq, i'm working with ppisati to get that to work, it just isnt there yet15:31
Saviqogra_, maybe I can help?15:31
* Saviq hopes he could, instead of !helping15:31
ogra_Saviq, sure, if i got something to try i'll let you know15:32
ogra_seb128, Chipaca, found the issue i think ... /dev/vd* devices are indeed handled specially in the shipped udev rule in the initrd15:34
ogra_KERNEL=="vd*[!0-9]", ATTRS{serial}=="?*", ENV{ID_SERIAL}="$attr{serial}", SYMLINK+="disk/by-id/virtio-$env{ID_SERIAL}"15:34
ogra_KERNEL=="vd*[0-9]", ATTRS{serial}=="?*", ENV{ID_SERIAL}="$attr{serial}", SYMLINK+="disk/by-id/virtio-$env{ID_SERIAL}-part%n"15:34
seb128ogra_, oh, nice, where did he say that?15:35
ogra_seb128, i pulled the device tarball and unpacked the initrd15:35
ogra_lib/udev/rules.d/60-persistent-storage.rules in there15:35
seb128but that's only adding symlinks15:36
seb128is that supposed to create issues?15:36
ogra_no, but i think it makes it skip creating the by-label symlinks15:36
seb128or is that taking over the normal by-label15:36
ogra_not 100% sure yet ... i'll have to dig a bit15:37
seb128thanks for investigating this one15:37
ogra_the set of rules we ship by default is definitely limeted though15:37
seb128but make sure to not dup work with Chipaca there15:37
ogra_might be a fallout from -touch15:37
Chipacathere is no initrd line15:37
ogra_he is looking at the grub side of things :)15:37
Chipacain grub15:37
ogra_oh !15:37
Chipacathat might explain things15:38
ogra_well, not why it boots with UUID ...15:38
Chipacathe UUID entry does specify initrd15:38
seb128or with root=/dev/vda315:38
ogra_at least then there wouldnt be a readonly and writable mount etc15:38
ogra_it would boot rw directly into the root without initrd15:39
seb128Chipaca, no, take the system-a entry, do "e", change the LABEL=... by /dev/vda3 and ctrl-X15:39
seb128that boots without issue15:39
Chipacaseb128: can you confirm there isn't an initrd entry in that entry?15:39
seb128Chipaca, yes, I can15:40
Chipacaseb128: pleasae do :)15:40
seb128I just did15:40
seb128you can probably on your image as well15:41
Chipacaseb128: i saw it on mine, wanted you to confirm whether it was the same over there15:41
Chipacaand yes, specifying root=/dev/sda3 for me makes it boot too15:41
seb128my system-a boot option has no initrd15:41
Chipacabut i'm assumign this just sidesteps the initrd entirely15:41
seb128and changing the LABEL to a /dev makes it boot15:42
Chipacaseb128: can you also check whether the system-a entry asks for a efi kernel and the otehr one doesn't?15:42
seb128yes, I noticed that some days ago as well15:42
Chipacai'm now out of my depth wrt where the grub.cfg is coming form, but i'm going to blame sergiusens because he'll be able to blame the right person15:43
seb128likely cyphermox / slangasek15:43
Chipacaseb, if you specified an initrd it'd probably work15:43
seb128cyphermox was looking at some of the grub issues15:43
seb128well unsure why we have those different entries15:43
seb128and why the system-a/b ones don't have a initrd15:44
seb128let's see in any of the grub knowing people can help though ;-)15:44
sergiusensseb128: Chipaca maybe something is missing from our "overlay"15:45
Chipacaseb128: the whole thing is changing for the better anyway :)15:45
ogra_by throwing away 80% of it :=)15:45
* Chipaca wipes the spittle off his screen15:46
mvo_sergiusens: I just remember -it seems like go-flags makes description translations impossible, because its in the ` ` style struct options. maybe we need something else :/15:54
sergiusensmvo_: oh fancy that15:55
sergiusensmvo_: we will need a struct based thing then type Opt struct { Name, longDescription, shortDescription string, target [type] }15:56
Chipacamvo_: is that another bullet in go-flags' utility?15:59
Chipacafeels like we're fighting it more than it's helping us15:59
sergiusensChipaca: we will drop it15:59
mvo_Chipaca: yeah, I have the same feeling right now16:00
slangasekseb128, Chipaca: the grub.cfg system-a/b entries come from a snappy-specific grub config file; I don't remember offhand which package it's from or the name of it, but it's in /etc/grub.d and should be obvious16:01
sergiusensslangasek: ubuntu-core-config16:02
slangasekright, that thing :)16:02
Chipacaslangasek: i'm still blaming sergiusens for it16:04
slangasekok ;)16:04
sergiusensChipaca: did you look at the branch I gave you already?16:06
mvo_its 09_snappy from ubuntu-snappy in grub.d16:06
mvo_oh, yeah, that too16:06
* sergiusens points out that he hasn't been breaking the image these past days ;-)16:06
ogra_just because nobody filed bugs et doesnt mean it isnt broken16:07
sergiusensogra_: oh, we know it's broken ;-)16:07
Chipacasergiusens: noUpdateGrub?16:07
sergiusensChipaca: yes16:07
Chipacasergiusens: yes16:07
sergiusensChipaca: need to get n ack on the approach to get tests for that approach16:07
sergiusensogra_: btw, why is livecd-rootfs arch any?16:08
ogra_sergiusens, is it ?16:09
* ogra_ never noticed16:09
sergiusensogra_: yeah, I noticed as I'm waiting on an arm64 builder :P16:10
sergiusensogra_: but it doesn't make sense, does it?16:10
* sergiusens wonders if slangasek has the answer16:11
slangasekI don't know; it may be legacy16:11
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slangasekthere used to not be a live-build, only livecd-rootfs - at that point a lot more of the logic was in the livecd-rootfs package16:12
sergiusensslangasek: any idea how to make this go faster https://launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/+archive/ubuntu/image/+build/7596423 ?16:12
slangaseksergiusens: well apparently I have access to bump build scores, which is interesting16:13
ogra_for images  ?16:14
slangasekfor packages16:14
ogra_thats likely controlled via ubuntu-cdimage membership16:14
slangaseksergiusens: I don't know what the arm64 builders are doing right now, but every time I bump the build score the time goes up :P16:14
slangasekand I'm not going to bump it higher than -security, because it's not higher than -security ;)16:15
sergiusensslangasek: wow, it was 5 first, then 25 and now 1hour :-/16:17
slangasekyou're welcome16:17
sergiusensogra_: I'm in ubuntu-cdimage and I don't see that...16:17
ogra_sergiusens, yeah, me neither16:17
ogra_was just wishful thinking :)16:18
sergiusensI don't like that there's no queueing system based on payloads either16:18
ogra_(it woudl make a lot of sense for cdimage members to be able to bump image build scores for sure)16:18
seb128mvo_, shrug, that ubuntu-snappy grub config generator is 440 lines of code!16:18
sergiusensseb128: we got rid of that though ;-)16:19
seb128sergiusens, where? I'm looking at today's wily update16:19
sergiusensseb128: but the image needs sorting for e2e testing16:19
ogra_the kernel has 20mio lines ... whats 440 in that light :P16:19
sergiusensseb128: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy-hub/snappy-systems/view/head:/generic-amd64/grub.cfg https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy/noUpdateGrub/+merge/26138116:19
sergiusensseb128: those two16:20
seb128sergiusens, ah, s/got ride/are getting ride ;-)16:21
sergiusensseb128: it's all relative to where :P16:21
seb128sergiusens, k, I guess we should better wait for that work to land to look at/debug grub config issues...16:21
seb128Chipaca, ogra_, slangasek, mvo_, ^16:21
ogra_seb128, yeah16:22
ogra_sergiusens, but you really want to drop that serial console for personal ... is there a way we can make it conditional ?16:22
Chipacaogra_: we want to switch the order for non-personal too, no?16:22
Chipacafor intel at least16:22
sergiusensogra_: just propose a branch for it16:23
ogra_well, not sure ... will you always have an actual tty on intel ?16:23
sergiusensogra_: hurry before it moves to git16:23
seb128ogra_, is that creating issues? the image boots fine on an usb stick or in a vm with that config16:23
ogra_seb128, it will be an issue for plymouth and if you acxtually want to see userspace boot messages on screen16:24
ogra_(not sure we'll go on using plymouth on snappy or with Mir though)16:24
* Chipaca 'll propose a branch with these changes16:24
ogra_well, do we have a way to conditionally decide what to put there ?16:25
ogra_(do we know if it will be a vm vs real HW image)16:25
sergiusensChipaca: ogra_ the console stuff can go into a separate oem package too and personal can default to it16:25
ogra_i think serial console is actualy only interesting for VM images16:25
ogra_and perhaps for some exotic HW16:26
ogra_but yeah, oem makes sense16:26
Chipacaogra_: sergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy-hub/grub-tweaks/+merge/26354416:28
ogra_Chipaca, but then all kernel messages will go to serial (black screen on PC til the initrd kicks in) is that what we want ?16:28
ogra_( i definitely agree it is better than the former though :) )16:29
ogra_i think we should resort to one console= entry to not hop around ... but that would need to be conditional based on the image type (in a VM you might want a getty on ttyS0 and all ... while on PC you wont)16:30
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elopiosergiusens: we can enable now launchpad translations, right?18:10
sergiusenselopio: I think so18:13
sergiusensmvo_: any update on system-image-cli?18:58
sergiusensChipaca: agreed ping about https://code.launchpad.net/~sergiusens/snappy/noUpdateGrub/+merge/26138118:59
rsalvetisergiusens: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-core-config/0.6.2519:00
sergiusensmeh, arm64 blocks image builds too...19:01
Saviqogra_, ah, it looks like it's the serial port (ttyAMA0) that's the culprit in my case, is the console enabled on it on purpose?19:08
Saviqor could it be dropped from the rpi snap?19:09
sergiusensChipaca: CopyFile doesn't overwrite though20:24
sergiusensChipaca: and I thought of it too, just forgot, now I see it failing :-P20:25
Chipacasergiusens: sigh20:25
Chipacasergiusens: if you can hold off half an hour, i'll ad a copyflag :)20:25
sergiusensChipaca: I can os.Remove or Rename, or what you say :-)20:26
sergiusensChipaca: I'll wait20:26
sergiusenswell, I'll walk the dogs and it would be 30' or so ;-)20:26
Chipacasergiusens: sounds fair to me :)20:26
Chipacasergiusens: https://code.launchpad.net/~chipaca/snappy/overwrite/+merge/26358420:36
Chipacadarn, 10 minutes instead of 3020:37
Chipacanow i need to go have a beer or something to spend the excess20:37
Chipacalife is pain20:37
sergiusensChipaca: how about a test where it fails the copy if the flag is not set?20:50
Chipacasergiusens: sounds fair to me20:50
Chipacasergiusens: pushed20:52
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sergiusensChipaca: branch updated21:10
sergiusensChipaca: no we need the correct system-image-cli21:11
NissyenWhy does "sudo aa-clickhook -f" have to be run on a core update sometimes?21:22
ChipacaNissyen: wha?21:32
ChipacaNissyen: manually, you mean?21:32
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NissyenI had to run it to fix permissions on an update from 15.04/stable core-2 to core-3 update.21:34
ChipacaNissyen: shouldn't happen; it's a bug21:35
ChipacaNissyen: sorry :(21:35
NissyenOK, I filed a bug report on it: bug #1466682 .21:35
nothalBug #1466682: Docker unix socket permission issue on ubuntu-core update <Snappy:New> <apparmor (Ubuntu):New> <docker (Ubuntu):New> <http://launchpad.net/bugs/1466682>21:35
ubottubug 1466682 in docker (Ubuntu) "Docker unix socket permission issue on ubuntu-core update" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146668221:35
ChipacaNissyen: thanks21:36
ChipacaNissyen: i removed docker and apparmor because this one is all ours :-/21:38
ChipacaNissyen: i'll take a poke at it in the morning21:38
NissyenThank you very much. I have been experimenting with running containers on AWS and provisioning machines using cloudformation and the stable snappy AMI.21:40
NissyenAlthough I have used ubuntu for some time, snappy is a different learning curve, and I am not always familiar with what is going on.21:41
ChipacaNissyen: good on you for figuring out aa-clickhook fixed it, then :)21:51
Saviqjdstrand, hey, can you see why http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11807012/ would cause review errors for security_yaml_click_emonhub and security_yaml_services?21:57
Saviqdo I need to write the .snappy-systemd file myself?21:59
Saviqoh... or do I not have the snappy-dev ppa enabled...22:01
Saviqhmm I do :|22:02
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ChipacaSaviq: jdstrand is on vacation22:34
Saviq*gasp* slacker22:34
ChipacaSaviq: what are the errors?22:35
SaviqChipaca, originally "ERROR: Could not find 'emonhub.snappy-systemd'"22:36
ChipacaSaviq: where?22:37
Chipacai mean, doing what?22:37
SaviqChipaca, in the store auto-review (or using click-review locally)22:37
ChipacaSaviq: which ppa do you have?22:37
Saviqubuntu-snappy-cli 1.1.1-0ubuntu122:38
Saviqnot sure why it even mentions click... it's a snap22:38
Saviqgrr ^W22:40
ChipacaSaviq: i don't know this part as much as i'd need to help you easily, but i fyou could share the whole snap i could take a poke at it22:41
SaviqChipaca, sure, https://owncloud.sawicz.net/index.php/s/0afe9e8a599ef8fef2f2a105e9db357d/download?path=%2F&files=emonhub-pi_1.0-2_multi.snap22:43
* Saviq wonders where to file a bug about ~ being allowed in version numbers but then breaking the systemd unit22:43
Saviqi.e. systemd hates ~22:44
Chipacasergiusens: you around?22:46
* Saviq files in snappy22:46
ChipacaSaviq: in snappy22:46
Saviqbug #147066122:47
nothalBug #1470661: Tilde allowed in version but systemd hates it <Snappy:New> <http://launchpad.net/bugs/1470661>22:47
ubottubug 1470661 in Snappy "Tilde allowed in version but systemd hates it" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147066122:47
Saviqoh yay, two bots :)22:48
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