
robjlorangeris there an alpha/beta testing team?02:47
robjlorangeri run the latest 15.10 and am wondering if i should be reporting bugs02:48
tewardrobjloranger: reporting bugs is a good thing, yes.  You may want #ubuntu-quality for ISO testing and such though02:48
tewardhowever don't call 15.10 "latest" until it's released ;)02:48
robjlorangeri suppose that's true, it's pre release02:49
tewardrobjloranger: you may also wish to see if bugs already exist for the given issues, too, so we don't end up with a billion dupes02:49
robjlorangerwhat's the difference between iso testing and installing and keeping up on updates?02:49
tewardhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Roles/Tester <-- that qualifies if you're running 15.10 and reporting bugs you find02:50
tewardbut you may wish to just report bugs as you find them, which is always good practice02:51
robjlorangerok thanks, i wasn't sure about bugs for alpha. i haven't found anything major yet just little things02:52
robjlorangeri'll check out the link02:52
tewardrobjloranger: I say that bugs are bugs, but minor bugs are usually always going to exist xD02:53
tewardI do general bug triage with a focus on the server bugs, but I do the general Lubuntu ISO tests on occasion :)02:54
robjlorangersome are even just silly. like right now the details panel say's 15.04 but lsb_release says 15.1002:54
tewardi still think reporting bugs you find is a good thing02:54
teward"details panel" <-- ambiguous :)02:54
robjlorangerunity system details panel?02:55
tewardi also don't even know why i'm still awake, it's 23:00 here and i should be asleep :)02:55
robjlorangerya your crazy, get some sleep. or at least a nap02:55
tewardwell i stripped most of the panels out of my 14.04 :)02:55
robjlorangersometimes i miss the menu tree for applications02:56
* teward shrugs02:57
tewardsince 99% of what i do is CLI anyways, GUI doesn't really matter as much to me02:57
robjlorangeri just forget what i have installed sometimes02:57
tewardanyways, time for me to go sleep, g'night, and keep reportin bugs :)02:57
robjlorangerlater, take care02:57
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