
Tm_Tgood morning06:20
dholbachgood morning06:53
dholbachsalut davidcalle12:48
dholbachdavidcalle, with your testing of the gadget snap list, did you get anywhere? or did you find out anything new?12:49
davidcalledholbach, I haven't looked at it closely. Still blocked on the same issue?12:50
dholbachbasically, yes12:50
dholbachbut I'm looking at it now12:50
dholbachdon't worry - I just wanted to know if you were any more successful and I could build on your findings ;-)12:50
* dholbach goes back to the drawing board ... and documentation :)12:50
davidcalledholbach, I'm going to look at it in a short moment though :) As soon as I've found a fresh spot (we have reached 40°C)12:56
dholbach26°C over here, but 37°C on Sunday12:57
czajkowskidholbach: kinda like my garden right now12:57
czajkowskitomorrow is rain12:57
czajkowskithen next days days high 20's12:57
dholbachballoons, dpm just scheduled a sprint 5 review for tomorrow - it conflicts with our meeting with Federico and Leo - do you think we can move the snappy meeting to 15:30 UTC - judging by the calendar that should suit us all13:31
dpmdholbach, let me know if I need to move the sprint review instead, sorry for the conflict13:33
dholbachballoons, ^ did you guys figure out something new?14:31
* balloons looks14:36
* davidcalle relocates home. It's just too hot in here. Back in time for the meeting, hopefully.14:36
balloonsohh, I've been looking at wrong week14:43
balloonsso yea, dpm, if you can bump it back an hour that would be awesome. I see that collides14:46
balloonsdholbach, why don't you start the meeting 30 mins later instead14:54
balloonswe can do it in 3014:54
dholbachok, in that case we're sorted14:54
dpmballoons, dholbach, we can discuss it in the team call, let me know if I need to change the sprint review time15:00
dholbachdpm, we're all set15:00
dpmcool, thanks!15:00
dholbachmhall119, davidcalle: success! https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/developer-ubuntu-com/store-data/+merge/26268416:06
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
dholbachdavidcalle, let's have a chat tomorrow again - dpm-afk suggested some design changes where I could benefit from your expertise :)16:12
dholbachall right... I call it a day - I'm out in the sun - see you later!16:20
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
=== \b is now known as benonsoftware

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