
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
pittiGood morning05:23
seb128good morning desktopers06:57
larsuI have the feeling it is going to be hot here today07:12
anpok_Laney: i have an updated mir patch for gtk+-3.14 .. seem to work fine .. should I create an MP? and if so against which branch?07:13
pittibonjour seb128 !07:38
seb128hey pitti07:38
pittihallo larsu, guten Morgen!07:38
seb128wie gehts?07:38
pittiseb128: prima, danke!07:38
pittiwe are getting a new stove and oven right now :)07:38
larsubonjour pitti!07:38
larsuoooh fancy07:38
seb128who need that when you can cook outside by letting stuff in the sun for an hour :p07:38
pittiour old oven broke down, so we bought a new one; and while we were at it, a new induction stove07:38
pittiseb128: haha07:39
seb12833°C forecasted today here, that's too much07:39
pittiI saw/used an induction stove at a friend's a while ago, it's quite a bit faster07:39
seb128still better than Paris07:39
seb12839°C there07:39
seb128yeah, we use induction here07:40
seb128it's great07:40
pittiseb128: but good reminder, /me closes the shutters07:40
seb128don't use it at max power though07:40
seb128easy to burn things otherwise07:40
seb128also if the bottom of the pan is not thick enough it can be damaged07:41
pittiyeah, we'll need some time to get used to it07:41
larsuburnt food for the next couple of weeks at pitti's house :P07:42
pittiwe bought new jars last Saturday already (the pans and the pressure cooker fortunately already work)07:42
seb128aren't those for storing already cooked things?07:45
pittiseb128: err, "pots", I figure07:46
happyaronseb128: sorry was at some medical emergency, will make yesterday on holidayu07:46
seb128happyaron, hey, no worry ... I hope you are fine?07:47
seb128pitti, ah, I see :-)07:47
happyaronseb128: it's not me, a friend of mine07:48
seb128oh ok07:48
happyaronbut he lives very near to me, so I went to help07:48
willcookelet's try this again...08:00
willcookeMorning all!08:00
larsumorning willcooke! How's life?08:01
willcookehey larsu - pretty good thanks!  Tired, the usual....08:01
willcookemorning Laney08:03
seb128hey willcooke, wb!08:03
larsubonjour Laney08:03
Laneyoh willcooke is here08:04
* Laney looks busy08:04
Laneyhey larsu!08:05
Laneyanpok_: we don't have an RTM branch, just push it somewhere and give me the address please08:09
LaneyI will update Vcs-Bzr to lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gtk/ubuntugtk3vivid-overlay or something and push there08:09
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:11
anpok_Laney: ok08:11
Laneyhey seb128, doing good thanks!08:11
Laneyspent some time in the pub garden last night08:11
Laneymake the most of it08:12
Laneyalso I ripped my trousers in the middle of climbing /o\08:12
Laneywas stretching08:12
Laneythen this rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrip sound08:12
Laneyhope nobody noticed08:12
Laneyhow are you?08:13
seb128I'm good thanks08:18
seb128getting really what shapes to be a warm day08:18
seb128do you say warm or hot, or does any work?08:18
Laneyhot is hotter than warm08:19
Laneybut it is fine in this context08:19
seb128k, so getting ready for an hot day ;-)08:19
anpok_Laney: https://code.launchpad.net/~andreas-pokorny/gtk/gtk-3-14-13-mir-0-14-008:29
seb128larsu, Laney, if you extract a file from an archive using file-rolling, the summary dialog has buttons with "cut borders", like it has an outline on some sides only ... any idea if that's a gtk/file-roller/theme issue?09:36
seb128or where to file it09:36
larsuseb128: probably theme. Let me chewck09:39
larsuhow do you even get the "summary dialog"?09:39
seb128larsu, open a .tar.gz, select a file in it, click extract09:41
seb128extract it somewhere09:41
larsutht doesn't show me a dialog at all09:41
larsuah wait, it does09:42
* larsu was dragging-and-dropping09:42
larsuya, theme issue09:43
* larsu puts it on the list09:43
seb128want a bug report?09:43
larsuevery app uses the "linked" class differently :/09:43
larsuseb128: yes please09:43
larsuand in fact, we don't even want "linked" there on unity09:43
seb128larsu, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-themes/+bug/147043409:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 1470434 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "wrong buttons borders in file-rollect extract dialog" [Undecided,New]09:45
Laneylarsu: want to review https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=751737 ? :)09:56
ubot5Gnome bug 751737 in gio "gio/tests/appmonitor test fails in 2.45.3" [Normal,New]09:56
Laneymcl<tab>. is offline09:56
larsuLaney: sure (I think mcl<tab> is at the west coast hackfest)09:58
Laneyah, that is now?09:59
Laneyhttps://wiki.gnome.org/Hackfests/WestCoastSummit2015 indeed10:00
larsuyes: https://blogs.gnome.org/mclasen/2015/06/30/westcoast-summit-2015/10:00
larsuhm, that patch does more than move the delete_app() call10:00
Laneyhis original commit was kind of weird/incomplete10:01
larsuah I see. That function is not even used as a source anymore...10:01
larsuLaney: why the check for g_main_loop_is_running()? Did not having it cause problems?10:02
larsuah, maybe I should read the bug report, not the commit message :D10:03
Laneynot sure if that is strictly necessary tbh10:04
larsuI don't think it is, but it also doesn't harm10:05
larsuLaney: makes sense to me. Testing it now10:08
larsudo you have push rights?10:08
larsuok will push it right away then (if it works ;) )10:10
larsudo you need it only on master?10:10
Laneyya, this is just broken with 2.45.310:11
Laneythank you!10:14
Laneywhat's this document portal stuff?10:14
larsuerr, what?10:15
larsu(clearly I wouldn't know)10:15
Laneywas just reading hackfest reports10:16
Laneythey are making evince use it10:16
larsuoh neat10:17
seb128seems like the equivalent of our trusted helpers?10:17
seb128content-hub like10:18
Laneywhat's going to provide the service in gnome?10:19
Laneyis unity(7) and/or content-hub going to have to implement it?10:20
seb128it's only if you want to use sandboxing right?10:21
seb128or asked differently, is that codepath optional in evince or mandatory?10:22
seb128I guess it's going to be optional at least for a while10:22
seb128unity7 is not likely to ever be a confined environment10:24
seb128under unity8 it's going to be "more fun"10:24
Laneyyeah they clearly can't require sandboxing right away10:24
Laneybut you might say that the shell or something has to implement this API anyway10:25
* Laney knows nothing10:25
larsuif only freedesktop was still what it used to be10:25
larsuand canonical gave a shit about it...10:25
seb128yeah, but it's not :-/10:25
seb128I'm curious if any other desktop/project is going to implement a document portal, out of GNOME10:26
larsuprobably elementary - they're at the hackfest as well10:29
larsuwould be bad if they used fdo namespace with *no* other env10:29
seb128they tend to do it...10:31
seb128not because they want, just because often there is no traction from other desktops on the specs/topics10:31
larsureally? For the notification stuff, we used org.gtk10:31
larsu(for that reason...)10:31
larsuah, yeah that might be10:31
seb128oh ok10:32
seb128I don't really consider elementary as a "mainstream" desktop/OS10:32
seb128but it's true they are around ;-)10:32
larsuendless is as well10:32
larsuand they definitely want confined apps asap10:33
seb128who/what is endless?10:33
seb128oh, the ones who did the kickstarter for that living room computer?10:34
larsuthey use the full gnome stack as well10:35
Laneyanpok_: what did you base this branch on?10:40
Laneyanpok_: I can't merge it into lp:~ubuntu-desktop/gtk/ubuntugtk3vivid10:43
seb128ogra_, do you know how/where is the initrd from snappy core built/what it includes?10:43
ogra_seb128, i think it simply runs update-initramfs during live build10:44
anpok_Laney: uh .. an arbitrry 3.14 branch .. i did not see ubuntugtk3vivid10:49
anpok_argh.. that would have been closer..10:49
Laneyapt-cache showsrc gtk+3.0 | grep Vcs- # for future reference :)10:50
Laney(on the right release)10:50
seb128ogra_, thanks, I'm trying to figure out why booting by disk LABEL doesn't work on desktop-next10:51
seb128I was wondering if it could be some fs/ext support missing in the initramfs10:51
ogra_seb128, do you have initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core in your image ?10:52
ogra_that ships the script that does the mounting10:52
ogra_if you can mount by uuid the fs support should be there10:53
ogra_are the partitions actually having labels ?10:53
ogra_(probably a u-d-f issue)10:54
seb128ogra_, the partitions have the label according to blkid10:55
seb128we do have initramfs-tools-ubuntu-core10:56
ogra_yeah, i see it at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-desktop-next/daily-preinstalled/current/wily-preinstalled-desktop-next-amd64.manifest10:56
ogra_and if you manually point to the label on the grub cmdline it doesnt work ?10:57
seb128ogra_, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/shot0001.png10:59
seb128ogra_, how do I do that?10:59
seb128ogra_, if I boot with "root=/dev/vda4" it works10:59
seb128root=LABEL=system-b doesn't11:00
ogra_that cant11:00
seb128why not?11:00
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seb128system-b is the label for vda411:00
ogra_thats what the arm installs use11:00
seb128LABEL= is supported by grub11:01
ogra_dunno, because it works ?11:01
seb128well, LABEL should also work11:01
ogra_might be an issue with the mount script ... try if that path works11:01
seb128ogra_, no, doesn't work11:03
Laneyanpok_: are you rebasing or should I try to do it?11:03
ogra_it definitely should11:03
ogra_sounds like a udev issue then11:03
seb128why udev?11:04
seb128could also that whatever is needed kernel side to handle the labels is not loaded?11:04
ogra_because udev creates these symlinks ...11:04
ogra_ /dev/disk/by-label/system-a should always be available11:04
ogra_and be a link to the actual partition11:04
ogra_lets move over to #snappy11:06
seb128ogra_, I need to go for lunch but let's do that once I'm back yeah11:07
seb128mvo_, that ubuntu-snappy upload is not happy11:13
seb128britney stops it because it makes ubuntu-desktop-next uninstallable11:13
anpok_Laney: i am just resending11:14
anpok_Laney: same branch now with sanity11:14
seb128mvo_, it wants system-image-cli >= 3.0, but that conflicts with system-image-snappy-cli/common ... are those deprecated?11:15
mvo_seb128: h, yeah, both are11:15
seb128mvo_, can you update the touch seed? ;-)11:15
mvo_seb128: sure, I thought it was pulled in via dependencies :/11:15
seb128mvo_, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-core-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntu-touch.wily/view/head:/desktop#L6111:16
seb128mvo_, thanks11:17
seb128mvo_, sorry I would do it, but my systems are in middle of debugging snappy grub/label boot issues and some other fun with systemd11:17
Laneyanpok_: thanks, will try in a second11:18
darkxstgnome-online-accounts was ported to webkit2gtk, what are chances of getting that MIR'd?11:41
darkxstg-o-a is already stuck in proposed after sync from debian11:42
darkxstand we need the update for g-c-c 3.1611:42
Laneydarkxst: We can't have two webkits in main11:43
LaneyI started doing a little bit of work on this transition11:43
darkxstI saw a huge list of deps still using webkit111:44
Laneywell, actually, we can't have two on the image really11:44
Laneymaybe can have it in main for building purposes or something11:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 1469221 in Shotwell "Move to webkit2gtk in main" [Medium,Confirmed]11:44
darkxstg-o-a shouldnt be seed on the ubuntu images?11:46
LaneyI just checked main, not seed11:47
Laneycheck if the bits of g-o-a which need wk2 can be demoted, then it only needs to be in main for building and you can ask the MIR team if that is okay11:49
darkxstLaney, ok, will do11:52
willcookehowdy desrt11:55
desrthey willcooke11:55
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Laneyhey desrt11:57
Laneysettled in?11:57
desrtnot even close :)11:57
Laneydesk area unpackaged at least :)11:57
desrtmost of the _stuff_ is moved, but not all11:57
desrtno furniture moved at all yet, in fact11:57
desrtgetting an elevator booking around here is like pulling teeth :)11:57
larsuhi desrt!12:03
larsumerging Laney's patches while you're away :)12:06
desrtthanks :)12:07
desrtsomewhat ironically, today is going to be a slow day12:07
desrtbut it's a holiday :)12:07
* desrt is probably going to just try to relax, maybe do some shopping12:08
desrtclean up a bit....12:08
Laneythere's a storm moving through12:24
Laneysuper loud thunder12:24
willcookehope it comes here12:24
willcookeoutside thermostat says it's 4012:25
willcookewhich I think must be lies12:25
willcookecould do with a storm12:25
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chrisccoulsonwillcooke, you won't be able to do a hangout from the Ubuntu browser yet because it doesn't yet use the media device permissions API provided by Oxide12:28
chrisccoulsonI think that's being worked on. Other than that, it should work fine12:28
willcookesweet! thanks chrisccoulson12:28
mhall119willcooke: welcome back14:19
mhall119willcooke: what's the latest testable image for Unity 8 desktop?14:19
seb128mhall119, we already covered that, either take a vivid one or take a wily desktop and install unity8-desktop-session-mir14:26
mhall119seb128: where is the vivid one?14:26
mhall119and is it deb, click, or snappy based?14:27
seb128unsure if we stored a vivid one somewhere14:28
seb128otherwise I guess "just take a wily desktop and install the mir session"14:28
Laneywe did, it's on cdimage.ubuntu.com under ubuntu-desktop-next somewhere14:41
seb128Laney, mhall119 ^14:42
seb128Laney, thanks14:43
mhall119seb128: I'd like to have something I can boot from USB on another laptop14:44
mhall119Laney: anything more recent than that?14:44
seb128mhall119, no14:44
seb128we switched the image for snappy personal14:44
mhall119seb128: is there a schedule for having a live snappy personal image?14:44
seb128"when it's ready"14:45
seb128the debian way ;-)14:45
mhall119I'd like to try it on my wife's touch-screen laptop, but I havne't convinced her to let me install Ubuntu on it yet, let along wily14:45
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seb128mhall119, you can use ud-f from wily and build an image, it's working if you do some manual tweaks, I'm aiming to have it to boot to a desktop without tweak by the end of the week14:46
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mhall119seb128: that would be awesome, guess I need to take the plunge and put wily on my laptop14:46
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seb128mhall119, what are you looking at doing?14:51
seb128mhall119, unity8 didn't change much since vivid14:51
mhall119seb128: I want to try it on a different laptop that has a touch screen14:52
mhall119seb128: I also want to try making a snappy app for a desktop app14:52
seb128mhall119, no need of wily if you want to try a snappy image...14:52
seb128you can build one from vivid, just get goget-ubuntu-touch from wily or from the snappy ppa14:53
mhall119oh, so I can build a wily-based snappy image from a vivid host?14:54
mhall119where do I get the goget-ubuntu-touch command from?14:54
pittimhall119: that's a source package name, not a command; you probably want the ubuntu-device-flash binary package/command?14:56
mhall119seb128: what PPA should I use for that?15:02
seb128mhall119, I'm unsure the ppa is updated yet, check with sergiusen or get the deb from wily15:02
Laneyanpok_: it's built in the silo now15:15
Laneyis that everything?15:15
anpok_Laney: thank you!15:16
seb128mvo_, shrug, seems like ubuntu-snappy still doesn't migrate, or publisher takes a while...15:28
* seb128 is pondering reverting the livecd-rootfs clickpkg->snappypkg changes to be able to have an iso build to test15:28
Laneyskipped: ubuntu-snappy (6 <- 199) got: 51+0: a-51 * amd64: ubuntu-desktop-next15:30
seb128Laney, right, that was what we discussed around 3 hours ago with mvo15:31
Laneyah right15:31
seb128ubuntu-desktop-next was depending on system-image-snappy-cli which is deprecated15:31
Laneythere's a fixed touch-meta though15:31
seb128mvo changed the seed and updated ubuntu-desktop-next15:31
Laneywhich doesn't go in ...15:31
seb128which doesn't migrate15:31
seb128but I don't understand why15:31
Laneywell let's look at it!15:32
seb128I can't read those britney output15:32
seb128they don't make any sense to me15:32
mitya57tedg, hi, you now got a reply to your review on https://code.launchpad.net/~albertsmuktupavels/libappindicator/create-as-service/+merge/26310815:57
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mvo_seb128: I think germinate needs to run so that system-image-snappy-cli vanishes from the ubuntu-core seed16:13
seb128mvo_, is that something happening automagically or...16:14
seb128Laney, ^16:14
mvo_seb128: yes, will happen by itself16:14
seb128mvo_, when?16:16
Laneynein, germinate doesn't affect migration16:17
Laneythat is what is needed16:18
* Laney adds it16:18
seb128Laney, thanks16:22
seb128it's really non obvious to figure out those things16:22
seb128Laney, how do you determine that was what is needed?16:22
seb128can you tell from the log? or did you do manual poking?16:23
Laneyseb128: the log was telling us that they both couldn't go in by themselves16:23
Laneybut if you tried to install them manually at the same time it was fine16:24
seb128right, without telling why16:24
Laneyso 'easy' is the way to say 'try putting these things in as a transaction'16:24
seb128I wish the tools was clever enough to try to resolve such loops by itself16:24
Laneyit does have an autohinter that usually resolves transitions16:24
Laneybut it's a hard problem in general16:25
seb128yeah, I imagine16:25
seb128so we need to wait next publisher to see if your hint is enough?16:25
Laneynext proposed-migration run16:26
Laneywhich is happening now16:26
seb128let's see :-)16:26
seb128Laney, danke16:26
mitya57thanks tedg!16:37
LaneyCopying: ubuntu-snappy/1.3ubuntu116:38
LaneyCopying: ubuntu-touch-meta/1.23216:38
seb128Laney, thanks16:43
Laneyno problemo16:43
* Laney is enjoying having the fan on16:44
seb128"Ubuntu Desktop (Unity 8) amd64 (re-building)"16:55
seb128Laney, did you trigger a rebuild?16:55
seb128I wonder if that's a wrong status/due to the build fail from yesterday16:55
* seb128 tries a new rebuild16:55
* willcooke -> EOD16:56
willcookeI might go and sit in the kids paddling pool16:56
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seb128bah, it seems to not work17:11
seb128retrying on i386 works17:11
seb128I guess the amd64 build is stuck on the "rebuild" status due to the previous built that failed17:11
seb128Laney, can you retry the amd64 from the command line?17:12
Laneyshouldn't get stuck, check with stgraber why it did?17:12
Laneybetter to fix it, but after that I can retry sure17:14
Laneyah there's a "cancel" thing too17:14
Laneyfor the stuck re-build state17:14
seb128let's see if stgraber replies before trying that17:15
seb128in case the stuck state is useful for debug17:15
Laneysomething weird is going on here17:18
Laneyin the last 10 minutes wasps keep coming in and then leaving again17:18
seb128The following packages have unmet dependencies:17:20
seb128 system-image-snappy-cli : Conflicts: system-image-cli but 3.0.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed17:20
seb128why does it still try to install snappy-cli?17:20
ogra_because something else still depends on it17:21
seb128hum, I wonder if that's settings17:22
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ogra_rdepends only shows ubuntu-snappy though17:23
seb128shrug, I don't get it :-/17:25
Laneythis might be where you need to wait for germinate17:26
seb128when it germanite kicking in?17:26
ogra_when the publisher runs17:26
Laneylaney@snakefruit:~$ /srv/ubuntu-archive/bin/chdist apt-cache wily-proposed-amd64 show system-image-cli | grep Task17:27
LaneyTask: ubuntu-desktop-next, ubuntu-touch17:27
seb128k, but we had a publisher since the promotion now...17:27
seb128well, let's see tomorrow morning if things are sorted out17:28
Laneyit might be two cycles if it runs on the starting input or in parallel or something17:29
ogra_hmpf ...17:30
ogra_21572 ogra      20   0 9865100 5,912g  71088 S  13,3 38,2 814:32.15 evolution17:30
ogra_10513 ogra      20   0 4235248 2,550g  64936 S  11,0 16,5 766:57.26 firefox17:30
ogra_long running processes ... :P17:31
* ogra_ didnt actually know top knows "g" for RES17:31
* Laney is off to assemble a fancy dress costume17:33
* Laney pats ogra_ 17:33
ogra_heh, bye17:33
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