
tedgRAOF, Yeah, I tried xeyes and xterm00:13
RAOFHm. They should trigger stuff.00:13
RAOFSetting the MIR_CLIENT_RPC_REPORT=log environment variable might give a clue.00:14
tedgOh, wait. It rendered circles00:14
tedgRAOF, http://paste.ubuntu.com/11802164/00:16
RAOFHm, that's not with MIR_CLIENT_RPC_REPORT set, is it?00:16
tedgNo, trying to set that now00:17
RAOFtedg: I don't suppose you could try it *outside* a VM? You might simply be hitting a qxl bug.00:20
tedgRAOF, Seems the same with that env var set?00:23
tedgRAOF, Uhm, I don't have anything running wily on real HW.00:23
RAOFHm, it should spew at least some RPC log...00:24
tedgWhere would it? To stdout?00:24
tedgHere is unity8 log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11802196/00:26
RAOFIt should print to stdout, yeah.00:27
RAOFtedg: You should get something like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11802221/00:36
RAOFOh! Maybe you need to pass -verbose 7 to XMir; it might be doing stupid things with stdout.00:36
tedgLet me try that, rebuilding.00:39
tedgRAOF, (EE) Unrecognized option: -verbose00:47
RAOFGah, stupid bloody DDX split.00:47
RAOFWhy is -verbose not a core X option? Bah.00:49
tedgRAOF, Got a new error in compwindow.c:488 http://paste.ubuntu.com/11802347/01:21
tedgTurned on -rootless01:21
tedgSame error with xterm as well.01:22
tedg(first was xeyes)01:22
RAOFtedg: Ok, so Xmir seems to work fine in mir_demo_server locally.01:41
tedgSo, then could it be Unity8 playing with us?01:44
tedgIt seems that I get a updateMirSurfaceSize and then a stopping01:45
tedgold (1024,768) new (480, 376)01:46
tedgSeems to be from the screen size 1024x768 to a window size01:46
RAOFHm, that's odd.01:47
RAOFWith rootless you shouldn't see the first; without rootless you shouldn't see the second.01:47
tedgRAOF, So any recommendation on where to go with this? I feel like I'm starting things correctly, but it doesn't work.02:55
tedgNot sure how to keep this moving forward.02:55
RAOFI guess first check whether you can get Xmir working not-rootless in mir_demo_server. If that works, then it's something unity8 ish.02:56
RAOFIf it doesn't, that suggests a problem in qxl-glamor land.02:56
tedgWell, I'm kinda at the integration point. I'm not sure anything I have would work really without Unity802:57
tedgThough, I mean, if you think it's likely to be an QXL thing, I'm happy to ship it.02:58
tedgJust worry when the libertine container folks start to get to this point I'll have lied about its completedness :-)02:58
RAOFIt *could* be a qxl thing.02:58
RAOFI guess you could also try deleting /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/dri; that should make Xmir drop into software-rendering-only mode.03:01
RAOFWhich would bypass any qxl bug.03:01
tedgRAOF, That still got the compwindow.c:488 error03:06
RAOFYou're running not rootless?03:07
tedgI am running with -rootless03:07
RAOFI think -rootless will need a compositing window manager running in order to work.03:32
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anpok_oh we forgot to publish the mesa platform operations07:46
anpok_why does xmir require those07:46
* conyoo error parsing serv.dat07:59
anpok_alf_: xmir used to do mir_connection_drm_auth_magic..08:07
anpok_i changed that to a mir_connection_platform_operation08:10
anpok_i think we have to publish mir_toolkit/mesa/platform_operation.h08:11
alf_anpok_: it is in mesa-client-platform-dev08:20
alf_anpok_: or rather, mir-client-platform-mesa-dev08:21
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anpok_oh, thx08:30
seb128https://plus.google.com/u/1/+PopescuSorin/posts/GNRw5yjHEgF  shows qtcreator on mir ... does it mean we got multisurface handling in mir now? ;-)09:33
alf_anpok_: Is there a way to turn off input resampling from the command line (env. variable or cmdline option) for a demo server?09:36
alf_ah, so resampling is a client side operation?09:38
alf_anpok_: ^^ ?09:38
alf_anpok_: Does it apply to both nested server and normal client? That is, should I set MIR_CLIENT_INPUT_RATE=0 in both?09:39
anpok_and you can disable it for the nested server too09:39
alf_anpok_: thanks09:39
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greybackanpok_: ping13:32
anpok_greyback: yip?14:01
anpok_oh what a delay14:01
greybackanpok_: hey I need a hand with something: lp:~unity-team/unity-system-compositor/toggle-cursor214:01
greybackanpok_: that should build against mir 0.1314:02
greybackanpok_: I'm unable to make the TestCursorEnabler test pass, and I simply don't understand why14:02
greybackI'm using mir::event::make_event to assemble a mouse event, but in the event handler, it's detected as a touch14:03
greybackcan you see my error?14:04
anpok_you should store mir::EventUptr instead14:09
anpok_because those events you create inside the test only live till the end of the expression14:10
anpok_make_event returns unique_ptrs14:10
anpok_hum how do I push a new branch with git to launchpad?14:11
anpok_ah ok .. just git push rep branch..14:13
anpok_greyback: and because of the way the allocator works in that case the memory pointed to by the event contained the data of the touch event14:14
greybackanpok_: unique pointer deletes the MirEvent once it goes out of scope?14:15
anpok_unique ptr has exclusive ownership14:15
anpok_and when it dies .. it takes the object pointed to with it14:16
anpok_so to keep it alive, you have to store it..14:16
anpok_and unique_ptr is move only.. so you can never have a situation of shared ownership of two unique ptrs..14:17
greybackanpok_: yep that was it, ta14:29
greybackI got get() and release() confused ;)14:29
alber_mhi, i'm trying to compile SDL2-2.0.2 with --enable-video-mir but i get this error: recive for target 'build/SDL_mirdyn.lo' failed14:34
alber_m../configure --disable-mir-shared --disable-video-opengl --disable-video-wayland --disable-video-x11 --enable-video-mir14:37
alber_mam i doing something wrong?14:37
greybackalber_m: can you shar ethe whole build log please, that's not much info to go on14:38
alber_m:/ i can't copy on Xmir14:42
alber_mi'm running xmir/firefox/irc14:42
alber_mi;m on wily14:44
anpok_hm why did you disable-mir-shared?14:45
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anpok_alber_m: hm bschaefer would know better.. but he is not yet around14:47
greybackanpok_: any idea where the mir branch for silo0 has gone?14:47
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anpok_you want the up to date android multi monitor handling, and the override-orientation stuff?14:48
greybackanpok_: mostly the override orientation stuff14:48
anpok_i mean without the old android mm stuff..14:49
guest1244anpok_: i get the same error with or without --disable-mir-shared14:53
mcphailalber_m: here's my instructions to build SDL on the phone platform. Might help in your quest: https://github.com/mcphail/ubuntu-touch-sdl-template/blob/master/lib/src/how_to_build_sdl_for_ubuntu_phone.txt14:58
anpok_guest1244: which libmirclient  version are you building with?14:59
mcphailanpok_: if you don't disable-mir-shared you get segfaults like this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl2/+bug/144854415:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 1448544 in libsdl2 (Ubuntu) "[MIR] SDL_Init() crashes on the bq Aquaris E4.5 phone" [Undecided,New]15:01
anpok_mcphail: oh looks broken.. maybe there was an abi break that was not detected.. because libsdl2 dynamically loads libmirclient15:10
mcphailanpok_: I don't really understand what layer is broken, but know SDL plays nicely with libmirclient if the dynamic loading is disabled. bschaefer gave the tip15:11
mcphailanpok_: don't know if it has been a new abi break - afaik it has )never_ worked15:12
anpok_s/ah/no clue/g .. that failue would make sense on top of mesa..15:13
mcphailanpok_: note that I have not tried sdl with mir on anything but the phone15:14
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anpok_greyback: hmm do you really need the override-orientation branch?15:37
anpok_greyback: oh for silo-0 we will still let usc display the cursor?15:37
greybackanpok_: well if I can get it working quickly, it'll have to do15:38
greybackmir is missing ability for unity8 to receive relative pointer coordinates15:39
greybackwhich we need to have unity8 draw the cursor15:39
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RAOFHey, vogons! Has anyone seen this failure before: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/mir-wily-amd64-ci/394/consoleFull23:40
RAOFIt seems that something in glib is leaking an fd created in GSourceHandle's destructor?23:41

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