
FatBastardWhats up!10:41
ikoniado you want something ?10:42
FatBastardHow come we don't even talk no more And you don't even call no more We don't barely keep in touch at all And I don't even feel the same love when we hug no more And I heard it through the grape vine we even beefing now After all the years we been down Ain't no way no how, this bullshit can't be true We family and ain't a damn thing changed, unless it's you10:43
FatBastardwe used to be like family ubuntu ops10:43
ikoniaok, so you're juust doing your  time wasting stuff, lets not bother bye10:44
tewardwe need op intervention in #ubuntu or at least higher overwatch - there's someone being rude and generally negative in the channel, and it may need moderation13:04
tewardthanks Pici13:05
k1l@mark #ubuntu PSGroup14 <PSGroup14> I am running on EL7 <PSGroup14> enterprise linux 723:00
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:00

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