
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas|away
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billy_ran_awayanyone familiar with gpt partitions?02:14
billy_ran_awayi put a RAID array in a computer and it tried to boot off one of the disks, ever since the GPT partition has been fucked02:14
nayKangI have a shell script start a python program,how do i redirect the python out to the parent shell?02:51
JanCnayKang: not sure I understand correctly, but that sounds like the default?  (also: there are probably better channels to ask shell programming questions)03:17
nayKangJanC: which channel?03:19
brianwAnyone familiar w/ Ubuntu 14.04 upstart interfaces file? I need help with assigning a tagged vlan to a bridge interface... The interface file I am using ( http://paste.debian.net/272634/ ) seems to actually bring up the vlans and the bridges, but fails to assign an ip. The funny thing is, I also can assign an ip, set gateway and it works just fine. So why is it puking? How could I determine?06:39
jamespagemfisch, I will be doing a point release update to 2.3.2 for ovs - have it prepared - hopefully it will be in the queue tomorrow06:50
skyliteI configured a dual channel network card to master-slave bonding but I cant rename the bond0 interface via udev rule. Is it something different than real network cards?07:00
pupilhello, good afternoon07:03
pupili want to remotely upgrade my production server, do you guys have any suggestion for me?07:03
pupili'm a junior sysadmin btw07:03
pupilhem, no answer07:13
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JernejL_Workhi guys07:40
JernejL_Workhow come mysql 5.7 is still not in any ubuntu server channels? it has been released over a year ago.07:40
shaunoas I understand it, 5.7 hasn't been released.  it's just a less-than-obvious naming convention07:49
shaunoeg, the current 5.7 branch is https://dev.mysql.com/doc/relnotes/mysql/5.7/en/news-5-7-7.html07:51
shaunowhich calls itself a release candidate, and notes right at the top that it's "use at your own risk".  so we're still on the stable-end of the 5.6 branch, which doesn't include such red flags07:52
arcskyhello im trying to install ubuntu server from USB. it does work to boot up but after keyboard settings it search for "detec and mount CD-ROM" .. why that when if ddo this from USB ?08:52
lordievaderGood morning.09:03
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skyliteis it possible to rename bond0 interface with udev rule? (bond0 is created from 2 other NIC with bonding)10:20
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SpamapSjamespage: ping regarding python-ironicclient in wily/UCA12:55
SpamapSjamespage: Need 0.7, mind if I just do that?12:55
tewardrbasak: was there anything from the release team, or should I poke -release ?13:02
=== Hexagon is now known as Guest99575
b4tm4ni have a bash script that i'm using to configure iptables rules so i can run ubuntu as a router - where is the best place to put this so it runs on startup before networking starts?13:28
b4tm4ni know about iptables-save and restore, but since i'm doing more than just iptables rules in this script, i didn't feel like that applied13:28
b4tm4nanyone around?13:41
billy_ran_awayAnyone really familiar with GPT partitions? Like what happens when your BIOS tries to boot from one?14:15
lordievaderbilly_ran_away: It boots? Sure you need a bios partition for grub, but a bios can boot from a gpt disk just fine.14:17
lordievaderbilly_ran_away: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/GRUB2#Partitioning_for_BIOS_with_GPT14:18
=== kickinz1 is now known as kickinz1|afk
billy_ran_awaylordievader: It was 4 drives used in a RAID array, the bios has screwed up two of the drives14:36
lordievaderWhat kind of RAID?14:36
billy_ran_awayRAID 514:36
lordievaderHmm, I got two gpt drives in RAID1, boots just fine.14:37
billy_ran_awaylordievader: i think i've botched one drive already too...14:37
billy_ran_awaylordievader: my system boots up fine, i just need to fix my drives14:37
billy_ran_awaylordievader: http://pastebin.com/TSx0rYWR14:38
billy_ran_awaylordievader: i've tried using gdisk and sgdisk but haven't had any success in fixing the partitions14:38
lordievaderWhat does parted say about it?14:39
billy_ran_awaylordievader: just some dumb bs like this: http://pastebin.com/A66PvCzv14:40
lordievadersdd in particular.14:40
lordievaderIs sdd and sde in the same raid?14:40
lordievaderHmm, and the partition should be 2.7T too, I suppose?14:41
billy_ran_awaysame kind of drive too... thought about using sgdisk to backup sde and restore on sdd14:41
billy_ran_awaylordievader: yea14:41
lordievaderDo you use mdadm or something for your raid? Can't you let that rebuild it?14:42
billy_ran_awaymdadm: sure if the bios hadn't gotten to two disks of my 4 disk raid array14:42
billy_ran_awayerr i mean lordievader14:43
lordievaderThe bios shouldn't write anything to the disks, just read.14:44
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tewardis there any kind of guide for setting up a mailserver to accept mail for a domain but to just forward that mail to another domain?15:17
tewardi.e. teward@foo.bar will be valid, a mailserver accepts, then forwards to teward@baz.foo and that's all15:18
tewardkinda how the @ubuntu.com addresses work for members...15:18
Davieyteward: Just add the domain in main.cf under virtual_alias_domains, then in virtual add "teward@foo.bar teward@baz.foo"15:28
tewardffff i just remembered i have to set up all my MX records again >.<15:35
tewardstupid zonefile corruption...15:35
=== markthomas|away is now known as markthomas
tyhickszul: hello - I'm trying to get on top of the MIR audits assigned to the security team and bug #1213934 is showing up in the queue16:09
tyhickszul: there are some standing questions around whether python-oauthlib (which is already in main) is now sufficient for keystone16:10
tyhickszul: do you have any updates on that?16:10
tewardwith postfix how can I make it accept messages for multiple domains and then work as a mail forwarder onl16:15
tewardDaviey: consider i'm less than fluent in postfix, so you may have to give me some guidance as to what all needs changed/done16:15
tewardi have 3 domains that need to send to the same server and use those as mail forwarder pints16:15
ivoksteward: google postfix and virtual users16:15
tewardivoks: what about the multiple domains?16:16
ivoksthat's just adding domainname under mydestination16:16
ivoks(if it's not virtual)16:16
Davieyteward: Sorry for being curt, tied up... I tried to point you in the right direction with what i said above16:16
tewardDaviey: no problem, i'm less than fluent with mailserver stuff so ehhh16:17
* teward shrugs16:17
tewardi'll start lookin thanks16:17
Daviey/etc/postfix/virtual is a file to add "teward@foo.bar teward@baz.foo" to16:17
Davieyand adding the domain into main.cf under setting virtual_alias_domains, then in virtual add "teward@foo.bar teward@baz.foo"16:17
Davieyivoks is your man16:18
Davieyin main.cf, virtual_alias_domains = foo.bar16:18
smbhallyn, chat time?16:33
tewardivoks: that's fine and dandy for virtual mailboxes, but I don't want virtual mailboxes, I want this as a mail forwarder, I.E. accept: test@foo.bar, forwardto:teward@ubuntu.com.16:42
tewardand i'm confused by that document you've provided and whether that's how to achieve that16:42
teward(the forwarding will have to process on multipel domains as well :/)16:42
ivoksteward: if you are looking for a document that will give you copy/paste instructions, then you will spend days/months looking16:43
teward... that comment isn't helpful, NOR am I looking for copy/paste instructions16:44
ivoksteward: you need to combine multiple things and learn from every doc16:44
ivoksyou need to accept emails for all domains16:44
tewardunless i'm misunderstanding virtual mailboxes and mail forwarders16:44
ivoksand forward everything to another mail server16:44
ivoksor you are looking to forward different domains to different mail servers16:44
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ivokslooking at your example, you are actually looking for aliases16:45
ivoksand not domain forwarders16:45
tewardivoks: then i'm looking for aliases.16:45
ivoksthen, what's the problem?16:46
ivoksset up /etc/aliases16:46
tewardwell from what i've got from that, i've set it up, i get "User unknown in virtual alias table" from the server16:46
ivoksand when you install postfix, it actually asks you multiple questions, just answer those16:46
ivoksit has 4 options, iirc16:47
ivoksyours is internet site with smarthost or something like that16:47
ivoksor without smarthost16:49
ivoksonly you know that16:49
ivokssmarthost = relyhost = machine that you will send all your mail to16:49
ivoksDaviey: where did they 1990s go? where 'rtfm' was the answer for everything :)16:50
tewardivoks: it was consumed by the internets16:51
ivokstoo bad; 90s produced best linux sysadmins16:51
ivokshell, i even learned english by reading man pages :)16:52
tewardi think mailservers are just a tad more confusing to learn/configure than nginx :P16:52
tewardwhich cna be pretty tricky to set up for complex things :/16:52
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ivokspostfix is a bit too complex for this, if you don't have mta knowledge16:53
ivoksit's an overkill16:53
ivoksbut, it can be used16:54
* teward shrugs16:55
tewardit came installed on the vm image i guess16:55
ivoksdpkg-reconfigure postfix16:56
tewardi was kinda told "Do this for us, with postfix"16:56
* teward shrugs16:56
tewardi have a headache, but it's working now...16:56
tewardivoks: the next very tricky question: if we have foo@domain1, and foo@domain2, can we hvae those go to different locations16:56
ivoksthen you need virtualdomains16:57
tewardblargh.  meh, i'll leave it as is, the same-server-different-alias-different-destination is a longer term thing, for now, this'll work fine16:59
jrwrenat least you arent' running sendmail and running m417:03
* teward shivers17:03
jrwrenor worse, skipping the m4 and editing sendmail.cf yourself.17:04
* patdk-wk hates the m417:04
patdk-wkbut then I learned sendmail.cf before that existed17:05
patdk-wksendmail.cf is not a config file, it is a scripting language17:05
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tewardlets not talk about sendmail17:10
tewardbecause i want to personally burn sendmail on one server, because of the way it's utilized by a python script to do in-house listserv thingies andthat script nuked my brain having to retool it for fixes17:11
=== sarnold_ is now known as sarnold
SpamapSzul: any thoughts on me updating python-ironicclient? I'm testing with 0.7.0 in wily and trusty+UCA right now.17:45
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kabadsI'm pulling my hair out with permissions here- on apache2 with 403 on my server: because search permissions are missing on a component of the path.17:55
kabadsYet, I've set the permissions as they should be - is there anything else I could be checking?17:56
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
sarnoldkabads: you may have apparmor profiles installed; check aa-status output to see if your apache process is confined17:58
kabadssarnold: thanks - 5 applications are in enforced mode, but not apache.17:59
sarnoldkabads: okay, then that's probably not it :) hehe17:59
kabadsOther searches online have said to check for SELinux, but I've not gone down that road *at all* - still puzzled.18:00
sarnoldkabads: check the error logs in /var/log/apache*/something ...18:00
sarnoldkabads: SELinux is difficult to get working on ubuntu, you're probably not doing that if you're here :)18:00
sarnoldkabads: alright.. try ls -l / /var /var/www /var/www/test.txt18:02
sarnoldsigh not that18:02
sarnoldkabads: alright.. try ls -ld / /var /var/www /var/www/test.txt18:02
sarnoldthere we go, /var is funny :) mine is: drwxr-xr-x 15 root root 4096 Sep 20  2013 /var18:04
sarnoldchmod 755 /var and give it another shot18:05
kabadssarnold: boom! Thanks18:06
kabadsDidn't think to check var itself18:06
sarnoldI've wanted a recursive-upwards ls -ld command to be everywhere by default since it makes this kind of troubleshooting so much easier...18:07
sarnoldoh well. now you know, check upwards all the way to the root, and that's one more person who can help debug these things :)18:08
sarnold(and yeah, I _have_ seen people with broken permissions on / -- hilarity ensues :)18:08
tewardsarnold: what about the people who recursively chmod everything as 777 because one thing doesn't work18:08
tewardi've seen that before18:09
kabadssarnold: I'm doing a linux sysadmin course - so, it's all part of sharing the info. Thanks again. Seeing permission problems on /? I've been using linux for a long time, and that one is still new on me.18:09
sarnoldteward: the install media is _right over there_... who knows what else they've screwed up ;)18:12
sarnoldkabads: thankfully, only seen permission problems on / a few times in ~20 years18:12
tewardsarnold: they broke the universe, yes. xD18:12
tewardsarnold: i saw someone say "Hey, so, I chmod 777'd everything,was that bad?"18:12
tewardi wanted to commit vicious acts then18:12
SpamapSzul: ?18:22
zulSpamapS: huh im on holiday today?18:23
SpamapSzul: gotchya.. just asking if you mind if I upload python-ironicclient 0.7.0 to wily?18:23
zulSpamapS: nah im cool with it18:23
SpamapSzul: cool, ty18:24
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Lurchyhey everyone...19:12
LurchyI got a question...anyone have some pointers on how to setup a mail server on ubuntu?  I dont have my domain pointed to it as of yet...its behind my firewall on my home cable modem19:13
Lurchybut just trying to serup my LAMP server with moodle webpage.....setup my mail server.....and then point the domain to it once its all setup19:14
patdk-wkit won't work19:15
patdk-wkhome cable isp's do not allow mail servers, for very good reasons19:15
sarnoldhome cable modems ar eoften on dialup blackhole lists19:15
patdk-wkwell, they don't allow any kind of servers, but they normally tollorate some19:15
Lurchyits a small server I am setting up for my students to use19:16
patdk-wkand with outbound port 25 blocked19:16
Lurchya class website actually19:16
patdk-wkyou need a business cable account, atleast to do email19:16
patdk-wkor you have to relay though someone else19:16
Lurchyany way to test whether port 25 is blocked on my current isp?19:16
Lurchyor is there a "inexpensive" solution?19:17
patdk-wktelnet gmail-smtp-in.l.google.com 2519:17
patdk-wkyou must not have port 25 blocked, you must have a static ip address, and you must have reverse dns setup19:17
sarnoldLurchy: nc -l 25   on your machine, and then from the outside try to nc ip.add.res.s 25   and see if you can talk to it or not..19:18
patdk-wkor else you will end up with an email server that is never allowed to send email19:18
LurchyI was going to use dyndnip or something similar for dynamic IP issues19:18
patdk-wksarnold, that normally ALWAYS works19:18
patdk-wkisp's don't care if you accept spam19:18
patdk-wkonly if you *send* it19:18
sarnoldLurchy: this might not be entirely doomed if all your students set up YOUR server as an account, but I wouldn't expect them to be able to use their existing email to talk with you19:18
sarnoldpatdk-wk: I've seen blocked incoming 25 too19:18
patdk-wkyes, but blocked incoming is not a big deal :)19:19
jrwrenif you don't need to interop with other email domains, you won't need 25 at all.19:19
patdk-wkbut then ht wouldn't need dns setup either :)19:19
Lurchycant I do a port forward or something to that effect for mail traffic?19:19
patdk-wkhow can you portforward port 25?19:19
patdk-wkwhen port 25 is blocked?19:19
Lurchysedn out mail on another port to a service that would bounce it?19:20
patdk-wkand doesn't matter anyway, since you can't setup reverse dns19:20
jrwrenif only tcp port was included in MX records :)19:20
patdk-wkyou need a business account, period19:20
sarnoldjrwren :)19:20
patdk-wkjrwren, that is what srv is for :)19:20
jrwrenif only smtp routers everywhere on the internet consulted srv RR before mx RR :)19:21
patdk-wkLurchy, you can do that, but that uses port 587, not port 25, and not portforwarding19:21
sarnoldLurchy: _maybe_ the answer is a $5/mo digital ocean droplet or something similar? those are less likely to be on RBLs, less likely to be forever-blocked, etc..19:21
patdk-wknothing better than many spof's :)19:21
Lurchykk sarnold....just trying to get ideas as I am a novice :-)19:21
sarnoldpatdk-wk: hehe19:21
patdk-wkdon't worry, doing email is the hardest, and most annoying thing to do19:21
sarnoldI'm glad to not do it myself anymore19:21
patdk-wkcause no one wants spam, and no one will trust you, unless you do it perfectly the first time :)19:22
sarnoldit was fun fifteenyears ago..19:22
patdk-wklucky I started doing it 17years ago19:22
patdk-wkso  Ididn't have to learn it all at once19:22
sarnoldthat too19:22
patdk-wkLurchy, it should take someone a day if they know how to do it, and normally a week generally19:23
patdk-wkif you have no idea, expect a month19:23
Lurchyok...so here is what I want to do....run a domain server behind my 100mb/15mb cable connection.....but not pay the outlandish price for static IP...cant I use dynip service for  dns/mail/etc?19:23
sarnolddynip doesn't let you do reverse lookups correctly19:23
patdk-wkyou can do anything you want19:23
sarnoldand failing those will probably drop most of your email on the floor already :)19:23
jrwrenLurchy: you can try, it sounds like a nice learning experience and challenge!19:23
patdk-wkbut no one on the internet will care to accept email from you19:24
patdk-wkthat is the point19:24
patdk-wkbesides the fact, your still blocked from using port 2519:24
Lurchybtw...what is a RBL??19:24
Lurchybann list?19:25
patdk-wkI guess you can thank for not having a spam issue yet19:25
patdk-wkor just rbl for short19:25
Lurchyso...just so I understand...bad idea to setup mail server on residential cable modem.....what are best(cheapest) options for domain mail?  droplet account?19:27
patdk-wkthe only option is to use a vm somewhere and relay using it19:28
Lurchyvirtual mail?19:28
sarnoldhonestly, google something or other services are worth the cost; their antispam is far better than you could roll yourself, most places accept mail from google services because _not_ accepting mail from google services is cutting off too many users, etc..19:28
patdk-wkthat has the right things you need, allows port 25, allows setting rdns (ptr)19:28
sarnoldbut the downside is that it's a lot less fun and you don't get any control over anything when you go google. heh.19:29
patdk-wksarnold, ya, like me :( google, and yahoo19:29
patdk-wkboth source of insane spam19:29
LurchyI understand...but I dont think I want to spend all my time messing with email issues.....I am busy as hell during school year...I coach football also19:29
LurchyI am just frustrated as hell with performance of existing hosting providers...which are crap19:30
Lurchywebsite is slow when I get 25-30 students on my site trying to take online quiz...etc19:30
Lurchyvirtual hosting is what they are.....and I cant afford dedicated boxes on the net19:31
LurchyI have two domains...one for my classes...and one for football19:31
jrwrenyou can do email one place and move the online quiz elsewhere.19:31
jrwrenwhat quiz software are you using and who is your host?19:32
jrwrenthere is a lot of poorly written poorly performing software out there.19:32
LurchyI am using moodle...educational open source webpage19:32
jrwrenah moodle.19:32
jrwreni'd think moodle on bluehost would be fine, but I don't really know.19:32
jrwren30 concurrent users is not very many.19:33
sarnoldinteresting, I had a reasonable opinion of moodle, they seemed like they had their act together anyway19:33
jrwrensarnold: yes, me too.19:33
jrwrenmaybe it is just a VERY bad hosting provider.19:33
sarnoldfunny idea of what security embargoes meant, but they felt like they did a good job..19:33
Lurchyive tried two diff hosting providers.....performance sucks once you get 25-30 students...and its not school internet...thats 100 mb fiber19:33
sarnold30 is just .. adorable. these days we expect services to handle thousands of simultaneous users withut trouble..19:34
jrwrenthousands trivially, tens and hundreds of thousands with a little work, and millions with a lot of work :)19:35
Lurchywell...this is why I am setting up moodle on my home box....want to be able to use my page locally....downloading homework and other stuff from virtual box is frustratingly slow19:35
Lurchyor perhaps just mirror the website......19:35
patdk-wknot really19:35
patdk-wkgenerally you can only service 100 or so requests at a time19:35
patdk-wkunless you doing a lot of caching19:35
jrwrenpatdk-wk: YOU might only be able to :p19:35
patdk-wkonly so many php threads to go around19:35
patdk-wkwell, I refuse to put it into users19:36
sarnoldiirc moodle's in python, hehe19:36
tarpmanuntil quite recently moodle was pretty cache unfriendly, too19:36
tarpmansarnold: php19:36
sarnoldtarpman: oh :(19:36
patdk-wkcause users doesn't really mean anything, but rpp is more understandable19:36
Lurchyjust got my ubuntu box up and running...and installed the apache/php..etc19:37
tarpmanalso interactive stuff like quiz tends to add on database queries pretty fast19:37
patdk-wkyes, 30 uses shouldn't be an issue19:37
patdk-wk10000 users, I could see being an issue, for a single box19:38
Lurchyon a related note.....her eis a question19:38
patdk-wkatleast normal php + mysql generally gets a limit of around 100 rps per cpu19:38
jrwrenpatdk-wk: what do you mean normal php + mysql ?19:39
patdk-wkit's latency induced slowdowns19:39
LurchyI have my student upload assignments with thier cell phones taking pictures and uploading to moodle submission...works well.....but when I am trying to grade them..seems like site is so slow...waiting 5-8 seconds for page request to come back....19:39
Lurchythis is reason I want local moodle on ubuntu box....speed up my grading time19:40
patdk-wkmainly between http + php fastcgi + mysql19:40
patdk-wkoh pictures19:40
patdk-wkya, need to profile the traffic and see what is happening19:40
Lurchyyou understand..they use cell phones to take a picture of assignment..then upload it using moodle app on thier iphone/android19:41
patdk-wkif it's just taking too long to get the pictures from where it's stored, or transfered to you19:41
jrwrenif they are all 10Mpixel images that haven't been shrunk for web, yeah, that is going to load slow, even on modern fast cable modem.19:41
patdk-wkhe did say 100mbit19:41
Lurchynah...they are usually 500kb-2mb at most19:41
patdk-wkbut likely the webserver isn't designed for high latnecy fast transfers19:41
Lurchyyeah...my cable is 94mb downlaod19:41
patdk-wkas that is not what they normally do19:42
patdk-wknormally it's a lot of small transfers19:42
Lurchypatdk-wk..yeah...so I am lookign into other solutions..like making my own ubuntu box to serve it....I have dual core 3.8 ghz cpu and 8gb of ram on the ubuntu box19:43
jrwrenThat isn't my completely uninformed guess analysis. My completely uninformed guess analysis is shared host limiting mysql and php resources and many files in a mysql moodle database is the bottleneck :]19:43
patdk-wkcould be19:43
patdk-wkso many options19:43
sarnoldhow long does it take the phones to upload the images?19:44
Lurchysarnold...typically 5-10 seconds19:44
patdk-wkusing what? wifi? 4g?19:44
Lurchywifi at campus...little longer on 4g..maybe 15 seconds19:45
patdk-wkis there a specific time you normally do the grading?19:45
patdk-wklike I know my cable provider goes to utter crap from 6pm till 10pm19:45
patdk-wkdue to everyone using netflix19:46
Lurchyusually late nite...after practice and when I can relax in my underwear with a beer  :-P19:46
patdk-wkI'm lucky if I can even get 1mbit download speeds19:46
tarpmanLurchy: do you have a php cache running on your current host? adding apc (in newer php, opcache) made a massive difference on my moodle19:46
patdk-wktarpman, it is shared hosting19:46
patdk-wkso no control19:46
Lurchywell....I dont have any issues with my cable....but performance from moodle site is frustratingly slow...19:46
patdk-wkjust attempting to cover all bases19:47
Lurchytarpman...i dont know...I am a novice...do I have to enable one19:47
LurchyI am using hostmonster...the moodle install is setup for me from thier installer19:48
tarpmanI suppose patdk-wk is probably right and the hoster takes care of that19:49
Lurchypatdk-wk...I am thankful for the isp cable I have...actually getting faster in a few months...250MB down....30mb up19:50
Lurchyso why shouldnt I be able to host this thing at home on my ubuntu server?19:50
Lurchyseems reasonable19:51
jrwrenLurchy: a good shared host provider helps you to enable these types of caches19:51
Lurchybesides...I want to learn what i can during the summer while on vacation19:51
sarnoldLurchy: moodle is far more likely to self-host than email19:52
patdk-wkand it's email should be easily configurable to go to your email hoster19:54
Lurchytrue....I can send email from moodle website to droplet...whatever....I just want to use email to automate assignment prompts to my kids(or inform parents via email when thier kids dont submit homework on the website)19:54
sarnoldteaching is different these days19:54
Lurchyheh...at least I have some tech skills...but I am busy as hell all the time19:55
Lurchyplus I coach varsity football and deal with football scout film..etc19:55
Lurchyso...moodle makes my life easier...dont have million pages...can grade online using my ipad....but its too slow19:56
Lurchygoal is to contine to have my students use webpage for assignment submissions/quizzes/support documents and speed up the website for students who are on it...and my grading19:58
LurchyI have leared a lot about moodle in the three years I have used it...but backend performance and such I am not an expert at19:58
Lurchythx for the info....20:00
LurchyI will install moodle on this ubuntu server box....and explore email solutions offsite20:01
patdk-wktest how fast it is for you, make sure that *solves* the speed issues20:02
patdk-wkthen worry about email :)20:02
patdk-wkmake sure you test uploads offsite too20:02
patdk-wkto make sure those are still acceptable speed20:03
sarnoldyes :)20:03
Lurchywell..wouldnt this dedicated box on my cable modem be faster than virtual server on my webhosting provider?20:03
LurchyI am assuming so20:04
patdk-wkit might be, it might not20:04
* Lurchy shrugs20:04
sarnoldand since your students probalby all wait until deadlines to submit things, it wouldn't hurt to have a handful of people testing upload speed simultaneously20:04
patdk-wkit shuld have more latency20:04
patdk-wkit will have less cpu20:04
patdk-wkbut the cpu is dedicated to you20:04
patdk-wklots of variables20:04
patdk-wktest test test :)20:04
patdk-wkonce you learn the results, come back :)20:05
patdk-wkI can probably help you with a solution20:05
patdk-wkbut interested what the results are so I can infer what the issues are20:05
Lurchywell...I am enjoying my ubuntu server experience...been a while sinc eI did command line stuff20:05
Lurchyfrustrating since Its been forever since I did coding...like 20 years.....forgot so much20:06
Lurchyalso...I am thinking about running home automation in ubuntu also.....can I do it on same box?  I want to have everything behind a 24 port POE netgear router.....home security....environemntal controls...etc20:08
Lurchypool controls and sensors.....arduino stuff and the like20:09
sarnoldLurchy: yeah it should be possible to run it all on one system if you want20:09
Lurchybtw..I am science teacher..one of my degrees is in electronics20:09
Lurchybeen tinkiering with arduino stuff sinc eI have been teaching robotics the last year or so20:10
Lurchyok guys..thanks for the input...ill be around  :-)20:11
Lurchygotta run to practice...this heat sucks...105 today20:12
sarnoldLurchy: cool :) I've wanted to build something do e.g. open windows, etc..20:12
sarnoldLurchy: ugh. skip it entirely.20:12
sarnoldI'd lie down dead in that jkind of heat before doing anything :)20:12
sarnoldLurchy: have fun!20:12
* Lurchy leaves20:12
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jrwrenso cold here today20:14
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smygIGHello i have a problem. I have an dns server and it works lan but from wan i cant find webpage. Port 53 and 80 is open.21:32
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smygIGcan access webpage by ip but not http adress by wan21:37
TenthTARDISI'm having some issues with getting email to work on my server21:53
TenthTARDISI'm setting up OSTicket, and I'd like it to send email, but it keeps failing21:54
TenthTARDISI haven't been able to find much about it online-- can anyone point me to some resources?21:55
TenthTARDISI guess part of the problem is that I don't really know how to configure my server to send and receive email, while still letting my install application keep working.21:57
TenthTARDISThat is, I know how to set up a dedicated mail server, but I don't know how to set up a way to send and receive email on a server whose primary purpose is to do something else.21:58
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skylitehow this can be any output? service --status-all > /dev/null22:32
skyliteit lists everything that is handled by upstart22:33
skyliteall those otput is handled as error message? o_O22:36
leonixyzHello, running Ubuntu Server 14.04 and trying to make work an init script. It wish to start it automatically at boot, but it doesn't... however, "sudo service start geoserver" works. It's chmodded +x. https://gist.github.com/anonymous/6b29799d50b718b5292f22:49
sarnoldleonixyz: fiddle with update-rc.d to make all the symlinks?22:51
leonixyzsarnold: sorry, I didn't understand you22:52
leonixyzsarnold: I copied that file directly to init.d,... nothing done in update-rc.d22:53
sarnoldleonixyz: the initscripts are started / stopped via a mess of 14-odd symlinks in /etc/rc*.d/ directories, the Snn and Knn symlinks.. you can make them by hand or you can make them with the update-rc.d program22:53
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gdi2kthis morning I had a couple of lines in my syslog like this:23:17
gdi2kJul  2 04:32:56 smiles2 kernel: [311765.875614] mce: [Hardware Error]: Machine check events logged23:17
gdi2kGoogle says I should have had mcelog installed to log these sorts of issues, but I did not.23:17
sarnoldinstall it now to catc the next one :)23:18
gdi2kis there now any way to see what actually caused these? shortly after the occured I had a nasty server crash23:18
gdi2ksarnold, heh, yeh it's installed now, but I'm not too enthusiastic about putting it back into production until I figure out what's causing this, and I may be waiting for a long time for it to happen again :/23:19
gdi2kwould have been nice if mcelog had already been installed as part of ubuntu server really - logging hardware faults is pretty important...23:20
sarnoldgdi2k: the esktop system I had throwing mces seemed kind of unfixable.. I didn't get around to swapping memory/cpu/motherboard, I wound up more or less replacing it with a laptop anyway..23:21
gdi2ksarnold, did you ever actually get to see what mce errors it was throwing?23:22
sarnoldgdi2k: the recoverable ones were cache checksum errors or something fairly similar, but the unrecoverable ones just killed the machine dead, iirc :/23:22
gdi2ksarnold, so they didn't get logged?23:23
sarnoldI can't recall now, it was almost three years ago now, sorry23:23
gdi2kin my case, I still have some cron entries from the server running after it became inaccessible from the network and had no more graphics output. odd23:24
sarnoldI'd used the desktop for years for simple web-browsing sorts of tasks.. it only started falling over once I started doing hour-long compiles. :/23:24
sarnoldgdi2k: very odd23:24
gdi2ksarnold, placing my money on a 4 port NIC I have installed. it's counterpart had its network card fail a couple of months back...23:25
sarnoldgdi2k: that seems plausible, especially if you lost nic and graphics but the rest of the system kept going.. maybe there are firmware updates for the nic?23:26
gdi2ksarnold, yeh, will look into that... thanks for your help :)23:27
sarnoldgdi2k: good luck :)23:27
hexafractionWill the server CD installers preserve an existing /home (not on a separate partition)?23:32
hexafractionI'm currently on Precise i386 and my goal is to install Trusty amd64 (manually redoing configuration if necessary)23:33
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