
ochosibluesabre: so it seems we can shorten our license statement for the LO icons https://github.com/shimmerproject/libreoffice-style-elementary/issues/110:11
bluesabreochosi: very cool10:33
bluesabrealso, you'd be surprised, but impress is looking nearly complete as well10:33
ochosiguess i'll keep my focus on writer ad calc so far though, but yeah, impress is next on my list10:38
bluesabreit's all looking quite good :)10:40
ochosithanks, that's nice to hear :)10:40
ochosibtw, is there any progress on the switch to feh for the ubiquity-only session?10:41
ochosi(or, who was driving that, you or Unit193 ?)10:41
bluesabreochosi: there's a merge request on ubiquity10:42
bluesabreI need to poke somebody for that10:42
ochosioh right10:42
bluesabrebut my internet was out for most of last week, so I didn't get a chance10:42
ochosifrom what i remember, the responsibility for ubiquity is passed along each cycle10:43
ochosiso it might or might not be xnox who we could ping about that (bluesabre: link?)10:43
xnoxochosi: current ubiquity maintainer is cyphermox 10:44
ochosiah, i see10:44
bluesabrecool, I'll poke cyphermox10:45
ochosisorry for the innocent ping there ;)10:45
ochosiand thanks for the update, xnox 10:45
xnoxcyphermox: in general DE specific stuff is usually in control of a flavour, cause they get to set how they want to look. But normal code review / tests etc still apply. But i'm sure you know all that anyway by now =)10:45
Unit193Weird, thought that was his baby.10:45
ochosibluesabre: so, with this MR merged feh will already take over?11:01
ochosii havent looked at the ubiquity-dm source in a while, but i dont see feh in the diff anywere :)11:01
ochosialso, we should potentially check whether apps can still be launched inthe ubiquity-only session with the default kb-shortcuts11:02
ochosi(not that that's a huge problem)11:02
bluesabreochosi: hm, now I'm no longer sure myself11:04
ochosior is feh the general fallback?11:04
bluesabreif feh is found, it runs11:05
bluesabre(if there is no gnome-/ubuntu-/mate- settings-daemon11:07
bluesabreI believe that means it runs even now11:08
bluesabrebut xfdesktop draws on top of it11:09
bluesabreand the root pixmap is currently set to black11:09
bluesabrethe diff drops those11:09
ochosioh right11:09
ochosisounds like we could've solved that issue with the black background a lot simpler the first time around11:10
ochosibut well, as long as the LTS works ;)11:10
bluesabreyeah, get this resolved now so mythbuntu and ubuntu-studio have an easy transition next cycle11:10
ochosican we do an  update for our artwork stuff in wily soonish?11:11
ochosimaybe next week or so11:11
bluesabreI can do it at any time11:13
bluesabreUnit193: https://code.launchpad.net/~kalgasnik/lightdm-gtk-greeter/background-fixes-r333/+merge/263066 :)11:14
bluesabrehaven't tested it yet, will do tonight11:14
ochosilet's hope it'll just work :)11:19
ochosik, gotta run, hf everyone!11:19
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Unit193bluesabre: Fancy merge.21:51
bluesabrehopefully, it works21:52
Unit193Looked at the development blueprint, you have a lot of work ahead of you. :-----D21:52
bluesabrewondering how to best go about bugging Corsac for uploads22:21
* Unit193 tazes bluesabre.23:59

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