
GridCubethat is alright, you can install a base system there00:00
GridCubeif you install stuff it will fill eventually00:00
GridCubeyou can have a storage partition that you can share among several OS, usually in ntfs00:01
bekkswindows_babby: yes, thats unwise.00:01
GridCubeyour /home/ partition should have more space than that00:01
bekksThe /home can be quite small, when having a separate /data partition.00:01
GridCubeand your /home/ partition has to be a linux kind of partition, it needs the permission bits for the directories00:01
GridCubebut beyond that you can go crazy :P00:02
windows_babbyso I should have a "/" partition and a "00:02
windows_babbyhome" partition? damn this keyboard00:02
GridCubei usually like [boot][/][/home][/data][another OS]00:03
GridCubeand swap00:03
GridCubewindows_babby, thats the most razonable yes00:03
GridCubeyour /home will fill with stuff eventually00:03
windows_babbyI'm unclear as to the specifics/purposes of each mount point. so I make the "/" partition to install xubuntu into, and when using it installed programs and files will pool into the "home" partition?00:05
GridCubeno, just config data thats pertinent to your user will go to /home00:06
bekks / will hold your "installation", along with all "programs". /bot is used for holding the files needed for booting, /home contains your user configs and personal file.00:06
GridCubelike browser cookies and stuff like that00:06
GridCubewindows_babby, :) look at my partition table http://pastebin.com/BjviyK0d00:07
GridCubemy /home is not a partition, thats why my / is 62GB full :P00:08
GridCubebut other directories inside my /home are their own partitions00:08
windows_babbyI'm sorry grid, but you've lost me. I'm not even sure how many hard drives I'm looking at there00:12
windows_babbyinstead, might I ask the ideal way for me to partition a 120gb ssd? I'm only looking to store all personal files, and play the occaisonal steam game00:13
GridCube3, sda sdb and sdc :)00:13
GridCubeare you gonna install windows as well?00:13
windows_babbythen what are the nones, the udev, and the tmpfs?00:13
windows_babbyon the 1tb hdd, I'd like to know what I'm doing with linux beforehand though00:14
drcwindows_babby: do you plan on hibernating/suspending (and how much RAM do you have)?00:14
GridCubeno idea, those are created by the OS, and i never learned where they come from or what are they for00:14
bekkswindows_babby: Those others are just needed. :)00:14
GridCubewindows_babby, alright, im assuming you have an uefi machine, so you will need a mbr partition first of all, this is mandatory to get dual boot00:15
GridCube!uefi | read more here windows_babby00:15
ubotturead more here windows_babby: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI00:15
GridCubebeyond that id create a 10gb partition for / and leave the rest for /home00:16
windows_babbyno, I shut off every time I'm done. as far as I understand this means I have little need for a swap partition, but if I should make one it should match the 16gb of ram I have00:16
GridCubewindows_babby, that rule is pretty old, with nowdays tons of ram, but ubuntu demands a swap partition anyway and will create one for you00:17
GridCubeit can be a 1gb swap, it doesnt really matter nowdays00:17
bekksUnless you use suspend to disk, it doesnt matter.00:18
GridCubethats my opinion though, some might have different ones00:18
GridCubewindows_babby, you can also let the installer do whatever it seems more efficient by itself when you are installing00:19
windows_babbyso, barebones partitioning setup = 10gb /, 105gb home, 5gb swap?00:20
GridCubethat sounds good00:20
windows_babbygreat. now about about my machine being a uefi one,00:20
GridCubeif you have the separated /home you can reinstall the OS and not loose your data :D00:20
GridCubeloose loooose00:21
bekkswindows_babby: / 10GB is pretty small. better use 30GB.00:21
windows_babbyI vaguely recall doing work on my machine months ago that told me my machine was uefi, however attempting to reinstall/fix my windows I was told that my machine was instead gpt00:21
windows_babbyalso, what exactly goes into the / partition again?00:22
drcbekks: why?   with a 10 gig /, it's only half full00:22
drcon my machine00:22
GridCubebekks, you dont need that much really00:22
bekksInstall a bunch of software and it wont be enough.00:22
drcunless one plans on a large/full /tmp or /var, that seems excessive00:23
drcif one plans on a LOT of apps, maybe 12 or 16 gig /00:23
windows_babbywhat defines "apps" here and why are they not going into /home?00:24
bekkswindows_babby: The concept of the usage of specific standard folders.00:25
drcthis discussion is useless00:25
GridCubewindows_babby, applications are programs you install from the ubuntu software center, they dont go to your home00:26
GridCubehome only hosts your files and your config files00:26
GridCubeyou only need the 3 partitions you said before00:26
bekksTechnically, you need / only.00:26
GridCubeand thats pretty much it00:26
GridCubebekks, you are not helping00:27
bekksGridCube: Because I am pointing out the inconsistencies in your statements? OK, thats not helpful for you.00:27
GridCubeagain, the house analogy, you can have everything in the same room, but its not a good idea00:27
windows_babbypeople please you're helping somebody and doing a very good job, don't jeapordize it00:28
bekkswindows_babby: Are you using a SSD?00:28
windows_babbyso for example, firefox and steam and media players would go into / and personal files and media would go into home?00:28
windows_babbyfor xubuntu, yes?00:28
GridCubewindows_babby, yes, but steam game data and games would go to /home/yourname/.steam00:29
windows_babbyand my firefox bookmarks and downloaded files and cookies would go into /home as well?00:29
GridCubethe steam software itself will reside on /usr/bin/steam00:30
GridCubeyes windows_babby00:30
GridCubebut the firefox binary will go to /usr/bin/firefox00:30
windows_babbyregretting that name atm haha00:30
GridCube/nick newNick00:31
windows_babbyso might I ask what the differences between ext2-3-4 are?00:31
GridCubei dont really know00:31
windows_babbyoh please I don't care THAT much, thanks though00:31
GridCubewikipedia should00:31
windows_babbyso essentially arbitrary then, great00:31
GridCubei think it has to do with the way the files are re-organized on the disk, basically ext ensures theres no fragmentation00:32
GridCubeyour drive would need to be hella full to have notizable fragmentation00:33
windows_babbyI don't see anything in the mount points that would denote a "swap" partition, but when I first installed eOS I don't quite recall making a swap anyways00:34
GridCubewindows_babby, swap is not mounted00:35
GridCubeits to be activated00:35
GridCubethat means, it doesnt have a mount point on your directory tree00:36
windows_babbyso I make my swap partition by doing what?00:37
GridCubeyou create a partition, at the end of your drive and you format it as swap then when you boot the system it detects a swap partition and activates it, or you can manually activate it00:38
GridCube!man swapon00:38
GridCube!info swapon00:39
ubottuPackage swapon does not exist in vivid00:39
GridCubewait it might be part of other package00:39
GridCubeor just a command00:39
GridCube swapon, swapoff - enable/disable devices and files for paging and swap‐00:39
windows_babbywould that be something I can do after I actually install xubuntu into this ssd?00:41
GridCubethough i dont know if the ubuntu installer lets you proceed the installation without it00:42
GridCubelast time i tried it asked me to create one00:42
windows_babbyI mean I typed both those commands into the terminal (well, "terminal emulator") and nothing happened00:42
GridCubeits not technically necesary, but the installer wants it anway00:42
GridCubewindows_babby, do man swapon00:42
GridCubeand read the proper way to do it :)00:42
windows_babbyah, shoulda ditched the !00:42
windows_babbynothing here makes sense to me00:45
GridCubedont worry00:45
GridCubeyou dont need to know any of that00:45
windows_babbyI'd like to, though00:45
GridCubethe OS takes care of that on boot time00:45
windows_babbyI very nearly gave up on linux trying to fix this computer last night ;_;00:45
GridCube:P read more and you will be happier00:46
GridCubeman everything!00:46
windows_babbyokay so can I manually activate my swap partition from this !man swapon terminal menu?00:47
GridCubethats the manual page for the swapon command00:47
GridCubeyou can man firefox or man thunar or man man00:48
GridCubeman just calls the manual page for the application00:48
GridCubeand then it tells you how to use the application00:48
windows_babbyokay wow I just found that I can do it from the same dropdown menu that allows me to choose between ext2, ext3, etc.00:50
windows_babbyshould my /home be ext4 too if my / is?00:50
GridCubewell it can be any linux format00:51
GridCubeit needs to have the proper permission bits00:52
GridCubethat means, it can not be fat32 or ntfs or like that00:52
windows_babbygot it00:53
windows_babbyso my ssd is properly partitioned, now to toy with the hdd where I will be installing windows00:53
GridCubeinstalling windows first is a good idea, i would do so by unplugging the sdd first00:55
GridCubethen pluggin the sdd back after windows is renstalled and proceed to install linux there :)00:55
windows_babbyI see three partitions; a 104mb efi which is the boot partition if I'm not mistaken (which I accidentally wiped), a 134mb unspecified partition with unknown amount of space used, and the rest of it which is ntfs which I would like to format00:56
windows_babbyI don't get the option to format it unless I do something in the "change..." menu00:56
GridCubeits probably mounted00:56
GridCubeyou probablyneed to umount it00:56
GridCubeor if its ntfs and was "blocked" by windows, then you are in a pickle :P00:57
GridCubemicrosoft doesnt really like other OS meddling with theirs00:57
GridCubeso they dont play fair and block their partitions if something goes "wrong"00:58
windows_babbyso if it is ntfs, I am given the option to change it and reformat it if I choose something in the "use as menu"00:59
windows_babbywhat could go wrong if I just chose  ntfs, and checked the format box?00:59
GridCubei dont really know what you are doing there buddy00:59
GridCubeyou would lose all data on the hdd00:59
windows_babbyyeah I'm kinda prepared for that01:00
windows_babbyI moved all the important stuff to my external, under a folder named "YOUR FAILURE"01:00
GridCubewell then you should be safe01:00
windows_babbyin theory I guess, hey that's what science is all about right?01:01
windows_babbymy problem is01:02
windows_babbywhen I last booted from this usb and it had a copy of windows on it, when I attempted to use it to repair my windows I was told I couldn't and then something about my machine being gpt01:02
windows_babbycould that be fixed by just nuking everything on this dumb drive from here01:03
GridCubei have no experience with windows since 701:04
GridCubeso, i dont know01:04
windows_babbywhat if I told you this was windows 701:04
GridCubeas said, i have no experience since it01:05
windows_babbyin that case how would I go about seeing whether my machine was uefi or gpt? because working on it some months back I vaguely remember knowing it was uefi01:05
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI01:06
GridCube^ read01:06
windows_babbyvery helpful01:08
windows_babbythanks a ton, grid. you're way better than my absolute dickhead of a roommate was with linux help01:08
GridCubewindows_babby, as i said before, :D reading will make you happier01:09
windows_babbytake care now!01:09
GridCubeif you ever saw a hackers movie, those are frelling awful, because you know what does a hacker does for hours and hours and hours just to find a single silly mistake someone made?01:09
GridCubethey read P: and read, and read01:10
GridCubethough i guess that doesnt make an exciting movie01:10
nikolamHi, coud someone please download eee.txt for me from ubuntuforums? I don't know my password here and now:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=870663&page=211:08
nikolamyou can put it on pastebin, etc11:09
slickymasterWorkhere you go nikolam -> http://pastebin.com/x9j7Afd411:12
nikolamthanks slickymasterWork ! :)11:13
__amine__hello, I'm trying to boot from xubuntu iso file, after the splash screen loads a moment, I get a message in command line: unable to find a medium containing a live file system12:59
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NewUserHello to everybody, i would like to ask if it is possible to have flash content in firefox (like radio station streamings ) without installing xubuntu-restricted-extras, i dont want to install adobe flash player if possible!13:22
cfhowlett!flash | NewUser13:23
ubottuNewUser: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:23
NewUserhi ubottu, i will follow the link, thanks for your time and help!13:24
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NewUser...i said thanx to a bot, oh me! is there some firefox add on that allows me to use flash content? as i said before i dont want to install adobe flash player (or use chromium/e)13:30
cfhowlettNewUser, have to ask firefox about that13:31
cfhowlettor search ffox add-ons13:31
NewUseri did a search without any results there, i asked here because firefox comes with xubuntu, thank you anyway cfowlett!13:35
GridCubeNewUser: i remember vlc had an addon to replace flash13:36
GridCubeback in the days13:36
NewUserthank you gridcube, if i find somethink i will post it!13:45
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xubuntu76wHi! Can someone help me with Xubuntu suspend settings?17:23
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nluxendhey, my copy of xubuntu seems intent on acting like my / partition is the only partition available for storage. my first time installing I had a basic /, home, swap, and boot setup which didn't work so when I let it work on its own I had a /, media/numbersandletters, swap, and boot partitioning setup that seemed intent on putting everything into the 10gb / setup and nothing into the vastly larger media/blahblahblah partition. did I 22:59
nluxendI think I'm just going to make the / partition the whole hard drive23:13
nluxendwhat could go wrong?23:14
nluxendcome on, I've watched a whole episode of scrubs. is there anybody here? please?23:28
pleia2nluxend: somethng like /media should be for personal/media files, xubuntu has set locations to put everything else like in /usr and /var which in your setup would land under /23:31
pleia2nluxend: it doesn't strictly know about /media and won't put system or application files there23:32
pleia2if you know how much is going to go in /usr or /var you can set those up as separate partitions, but that's a more advanced configuration23:33
nluxendso in theory stuff like personal pictures and music would be going into /media?23:33
Unit193You can even remap that in .config/user-dirs.dirs23:34
nluxendwhat does "sure" mean?23:36
GridCubesure means, you are your own boss23:36
nluxendmy problem is my /home/user folders were in the same 10gb partition the OS was installed to; nothing was going into that large media partition23:37
nluxend...is the shell restricted to the OS partition, and everything downloaded will go in there?23:38
nluxendunless otherwise moved?23:38
nluxendthe answer to that is yes isn't it, ah christ I'm an idiot23:40
nluxendthanks everybody23:40
GridCubeshell downloads wherever you launch the command or where you tell the command to store23:40
xubuntu27wWow! Full channel. = )23:59

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