
sergiusensChipaca: I am now00:47
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elopioHey mvo, I enabled the translations for snappy in launchpad.06:24
mvoelopio: excellent, thanks a bunch!06:25
elopiomvo: I wasn't quite sure about the configs to set, so maybe you'll like to take a look.06:25
elopioI set autoimport and autoexport in trunk.06:25
mvoelopio: nice, I have a look. we need to change the image seed too, right now iirc we don't have all the packages needed to get translations :)06:27
elopiomvo: do you mean, to start snappy in a different language?06:27
mvoelopio: yes, on a snappy system, I think we lack some of the required libraries/packages06:28
elopioI see. I was wondering how to do that.06:28
elopiobut for now I'm happy. It will be good for the open house to encourage people to contribute translations.06:28
mvoelopio: absolutely!06:29
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dholbachgood morning06:46
seb128hey dholbach & snappy crew06:56
mvohey good morning seb128 and dholbach and fgimenez06:58
dholbachhey mvo06:59
fgimenezgood morning mvo and all06:59
seb128hey mvo07:09
seb128hey Saviq07:48
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* ogra_ sihs about the size of personal 07:57
ogra_one day we'll produce desktop images that dont take a lifetime to download :P07:58
Saviqit's not the size of the image that's the problem, it's your crappy internets, ogra_! ;)07:59
ogra_still, it would be good if ubuntu-device-flash and the system-image server could talk rsync08:00
Saviqor delta, at least08:00
ogra_re-downloading the whole thing every time is just so wasteful08:00
Saviqogra_, is console=ttyACM0  on Pi meant to stay? that seems to actually be my problem as the emon add-on uses serial to communicate08:01
Saviqso the bootloader gets scared by all that happens on ttyACM008:02
ogra_yes, i think it is meant to stay for the default image08:02
ogra_embedded boards = serial console08:02
Saviqok then, /me rolls a custom snap then, ogra_ do you guys have a branch for your main pi snap?08:03
ogra_we might have a "gui oem snap" for it or some such though08:03
ogra_in that i would drop it08:03
ogra_no branch yet, you can just unpack it and modify as needed08:04
* ogra_ puts "make branch" on his TODO08:04
ogra_i have a half baked one for the overlay dtb support (needs also a spoecific device tarball with the last kernel), i'll upload that if this personal download ever finishes08:05
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dholbachhey rsalveti, did you get my open house mail?08:39
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JamesTaitGood morning all; happy "I Forgot" Day! 😃09:06
ChipacaJamesTait: i don't even remember what i forgot!09:26
JamesTaitChipaca, have you been drinking again?09:27
ChipacaJamesTait: not today (yet), and only twice ever enough to forget09:27
JamesTaitChipaca, so, success?09:29
mvoChipaca: hey, goooood morning! do you happen to know if there is anything blocking the noUpdateGrub branch from landing? if everything is ready I can land it today09:34
Chipacamvo: god morning!09:35
mvosergiusens: hi, for later - could you pass me the links for the passwd and adduser diff so that I can upload your fix?09:35
mvoChipaca: I hope that was a typo ;)09:35
Chipacaooh, my beuno script has a bug!09:35
Chipacamvo: god morning!09:35
Chipaca /exec -o beuno mvo09:35
Chipaca^^ failing09:35
Chipacamvo: goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood morning!09:35
Chipacait's “echo -n "${1:-beuno}: g";eval printf "o%.0s" {2..$((RANDOM/512))}; echo 'd morning!'”09:36
ogra_mvo, i think this was the final one for shadow http://paste.ubuntu.com/11778897/ ... the adduser stuff should be in an MP09:36
Chipacabut /bin/sh doesn't have a RANDOM? guess i havne't used it in a while09:36
ogra_Chipaca, shuf -i 1-100 -n 109:37
ogra_Chipaca, also ... https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh the page every ubuntu dev should know by heart :)09:38
ogra_(there is a more complex example for $RANDOM in a POSIX compliant way)09:39
Chipacaogra_: i was using dash (or ash?) as sh before the official switch09:39
Chipacaogra_: but i guess i never tested this thing after the last time i tweaked it? dunno09:39
Chipacai was using some small sh back in debian, which was before warty09:40
mvoogra_: nice, thanks. I wasn't sure if there was a real branch for passwd or just the pastebin09:40
Chipacamvo: in answer to your question09:40
Chipacamvo: i don't know what's missing, but sergio should be around soon09:40
ogra_mvo, just the pastebin i think, but sergiusens might have made changes since so better have him confirm that paste as final09:40
mvothanks Chipaca and ogra_09:41
Chipacathere's still some question around console09:42
ogra_more than one ... see Saviq above about the RPi :)09:44
Chipacaogra_: where?09:44
ogra_i think console shoul dprehaps become an option to u-d-f or some such09:44
ogra_Chipaca, in the backlog ... his RPi runs sime peripherial HW attached to the serial console ... our default image uses that device as console device and crashes his HW ...09:45
ogra_we need to find a more flexible way to set console altogether i think09:45
ogra_on all images09:45
ogra_and grub shouldnt use two console entries, IMHO all output from the boot should go to the same console device09:46
ogra_(preferably the one where also your getty will start once finished)09:47
Chipacathe default image also runs a getty on serial afaik09:47
Chipacaor is that a freebie from it being console?09:47
rsalvetimorning snapers09:52
ogra_snaaapers :)09:54
rsalvetiogra_: I think we'd just need another oem for rpi2 that would not use the serial port by default09:56
rsalvetisince unless hardcoded in the kernel, that's just a cmdline option, right?09:56
ogra_rsalveti, i think we need a gerneral solution for console=09:57
ogra_rsalveti, grub has similar probs09:57
rsalvetiogra_: what are the problems with grub?09:57
ogra_(not actually killing hardware ... but cloud definitely wants serial while desktop will definitely want tty)09:57
ogra_we need a more flexible way to define it at image creation time IMHO09:58
rsalvetiproblem with options at the image creation time can make the same image behave differently09:58
rsalvetiwhich is why having another oem is so cheap09:59
ogra_i dont want "options" i want one option ;)09:59
rsalvetifor now, yeah :P09:59
ogra_something like that09:59
rsalvetisergiusens: ^^09:59
ogra_nothing you can freely define ...10:00
ogra_just a switch10:00
ogra_(it is ugly to mangle the cmdline during build, i know that, but i dont see a better way)10:00
ogra_(unless we want to have a ton of duplicate oem snaps for each device just for one option changed)10:01
Chipaca--console=serial|network|native ;)10:02
ogra_hah, even a third option :)10:02
* ogra_ didnt think about network :) 10:02
* ogra_ laughs about balloons' open house mail ... switching folders in my mailer is like zapping on TV and always seeing the same ad on all channels10:05
Chipacaasac: rsalveti: mvo: sergiusens: should i re-enable click-review on build?10:10
Chipacaasac: rsalveti: mvo: sergiusens: i ask because bug #147026510:15
nothalBug #1470265: Binary with an underscore fails to produce an apparmor profile <Snappy:New> <http://launchpad.net/bugs/1470265>10:15
ubottubug 1470265 in Snappy "Binary with an underscore fails to produce an apparmor profile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147026510:15
asacChipaca: did the error messages get cleaned up yet?10:21
Chipacaasac: if by that you mean has it caught up with current snappy, yes10:21
Chipacaasac: there might be things still improperly reported as broken, because not enough testing, because we're not using it :)10:22
asacChipaca: no, i mean are the errors it spits out now readable and complains only about things that are really issues?10:22
Chipacain particular there's at least something about systemd units that seems off10:22
Chipacaasac: the majority of things it complains about are actual issues; the (mostly hypothetical) remaining things are bugs we need to address10:23
Chipacaasac: but either we start using it, or we start reimplementing it in 'snappy build'10:23
Chipacaasac: snappy assumes you've used it, and does not do deep checks10:23
Chipacaasac: so things break in strange ways10:24
Chipacaasac: (as in the linked bug)10:24
asacChipaca: so is the bug that a snap install fails ?10:24
Chipacaasac: also in the linked bug: the full output from the review tool for a modified 'hello-world' that reproduces the issue10:24
asace.g. bails out ...?10:24
asace.g. you build and you install, and then a) it does not install or b) does not work right?10:24
Chipacaasac: no, the bug is that snap install does not bail, but fails to do all the things it should, afaik10:24
Chipacamostly (b)10:25
Chipacathings we catch and fail on, we mostly catch at build time too10:25
asacso i think there are two times of checks. all checks that ensure that a nsap can be installed and work shoudl be in snappy build10:25
asacall things we dobnt want by policy should be in review tools10:25
Chipacaasac: that's pretty much all of the review tools10:25
asacright, then parts need to be moved10:26
asacwhatever needs checking for runtime reasons isnt review tools10:26
asacreview tools is really abotu not allowing certain options that otherwise dont cause issues10:26
asace.g. you add custom profile groups to your snap is technically working10:26
asacjust not allowed10:26
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Chipacaasac: want to say as much in that bug?10:32
ogra_asac, well, it is checking the options in the .yaml files ... i dont think it helps the above bug to re-enable the review tools though, binaires with underscores simply need to be supported ... (there are surely plenty)10:32
ogra_(and the check needs to go once snappy got fixed to support them)10:32
Chipacaogra_: it's not snappy but apparmor10:33
ogra_well, apparmor then10:33
asacChipaca: think did that now10:37
asacalso included ogra's input10:37
ogra_10 seconds apart :)10:38
Chipacasabdfl: note bug 1470265 is about _s in binaries (ls /usr/bin | grep _), not in package names11:22
ubottubug 1470265 in Snappy "Binary with an underscore fails to produce an apparmor profile" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147026511:22
Chipacapossibly the same argument applies, but it does mean renaming things like "document_viewer" (the core app document viewer that originated the bug report)11:23
ogra_yeah, we cant really anforce that11:25
Chipacaogra_: well, we are right now, in the "neener neener no apparmor for you" sense11:31
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sergiusensmvo: https://trello.com/c/BnuEpCft/134-support-extrausers-for-adduser-useradd-and-groupadd11:51
sergiusensasac: rsalveti ogra_ as I mentioned in the document for gadgets, we can use grubenv for specific options as well11:54
ogra_sergiusens, on arm ? :P11:55
sergiusensogra_: trollolololol11:55
ogra_sergiusens, i think we need some global way to set console=11:55
ogra_arch and device independent11:55
sergiusensogra_: we can support this, but not right away11:55
ogra_yeah, i didnt expect it today :)11:56
sergiusensogra_: on arm we can just have the default boot line in snappy-system.txt read from an additional variable in uEnv.txt11:56
ogra_sergiusens, no11:56
sergiusensto support the default case and would be similar to grubenv11:56
ogra_sergiusens, i want a way that doesnt require touching the oem snap11:56
sergiusensogra_: oh, snappy config11:57
ogra_being able to use the same image on serial and non serial setups11:57
sergiusensogra_: then you get to right yaml ;-)11:57
ogra_so the first boot goes to the right console device11:57
ogra_i think it needs to be a udf option11:57
sergiusensogra_: no thanks, no more u-d-f options11:57
ogra_well, thats the only way11:58
sergiusensI get slaughtered by adding them from people looking at crisp syntax ;-)11:58
ogra_unless you can show me something else without me modifying any parts of the image11:58
sergiusensogra_: live feed a snappy config is the best thing I can think of (as in "preactivate")11:58
ogra_so writing a one liner yaml file that gets parsed by udf ?11:59
sergiusensogra_: or pass it a file path11:59
ogra_and you prefer that over a cmdline option ?11:59
ogra_(its not really different, just more work for the user)12:00
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-fix-bbb-crash/+merge/263530 | No reviews (less than a day old)12:00
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~fgimenez/snappy/filter-tests/+merge/263222 | Approve: 1 (2 days old)12:00
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/snappy/selftest-reboot-notice/+merge/262265 | Approve: 1 (14 days old)12:00
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-console/+merge/262061 | Approve: 1, Needs Fixing: 1 (15 days old)12:00
nothalhttps://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-verify/+merge/261718 | Needs Fixing: 1 (20 days old)12:00
dholbachthanks rsalveti12:04
Chipacasergiusens: hola! what's missing for noGrubUpdate?12:15
sergiusensChipaca: I rebuilt the image last night, what is missing is a proper e2e test12:20
ogra_mvo, seb128 desktop-next is still unhappy about the clickpkg user ?13:19
seb128ogra_, yes, I'm looking at that13:19
seb128it's because it inherits from touch-core13:19
mvooh, it worked fine  in core13:19
ogra_cool (just got the mail from nusakan)13:19
seb128which includes packagekit-plugin-click13:19
seb128which brings click13:19
seb128which creates clickpkg user13:19
seb128which fails the build because that got cleaned out from the prebuild list13:20
seb128mvo, ogra_ ^13:20
ogra_seb128, so re-add it13:20
ogra_assuming you want to support click packages on dekstop-next13:20
mvoseb128: just give it a different uid/gid, we will hardcode that in snappy13:20
seb128is that going to work on snappy?13:20
ogra_(or is that mutually exclusive vs snap)13:20
ogra_seb128, heh, no idea :)13:21
seb128I was going to hack livecd-rootfs to uninstall packagekit-plugin-click on desktop-next13:21
seb128mvo, do you think we want click on snappy personal?13:22
* ogra_ would keep it for the start to have more apps available ... if snap and click can actually coexist 13:23
ogra_once the click packages were migrated thats indeed pointless13:24
seb128yeah, unsure if click works on snappy, probably needs some dirs to be made rw, unsure if they are13:25
seb128also currently the click scope is installed, but unsure if the snap one is going to be co-installable or replace it13:25
ogra_(having a terminal would surely be helpful ;) )13:26
ogra_so if clicks dont work, it might make sense to have a terminal snap ahead of time :)13:27
sergiusensmvo: did you see my reply wrt clickpkg/snappypkg?13:36
seb128mvo, sergiusens, do you have opinion on including click on not or personal?13:37
sergiusensseb128: wouldn't that be confusing in the end?13:38
mvosergiusens: yes, I think you are spot on, I like the config idea13:38
sergiusensmvo: oh goodie /usr/share/snappy/ or similar?13:39
seb128sergiusens, having click?13:39
sergiusensseb128: yeah, click and the click scope and then snappy and the snappy scope13:39
mvosergiusens: yeah, I think so, part of ubuntu-core-config I guess so that its easy to split between 15.04 and 16.0413:40
seb128sergiusens, unsure, but atm we don't have snappy scope yet13:40
ogra_Chipaca, WRT the network interface naming, did we actually do anything about it ? (seems it all works atm and i wonder why, did pitti revert anything ? )13:40
seb128mvo, ^ opinion?13:40
Chipacaogra_: no, it's still broken (on intel)13:40
pittiogra_, Chipaca: no, I didn't revert anything, but awe was talking to me about ofono13:41
ogra_i'll start a ML thread about it then ...13:41
pittiwe discussed it in bug 1467640 and PM, and I gave some suggestion13:41
ogra_just wanted to know the status quo, since i had not heard anything about it anymore13:41
ubottubug 1467640 in ofono (Ubuntu) "No mobile data connection for mako on wily" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146764013:41
sergiusensseb128: it's just my personal opinion that if you add it, it will be hard to remove in the future13:41
mvoseb128: hmmm, I'm not if mixing the two is a good idea, I think they might get confused, especially click as there will be files in /apps that do not have the meta-data that click expects13:41
sergiusensseb128: and maybe kyrofa can share is scope preview with you13:42
sergiusensseb128: but it would be mostly unpopulated13:42
ogra_pitti, ah net.ifnames=0 sounds good13:42
seb128mvo, so should I just remove click and package-plugin-click from a livecd-rootfs hook?13:42
ogra_(though i guess we will eventually need to support that stuff)13:42
pittiogra_: if that's just about ofono, I suggested that we disable the ifnames just for the rmnet* devices, isn't that easier? (doesn't require changing kernel params or other image changes013:43
ogra_pitti, well, i dont really care specifically about rmnet13:43
ogra_this is more about eth0 which is hardcoded in half the world13:43
pittiogra_: did that break anything else?13:43
sergiusensmvo: do you want to do the config or should I? And should we use numbers or names/strings?13:43
ogra_yes, snappy VM images13:43
pittiogra_: oh right, sorry -- I thought I was talking on #u-touch :)13:43
ogra_we ship /e/n/i.d/etc9 by default pre-built13:44
sergiusensmvo given the stricktness of uid/gid, matching with numbers is fine in my opinion if it is in a config (not in code ala android ;-) )13:44
ogra_well, rmnet will affect snappy phones at some point :)13:44
mvosergiusens: I can do it, unless you really want to, I won't stand in the way of course13:44
ogra_so it isnt totally offtopic13:44
kyrofaseb128, I do indeed have a snappy scope13:44
sergiusensmvo: go ahead ;-)13:44
ogra_but for the moment we have no networking on kvm images ... that needs immediate action13:44
mvosergiusens: I was thinking that uid/gid by number will not work on desktop installs of ubuntu-device-flash as its generated dynamically there :/13:45
mvosergiusens: I switch networks now, trying to find a place that is less hot :)13:45
* mvo is back in 2minutes13:45
ogra_seb128, heh, i just booted my first kvm personal ... how did you even manage to take that picture yesterday ... the reboot is so fast i cant read what it prints13:46
kyrofaseb128, is this for the personal image?13:46
sergiusensmvo: we can read from the snappy sysroot though13:47
seb128kyrofa, yes13:47
seb128ogra_, I filmed the boot with my bq and went frame by frame on the movie with mplayer13:48
ogra_LOL !13:48
kyrofaseb128, awesome! Right now, the snappy scope runs by utilizing the webdm API. It'll move to using the snappy service when its API is finished13:48
seb128kyrofa, great13:48
kyrofaseb128, lp:unity-scope-snappy13:49
seb128kyrofa, thanks13:49
* ogra_ guesses popey should work on a terminal-app snap then ;)13:49
seb128kyrofa, I'm not looking at that yet, trying to get an image to boot and start unity8 first, but then it's next13:49
kyrofaseb128, very cool. I've got an orange matchbox here if you get to the point where I can help with anything13:50
seb128kyrofa, ok, noted, thanks :-)13:50
kyrofaseb128, of course! :)13:51
dholbachrsalveti, asac: newest incarnation: https://i.imgur.com/pF720DL.png - deployment will take a bit longer13:51
dholbachkudos to davidcalle for his great styling work :)13:52
ogra_seb128, so with modifying grub.cfg i get it to boot here ...14:03
ogra_(the boot takes nearly 10min in kvm though, but i see a greeter with guest session)14:04
seb128yeah, that's expected14:04
seb128if we ever get a image to build without cloud-init you should see the ubuntu user and be able to log in :p14:05
ogra_oh. it is still in there ?14:05
kyrofaseb128, if you let me know when you've got an image with unity8, I can actually package the scope as a snap for you14:06
ogra_heh, yeah, clicking on the passwd field gets me a black screen now14:06
seb128ogra_, bug #130761814:06
nothalBug #1307618: Unity 8 Desktop Preview does not work in the guest session <unity8-desktop-session (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <http://launchpad.net/bugs/1307618>14:06
ubottubug 1307618 in unity8-desktop-session (Ubuntu) "Unity 8 Desktop Preview does not work in the guest session" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130761814:06
seb128kyrofa, we have an image that works if you manually hack around a bit14:07
seb128hopefully less manually hacking by tomorrow14:07
kyrofaseb128, are you planning to do unity8 as a framework?14:09
seb128kyrofa, is that doable with what framework can do?14:10
kyrofaseb128, I actually have no idea :P14:10
seb128kyrofa, but currently no, I think framework are too limited14:11
seb128eventually we are getting there14:11
seb128but not in the first iteration14:11
kyrofaseb128, that makes sense14:12
kyrofaseb128, okay, so the snappy scope won't have any framework dependencies other than webdm14:12
kyrofaseb128, and we just hope that no one tries to install it on Ubuntu Core :P14:13
mterrymvo, I just saw your comment on the clean-up card14:19
mterrymvo, but unfortunately, I've been doing a lot of disruptive cleanup on the demo branch14:19
ogra_seb128, so now when i boot with all console= args dropped i actually see the errors :)14:19
ogra_clould init actually tries to pull some remote file via http and fails ... thats why it takes so long14:19
mterrymvo, and your branches don't merge well at all anymore.  I've also done some pep8/pylint cleanup myself -- will try to see what your run-checks does vs mine14:20
mvomterry: sure, no problem. let me know if I can help in any way here14:20
mterrymvo, what's the story with pyflakes vs pylint?  Is one better/more-maintained than the other?14:21
seb128ogra_, right, and worth, that results in not having an "ubuntu" user working, which is why we remove cloud-init14:21
mvomterry: I have not investigated pylint in a while, when I used it last some years ago I got quite a few false positivies, pyflakes fit my needs better, but that might have changed by now14:21
ogra_seb128, yeah14:21
mterrymvo, will try -- pylint3 crashes on one of my files...14:22
ogra_seb128, just saying, there is no way to even see the errors with the console= args we set by default14:22
seb128ogra_, well, "try to remove", still fighting issues due to mvo's clickpkg->snappypkg :p14:22
ogra_evil mvo !14:22
seb128ogra_, without those it boot loop to grub anyway no?14:22
* ogra_ tries to manually add a user in the mounted partition :)14:22
mterrymvo, pyflakes is nicer indeed  :)14:23
ogra_seb128, nope, i only needed an initrd line and drop the panic and console= args14:23
ogra_which gets me a proper boot14:23
seb128do you know why the config is not having an initrd?14:24
seb128well, we should wait for the grub cfg refactoring work to land to look at that more14:24
seb128issues might just be outdated14:24
ogra_seb128, no, but Chipaca does i think14:24
ogra_right, the next build might be fine14:24
ogra_not sure what landed yet14:24
ogra_ogra@anubis:~/datengrab/personal$ cat mnt/var/lib/extrausers/passwd14:25
ogra_seems the ubuntu user actually exists14:25
seb128ogra_, yeah, but it has no passwd or that is screwed in some way14:26
seb128I set the passwd from a systemd.debug-shell shell and then I can log in14:27
ogra_it doesnt look like mouse or kbd work for me14:27
ogra_on the greeter14:27
ogra_(doubleclick does, but nothing else)14:27
ogra_and there is no pointer14:28
elopiofgimenez: lets skip the hangout today, unless you have something to talk about.14:32
fgimenezelopio, ok, nothing special, i've put in review filter-test again and was able to reproduce the udf issue14:34
elopiofgimenez: cool, I'll will look at the branch.14:34
elopioanybody has an idea about what's going on here? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/goget-ubuntu-touch/+bug/147072714:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 1470727 in goget-ubuntu-touch (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-device-flash touch fails with: failed to find user uid/gid" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:35
fgimenezelopio, ok thanks, the idf issue seems to be related to something else different from the image version or even udf, which hasn't been updated lately14:35
sergiusenselopio: fgimenez heh, mvo is taking care of that; it's related to the latest landing of changing clickpkg to snappypkg as the user to install under14:36
sergiusensmvo: I have a hackier solution; just create clickpkg in /etc/passwd with the same uid/gid as snappypkg and list it after the snappypkg :-P14:37
mvosergiusens: woah, thats … scary14:37
sergiusensmvo: supported and works though ;-)14:37
elopiook, I see. Thanks.14:39
sergiusensmvo: http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/networking/puis/ch04_01.htm 4.1.2 :-P14:44
elopioballoons, dholbach: did you avoid on purpose mentioning this IRC channel on the wiki page? or should I add it?14:44
dholbachelopio, I thought I had added it - please add it if I forgot14:45
balloonsty elopio .. feel free to edit that wiki page(S)14:45
elopioon it...14:46
mvoelopio: yeah, my fault, but I think I have a plan for a fix (unless sergiusens keeps confusing me ;)14:46
sergiusensmvo: the uid/gid alias is magic and 2 lines of livecdrootfs ;-)14:48
ogra_sergiusens, and one spare build to collect the new md514:51
Chipacamvo: how goes squashfs?14:53
ogra_totally squashed14:54
Chipacaso much so, now it's called sqlfs14:55
Chipacawait, no14:55
mvoChipaca: did I send you the spreadsheet already with my results so far?14:56
Chipacamvo: well, i didn't see it14:57
=== kickinz1|afk is now known as kickinz1
Chipacamvo: ta15:00
mvoChipaca: the percentages are pretty terrible, but the absolute time is not too bad15:01
sergiusensmvo: percentages of?15:02
mvoChipaca: there is a additional sheet with the memory consumption15:02
mvosergiusens: startup time overhead with squashfs15:02
elopiobeuno: did you see the invitation about the open house on tuesday? sergiusens pointed out correctly that we haven't invited anybody from the store.15:36
elopiocould you (or somebody from your team) join us?15:36
elopiomvo: is this a bug in gettext? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~snappy-dev/snappy/snappy/view/head:/po/snappy.pot#L8915:51
elopioor should we just not comment things before the G line ?15:51
mvoelopio: let me look at the code15:52
mvoelopio: I think thats a gettext problem, at least partialy. the alternative xgettext-go uses a slightly different heurisitic to find the comments, if there is a blank line, it will not consider the comment15:54
elopiomvo: cool. So with your proposed branch we get a lot of nicer things.16:03
elopiorsalveti: can we publish the rc we will be testing in cdimage.ubuntu.com ?16:11
elopiomterry: you like translations, right?17:18
mterryelopio, heh I suppose I do  :)17:18
mterryelopio, but mvo has been the architect of snappy's gettext support17:18
rsalvetielopio: sure, once we get the rc I can build the pre-built images and publish them there17:19
mterryelopio, looks good though17:19
elopioballoons: ^ so no need to document ubuntu-device-flash, for now.17:19
elopiothanks mterry. I think mvo is super busy trying to get his holidays :)17:21
elopioogra_: will you publish a raspberry pi for the RC?17:23
elopio*a raspberry pi image.17:23
sergiusensrsalveti: do you mind doing what the comment in https://code.launchpad.net/~mvo/snappy/snappy-clickpkg-snappypkg-meh/+merge/263681 mentions?17:46
rsalvetisergiusens: so pushing to wily, rebuilding udf and copying over to tools-proposed?18:44
rsalvetiguess the usual dance18:44
rsalvetisergiusens: will wait the auto-merge to kick-in18:48
elopioit's missing the commit message.18:51
=== bschaefer_ is now known as bschaefer
rsalvetielopio: keep forgetting about that19:03
rsalvetishould be good to release now19:03
rsalvetiChipaca: sergiusens: elopio: do we have the rollback work for apps already, in case it fails when updating19:07
rsalvetiguess that would be connected with health checks and hooks, which is not yet done19:07
rsalvetijust thinking how we can roll back the app in case the app can be successfully installed but not properly working19:07
rsalvetimanik_: ^19:08
rsalvetihaha, mvo forgot to update the changelog this time19:09
elopiorsalveti: we can copy many of the tests we have to the hello world snap. But I have tons of questions. First, the format of course.19:10
elopiothen more interesting things, like19:10
elopiowe had this error on hello-world.evil that wasn't printing the error. That wasn't caused by the app.19:10
elopioso we can install the app, get green on its health checks. Then update the system, and we want to update the app we will get red on its health checks.19:11
elopioso I suppose a ubuntu-core update should run the health checks of all the installed snaps.19:11
ogra_that will make it long and slow19:12
manik_this has nothing to do with ubuntu core19:12
ogra_(depending on the amount of apps indeed)19:12
manik_well, could be19:12
elopioindeed. Long and slow, and we no longer control de updates. They will be affected by third parties.19:12
rsalvetiguess first step would have the health checks and testing hooks for the app itself19:12
manik_but my question was that can we offer the system (snappy core + app such as network OS) uptime guarantee19:13
rsalvetihow that mix with the system image, it's still unclear19:13
ogra_i guess we also need a switch to turn off the auto-rollback ... i.e. if you want to develop and debug your snap you should be able to force-install a broken one via sideloading19:13
manik_such that core/app updates guarantee a functioning box19:13
rsalvetithe goal is to have update/rollback for every snap type19:13
rsalvetijust not sure what was discussed about that yet19:14
elopioogra_: that's right too.19:14
manik_auto rollback is the key here19:14
manik_and sure, the requirement for debugging also makes sense19:14
manik_in line with ogra_19:14
elopiowould it help if we make a binary hello-world.test to start playing with it?19:17
rsalvetielopio: I think so, but I'm sure sergiusens and Chipaca probably know more about this as well19:20
rsalvetithe missing pieces and such19:21
rsalvetibut definitely something we need to do soon19:21
rsalvetiand backport to 15.04 as well19:21
manik_i guess, we can expose a declarative in package.yaml to give the snap developers the capability to auto-rollback or not19:22
manik_unless, there's a better option19:22
manik_this would take care of both debugging/production use cases19:23
elopiowhat if we make this just an extra command?19:23
elopiosnappy selfcheck will run all the snappy tests, and all the tests of the snapps installed.19:24
elopioif we do it after an update, we are still able to do a rollback if an update breaks an app.19:24
manik_who will invoke this cmd?19:24
elopiothe person who invoked the update.19:25
manik_ see, that's the problem... cause no one will19:25
manik_at least in enterprises19:25
manik_at scale, we need to define what should happen automaticallyu19:25
rsalvetiright, it needs to be something automatically done for the app that gets updated19:25
ogra_well, it could be a separate command that gets auto-invoked after snappy update19:26
rsalvetisergiusens: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-snappy/1.4ubuntu119:26
ogra_in case anyone sees benefit in having it separate :)19:26
manik_why only snappy updates? what about app updates only?19:26
elopioan it could be removed.19:26
ogra_i meant the command :)19:26
ogra_"snappy update foo"19:26
ogra_(foo being the app)19:26
rsalvetimterry: guess we can make the demo branch trunk at some point, and start having code review for it as well (snapcraft)19:27
rsalvetiwhen you get comfortable with the cleanup19:27
manik_and how will we take care of the cases where it shouldn't be auto-invoked after an update?19:27
mterryrsalveti, yeah fair19:28
ogra_manik_, by having an option you can hand to snappy ... "snappy update --no-check foo"19:30
ogra_or some such19:30
kyrofarsalveti, is there an equivalent to reviews.ubuntu.com/click/api/1.0/reviews for snaps?19:31
manik_ogra_: again, i think my concern is that for small scale of devices, this is all good.. but at massive scale, when an orchestration tool drives app installation/updates and we need to guarantee system uptime regardless of app update failure, this is not very clean19:31
ogra_manik_, in such setups you wouldnt manually call snappy update ... that --no-check is really only for developers to be able to debug a broken snap (or to develop it)19:32
kyrofarsalveti, I'm not sure who's running the store stuff, so feel free to redirect me19:33
ogra_manik_, i dont see any use case for it in actual production envs :)19:33
manik_ogra_: right, so by default every app will be auto-rollback'ed19:33
manik_we don't want that19:34
manik_i'll give you examples19:34
ogra_you rather want to have a broken app installed that runs amok ?19:34
manik_let me explain19:34
manik_network OS running on snappy, stores persistent information in format 1 in v1.0, and an update for v2.0 changes the persistent object storage to format 2 which only v2.0 can read19:35
manik_in this situation, even though the app update failed, you don't want to rollback19:35
Chipacathe data directories are different19:35
ogra_you want to roll back to the complete old stack ... including your data19:35
Chipacathe data directory of a snap gets copied on install of a new version19:36
Chipacathat is, the current data dir is copied to the new data dir after stopping the current snap's services19:36
Chipacaif you roll back, you use the old data dir19:36
Chipacanow, if it's the os snap, then it's more complicated :)19:37
Chipacabut any installed snap is like above19:37
manik_Chipaca: are you referring to snappy itself when you refer to the OS snap? or a Network OS running on top of snappy19:37
* ogra_ guesses snappy itself19:39
ogra_an network OS is just like any other app snap19:39
Chipacamanik_: the core operating system that includes snappy itself19:40
manik_i have 1 other scenario, but this is highly unlikely if not entirely implausible19:41
ogra_these are the best ;)19:41
Chipacashoot :)19:41
manik_the app depends on interaction with a 3rd party such as a server for its own continuous operation19:41
Chipacais the server local to the device, or remote?19:42
manik_some changes at the server necessitate updates from v1 --> v219:42
ogra_thats actually a good one ...19:42
manik_in this case, the v1 apps cease to exist because server can't handle connections from v1 apps19:42
ogra_can an app request to update itself ?19:42
Chipacano, an app can't request to update itself19:43
ogra_well, should we support it ?19:43
Chipacaogra_: i'm not sure how that helps :)19:43
Chipacaautopilot would find and install new versions of the app19:43
ogra_indeed v2 would have to be in the store already19:43
Chipacaso, what you would do19:43
ogra_right it would also have to be able to suppress the update19:44
Chipacais get your v2 ready in a beta channel or something19:44
Chipacaand when you throw the switch to make v2 the current version of the server19:44
Chipacayou move v2 to the stable channel19:44
ogra_thats a lot of coordination work19:44
Chipacaand not recommended19:44
Chipacabut that's how you'd do it if you needed to make a hard cutoff19:44
rsalvetikyrofa: guess beuno is your friend for that19:44
Chipacaideally you'd have a window19:45
Chipacawhere v1 and v2 are both ok19:45
rsalvetisergiusens might know as well, since he is working on the rest api19:45
ogra_updating the server and sending a push/update command to the nodes sounds easier19:45
Chipacaand you'd move people over inside that window19:45
kyrofarsalveti, thanks!19:45
Chipacaogra_: hm, not sure we're wanting to address that kind of hard client-server sync19:45
ogra_unless you have a hard ABI break onn the server or so19:45
ogra_where its either/or19:46
Chipacaso, hard cut-offs could happen19:46
ogra_well, the case is definitely very corner :)19:46
Chipacai've had to orchestrate a couple myself :)19:46
manik_in this case, if the v2 of the snap can explicitly request not to roll-back as part of its package.yaml and than later in the future v3 can renew that guarantee19:46
kyrofabeuno, does the store support reviews for snaps yet? i.e. the snap equivalent of reviews.ubuntu.com/click/api/1.0/reviews19:46
Chipacamanik_: hmm, disagree19:46
elopiohum, and we might want some types of health-checks that contact an external service.19:46
ogra_elopio, careful what you wish for :)19:47
Chipacamanik_: if v2 is getting rolled back automatically it's because it's broken19:47
* ogra_ sees the privacy trolls standing on the side already 19:47
Chipacamanik_: so, ok, v1 won't be much better19:47
manik_right, but we want to let the app developer decide if they can support rollback with their architecture or not19:47
Chipacamanik_: but it's not worse. note you already tested that it should work by having it in a different channel.19:47
rsalvetiright, why would we rollback v219:47
ogra_rsalveti, because it fails to start for some reason19:48
ogra_typo in the config ... bad testing etc19:48
rsalvetiexactly, so it's known to be broken19:48
rsalvetiand as Chipaca said, as useful as v119:48
ogra_rsalveti, right, but the server it talks to can only handle requests from v2 now19:48
Chipacanow, *manual* rollback, i could see disallowing or, better / easier, alerting the user as to it being a bad idea19:48
ogra_its a client/server scenario19:48
Chipacamanual rollback is advanced user territory anyway19:49
ogra_with a hard dep between them19:49
Chipacaogra_: yes, i get it, v1 is useless19:49
Chipacaogra_: but v2 is broken19:49
rsalvetiI think it's fine to have a flag or such that could set the auto rollback or not19:49
rsalvetiif you want to force that19:49
Chipacaoh, ok :)19:49
manik_i just want the developer to control whether he wishes to have rollback or not19:50
manik_this way we are not imposing this as a hard requirement19:50
manik_and also get out of the way of these corner case discussions19:50
manik_we just tell the end customer, if you want rollback, we can provide it19:50
rsalvetiright, I think that's fair19:50
ogra_well, rather "if you want to suppress it"19:52
ogra_it should be the default19:52
manik_ogra_: i think the challenge with that is that most systems do not guarantee app rollbacks and i am not sure if many developers take care of all corner cases in terms of rollback19:53
ogra_its one of our key features19:53
rsalvetiogra_: right19:53
manik_what we are proposing with snappy is an entirely new way of updates/rollbacks19:53
rsalvetihave a way to suppress it19:53
* ogra_ imagines something like: snappy config ubuntu-core set no-rollbacks19:54
ogra_but by default rollbacks happen19:54
manik_what's the advantage to doing default rollbacks?19:55
ogra_that you can never end up with a broken libreoffice on your desktop ;)19:55
ogra_and that your firewall route still works after a failed update19:55
ogra_or that your delivery drone has no outage due to an upgrade failure19:56
rsalvetiforcing a default for rollbacks is to make sure the system is always in a usable state19:56
ogra_(so you can immediately use it again even after failed upgrades)19:56
manik_if a declarative flag in package.yaml is mandatory and defaults to yes, this can still achieve the same goal of rollback but forces the developer to think about all corner cases for rollbacks19:56
ogra_yeah, but it bloats the package.yaml for everyone19:57
rsalvetidon't need to put in package.yaml if that is already the default19:57
ogra_for a small percentage of apps that dont want rollback19:57
manik_ok, my idea was just to make the developers explicitly aware that we will do this..  in case for whatever reason that are not thinking straight19:58
ogra_well, we advertise that pretty badly :)19:58
ogra_hard to not be aware of it19:58
manik_ok, so we have an agreement on this19:59
manik_now, the real question is, is this capability already there?19:59
manik_or parts of it19:59
ogra_thats the trick question in this conversation :)19:59
ogra_(see the beginning of the discussion, it isnt ... )20:00
rsalvetisergiusens: will you backport https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1459749 as well?20:00
ubottuUbuntu bug 1459749 in Snappy 15.04 "Origins for frameworks and oem packages are lost after install" [High,Triaged]20:00
rsalvetigoing to put it under the 15.04.2 milestone20:00
manik_is this being tracked at the trello boards?20:01
mvomeh, what changelog did I forget?20:02
rsalvetimvo: 1.3ubuntu1 for ubuntu-snappy20:03
rsalvetimvo: but no worries, already pushed the packaging changes20:03
mvorsalveti: uh, thanks, sorry for forgetting the bzr push20:03
rsalvetimvo: np, I always forget that as well20:04
ogra_yeah, it is awful20:04
manik_rsalveti: where can i review the 15.04.2 milestones?20:05
ogra_using debian/changelog works though ;)20:05
rsalvetimanik_: https://trello.com/c/KaabaSIw/160-application-rollback-on-updates20:06
rsalvetiwill discuss this with the team again next wekk20:06
rsalvetihalf of the team is off tomorrow20:06
rsalvetimanik_: https://launchpad.net/snappy/+milestone/15.04.220:06
rsalvetiI'm still reviewing the bugs20:07
manik_what about the option of granular system resource control20:07
manik_for example an app requesting 2CPUs, 5G RAM, 10G storage and 1G bandwidth20:08
manik_basically, exposing the system cgroup mapping to the app developer to let them decide20:09
ogra_sounds pretty dangerous20:10
* ogra_ guesses that needs some security team input20:10
rsalvetithat's a big topic20:10
manik_yes, i did send an email on this to the alias during the IoM sprint20:11
manik_but i guess everyone was too caught up at that time20:11
mvosergiusens: thanks again for the adduser/useradd patches, I uploaded them now. I added a task to push the patches to debian, feel free to do that otherwise I will send them early next week (if they merge the diff we have less delta to maintain :)20:11
ogra_mvo, a compelling argument for them might be that we got the extrausers idea from their server setups :)20:12
ogra_(i'm still surprised debian hasnt patched the tools themselves yet)20:13
beunokyrofa, it does, there's no material difference between snaps and clicks20:32
kyrofabeuno, so I can use the same API, but use snap package IDs?20:33
beunokyrofa, indeed you can20:34
kyrofabeuno, how about screenshots?20:34
beunokyrofa, yes, no differences between clicks and snaps20:34
sergiusensrsalveti: no need to rebuild u-d-f20:35
rsalvetithen just copying to tools-proposed20:35
kyrofabeuno, very good, thank you :)20:42
sergiusensrsalveti: yes, I will backport that origins bug, I created the 15.04 task for it, but forgot to add a milestone for it20:43
rsalvetisergiusens: cool20:43
sergiusensrsalveti: ultimately, we don't need to copy u-d-f for it to work, but it would be good to get personal there anyways.20:52

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