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dholbachgood morning06:46
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: well our next steps now will be to release a opt in package of it in the SDK ppa06:56
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: and then we'll see whats required next06:56
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin: ah hey06:56
akiva-thinkpadbout to head out06:56
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin: how do you want to do the opt in?06:56
akiva-thinkpadJust have it in the "About Plugins", but disabled by default?06:57
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: but i'm afraid if you want to upstream it very soon you would need to do that yourself since we have no timeslot for that atm. Before we can start to upstream our stuff we first wold need the ui toolkit to be upstreamed and then move on from there. But I do not see that we will have enought time soon06:57
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: no , let people apt-get install qtcreator-plugin-autopilot if they want it.06:58
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin: that's fine. This isn't exactly a priority.06:58
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: we will not depend on it for now06:58
zbenjaminwhen we are sure its finished and tested enough then it will become a part of the ubuntu sdk06:59
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin: I wouldn't mind working on a different project for the next bit. Anything you need help with?06:59
akiva-thinkpadyou* as in the team working on the touch in general.06:59
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: oh we have loads of work :D, just check out the bugtracker on a project you are interested in and start hacking.07:00
akiva-thinkpadheh sure~07:00
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin: anyways before I depart; I pushed another update that fixed a segfault, and resized the window to fit the background. Before I hop to a different project, what do you need done on the autopilot plugin? I just want to make sure I leave it in a nice state.07:02
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: did you create a new MR for that?07:02
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin: I think so.07:02
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin: yes, sent to the ubuntu sdk team07:03
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: cool, i'll check it out, you can always work on some of your steps you listed that you wanted to fix. I did not have time yet to figure out more07:03
akiva-thinkpadokay sure; as long as nothing stands out.07:03
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin: Am I vetted enough to be able to be on the sdk team yet?07:04
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: that is a question for bzoltan_, not sure if you can be without actually working for us07:04
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin: fair enough!07:05
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: but even if you are not, its the same work flow, branch , hack hack hack, make merge request, get it approved. After that it makes no difference on who merges ;)07:06
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: what you can always do is to write tests for your stuff07:06
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin: well the main thing is that I can't update the synopsis on the project page, which is now out of date due to new merges.07:07
zbenjamintell me what to change07:07
akiva-thinkpadand I guess one final thing; as a developer, is there anything you think I need to work on? I really like the feedback.07:07
akiva-thinkpad× Update of test suite on request (Low Priority) -- you can do that now.07:08
akiva-thinkpadand you should remove    × Get a Device, because I don't actually have one. (Medium Priority) -- as that refers to me07:08
akiva-thinkpadI still don't have one :(07:08
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: well, as a developer if you want to work with C++, boost your knowledge about pointers. That was the main problem because it had lots of leaking stuff in the beginning07:10
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: did you do java before?07:10
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin: yeah I was under the impression that a lot of the pointers auto-deleted. I also need to make a better habit of checking for null pointers07:11
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: so, read about QObject parentships07:11
akiva-thinkpadzbenjamin: Will do!07:11
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: they are deleted automatically if their parent is deleted. But you need to specify the parent of course ;)07:12
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: so generally if you "new" something take extra care that either YOU delete it, or something takes ownership of the pointer07:12
akiva-thinkpadyeah, and there is that attribute you can also set, that I didn't know about that will delete if you close the window.07:12
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: yes for Widgets07:13
akiva-thinkpadGood stuff.07:13
zbenjaminthen reading the Qt code if you have a problem with it teaches you a good deal of how to write code07:13
akiva-thinkpadAnyways I won't keep you any longer. Oh you should also remove this:    ✓ HUD/menu integration (left alt in unity7)07:14
zbenjaminthats how i started years ago ;), but i did know how to write C and C++07:14
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: done , thanks for putting your time into that07:15
akiva-thinkpadall great stuff. Thanks so much for the guidance and reviewing my code. I learned a ton07:15
zbenjaminso when you are interested in something different don't be afraid to ping the code maintainer, or ask balloons he can point you to the right people07:15
akiva-thinkpadCool. Later on I may ask you and some of the other devs I have worked with to sit as a reference on a job application. Is that alright presuming it isn't burdensome?07:17
akiva-thinkpadIt helps if I can show that sort of experience to other potential employers.07:19
zbenjaminakiva-thinkpad: sure07:21
akiva-thinkpadGreat stuff! Thanks; it is extremely appreciated.07:21
akiva-thinkpadOkay I gtg.07:23
mivoligomzanetti: hi, what was the option to run MvsM in dev mode?07:45
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mcphailDoes anyone know whether qmlscene si going to be the long-term solution to launching qml apps? It is not a production-ready piece of software (and explicitly admits that), and is very slow.09:04
mcphail"The qmlscene utility is meant to be used for testing your QML applications, and not as a launcher in a production environment." from http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qtquick-qmlscene.html09:06
ogra_i heard it will be dropped soon in favour of an actual launcher09:08
ogra_me thinks he remembers mzanetti saying something like that09:09
mcphailogra_: that's great news. Think it will bring a huge leap forward in the usability of the phone09:09
ogra_if qmlscene gets renamed ?09:09
mcphailogra_: if qmlscence gets nuked from orbit09:10
ogra_i dont see what would change in the usability due to that :)09:10
ogra_it will just get a new name and likely function a little bit different09:10
mcphailogra_: that would be a disaster. Loading times for simple apps are too long09:10
mcphailogra_: apps without qmlscene are faster09:11
mzanettimcphail, it's really not the qmlscene binary that's slow, but the creation of the QQuickView and then the building of the QML object tree09:16
mcphailmzanetti: is there work going on to profile that?09:16
mzanettinot that I'm aware of09:17
mcphailmzanetti: reason I'm asking is because some of the MX4 users have expressed disappointment that app loading is still slow despite much better hardware09:17
mcphailmzanetti: so it seems crazy to rely on a launcher which admits it is not fit for purpose09:18
mcphailpersonally, I cringe when someone asks to see my phone and it takes 5 seconds for the dialler app to open09:20
mzanettimcphail, fwiw, the dialer app doesn't use qmlscene09:21
mcphailmzanetti: aah - what is the delay there then?09:21
mzanettimcphail, it's really not the qmlscene binary that's slow, but the creation of the QQuickView and then the building of the QML object tree09:22
mcphailmzanetti: so, is the dialler a "normal" Qt app with a qml frontend?09:23
mcphailmzanetti: so my frustration should be expressed upstream to the Qt people?09:23
mzanettinot sure how much that helps... but yeah, it's not ubuntu that's adding the slowness09:23
mcphailThat is enlightening. Thanks for correcting my misperceptions09:24
mzanettiit's hard... I mean... maybe the dialer app could be optimized a bit still09:24
mzanettithen in theory one could preload a QQuickView and hand it over (like MeeGo did), but our security team thinks that's too risky09:25
mzanettithen there are ongoing threats on the qt devel mailing list about speeding up creation of some things09:25
mcphailmzanetti: that was going to be my next question :(09:25
DanChapmanis the qml compiler still tied to qt version? That would help a *bit* if that's no longer a restriction09:25
* DanChapman googles09:26
mzanettiwe have the qml compiler in use afaik, well a self made one afaict09:26
mzanettithat did improve things by a second or so09:26
ogra_mcphail, if an app starts slow on the MX but fast on the other phones, it is surely not qmlscene at fault ;)09:27
mcphailogra_: app don't start quickly on the bq09:27
ogra_the hardware and driver side of the MX4 simply still needs a lot of love09:27
mzanettiI'd be happy if I'd be able to flash that thing :D09:28
greybackmzanetti: we use qml caching - not the same as compiling. But caching does improve startup perf09:28
ogra_(if you have the ability to use both phones side by side you would actually agree ;) )09:28
mcphailogra_: :)09:28
ogra_mzanetti, OTA works fine, you only need to get over the hump once ;)09:28
mzanettiogra_, what do you think I'm doing here?09:29
ogra_get a USB 1.1 HUB ;)09:29
ogra_(definitely helps if you slow down the USB speed)09:29
mzanettihmm.. interesting. maybe I could flash it from an RPI09:30
ogra_lol, i never tried that09:30
mcphailI've got a Baldur's Gate install which is a 137MB package, opening 2GB of data from the SD card. It opens instantly when I click the icon. But a QML app I've written of  a few dozen lines of code takes 4--5 seconds to open. Something is badly wrong there09:30
ogra_not sure we even have a ubuntu-device-flash binary for armhf09:30
mzanettimcphail, and you think thsoe 2GB of data are loaded at startup?09:31
mcphailmzanetti: no, but most of the 137MB is09:31
mzanettinot sure about that09:31
mcphailmzanetti: I compiled the package...09:31
popeyThe other C++ apps also start instantly.09:31
mzanettiwell... again... it's loading the QQuickView and building the object tree. It's a bit like opening a browser and loading a (local) website09:32
mivoligomzanetti: what was the command to run MvsM in developer mode? I have to fix that level 23 ;) It's harder on easy than on hard09:40
mzanettihow did you manage to do that?09:40
mivoligoI think is because the enemies on hard synchronize better to tower shots on that level09:41
mivoligomzanetti: what should be before "-d"? :P I really don't remember09:44
mzanettiqmlscene -I path/to/builddir/backend/ path/to/machines-vs-machines.qml -d09:45
mivoligonormally I just start from SDK09:46
mzanettimivoligo, you can add the -d to the sdk09:46
mzanettiin project -> run settings -> additional arguments09:46
mivoligomzanetti: great, that's useful :)09:46
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mzanettipopey, rpadovani, joining?15:33
nik90bzoltan_: ping20:34
nik90bzoltan_: (leaving messages for you to read when you come online)20:34
nik90bzoltan_: Is there anything holding up https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/alarmmodel-segfault/+merge/262074 ?20:35
nik90bzoltan_: zsombi_ told me we could get it into OTA-5. Is that still the plan?20:35
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