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sil2100mvo: hey! Yeah, right now we don't support syncing packages that don't have a CI Train ver number, you'll have to do a direct upload with the version demangled08:18
mvosil2100: what the best way forward for me, can I just give it a ci-train friendly version number?08:20
sil2100mvo: that could work, but I think your packaging has some metadata set that tells the train: "don't change my version number to a CI Train version"08:26
sil2100You would have to change that, I can take a look if that's the case08:27
sil2100Since once that flag is gone, the train will automatically prepare the version number to be train compatible08:27
sil2100mvo: but wait a moment08:27
sil2100You might have found a bug in the train08:28
sil2100Or maybe not...08:29
sil2100So yeah, I suppose that's the only option to use dual landings08:29
sil2100Since otherwise the train wouldn't know how to change the version numbers to not have conflict08:29
sil2100(too much guessing work would be needed)08:29
sil2100mvo: if you don't mind the big CI Train-compatible versioning, simply remove X-Auto-Uploader: no-rewrite-version from debian/control and rebuild08:31
mvosil2100: thanks, if cjwatson is ok with me removing "X-Auto-Uploader: no-rewrite-version from debian/control" I will do that. I wonder why this wasn't a issue before? has something changed here?08:40
sil2100mvo: it's only an issue for dual-landings, which robru wrote when we switched to the overlay-PPA, so not long ago08:41
sil2100mvo: click probably wasn't dual landed before08:41
mvosil2100: I see, thanks that makes sense08:42
cjwatsonmvo: Your call08:51
mvocjwatson: thanks!08:56
mvosil2100: meh, I accidently clicked on "build" in ubuntu/landing-21 instead of in my click ppa, no harm fortunately. sorry for that08:57
sil2100 No worries, happens to me sometimes too ;p08:57
mvosil2100: meh, fun! now it dislikes me for "bzr: ERROR: Inconsistency between source format and version: version is not native, format is native." when I remove the mangling. maybe I just do it manually (which makes me wonder what the benefit of the train is if I do it manually?)09:34
sil2100Ah, right, the package format ;|09:35
sil2100mvo: yeah, the train dual landings make sense and help a lot when dealing with train-specific packages09:36
mvosil2100: I would love to use it, any hints what I can try to make it work? switching to non-native?09:41
sil2100mvo: yeah... the train is a bit of a stupid entity (mostly because it was only a proof-of-concept), so non-native is the way to go if you want to use it...09:44
sil2100The CI Airlines was supposed to be the smart thing09:44
sil2100But it never happened09:44
sil2100huh, now that's strange09:50
sil2100mvo: you're missing a .bzr thingie09:50
mvosil2100: oh, in the version number?09:50
sil2100No no09:50
sil2100mkdir -p .bzr-builddeb09:50
sil2100cat >.bzr-builddeb/default.conf <<EOF09:50
sil2100split = True09:50
mvooh, of course. thanks09:50
sil2100Do this in your project :)09:51
mvothanks sil210009:51
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karnirvr: (Cc davmor2) Hi, I was away yesterday, sorry. I'll look into it, I was sure I merged those missing translations properly. Today gets it from Telegram, those strings should be translated.10:47
rvrkarni: Ack10:47
davmor2karni: boo or yay which ever works for you today ;)10:48
jgdxdavmor2, how's config hell?11:31
davmor2jgdx: I hate you, I have an effigy of you that I burning now ;)  so freeradius has 100 setups everyone is different all are mostly old, some bits of some work some bits don't and visa versa, it is not fun at all.11:35
jgdxdavmor2, it's popey's bug. I kindly request all malice be directed towards him :d11:40
jgdxbut maybe you have other QA guys that are close to an eduroam network and have access?11:41
popeyI filed that bug when I was at Oggcamp in Liverpool in 2013. I'll be back there in Oct/Nov this year. Would be great to report progress on the bug at that event ㋛11:42
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* davmor2 stabs the popey voodoo doll repeatedly with a small pin11:47
davmor2jgdx: Hmm I wonder if wolverhampton uni uses it11:48
popeygood luck getting a user/password11:50
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dobeytrainguards: my silo (21) seems confused now because apparently mvo tried to build it earlier without specifying any options and actually meant to build a different silo. i did a WATCH_ONLY build, but the status doesn't seem to be updating properly?12:31
sil2100dobey: what's wrong with its status?12:32
dobeysil2100: it says "No packages are being considered..."12:32
sil210014:27 -queuebot:#ubuntu-ci-eng- Silos: ubuntu/landing-021 (dobey, alecu, charles)12:32
sil2100          Packages built (pay-service, unity-scope-click)12:32
sil2100The queuebot disagrees ;)12:32
sil2100Remember, the CI Train spreadsheet status updates every 5 minutes12:33
dobeyok now the dashboard has the right thing12:33
sil2100Better trust the dashboard and queuebot12:33
sil2100Google is slow12:33
dobeythe dashboard was wrong too :)12:33
dobeybut it's right now12:33
sil2100Yeah, since the QA status is coming from the spreadsheet12:33
sil2100So until that updates, it won't have all the info12:34
* sil2100 off to lunch12:44
dobeyjibel: hi, the MPs for landing-021 are reviewd/approved now, so is unblocked now for qa i think :)13:07
jibeldobey, thanks, moved to ready.13:10
jibeldobey, I probably already asked, but what is the reason of the unsatisfied dependencies in the ci jobs?13:11
dobeyjibel: unity-scope-click needs the new libpay, which is not available in jenkins (but is obviously satisfied in the silo since both are in it)13:12
jgdxdavmor2, will we miss the string freeze for this? USS has another high pri branch on the tracks. :)13:22
jgdx(no update for 5 hours worries me :))13:24
jgdxsil2100, when do we have string freeze?13:25
davmor2jgdx: one last thing to test I think I have the server setup right now13:31
jgdxdavmor2, wee13:33
charlestrainguards, queubot is right, I'm ready for a silo for line 74 :)13:54
Laneycihelp: hi, can you give me any more info on https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/wily-boottest-ubuntu-touch-meta/lastBuild/console please? It looks installable to me - is there pinning involved, or anything else?13:59
josephtLaney: looking13:59
oSoMoNubuntu-qa: is there anyone who could validate silo 2 soon-ish? I’m asking because I have another webbrowser-app silo lined up for landing today (will be ready for validation very soon), it contains user-facing string changes so it has to land today14:04
rvrdavmor2: ^ Can you?14:05
jibelom26er_, ^14:05
Laneyjosepht: If nothing else you could add "-oDebug::pkgProblemResolver=true" to the appropriate apt-get invocation which should get it to give more output14:05
jibelrvr, davmor2 is on another silo14:05
rvrjibel: I thought he moved it to passed14:06
om26er_jibel, sure, i'll take a look14:06
jibelactually he just landed it14:06
davmor2jibel: it passed14:06
davmor2jgdx: ^ by the way incase you missed it finally found a guide that worked :)14:08
jibeldavmor2, great, you won the title of expert in freeradius configuration ;)14:09
jgdxdavmor2, yeah dave can you come configure my home router?14:10
davmor2jgdx: there is still no certification verification it is only enterprise level user/password  but it works :)14:10
jgdxdavmor2, great work!14:11
* sil2100 gazes at poor ogra_ 14:19
ogra_sil2100, i'll try to get to it today (rushing from meeting to meeting atm)14:20
jgdxseb128, ^14:22
jgdxseb128, what's the solution to silo 40's publishing?14:22
seb128jgdx, good question, I've no idea ;-)14:23
seb128landing team can probably help14:23
seb128either commit the change from wily to trunk and rebuild the silo14:23
seb128or overwrite the archive version14:23
jgdxtrainguards: can silo 40 overwrite the archive version?14:24
jgdxtrainguards: there was a manual upload that can be overwritten/discarded.14:24
seb128it would be better if it was not14:25
seb128but I don't want to delay landings on it14:25
seb128I might just redo another manually upload with those changes after the landing :p14:25
sil2100jgdx: yes, that can be done by an override flag, we do recommend to merge in the changes manually to trunk though14:25
sil2100But if time is of the essence, there's a flag for overriding that check14:26
jgdxsil2100, time is of essence.. seb128, you okay with overwrite?14:26
seb128if we merge to trunk then we need a silo rebuild14:26
seb128jgdx, sure, I'm just going to redo a manual upload after you :p14:26
davmor2jgdx: https://dani33l.wordpress.com/2014/11/ this is the working guide, there are a couple of things I had to do on top 1 is documented at the bottom the other was to use phpadmin to ensure the user was created on first attempt it wasn't14:26
sil2100Use FORCE_REBUILD when building14:26
jgdxseb128, what if we include your branch in silo 22?14:26
sil2100That's like our magic flag for almost everything14:26
seb128jgdx, that would be good14:27
jgdxsil2100, am I to do the publish with the override flag or is that you guys?14:27
sil2100We'll do that now14:28
jgdxsil2100, awesome, thank you14:28
jgdxsil2100, wonderful. Quick question, will silo 22, when built, see the changes made by silo 40?14:32
jgdxif not, where's the answer to that question? Launchpad?14:33
seb128jgdx, we might get a conflict on the changelog, I think I'm just going to manually commit/push to trunk once the current landing is merged in, then we can rebuild the silo14:35
jgdxseb128, okay, you'll let me know when I can rebuild?14:36
seb128jgdx, ok14:36
charlesmakes sense14:54
josephtLaney: the output is here: http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/wily-boottest-ubuntu-touch-meta/21/artifact/results/log14:58
robrusil2100: mvo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DailyRelease/InlinePackaging these are the packaging instructions for making packages compatible with the train14:59
pstolowskisil2100, hey! where do I find packages with debug symbols for stuff from overlay ppa?14:59
Laneyjosepht: no debug output there...14:59
sil2100pstolowski: hm, not sure if we have that setup15:00
mvorobru: nice, thanks a bunch15:00
Laneyjosepht: maybe it went to apt-get-install.stderr, what happened to that?15:02
robrumvo you're welcome15:02
josephtLaney: I'm trying to track it down now15:03
* Laney knows not how to attach artifacts to jenkins15:04
rvrbfiller: You don't have permission to access /~bfiller/com.ubuntu.gallery_2.9.1.1205_armhf.click on this server.15:08
pstolowskisil2100, hmm that's really unfortunate :(15:12
pmcgowansil2100, pstolowski our tracking document says its supported15:17
pmcgowanThis makes it possible to query the Launchpad librarian directly for debug symbols associated with a package in any ppa.15:17
sil2100Maybe, maybe someone else would know more details15:18
pmcgowanmaybe its not debug packages though just querying the symbols15:20
pstolowskipmcgowan, awesome, this would save me a lot of time15:20
pstolowskipmcgowan, what is the 'tracking document'?15:20
pmcgowancjwatson, maybe you can advise us15:21
pmcgowanpstolowski, compares ppa wth derived distro https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iQebOdbio-8k4vMcHAZ8SPhqAUlQws47SihlHKfrxOQ/edit15:21
abeatosil2100, is it possible to drop the version of a package in a silo once it has been built once by modifying the version in the changelog?15:21
karnirvr: (Cc robru) I've updated the Telegram click with translations. Not sure if it was not there, or just not translated, but I ensured this time spanish translation for scope strings are in the click package. Ready for re-review (as it was only blocked on i18n). Thanks15:22
cjwatsonpstolowski: What specific package is this?15:23
sil2100abeato: hey! What do you mean by that? You mean like, dropping a version that's already released in the archive?15:24
pstolowskicjwatson, libunity-scopes315:24
abeatosil2100, no15:24
abeatosil2100, I have version 6900 for ofono in silo 615:24
cjwatsonpstolowski: It's right there in http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/stable-phone-overlay/ubuntu/pool/main/u/unity-scopes-api/15:25
abeatosil2100, I modified the changelog setting the version to 689815:25
abeatosil2100, but the package version did not change15:25
cjwatsonpstolowski: You can put something like "deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ci-train-ppa-service/stable-phone-overlay/ubuntu vivid main/debug" in sources.list if you want apt to be able to fetch it15:26
sil2100abeato: yeah, it's not really possible... if, let's say, 6900 is now in the PPA, it's not possible to upload anything that has a smaller or equal version15:26
pstolowskicjwatson, great! thanks for help15:26
cjwatsonsil2100,pmcgowan: ^- it's definitely set up :)15:26
sil2100abeato: hm, wait, maybe a smaller version would be possible15:26
sil2100cjwatson: excellent!15:26
abeatosil2100, Ihow?15:26
pmcgowancjwatson, awesome thanks15:27
sil2100abeato: since the PPA won't allow a same-version upload, but if I remove the package from the PPA it *might* allow upload of the lower version15:27
sil2100Let me check15:27
cjwatsonFor completeness, you can also download them directly from LP: https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/stable-phone-overlay/+packages, search for "unity-scopes-api", expand15:27
cjwatsonsil2100: correct15:27
abeatosil2100, ok15:27
sil2100abeato: ok, I'm removing the package from the PPA, now you should be able to upload/build the smaller version15:29
abeatosil2100, awesome, thanks!15:29
rvrkarni: Ack15:31
sil2100abeato: yw!15:33
rvrkarni: Did you update the link to the new click file in the document?15:34
karnirvr: yes, version has the new link on the line above15:35
karniI also uploaded it to people.c.c15:35
jgdxseb128, I'm going away soon. Could you do the build?15:36
jgdxsil2100, when is the string freeze?15:36
om26erdbarth, Hi!15:36
rvrkarni: Thanks15:36
karnirvr: thank you15:36
om26erdbarth, could you point to the relevant code for bug 1421009 fix in silo 2 ?15:36
ubot5bug 1421009 in qtbase-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "unity8 sometimes hangs on boot" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142100915:37
sil2100jgdx: it was planned for today EOD15:39
dbarthom26er: hi, ok, 1 sec.15:44
jgdxseb128, I'll go ahead and build silo 2215:44
dbarthom26er: hmm, not a bug i'm on15:44
dbarthom26er: ah, via15:46
dbarthom26er: that would be : https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts/lp1447175/+merge/25725115:47
dbarthie, this merge makes it so that it builds fine with qt 5.5; is that what you were looking for ?15:47
om26erdbarth, hmm, interesting. thanks15:47
om26erdbarth, well it claims to also fix a unity8 hang15:47
om26erthats what 1421009 is about15:47
dbarthom26er: apparently, beacuse of it being a threading issue, itself fixed by qt5.5, so requiring OA to also be qt5.5 compatible15:48
dbarthzipping through the initial bug report15:49
om26erdbarth, aaah, ok, so we just assume its fixed :)15:49
jgdxsil2100, when's EOD?15:51
sil2100jgdx: you still have the whole day today, I suppose tomorrow when I wake up we'll no longer be accepting any new string changes15:54
sil2100If, of course, this won't get overrided by the product team, as it all depends if we have everything we need in the image15:55
jgdxsil2100, okay, great.15:55
abeatosil2100, it is still building 6900, I guess that cannot change after the birst build :-/16:02
dbarthom26er: yes; otherwise, all good for the rest of the tests?16:04
om26erdbarth, yes, everything looks good, just need to verify a few more scenarios16:05
dbarthok nw16:05
seb128jgdx, k, with what?16:09
rvrkarni: "No se pueden recuperar sus datos de Telegram" \o/16:15
jgdxseb128, what are you responding to? :)16:26
seb128jgdx, <jgdx> seb128, I'll go ahead and build silo 2216:26
seb128jgdx, but seems like the landing didn't work? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings16:26
seb128or was it not a wily/dual landing?16:26
jgdxit was16:27
jgdxsil2100, what's the status on silo 40? Something abyss something. Not sure what that means16:28
rvrkarni: Do you have a test plan for Telegram somewhere?16:33
karniyes, I think it's linked in the relesae notes, lemme see now16:33
rvrkarni: Ah, the spreasheet, nice16:34
karnirvr: do you have relesase notes open? there's 'QA results'16:34
karnirvr: one older (initial QA pass), and the latter I left empty IF you wanted to do a full pass16:34
karnirvr: in any case, these contain sub-sheets, for instance, with test descriptions16:34
karnirvr: I think this document is pretty crazy if you asked me :D (beefed up)16:34
rvrkarni: hehe. Great, I'll run a subset.16:35
sil2100jgdx: looking16:36
sil2100jgdx, seb128: the rsync file looks okayish, I'm a bit worried that maybe the package got rejected because of the dest version being different, but in the past it worked fine16:38
josephtLaney: here's what I was able to get: http://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/wily-boottest-ubuntu-touch-meta/26/artifact/results/apt-get-install.stderr16:39
Laneyjosepht: bah!16:39
sil2100seb128: you have access to snakefruit?16:40
seb128sil2100, no16:41
sil2100slangasek: hey! You have a moment to help us out with something? We published a package through the train to wily and it doesn't look like it appeared... not sure if the copy-package even happened for it16:43
slangaseksil2100: package?16:44
sil2100https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-040-2-publish/11/artifact/packagelist_rsync_landing-040-wily/*view*/ <- this was the rsync file16:44
jgdxsil2100, it's dual, btw16:45
slangaseksil2100: would it have failed if there was another version of u-s-s still in wily-proposed?  (which was the case until 6 hours ago)16:45
slangaseksil2100: it looks cleanly copyable; do you want me to copy it now?16:47
jgdxtrainguards: ^ please, could we give slangasek an answer on this? :)16:58
sil2100slangasek, jgdx: sorry, was otp16:58
sil2100slangasek: no, it shouldn't have failed16:58
sil2100Could you copy it?16:58
sil2100Not sure what caused the issue as I'm not sure if the copy2distro doesn't provide much debugging logs16:59
robrusil2100: man we really need better logging from copy2distro16:59
jgdxsil2100, np, thanks17:00
jgdxbfiller, starting testing now17:25
bfillerjgdx: great, I'll test it as well17:25
slangaseksil2100, jgdx: copied now17:26
sil2100slangasek: thanks!17:26
jgdxslangasek, thanks17:27
jgdxsil2100, I'm going to see the new versions here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings ?17:28
sil2100jgdx: the new wily version17:28
jgdxit goes in the ppa as well I assume17:28
sil2100http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/overlay-ppa-version <- this script can be used to check the version in the overlay17:29
sil2100It's already there17:29
jgdxokay thanks17:31
sil2100dbarth: hey! How's the new oxide? I didn't see a silo for it yet17:36
jgdxbfiller, we need another build after 40 has been copied to wily. And I'll also drop an MP from the silo.17:36
sil2100Is it under testing?17:36
jgdxbfiller, okay silo 40 now in wily, building…17:37
bfillerjgdx: just installed and testing 22, after choosing a contact to forward the number to and pressing "Set" I get a message saying "Call forwarding can't be changed right now"17:37
jgdxbfiller, what happens if you try again?17:38
bfillerjgdx: I can't as it grays out the option and text for "Forward every incoming call"17:38
jgdxbfiller, go back and in again? that's per design if your carrier disallows forwarding17:39
dbarthsil2100: hmm, we haven't made a new build17:39
bfillerjgdx: ok let me try, don't like the text either way - it should tell me my carrier doesn't support it if that's the case17:40
jgdxbfiller, we have no way of knowing17:40
dbarthi need to worry about that17:40
bfillerjgdx: so it worked the second time17:40
bfillerjgdx: when I manually entered the number17:40
jgdxbfiller, what happened in the first attempt?17:41
bfillerjgdx: I think I see the problem17:41
bfillerjgdx: seems to do with the phone number formatting17:42
jgdxbfiller, what's the number?17:42
bfillerjgdx: when selected from the contact it puts the (617)489-xxxx and when I enter manually it puts +1617489xxxx17:42
bfillerjgdx: the first case fails and the second case works17:42
jgdxugh, dashes? :|17:43
bfillerguessing that's the issu?17:43
bfillerjgdx: I have 2 numbers for my contacts, nice dialog comes up and asks me to select one and it uses the format (xxx) xxx - xxxx and that's what gets copied into the text field17:44
bfillerjgdx: when using the keypad it has no formatting and after I press set it seems to correctly add the country code of +117:45
jhodapprobru, can you please reconfigure silo 38 for me?17:45
robrujhodapp: I hereby deputize you in the name of holy train guardyness, you may now reconfigure your own silos! ;-)17:46
jhodapprobru, haha, thanks :)17:46
jhodapprobru, no longer want to do my dirty work huh ;)17:46
robrujhodapp: you're welcome. let me know how it works.17:46
robrujhodapp: no no, I'm empowering you to be able to work independently.17:46
jhodappmuch appreciated :)17:46
robrujhodapp: I'll still be here to clean up if anything explodes though17:47
bfillerjgdx: shall I cancel the build until we can resolve that issue?17:47
jgdxbfiller, makes sense. We should deal with dashes, but I'm not sure where to draw the line. Will talk to boiko17:47
bfillerjgdx: should strip out all the formatting17:47
jgdxbfiller, I don't have an immediate good solution though17:47
bfillerjgdx: does the formatted number come from the vcard import or are you formatting on your own?17:48
jgdxbfiller, comes from the vcard import, translated into a model of qtcontacts.17:49
bfillerjgdx: so pretty sure there is a libphonenumber or something that should give you the unformatted number for that string? renato or boiko might know17:50
jgdxbfiller, that'd be great17:50
boikorobru: regarding silo 44, I discussed with bfiller and salem_ about it, and we decided to temporarily have a separate bzr branch for vivid for telephony-service17:50
boikorobru: could you please reconfigure the silo to be vivid only? I have re-created the merge proposals against that branch already17:51
robruboiko: you have the power to reconfigure now. just note I put the overlay PPA in column L for you17:52
boikorobru: ah nice, thanks!17:52
robruboiko: you're welcome17:52
robruboiko: let me know if you have any issues17:53
boikorobru: sure17:53
jhodapprobru, where's the reconfigure button located?17:53
boikojhodapp: it is in the landing tools menu17:53
robrujhodapp: "Landing tools" menu at the very top of the page.17:54
jhodappah ok cool17:54
boikojhodapp: just make sure any column of the row you want to reconfigure is selected17:54
robrujhodapp: just make sure you have the right row selected first17:54
jhodapprobru, cool, I'm not seeing landing tools on the spreadsheet page...I refreshed even17:55
robrujhodapp: it's at the top of the page, not the first row of the spreadsheet.17:56
robru"Addons Help Landing Tools"17:56
jhodapprobru, I don't have that, or I'm just blind :)17:58
jhodapprobru, oh I see it now17:58
robrujhodapp: yeah, there17:58
jhodappnext to Help17:58
robruheh, 6 conflicting silos, most excellent.18:01
robrujhodapp: did you get it? didn't see the bot ping saying the silo is ready to build18:03
jhodappyes it worked18:03
robrujhodapp: ok looks good, not sure why we didn't see the bot ping about that18:05
robruanyways, I'm off for lunch, if anything explodes I'll fix it later!18:05
jgdxbfiller, there's an issue with the connection type in Cellular panel, removed that MP from the list so that won't be an issue for next build.18:07
bfillerjgdx: ack18:08
boikorobru: would you mind removing the wily packages from silo 44's ppa?18:10
jhodapprobru, yeah it is weird, but it successfully reconfigured according to the console output18:11
rvrkarni: Update approved18:23
karnirvr: great news! that's a green light for release?18:24
rvrkarni: Yes18:24
karni(as far as QA is concerned)18:24
karnirvr: \o/ thank you18:24
robruboiko: sure one sec18:29
robruboiko: ok wily should disappear in a sec. let me know if you need any more help with that18:30
boikorobru: thanks!18:37
robruboiko: you're welcome18:43
oSoMoNubuntu-qa: I’m waiting on silo 2 to finish landing, I’ll then rebuild silo 16 and will need validation from you guys, will there be someone available to ack it before EOD? It contains user-facing string changes, hence the need to land it today19:17
rvroSoMoN: Maybe alesage or om26er19:18
oSoMoNok, thanks19:18
alesageoSoMoN, someone will get it :)19:19
robruoSoMoN: silo 2 is free & clear20:59
oSoMoNrobru, I’ve seen that, thanks21:03
oSoMoNI’ve rebuilt silo 16, running some tests locally and will hand over to QA in a moment21:04
robruoSoMoN: cool, no worries21:06
robruoSoMoN: oh heh, just checked the timestamps, didn't realize I'm an hour late, lol21:07
kgunntrainguards not really sure if i should whine here....but why is it when i run u-d-f query --list-channels --device=flo21:28
kgunnit's showing only devel available ?21:28
kgunnno stable ?21:28
kgunnor maybe i'm confused....21:28
kgunnif i a want vivid+overlay on flo....what channel should i use21:28
* kgunn thot it was stable21:28
kgunnor rc21:30
robrukgunn: errr, dunno, sorry21:31
kgunnrobru: do you have a guess who should i whine to21:31
oSoMoNubuntu-qa: silo 16 is now ready for sign-off21:31
robrukgunn: maybe more of a question for rsalveti or ogra_ ... not really sure21:31
oSoMoNalesage, ^^21:31
alesageoSoMoN, ack21:31
ogra_robru, not really anymore ... feel free to direct any snappy questions to us :P21:32
ogra_the whole channel re-org happened after we changed teams21:32
robruslangasek: what can you tell kgunn about 'u-d-f query'? I'm not familiar with that21:32
kgunnnot so much about query but the result :)21:32
kgunnfor flo21:32
kgunnvs mako i get all the combos i want....21:33
robrukgunn: slangasek did the channel reorg, so I guess he's the guy.21:33
ogra_all i know is that it suppresses all -proposed channels on purpose21:33
* kgunn is gonna bet money he's lighting fireworks and saying hold my beer right about now21:33
ogra_flo might not have a stable entry simply because it isnt on the QA list for stable releases ?21:34
slangasekright, nobody's promoting any flo images to stable21:34
charleskgunn, lol21:34
slangasekbecause they wouldn't be "stable"21:34
ogra_http://system-image.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-touch/stable/ ... no flo in any of the subdirs21:34
slangasekAIUI there's been zero qa on flo for the past 6 months21:34
kgunnslangasek: but if i want vivid+overlay on flo...what do i do ?21:34
slangasekkgunn: ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/ubuntu - which is one of the hidden developer-only channels21:34
=== pat_ is now known as Guest94669
ogra_slangasek, so with adduser and shadow being patched for extrausers support in wily i was wondering if there is any benefit to sync that into the overlay PPA22:15
slangasekogra_: I guess it's not all that useful on its own, but only if someone is going to do the work to make use of it higher up the stack22:16
ogra_well, you could add new users on a phone22:17
ogra_without hacking the files manually22:17

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