
daftykinsi'm gonna claim nerd points for fixing my fridge with cat603:07
Bashing-omnecessity - the mother of invention cat6 cable at the rescue !03:13
daftykinspretty tired now from all that excitement03:15
Bashing-omThem grey cells got their exercise, huh ?03:20
daftykinshehe, more the physical exertion of cleaning i think :>03:23
Bashing-omWell, we can not discount the effect of all those synapses firing in the effort to affect a procedure to affect that non moiserizing condition !03:26
daftykinsthis is very true :>03:32
Bashing-omAnd with all that in evidence, I too think my gray cells require a re-charge. We all do this together at a later time . Good night .03:44
histoPlease tell me this guy is a troll wtf04:58
daftykins? :)05:00
histodaftykins: in ubuntu05:04
daftykinsah i part there a lot when i'm not in the mood now, it spares my sanity so much05:07
daftykinslet me guess, person acting so dumb it seems they can't be legit? :)05:07
histoTJ-: yeah he was unable to even edit a file with out help.05:26
TJ-I had to go to bed just after I gave him the links to the solutions and mainline kernel installation05:27
histoyeah he was pretty helpless. He was trying to tell me he upgraded the kernel but there's no way. He couldn't even edit hte blacklist.conf05:31
TJ-I thought last night when he began that the GUI tools have gone so far backward when it comes to standard Accessibility via easily found keyboard alternatives. I remember when the Gnome project was down to 1 developer working on it, and all the other developers ignoring it in their work made that person's job impossible. It didn't get better with Unity05:45
lotuspsychjegood morning07:01
* TJ- waves the fan at lotuspsychje 07:03
lotuspsychjehi TJ-07:03
lordievaderGood morning.08:48
histoDo the ops ever approve ubottu suggestions?09:35
BluesKajHi folks10:52
TJ-histo: I'm not sure the IRCops group even take notice; There was an appeal a couple years aog for someone to maintain the codebase for ubottu. I responded on the mailing list and never even got a reply, and things were left to bit-rot10:54
* BluesKaj wonders who's in charge of ubottu maintenance10:56
TJ-I was thinking about EriC^^ using | nc termbin.com 999 earlier and wondered if there is way to use termbin without nc/netcat being available.11:08
TJ-I've previously written an HTTP server completely in BASH so I came up with this:11:09
EriC^^TJ-: there's also sprunge, command | curl -F "sprunge=<-" sprunge.us11:09
TJ-exec 3<>/dev/tcp/termbin.com/999911:09
TJ-From then on you can simply redirect o fd 3, as in "cat /etc/issue >&3 && cat <&3" which writes to the socket,and reads the response11:09
TJ-and the socket remains available until you close the fd11:10
TJ-exec 3>&-11:11
TJ-I wanted this for debugging in early boot, in the initrd. There's a package, bash-static, which doesn't need any external libraries. With that single binary available in initrd as well as the rootfs it provides a very useful diagnostic helper11:15
TJ-I have a diagnostic/forensics USB key will all these kind of tools pre-installed that can boot on amd64 and i386 with the same userspace. Saved me hours of time and lots of stress over the years11:22

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