
Kilosmorning guys06:28
svijhey Kilos 06:29
dholbachgood morning06:47
Kiloshi dholbach  dpm  svij  06:47
dholbachhey Kilos, dpm, svij :)06:47
svijhi dholbach and dpm :)06:48
dpmgood morning all :)06:49
Kilosoh ya :D06:49
nhainesGood morning Kilos, svij, and dholbach.  :)07:22
dholbachhey nhaines07:23
Kiloshi there nhaines  all good by you?07:23
nhainesYup, pretty good over here!07:23
svijhey nhaines 07:48
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
=== PabloRubianes_ is now known as PabloRubianes

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