
wolfgergood morning11:03
cmaloneyGood morning11:15
cmaloneyHappy Birthday greg-g11:16
wolfgerhappy birthday g-gerg ;-)11:39
cmaloneyHoly shit there's a metal show on Soma.fm13:44
greg-gcmaloney: wolfger :) thanks15:00
cmaloneyDammit this Metal Detector station on Soma.fm is awesome15:49
* cmaloney needs to give them all the monies.15:49
jcastrohey so I got three months free of google music and it's metal is pretty good15:50
cmaloneyI tried a "Trauma" station and it sadly didn't know the difference between the Polish death metal band and the hip-hop group15:51
cmaloneyBut I might try it again15:51
* greg-g paid for the android app15:53
cmaloneya while ago15:53
greg-gI need to buy a pack of stickers15:53
cmaloneyWish I could give a proper link to the metal station15:53
cmaloneyOh, derp15:54
cmaloneyI'm starting to think the rick_h_ package-spreading methodology is best20:01
cmaloneymanaged to get three packages today. :)20:01
cmaloneyand I'm not home to intercept. ;)20:01
cmaloneyhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ySNpZQJitM <- Ugh20:12
jrwrencmaloney: hahahaha20:13
jrwrenomg that is hilarious20:13
cmaloneyHow can you fuck that song up like that?20:14
jrwrenits prong.20:14
cmaloneyIt's Tommy Victor20:14
cmaloneyProng died in 1996.20:14
cmaloneyI mean, I like Prong. I think they're a great band20:15
cmaloneybut you don't play Sisters of Mercy at 3/4 speed20:15
cmaloneyIt just doesn't work20:16
cmaloneyEspecially that song. It's one of the few fast Sisters of Mercy songs.20:17
cmaloneyI don't think this is completely accurate20:18
cmaloney75BPM for Vision Thing? Fuck me.20:18
jrwrennow i want to watch The Worlds End20:20
cmaloneyjrwren: That soundtrack is like the soundtrack of my college radio station20:22
cmaloneyhah: https://www.myheartland.co.uk/viewtopic.php?p=45956720:23
jrwrenyeah? I've never heard the whole soundtrack. I just love the SoM ref and songs20:26
cmaloneyThere's a soundtrack listing at the end20:26
jrwreni see. yeah.20:27
cmaloneyfunnily enugh one time we went to Guild of Blades (http://gobretail.com) and the radio was playing Sisters of Mercy20:29
cmaloneyat first I thought it was a fluke, but then another song came on20:29
cmaloneyApparently Ryan (the owner) is a fan. :)20:29
jrwreni've never heard of gob20:40
jrwrenand that is cool.20:40
jrwrenthat website is impressive.20:47
wolfgercmaloney: +1 The World's End22:15

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