
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
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=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
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=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
=== CyberJacob is now known as zz_CyberJacob
=== wesleyma` is now known as wesleymason
gnuoyjamespage, https://code.launchpad.net/~openstack-charmers/charms/trusty/neutron-api/vpp/+merge/263224 is ready for review if/when you have a moment08:16
jamespagegnuoy, will look08:19
stoquick question, I'm deploying openstack using MAAS + JUJU and I'm using LXC containers for things like the openstack-dashboard08:22
stoIs it possible to assing a DNS name to the LXC containers in MAAS?08:22
=== lukasa_away is now known as lukasa_
stoAnother question... is there a simple way to make MAAS install hardware nodes using a LVM over two discs or mount the second disk so nova-compute uses it for disk images08:43
stoI have some servers with small SSD discs for the boot image and bigger SATA disks for the compute nodes08:45
stoVMs I mean08:45
=== zz_CyberJacob is now known as CyberJacob
=== sr is now known as Guest45326
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
jamespagegnuoy, some comments on your merge proposal - I think it makes sense to not try to provide anything other than 'neutron-plugin-config' and use the plugin specific configuration file to add stuff to sections in neutron.conf11:54
jamespageneutron-server loads them all as a dict type structure, so the plugin specific config file (ml2_conf.ini) can change and add stuff to existing sections in neutron.conf11:55
jamespageit simplifies the integration alot11:55
jamespagegnuoy, actually this might work nicely for nova-compute as well11:55
jamespageas all openstack daemons can do this stuff, but only some do in the packaging11:56
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=== lukasa_away is now known as lukasa_
=== lukasa_ is now known as lukasa_away
=== lukasa_away is now known as lukasa_
apuimedolazyPower: ping15:16
=== mmidgett is now known as mTeK
=== sk_ is now known as Guest25201
Guest25201I installed juju(1.24.0) version  in my Ubuntu box and when tried to add a juju machine using juju add-machine its waiting in pending state for long time. The log is also not getting updated and the status is also not getting updated after more than 1 hr  This issue has been observed in some more ubuntu machines in the near past and we were not able to resolve this after cleaning the environment and reisntall.  At the same time we16:22
skrHi Team,  I installed juju(1.24.0) version  in my Ubuntu box and when tried to add a juju machine using juju add-machine its waiting in pending state for long time. The log is also not getting updated and the status is also not getting updated after more than 1 hr  This issue has been observed in some more ubuntu machines in the near past and we were not able to resolve this after cleaning the environment and reisntall.16:25
=== skr is now known as Guest205
Guest205At the same time we had few other machines which is working fine  and we able to deploy charms in them. The version of juju in them are lower than 1.24.0. Few of them has 1.23.2 and few 1.22.0, 1.22.1 etc.We are able to work with lower versions ie less than 1.24.0 , but with this latest version only we are getting issue  Can you help us on this please16:26
Guest205Hi Team,  I installed juju(1.24.0) version  in my Ubuntu box and when tried to add a juju machine using juju add-machine its waiting in pending state for long time. The log is also not getting updated and the status is also not getting updated after more than 1 hr  This issue has been observed in some more ubuntu machines in the near past and we were not able to resolve this after cleaning the environment and reinstall16:41
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54-away is now known as kadams54
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== kadams54 is now known as kadams54-away
=== mmidgett is now known as mTeK

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