
ahoneybunRick_Timmis: rick!00:51
NoskcajDoes anyone plan to maintain https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nootka ? smartboyhw used to maintain it before he left, and i've done a few uploads since to keep it up to date, but i doubt i'll ever use the package04:21
valoriehmmm, shadeslayer might be interested in that05:00
valoriehowever, he's on vacation05:01
NoskcajI've pushed a bzr branch with version 1.2, but i have no kde install to test it. If someone could take a look, that would be greatly appreciated05:04
valorieNoskcaj: why does it need a KDE install to test?05:07
valorieeverything in the archive should run no matter what *buntu is running05:07
NoskcajWell, i assume most of the users would be kde05:07
valorieit's a Qt app, not KDE05:07
NoskcajI'm going to test it here on xfce anyway05:08
NoskcajSeems to work fine, i'll propose the merge05:13
valoriethanks for your work, Noskcaj05:14
clivejowhat happens when you fill your PPA ?08:19
Riddellthe debt collectors come round your house08:23
Riddellclivejo: it just doesn't accept more uploads08:26
Riddelldeleteing calligra will save a lot of space if you're running out08:26
clivejoRiddell: I forgot to add the patch to series file08:29
clivejoRiddell: can you check out the latest one in my PPA, I believe it has the wps libs etc08:30
clivejoRiddell: also where did you get the source code for kdeconnect plasma?08:31
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clivejoRiddell: still getting - error /var/cache/apt/archives/liboxygenstyleconfig5-5_4%3a5.3.2-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa4_amd64.deb08:42
clivejotrying to overwrite '/usr/share/kservices5/oxygenstyleconfig.desktop', which is also in package kde-style-oxygen-qt5 4:5.3.2-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.10~ppa408:42
Riddellclivejo: yeah I fixed it in the archive version08:55
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lordievaderGood morning.09:19
clivejoRiddell: would you run your eye over kphotoalbum when you get a chance09:42
clivejoalso, do we change the tags when bringing a debian package to ubuntu?09:43
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BluesKajHiyas all12:31
sick_rimmitBluesKaj: Hey there, Hi12:53
BluesKajHi sick_rimmit , how goes it?12:59
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soeemparillo: ping14:27
=== soee changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Kubuntu - 10 years of friendlyness | https://trello.com/kubuntu | http://qa.kubuntu.co.uk/ | Welcome ximion!
=== drawkward_away is now known as drawkward
mparillosoee_: pong14:45
soee_mparillo: you are using ssd ?14:57
mparilloNo. Many years ago a corp laptop of mine had an SSD, and it really made a huge difference for my use case then.14:59
soee_i have 1 partition on ssd for /15:01
soee_my home partition is on old hdd15:01
soee_now i wonder if i can make somehow to store and read .config and .kde fodlers from sd partition15:01
soee_not this old hdd15:01
sick_rimmitBluesKaj: Sorry, I missed that mention earlier, going good, busy at work today :-)15:15
BluesKajsick_rimmit, right, I forgot it was friday15:17
ranveeraggarwalRiddell: Finally! Build successful :D 16:23
ranveeraggarwalI had to build a couple of frameworks from source, and then it worked!16:23
soeei think there are small dependency problems when installing kubuntu-restricted-extras and having vlc installed17:49
soeewith libavcodec-extra-56 package17:49
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soeemparillo: can you add Plama 5.3.2 Wily info also here https://plus.google.com/communities/108139456908538054874 ?18:37
Tm_Thow to debug, can't see anything on any logs, but my user session login leads to sddm restart18:48
Tm_Tother user account logs in just fine18:49
murthy_kactivitymanage[1501]: segfault at 7fa05be33cd0 ip 00007fa033fa2031 sp 00007ffcb6fa0fe8 error 4 in libQt5Sql.so.5.4.1[7fa033f8e000+3f000]18:53
murthy_getting that error message during shutdown. Shutdown/restart takes a long time, 3 to 4 mins18:54
murthy_The system was not shutdown properly due to certain issues. I have run disk checks on the disk containing the root. Still there is this delay18:57
murthy_the kernel log --> https://paste.kde.org/pj7c3bwiu19:02
Riddellranveeraggarwal: yay!19:45
soeewhat needs to be done to use nvida 352 with sddm ?19:56
Riddellahoneybun: the canonical community team update says there's been an update to installing ubuntu page, may be worth considering to compare with kubuntu's21:00

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