
=== mfisch is now known as Guest61548
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pittiGood morning04:35
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
RAOFdesrt: LP:# 1401488 is really really annoying me. :(06:37
pittibonjour seb128, ça va ?06:55
seb128good morning desktopers06:55
seb128hey pitti, wie gehts06:56
pittiseb128: très bien, merci ! je suis allé courier, avant la pluie06:56
larsumorning :)06:56
pittiguten Morgen larsu!06:56
larsuhere comes my daily french reading comprehension practice06:57
larsuhi pitti :)06:57
* pitti is grateful for a little rain and thunder, going to be 32 degrees again later on06:57
larsuoh? Sun and sun, with a bit of sun here06:57
pittilarsu: oui, on parle français ici !06:57
pittilarsu: http://www.wetteronline.de/wetter/augsburg :)06:57
larsuwow, enjoy!06:57
pittijust a small little band of clouds over Germany, and we have it! muhaha!06:57
larsuindeed :D06:58
larsuuh oh: http://www.wetteronline.de/wetter/berlin06:58
pittibut yeah, otherwise sun, sun, sun06:58
larsu37 on Sunday06:58
* larsu makes more ice cubes for tea06:58
pittiok, plan for the weekend:06:58
pitti- get ice cream06:58
pitti- get more06:58
pitti- bring out the hammock06:58
larsuI think you forgot some additional ice cream06:59
pittitrue that!06:59
larsuhammock sounds awesome, though06:59
larsuI need to get one06:59
pittiI got one last year06:59
pittias a bday gift from a friend06:59
pittiI bought a sack of cement and a second post to actually install it, but now it's working nicely :)07:00
seb128it's too warm out there!07:01
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=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
=== meetingology` is now known as meetingology
Laneygotta get down08:01
Laneyit's friiiiday08:01
seb128hey Laney, how are you?08:09
Laneyyo seb12808:12
Laneyi'm SUPER! (but tired)08:12
Laneyhow about you?08:12
Laneylooking forward to the w.e.?08:12
seb128I'm good thanks08:13
seb128unsure, I wished that snappy personal image was working08:13
seb128so I would rather look forward another work day :p08:13
seb128but I guess w.e is going to do as well08:13
Laneydo you know what work is left?08:15
seb128well, getting the thing to work08:15
seb128image is back to build08:15
seb128but now u-d-f fails on "failed to find user uid/gid" when trying to build an image08:16
seb128hey willcooke08:16
seb128Laney, what about you? having any plans for the w.e?08:17
Laneyyeah I'm going to a murder mystery weekend!08:20
Laneygot to dress up in fancy dress though, which I am not really looking forward to08:20
* ogra_ hopes it is an airconditioned murder mystery 08:21
Laneyonly up to 24° here, also rain08:21
seb128Laney, make sure to take some selfies from yourself in that fancy dress ;-)08:23
seb128how many people are going to be there?08:24
Laneyour group is like 10 people but there are others too08:24
willcookeWhat would people say if I asked to move the weekly meeting forwards to 30 mins later?08:24
LaneyI would say doesn't that start to get late for CET people?08:26
seb128willcooke, people are going to be grumpy08:26
seb128better half an hour earlier08:27
seb128like now it ends after 6pm08:27
willcookeI could do an hour earlier08:27
seb128if you move it you get close from 7pm, and sometime people need to go at 6:30pm08:27
seb128an hour earlier is probably better08:27
seb128check if it's not too early for the us side of the team08:27
willcookeoh, wait08:27
willcookeno I can08:27
willcookeoki, will ask olli to move his meeting08:29
Laneymoving 12 people might be tough :P08:29
LaneyI guess looking for the same time another day would be easiest for you08:30
willcookeHopefully olli can move his meeting by 30 mins or so08:30
willcookeor I could do an IRC meeting and a HO at the same time - which is probably do-able08:31
willcookebut sub-optimal08:31
Laneyseems better, ours is long established :)08:34
larsu"long established" :D08:34
larsuhi Laney, willcooke!08:34
willcookehey larsu08:35
Laneyit's worn an ass groove08:35
Laneyhey larsu08:35
Laneywhat's going on?08:35
larsunot much else I think08:36
larsuwell. Almost weekend.08:36
larsufor you?08:36
LaneyI just found a bit of my fancy dress costume08:37
* Laney telegrams you a preview08:37
larsuI have tea as well but find it hard to enjoy when it's hot08:37
larsushould make iced tea again08:37
larsuLaney: georgous!08:40
willcookeLaney, I say!08:40
Laneyit's really hard to keep it in08:40
larsuya, you look like you're squinting quite a bit08:40
larsumakes you look a tad older, which goes nicely with the monocle08:40
Laneyadds to the look!08:40
seb128larsu, Laney; any chance we see some of those themes fixes land today?08:40
larsuyes. totally08:41
* larsu stops slacking08:41
Laneyassuming they are ready08:41
* Laney whips larsu 08:41
seb128don't do that!08:41
Laneythis has become a bit kinky08:42
* Laney goes to look at a debian/rules file to calm down08:42
Noskcajseb128, Laney: So was there a final decision on gnome-keyring?08:42
LaneyNoskcaj: I have a merge, didn't test if it works yet08:42
Laneylast time I tried it I couldn't get the pinentry dialog to come up at all08:42
Laneywhich is a bit poor08:43
NoskcajI couldn't get the pinentry-gnome3 to open as a gui either, but i think that's user error08:43
seb128sounds like a blocker to me08:43
seb128users shouldn't have to do anything, things should "just work"08:44
Laneyyes no shit08:44
LaneyI'm saying it should be fixed08:44
* Laney tries the debian pkg though08:44
LaneyI just did some local config hax08:44
seb128Laney, right, I was replying to Noskcaj, not to you ;-)08:45
Laneyoh ok!08:45
NoskcajIs debuild requiring manual password entry for signing you too? It's saying "gpg: gpg-agent is not available in this session"08:47
LaneyI have no $GPG_AGENT_INFO, hmm08:49
Laneyupstart job isn't starting it08:51
Laneyhuh, that's a bad bug08:53
Laneythe job breaks if you don't have "enable-ssh-support" in there08:53
Laneyyeah this works now08:54
anpok_pitti: could you upload systemd-220 to https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-04709:00
pittianpok_: hey09:00
pittianpok_: do you have some details about that? which version? which patch? to which release? what's that about?09:00
pittianpok_: systemd 220 doesn't exist in any ubuntu release (vivid has 219, wily has 221)09:01
anpok_oh i didnt notice wily already going to 22009:06
anpok_221 i mean09:06
anpok_i thought 220 is the first one that has the udevd with the backported touch screen patches09:06
pittianpok_: I did backport them while we had 220, but they are included in 221 indeed09:07
anpok_do you know of any api or abi changes in libudev between 220 and 221?09:07
pittianpok_: no, 221 sohuld work fine on vivid (no API changes), let me check the build deps09:08
pitti sbuild-build-depends-systemd-dummy : Depends: libcap-dev (>= 1:2.24-9~) but it is not going to be installed09:08
pittiah, that was for the move into /lib, but it's mostly just a precaution09:09
pittiso, I can prepare a source that builds in vivid, and upload it to that PPA if you need that09:09
pittianpok_: but you must never land that in vivid-updates, as it will break the udeb; overlay PPA is fine09:11
pitti(well, the train doesn't land in vivid-updates anyway, I figure)09:11
pittianpok_: oh wait, this will also change the network interface naming, and a couple of other things; so a straight backport will never be able to land09:13
pittiso I guess just adding your patches to the vivid version is better09:14
anpok_i thought the silo is configured to go into the vivid stable phone overlay09:15
pittiright; but the different network interface names need to be handled in various places, so we can't just use the wily version as-is09:16
pittie. g. bug 146764009:16
ubot5bug 1467640 in ofono (Ubuntu) "No mobile data connection for mako on wily" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146764009:16
pittiso, backporting your patches to vivid is safer09:16
seb128Laney, I just did a livecd-rootfs upload, can you kick a desktop-next image rebuild when that migrates out of proposed (like in 45 minutes I guess)?09:48
seb128I can technically do it, but I'm about to go for lunch and I would like to come back on a build image rather than kicking the job in and have to wait then09:48
seb128well, if you are around/not a lunch yet09:49
seb128otherwise I just do it once I'm back09:49
Laneyxnox: how can I see which upstart config files are being used for a job?09:52
Laneysomething is overriding 'start on' for gpg-agent on my system and I don't know how to find out what it is09:52
Laneynothing in ~/.config/upstart/09:52
xnoxLaney: for a user session?09:52
xnoxi don't think we have something like systemctl dump/cat09:53
LaneyI obviously knew about this at one point in time09:53
pitti"systemctl cat foo" shows foo.service plus drop-ins, whereever htey are09:53
pittioh, you mean for upstart, sorry09:53
* pitti STFU09:53
Laneyit seems like cat does show the filenames, which is what I want to do for upstart09:54
LaneyI guess "there is no way"?09:54
xnoxLaney: yeah full paths have ~/.init ~/.config/upstart, well XDG_CONFIG_HOME/upstart, XDG_CONFIG_DIRS/upstart (all transveresed), and /usr/share/upstart/sessions/ or so09:54
Laney(which is okay, since I just found it)09:54
Laneyman, this random job must have been in use for years09:54
LaneyMar 5 201309:54
* Laney burns it with fire and acid and bees09:55
xnoxLaney: i want to transition to gpg2 by default, with gtk3+ (based on keyring support libraries) gpg2-agent in ubunut09:55
xnoxwhat do you think? it also means disabling gpg support in the keyring, which has been dropped upstream now.09:56
Laneyyes I am working on the pinentry-gnome3 thing now09:56
Laneyno opinion on gpg2 atm09:56
Laneyexcept that it requires the agent which is slightly better for the pinentry situation09:57
LaneyI think we can move to pinentry-gnome3 on gpg1 though no?09:57
Laneyah, the job needs a tweak to start after dbus10:05
Laneythat explains EVERYTHING!10:15
anpok_pitti: ok just sent you a backported patch10:16
anpok_or do you need it in a different form? mp somewhere?10:16
pittianpok_: that's fine; that includes everything? (IIRC this landed as 3 or so patches upstream)10:17
Laneyxnox: mail ubuntu-devel about the switch I think - I don't know enough about gpg vs gpg2 to have useful input atm10:17
Laneyin the meantime I'm going to mail ubuntu-desktop about pinentry-gnome310:17
* Laney PPAifies10:17
anpok_pitti: yeash squashedn + added stuff that was added later on..10:17
anpok_*squashed them10:17
pittianpok_: cool, thanks10:17
Laneyhmm, how can I express this starting condition for gpg-agent?10:51
Laneystart on starting xsession-init and started dbus-only-if-we-have-pinentry-gnome310:52
Laneyhave a dummy pinentry-gnome3 job maybe10:55
Laneywhich is start on started dbus10:55
Laneyno that doesn't work, maybe "no-pinentry-gnome3 or started dbus"10:58
pittianpok_: seems a bit unusual to land this in the overlay PPA instead of a proper SRU, but I uploaded it now11:25
anpok_hm sru for vivid would be better if we also plan to bump the used mir version11:27
* seb128 back from lunch11:29
seb128bah livecd-rootfs was slow to migrate11:29
seb128Laney, I'm going to retry the build once rmadison says it's ok11:29
seb128we are back is slow publishing days11:29
Laneyya I was watching it11:29
Laneynot sure what the reason is11:30
seb128like I uploaded that livecd-rootfs over 1h30 ago11:30
seb128and it has no autopkgtests or anything to slow it down11:30
desrtgood morning, desktop!11:55
Laneyheeeeeeeeeeeeeeey desrt12:00
willcookeyo desrt12:02
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
* desrt is back12:03
desrtnew place is mostly set up... at least enough for working12:04
desrtbut cardboard boxes EVERYWHERE12:04
seb128hey desrt, how are you?12:06
desrti'm okay12:07
desrtstill floating in outerspace a bit12:07
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
pittidesrt: learn from the masters: http://xkcd.com/1077/13:23
desrtpitti:  ya.  seems about right :)13:24
jibelafter a month you move the box to the trash and call it done. Learned from experience ;)13:28
pittijibel, the master of moving13:29
pittiwe have a saying 'moving three times is like burning down once'13:29
larsupitti: in German?13:35
* larsu is unaware13:35
pittilarsu: "Dreimal umgezogen ist wie einmal abgebrannt"13:36
larsunever heard that :)13:36
larsuprobably just not a thing in Berlin13:36
larsuwe don't move to stay in old contracts ;)13:37
* ogra_ hasnt heard that either ... 13:43
=== dpm_ is now known as dpm
* Sweet5hark now has mental images of larsu being bunkered in in his appartment defiantly waving a "stop gentrification naow!" flags.14:04
seb128pitti, hey, how does one tell why systemd is in "maintenance" status?14:09
pittiseb128: start with "systemctl --failed"?14:10
seb128the normal output stops on "tmpfs: No value for mount option 'none'"14:10
pittiseb128: you mean "systemctl status" says it's in degraded mode?14:10
pittiseb128: oh, you mean you don't even get to normal getty/ssh?14:10
seb128pitti, no, it says "State: maintenance"14:10
seb128emergency target is active14:11
pittiah, the emerg shell14:11
pittisystemctl --failed still sounds god14:11
seb128list 1 job that doesn't seem relevant14:11
pittiwhich one?14:11
pittiseb128: otherwise, pasting the journal would be helpful (or you check it yourself -- try "journalctl -p warning" to reduce it14:12
pittior even journalctl -p err14:13
seb128pitti, var-lib-NetworkManager.mount14:13
seb128well it's a mount14:13
seb128so maybe it fails everything else14:13
pittiright, so a mount that's in /etc/fstab which isn't "nofail"14:13
pittithat's fatal14:13
pitti(you can mark it "nofail" if you don't need it, but one can't generally guess automatically)14:14
seb128so I guess it has to do with the "tmpfs: No value for mount option 'none'"14:14
seb128images were working this morning14:14
* pitti blames the heat14:14
seb128I built a new snappy image and same issue14:14
seb128I don't get it14:14
seb128it's also crazyness that any fstab line failing let you without a system booting :-/14:16
seb128things feel like a lot more fragile since we are on systemd14:16
pittiseb128: well, it was crazy *not* to do it14:16
pittiwe haven't noticed security relevant bugs for years because of that14:16
seb128because some random /my/mp3/mount is having an issue doesn't mean I don't want my system to boot anymore14:17
pittiit's really not okay to just silently not mount stuff, like /home on NFS, or a big partition and instead filling your small one, etc.14:17
pittifor nonessential stuff there has always been fail/nofail14:17
seb128k, I've no clue how to fix that "tmpfs: No value for mount option 'none'"14:18
* seb128 google14:18
pittiseb128: what's the fstab line for that NetworkManager mount?14:18
seb128"tmpfs /var/lib/NetworkManager tmpfs none 0 0"14:19
pitti"none" doesn't seem documented in mount(8), so I guess util-linux doesn't understand this14:19
seb128I guess the "none" is buggy14:19
pittitry "defaults"?14:20
seb128pitti, works btter after fixing that line, thanks14:23
pittigreat; so now the task is to figure out what broke this?14:23
seb128I still think it's crazy that a typo in a writable-path mount bricks your system14:23
seb128me :p14:23
seb128dunno why it worked this morning14:24
pittiso you'd rather have that silently broken?14:24
seb128I did that writable-path change on wednesdat14:24
seb128well the job could be in a failed state14:24
seb128without letting the box without even a vt you can log into to debug14:24
seb128good that I know how to add systemd.debug-shell in grub14:24
pittiwell, with a lot of fstab failures you don't get very far in the first place14:24
seb128but normal sysadmin can get well screwed14:25
pittierr, you should have an emergency shell, didn't you get one?14:25
pittithen *that* is the bug14:25
seb128it hangs on the "tmpfs: No value for mount option 'none'"14:25
seb128I had to systemd.debug-shell and vt914:25
pittiseb128: right, that totally should be fixed14:27
pittithe idea is that it throws you into an emergency shell, or into friendly-recovery14:28
pitti(presumably the latter if you have it installed, but at least the emerg shell)14:28
seb128friendly-recovery is installed but doesn't work14:28
seb128maybe that' the issue14:28
pittiseb128: mind filing a bug? I'd like to get to that (but not right now)14:28
seb128e.G picking "recovery" from grub leads to a normal boot14:29
seb128pitti, sure can do, note that it's on the snappy personal image so it might be an issue there, I'm going to look a bit more before reporting it14:29
pittiseb128: I suppose we don't want f-r on a snappy image as you can't really do much there anyway (except for screwing up more)?14:29
pittiseb128: I get the same on a cloud image14:30
pittiseb128: sorry for misunderstanding the bug then, I had assumed you got into a shell (similar to what happens if fsck fails, etc.)14:30
seb128pitti, no worry, sorry for ranting a bit rather than describing it well14:32
seb128pitti, "the same" being friendly-recovery doing a normal boot?14:32
* pitti hugs seb128, merci dieu c'est vendredi14:32
pittiseb128: right, it also just hangs here14:32
* seb128 hugs pitti14:33
seb128where should I report the bug?14:33
pittiI suppose because I disabled the emergency shell becuase of friendly-recovery, but that doesn't get invoked in that case14:33
pittiseb128: just systemd14:33
seb128pitti, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/147125814:47
ubot5Launchpad bug 1471258 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Invalid fstab entry leads to an hanging system rather than a debug command line" [Undecided,New]14:47
pittiseb128: cheers14:47
seb128Laney, you like that panel, https://launchpadlibrarian.net/181103194/u-c-c-sharing-panel.png ?14:57
LaneyI didn't look at that14:57
Laneydo I want to? :)14:58
seb128unsure, you commented saying to land it...14:58
Laneywho approved the merge proposal?14:58
Laneyif you think it's crap then don't make it approved14:58
seb128" Robert Ancell on 2015-07-02 "14:58
seb128I didn't14:58
Laneyyou have the power to unapprove it14:58
Laneyis it the same as gnome has?14:59
seb128I don't think I feel strongly enough to argue14:59
seb128is the GNOME one14:59
seb128which is a subscreen of https://blogs.gnome.org/thos/files/2013/04/Sharing-Settings.png15:00
seb128I'm just unsure having a full panel about "screen sharing" makes sense15:00
seb128it's pushing the feature a bit too much in front imho15:00
seb128which is why I asked for mpt to comment from a design perspective on the mp...15:01
pittihappy weekend everyone!15:02
larsupitti: enjoy!15:03
seb128pitti, have fun!15:03
ogra_get some icecream !15:03
ogra_(and an ubuntu fan )15:03
Laneyseb128: you could set it back to needs review and re-ping mpt, looks like it just fell through the cracks15:04
Laneybye pitti115:04
seb128mpt, robert_ancell added the screenshots you asked for on https://code.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-control-center/screen-sharing/+merge/226771 , in case you feel like having a look to that one again15:06
Laneythat uninstalled case isn't the best15:07
seb128indeed not, but I guess it's not the standard case15:09
seb128I'm more annoyed at having "screen sharing" as a main item in the settings15:09
seb128it feels like it's not a setting that you want to access often/is important enough to have it there15:10
Laneymany things like that already, but I don't like arguments along those lines :)15:11
seb128yeah, "we have those that suck" is not a case to add more ;-)15:15
Laneybut I also don't see a good top level item to put it under15:16
seb128we could make a sharing panel like GNOME and list different items including that one in it, but that's more work and I'm unsure that's something we want to spend work on15:19
Laneyrobert_ancell loves that kind of work ;)15:20
Laneylarsu: you got a theme branch for me?15:20
seb128yeah, I'm just unsure that's what we should spend our resources on15:20
* Laney has to leave in 50 mins or so15:20
larsuLaney: I moved my working hours towards the evening because it was unbearably hot. You'll have it first thing on Monday15:22
larsuwe also never landed the scrollabr restyling, did we?15:23
LaneyI thought it broke something15:23
Laneybut I forgot what15:23
larsuok I'll give it another spin15:23
Laneyseb128: do you remember?15:24
larsunautilus sidebar?15:24
larsuah no, that's broken without it as well15:24
Laneysomething to do with progress bars?15:24
* Laney searches logs15:24
seb128the content of the bars15:24
seb128like the color inside15:24
larsubackgrounds of troughs, indeed15:24
larsuthanks seb12815:24
seb128thanks to Laney who remembered it was those ;-)15:25
seb128yeah, those theming tweak having been pending for a while15:25
larsuthanks Laney :)15:25
seb128would be good to have them landing15:25
* larsu nods15:26
seb128Laney, larsu, would one of you be interested looking at bug #1454950 next week?15:27
ubot5bug 1454950 in gnome-settings-daemon "It needs to press touchpad hotkey twice to re-enable touchpad" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145495015:27
seb128it's coming from the oem team and has some details on the issue/buggy code, it's also a but that still happen on upstream it seems15:28
seb128larsu, thanks :-)15:28
LaneyI don't seem to have a button to do that15:30
Laneycan you do it from software?15:30
Laneywell, nm if larsu is gonig to look :P15:31
seb128Laney, I guess you can edit the code the change what key does that15:38
seb128those haskell packages are crazyness15:39
seb128it feels like half of the uploads are for ghc abi changes15:40
seb128half of the ubuntu uploads I mean15:40
LaneyClimate scientists announced today that a landmark study into the leading causes of CO2 emissions has discovered that Haskell rebuilds in Ubuntu and Debian rank in the top spot ahead of transport, heavy industry and power generation.15:43
larsuhaha :D15:44
seb128I hope we have users of those packages15:44
larsuactually bitcoin miners are starting to get there: http://motherboard.vice.com/read/bitcoin-is-unsustainable15:44
seb128so much energy wasted :-/15:46
larsuwe should solve problems in this order: (1) cheap renewable energy (2) cryptocurrencies15:47
Laneyseb128: can we subscribe desktop-bugs to libgom please?15:51
Laneygoing to be a bd/d of grilo-plugins soon15:51
Sweet5harkLaney: Climate scientists clearly havent discovered: http://tinderbox.libreoffice.org/MASTER/status.html yet then ...15:53
larsuSweet5hark: man, that took long this time :P15:53
larsua full 10 minutes after Laney first mentioned the topic15:53
Laneytoo busy watching libreoffice build to read IRC15:54
seb128Laney, you got team admin, feel free to do it15:54
* Sweet5hark is in meeting and was sniped into another conversation along too.15:55
Laney[MIR] xmonad15:55
LaneyDesktop team will maintain.15:55
Laneyright, got to go solve the murder16:09
Laneybyeeeeeee, happy weekend!16:09
larsuhave fun!!16:09
willcookehappy weekend all17:03
NoskcajLaney, gpg from the ppa is working fine for me now. No visible bugs21:12

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