
lordievaderGood morning.09:20
BluesKajHiyas all12:32
lotuspsychjegood afternoon13:26
lotuspsychjeJohnny_Linux: good day sir13:34
Johnny_Linuxgood day there13:34
lotuspsychjeits hot again here13:34
Johnny_Linuxmy cup runneth over13:34
Johnny_Linux85F here13:34
lotuspsychjehow much is that in egrees13:34
Johnny_Linuxitl be 100 before its over13:34
Johnny_Linuxand im in fla usa13:35
Johnny_Linuxi may move to alaska13:35
lotuspsychje= 29.444444444°C13:36
Johnny_Linuxlike my x wife was13:36
lotuspsychje!find hot X13:39
ubot5X is not a valid distribution: kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed13:39
Johnny_Linuxshe had back ports too13:40
lotuspsychjeand that was good for your version wily?13:40
Johnny_Linuxhe left with her13:40
ubot5It is spelt !wiLy :)13:40
Johnny_Linuxevery time i went to work, i had to leave it on the dresser13:41
lotuspsychjesweet memorys..13:41
Johnny_Linuxall my exes live in texas, thats why i cash my check in tennessee13:42
lotuspsychjethats prolly a usa joke i cant understand :p13:42
Johnny_Linuxya, its a country song about x wives13:42
Johnny_Linuxim only kidding tho, been married once and its going on 31 yrs... good woman13:43
lotuspsychjegreat 2 hear13:43
lotuspsychje5 years togheter here13:44
lotuspsychjeand a very good woman also13:44
Johnny_Linuxgood job mate13:44
Johnny_Linuxmost people today think marriage is an activity, not a commitment13:44
lotuspsychjewell we are not married, but do have commitment to each other13:45
Johnny_Linuxanyway, got customers on the way, back in a while13:45
Johnny_Linuxyour good people, you have a sense of humor, and thats half the battle13:45
lotuspsychje: )13:46
lotuspsychjego to the backdoor of your customers13:46
Johnny_Linuxonly if they have american express13:46
BluesKajhey lotuspsychje, Johnny_Linux13:46
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: hello mate13:47
BluesKajhyperch was just telling me about NixOS..interesting concept in theory, but one revgiew found it a steep learning curve for users used to the regular type pacakge management systems13:48
* daftykins shakes his head at smallfoot16:59
OerHeksyeah, find his real issue16:59
daftykinsdunno, any of you a trained psych? :)16:59
OerHeksi classify him as: i can fix it myself better than you.16:59
OerHeksif you treat him nice, he might be a good helper17:00
daftykinsoh dear, did i walk in in the middle?17:00
* OerHeks is no trained schrink b.t.w.17:01
daftykinss'ok, i ignored him now17:01
daftykinsdamn i love this function, i've never used it in all my years of IRC17:01
* daftykins installs Windows 10's latest build17:02
daftykins3 builds in one week, sheesh17:03
daftykinsthat's over 10GB downloaded :>17:03
daftykinsfull of idiots. just... full.17:55
Johnny_Linuxthats the public school generation, compliments of unesco17:58
Johnny_Linuxlong story18:06
daftykinsok don't tell it, doesn't sound remotely interesting :)18:06
Johnny_Linuxdaftykins , are you in usa ??18:06
EriC^^good evening all19:06
daftykinsEriC^: hallo o/19:07
EriC^hello o/19:07
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