
=== NComman`` is now known as NCommander
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rbasakinfinity, Daviey, Laney, Riddell, ScottK, tumbleweed, slangasek, stgraber: opinion on nginx request please? Not had an answer from anyone yet :-(08:09
rbasak(skaet and pitti don't appear to be online)08:09
rbasakI'd prefer for you to send me up to the TB if that is what is required.08:10
Davieyrbasak: that was just what i was thinking. Writing a response now08:14
rbasakThank you!08:15
darkxstinfinity, can you take at my comments re webkit2gtk-4.0 mess on bug 1466290? Its highly unlikely that a proper transition can happen anytime soon10:01
ubot93bug 1466290 in gnome-online-accounts (Ubuntu) "Update to 3.16" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146629010:01
ogra_*sniff* ... there goes the unicorn ...13:25
infinityogra_: You still have three weeks to enjoy its fluffy goodness.13:53
ogra_heh, i left it behind already :)13:53
infinitySo did I, obviously, but I still use the unicorn wallpaper.13:54
infinityIt was actually quite nice.13:54
ogra_yeah, finally something to replace the heron :P13:54
infinityadconrad@nosferatu:~$ dpkg -S Unicorn13:54
infinityubuntu-wallpapers-utopic: /usr/share/backgrounds/Utopic_Unicorn__by_Bedis_ElAchКche.jpg13:54
ogra_kwwii's best work :)13:55
infinityThat one.13:55
infinityLooks really nice on an LCD with good color saturation.13:55
cjwatsonI use that one too14:00
Davieyinfinity: meh, the rest of us just use warty-final-ubuntu.png15:33
LaneyI hate unicorns now, since *that* picture15:34
infinityLaney: don't tell msm.15:35
cjwatsonLaney: You clearly need to read http://www.tor.com/2013/09/24/equoid/, nice fluffy harmless unicorn story [*]15:37
cjwatson[*] may be a lie15:37
infinityI don't want to click on that, do I?15:37
LaneyIt's quite long - I'll postpone the end of my life as I know it until over the weekend. :)15:38
cjwatsonIt's safe for work, just not for brain.15:38
cjwatson(Also a Cold Comfort Farm parody, in part)15:39

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