
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
zmoylan-pino an iDivorce00:01
diddledanzmoylan-pi: is that "iDevorce you"00:02
diddledanerm, spelign00:02
daftykinsi did nearly say that zmoylan-pi but i thought it too obvious :(00:02
zmoylan-pibut an iDivorce would obviously be more expensive than a normal divorce...00:03
shaunomeh, iNomenclature is so last decade00:03
shaunoregardless.  it's an interesting show of how far apple is pulling ahead00:05
shaunobecause all this whining is the same pathetic childishness that would have been kicking and screaming about micro$oft 10 years ago00:06
zmoylan-pii'm not so sure.  they own the high end but the bottom of the market is much bigger00:06
zmoylan-pion saturday i'll be gaming with 6 geeks.  there will only be 2 iphones there, 4 androids and bunch of nokias used as backup phones00:08
zmoylan-piapart from mine which i use as primary phone :-)00:08
diddledananother graham clueless: https://grahamcluley.com/2015/07/hack-plex00:08
daftykinszmoylan-pi: what's the game?00:09
daftykinsah har00:10
intrbizhmm, i appear to have no /proc00:10
* daftykins laughs manically and runs off into the distance away from intrbiz 00:11
* diddledan prods proc00:12
intrbizand no /dev either00:12
* diddledan digs dev00:12
zmoylan-piprobably has no /home to go to...00:12
intrbizI have /home, just can't prove that00:13
intrbizand no /sys either00:13
diddledanintrbiz: maybe you're in a chroot?00:13
intrbiznah, it's soem BTRFS fuckup00:13
diddledanwell that killed the konversation00:14
intrbiznote to self, don't run btrfs balance /00:18
intrbizrunning btrfs on root is not for the faint hearted00:18
diddledanI wonder how the leccytricians are getting on?00:28
diddledanstill no power00:28
diddledanin other news, it seems my UPS isn't00:28
diddledanit seems to last about 4 minutes00:29
diddledanwhich is really sucky00:29
intrbizdiddledan: often have power outages?00:29
diddledanluckily no00:29
zmoylan-pii've never seen a ups do it's job in an emergency.00:32
shaunoI see thousands of them doing it most days00:35
shaunoI monitor upses  lol00:38
=== ging_ is now known as ging
diddledanshauno is the guy your boss calls when the ups gets frazzled because the cleaner plugged the hoover into the wrong socket00:39
zmoylan-pii usually only see hardware when it's gone wrong.  so for me i always see upses, tape drives, raid arrays AFTER they've failed00:39
diddledanshauno: I don't suppose you could get an accidental _new_ battery set written off and shipped for disposal in amazingstoke can you?00:40
diddledanit's a consumer unit tho so definitely a different department :-p00:41
zmoylan-piwhat you want is a submarine battery shipped no questions asked :-P00:42
diddledanoh shauno knows about batteries that get submerged :-p00:42
shaunowe actually handle a lot of surprisingly small units.  a lot of customers who just want someone else to deal with the whole thing are ones who have thousands of units dispersed00:42
shaunoplaces that have one in every switch cabinet, or one at every POS, etc00:43
diddledanso someone's burgler alarm is now blaring. does that mean the power has been off for too long that it's decided to tell everyone?00:43
zmoylan-pialarms are supposed to last 24hours before their batteries run out.  but an old alarm with a wonky battery...00:44
zmoylan-pior someone is using power outage to break into local bank in uk again...00:45
intrbizI think the limit in the uk for sounding is 20 mins00:45
zmoylan-pirather alarms are supposed to power them selves from batteries for 24 hours without power in case burgalar tries to cut power to stop alarm.  bell shouldn't ring because of power cut.  if it does it usually means battery is knackered00:47
diddledandaftykins: was two releases in one week too much? http://blogs.windows.com/bloggingwindows/2015/07/02/welcome-to-the-faster-fast-ring/00:57
daftykinsbattery going so early bed for me01:06
intrbizhow, in 2015, does C++ not have a f**cking stable ABI01:07
diddledanI just found an annoying bug in ms-edge browser01:08
intrbizis it an edge case?01:09
diddledanwhen network conditions cause a valid page to fail to load, when you click the reload button to re-request the page it doesn't because internally the browser is showing a page with a url of the form ms-appx:// which the browser then reloads when you click the reload button instead of the original desired website01:09
intrbizdoes edge still override error pages?01:10
diddledanthe ms-appx:// page is the internal error page that you get shown when the browser doesn't have an error from the target webserver01:11
diddledansimilar to ms-ie's "friendly error page"01:11
intrbizsure, but old IE used to override 40x and 50x errors with its own pages01:12
diddledanthat error page does include a link which will correctly re-request the proper page you wanted in the first place, though, it's just the "circular arrow" button in the toolbar that doesn't work as expected01:14
diddledannot true - it only overrode error pages that were smaller than a small size01:16
diddledanreference: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ieinternals/archive/2010/08/19/http-error-pages-in-internet-explorer.aspx01:18
diddledan"The default threshold is 256 bytes for the response codes [403, 405, 410] and 512 bytes for response codes [400, 404, 406, 408, 409, 500, 501, 505]. "01:19
zmoylan-pithe flaw as i see it is you are using a browser from ms...01:20
intrbizdiddledan: indeed, had so many pages with filler comment blocks :(01:20
diddledanstill no power01:20
diddledanmy emergency light has run out of juice, now, too01:21
* zmoylan-pi loans diddledan a nokia dumb phone to last the next week :-)01:21
* diddledan wanders to the kitchen to have a nosey at the workmen01:22
* ball slumps across the keyboard01:26
=== zmoylan-1i is now known as zmoylan-pi
diddledanMOAR POWAH!03:15
diddledanI CAN SEE03:15
diddledanwhat did I miss?03:15
ballWell, first the Earth cooled and then the dinosaurs came...03:16
zmoylan-pithere's a sale on at pennys!!03:18
ballMy wife shops at Penny's03:19
ball(on occasion).03:19
zmoylan-piit looks like i picked the wrong night to quote old movies...03:21
diddledanit looks like I picked the wrong night to quit crack03:23
zmoylan-piSurely you can't be serious?03:24
diddledanI am serious, but don't call me shirley03:24
diddledanroger, roger, what's your vector, victor, over03:25
zmoylan-piever been in a turkish prison?03:25
ballI am aware of them.03:37
* ball gives up03:53
knightwisezmoylan-pi: thats a line from "flighing high" right ?04:39
* zmoylan-pi banishes knightwise to a weekend of watching airplane, airplane ii04:40
knightwisezmoylan-pi: I LOVE the scene where the guy pulls the plug on the runway lights !04:40
knightwise*that face* !04:41
mappshi all05:11
knightwisehey mapps05:12
mappsman its hot05:13
mappsjust got home05:13
mappstv time05:20
mappswayward pines;D05:20
* knightwise just started my day05:41
knightwisegot up a 5.30 while temps are still bearable05:42
mappsprob 22c here or so05:43
mappsi leave window open but then i hear noise from morrisons carpark05:43
diploMorning all07:41
diploGot an issue, weird.. think I may have seen before07:42
diplodu -h of a dir gives me a 380G return, go into said directory and there is only about 800mb of files07:42
diploI'm sure this is related to an inode issue and how du calculates stuff, but i can't remember07:43
diploAny thoughts07:43
diploFixed it, this time I was beinga numpty07:48
bigcalmGood morning peeps :)07:55
MooDoo_hello all08:05
=== MooDoo_ is now known as MooDoo
davmor2Morning all08:29
davmor2MooDoo: Todays tune is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuHr00nxeew08:30
MooDoohehe brill08:31
MooDooI've just read a book called ready, player one and it's caused me to listen to everything 80's :D08:32
davmor2MooDoo: that makes me think of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxsNnUAyfd4 and this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3c2xbYWKY008:34
knightwisemorning peeps08:35
davmor2MooDoo: or maybe this now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWTFG3J1CP808:35
knightwiseWorking in an 18th century watermill today :)08:35
knightwiseEscaping the heat within its thick, wifi unfriendly walls08:36
* diddledan wanders off to find liquids08:54
foobarryinside yuor body08:56
davmor2MooDoo, popey: You gotta love this guys dedication https://www.youtube.com/user/SmoothMcGroove/videos08:57
popeynot clicking08:58
davmor2popey: it's worth it if only for the tetris and streetfighter versions09:00
popeyoh, him09:00
popeyyes, I love his work09:00
davmor2popey: and minecraft09:00
popeythe super mario one is awesome09:00
popeymy kids loved the minecraft one09:00
popeyalso i love his cat09:00
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:01
knightwiseFAN TAS TIC !09:06
foobarrydavmor2: amazing09:07
foobarryi like the underwater super mario 64 one09:07
davmor2popey: +1 on the cat :)09:07
davmor2popey: see I don't know why you think I pick bad things all the time, you forget our last.fm was 94% compatible you're just scared they are earworms ;)09:08
knightwisedavmor2: your Last.Fm playlist had over 34% 'one direction' songs in them. We cannot trust you .. ever again09:09
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Friday, and happy International Plastic Bag Free Day! 😃09:09
davmor2knightwise: one direction weren't born in my preferred era of music so I doubt that09:10
davmor2\o/ free plastic bags for everyone.... JamesTait that's what you meant right?09:11
JamesTaitPlastic bags just want to be free!09:12
* knightwise thinks of the scene in american pie09:13
popeydavmor2: true09:13
davmor2knightwise: also I'm possibly one of the only people who can hand on heart so I have no idea on any of their songs, I mean I even know baby baby baby chorus by Juggling Baby (I think that how you spell it right) but only cause the granddaught sang everytime we saw her :)09:15
davmor2no idea how the rest of the song goes09:15
* knightwise refuses to google it :p09:27
* brobostigon is googling what this visa card manager is on his yubikey, when he scans its nfc with his droid.09:31
* knightwise is setting up a bittorrent sync folder on a remote Synology nas to remote-backup his encrypted backup files09:32
* diddledan is twiddling thumbs09:32
SuperMattI hope they're your thumbs and not someone else's09:32
knightwiseok , i need to decomission the old EEE pc at my inlaws ...09:34
knightwisehad ubuntu running on it as a headless machine but by now a raspberry Pi model A is more responsive09:34
* brobostigon wonders if said visa card amanger on his yubikey can emulate an nfc payment card.?09:35
diddledanbrobostigon: surely the visa thingy is an app on your droid, not something magical on your yubikey09:36
brobostigondiddledan: its showing as on the yubikey. next to its piv and openpgp cards.09:37
diddledanwell yubikey isn't a credit card09:38
brobostigonthat it definatly isnt.09:38
diddledanmaybe it's just a storage location for securely saving and reproducing your numbers?09:39
knightwisereddit is having a hard time today09:39
knightwiseapparently its a bit of a shitstorm going on09:39
diddledanknightwise: reddit shmeddit09:39
diddledanI've never really understood reddit09:39
brobostigondiddledan: i dont know, thats what i am tyring to work out.09:39
foobarrythey are default subs, nothing of value is lost11:07
knightwisethe AMA sub is a big deal though11:24
foobarryto some i guess.11:24
foobarryand big traffic drivers11:25
knightwiseYeey ! Episode 2 of Mr Robot ! ! !11:26
* knightwise LOVES mr Robot11:26
awilkinsWhat on?11:39
awilkinsAre we talking a massive cloudy peer network of some sort?11:39
knightwiseawilkins: correct11:41
knightwisebig boat with sails and lots of little magnets11:41
ali1234i just got as a captcha "idk my bff jill"11:41
ali1234what is happening?11:41
knightwise? try one of the proxies11:42
ali1234so i've got a dell poweredge 1600 with LSI raid controller11:44
ali12342002 vintage11:44
ali1234it refuses to boot. how can i recover the data?11:44
ali1234so far i put a IDE drive in it, and now installing ubuntu with PXE11:45
knightwisehttp://www.ebay.com/itm/Dell-PowerEdge-C6100-XS23-TY3-Node-with-Raid-card-SAS1068E-R-and-two-heatsinks-/221586702241?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item339798bfa1  ?11:46
ali1234ubuntu can see the SCSI controller and the drives but it can't make any sense out of the RAID format and says all the partitions are invalid11:46
ali1234this doesn't seem to be a hardware problem. apparently the problems started when the motherboard failed. it was replaced, but now the system just wn't boot11:47
knightwisehmmm... and the scisi controller was not replaced ?11:47
ali1234SCSI controller is integrated on the motherboard11:48
ali1234it also has a built in BIOS and settings menu11:48
knightwisemaybe the current scsi controller is looking at the raid set all wrong ?11:48
ali1234i suspect that whoever replaced the MB didn't know how to configure it11:48
ali1234unfortunately neither do I11:48
knightwisemaybe it thinks its a mirror or something11:48
knightwisecan you change the settings around and see what happens without reformatting the stack ?11:50
ali1234i don't know11:50
knightwiseyou should be able to do that by going into the bios of the card11:50
ali1234hence why i am installing ubuntu. i will image each drive individually before doing anything11:50
ali1234i went into the bios but could not see a way to actually change any settings11:51
knightwisebut the scsi controller might have a seperate bios11:51
ali1234for all i know it doesn't actually have hardware raid at all11:51
knightwisehmmm.. thats hard to determine just looking at the raw data11:52
ali1234it's funny... it has 4x 71GB drives11:54
ali1234and 1GB11:54
ali1234must have cost a packet... 13 years ago11:54
knightwiseI think it might be one system drive and the other four in raid5 or something11:56
knightwisecan you read the 1gb one ?11:56
ali1234no it has 1GB RAM11:56
ali1234i put a 40GB IDE drive in to install ubuntu because it can't even USB boot11:57
ali1234found out my router has a built in PXE server and I didn't even know11:57
ali1234but the PXE install image doesn't have any nice tools11:58
ali1234apparently the engineer who replaced the motherboard killed the raid somehow13:05
zmoylan-pithe old motherboard may have been configured for the card and the new raid card detecting the new mb has reset something?13:06
ali1234the card is built in to the motherboard13:06
ali1234and there is no configuration for raid within the bios parts13:07
ali1234apparently one of the drives was already dead13:07
ali1234my guess, the drive wasn't actually dead, it was just because of the broken motherboard13:07
ali1234new motherboard -> old dead drive starts working again -> raid is now totally desynced13:07
foobarryfirefox just froze on me trying to play youtune15:20
foobarrythe honeymoon is over i see15:20
foobarrykilled my pc completely15:20
popeynuke it from orbit, only way to be sure15:22
* bigcalm wants to know where his Amazon delivery is. Selected next day delivery. Bet it'll be something silly like 8pm15:23
shaunohas it shipped yet?15:23
bigcalmshauno: it's showing it's out for delivery15:23
shaunoah ok15:24
shaunoI seem to get a lot, next day delivery, but we'll dispatch when we feel like it15:24
popeyreminds me, new strap for my pebble is out for delivery15:24
zmoylan-pihow will you check your wrist to see how late it is?? :-)15:29
foobarrybeen waiting 1 month for my bag from china15:29
shaunoif you still remember ordering it, you haven't waited long enough yet.   china is meant to be surprises :)15:29
bigcalmBeen there15:30
foobarryi did order about 6 things15:30
foobarryi did actually forget all the in between things15:30
foobarrywhich arrived and were for my wife15:30
davmor2popey: you broke it already?15:30
shaunofor a while I got to the points where I was hopping on dx.com a couple of times a year just to make sure I hadn't ordered anything that hadn't arrived15:31
foobarrytinydeal is the new fun15:31
popeydavmor2: no, wanted an additional one15:32
davmor2popey: phew15:32
popeyfoobarry: that looks like dx15:32
foobarryhmmm http://www.tinydeal.com/stainless-steel-whiskey-stones-ice-cubes-soapstone-p-144287.html?dp=O010215:32
foobarryoh yeah, looks samiliar15:33
foobarryice cubes that will cause expensive dentistry15:33
bigcalmAha, a delivery15:47
diddledanwas it what you were expecting? :-p15:51
diddledanshauno: what a great idea15:52
daftykinsdiddledan: just booted my test win10 box, build 10162 now available!?15:53
diddledandaftykins: yeah that was the link I posted to you last night against "was two releases in a week too many?"15:53
daftykinsdiddledan: oh, i thought that was with regard to the last two15:53
diddledannah, it's a third!15:53
diddledanthree releases in 4 days15:54
diddledanso I been fiddling now my power is powerful again. I managed to take a backup of a site I last messed-with in 2005 and managed to seamlessly upgrade it from mediawiki 1.4.x to 1.25.115:55
diddledanrequired two separate intermediate virtual machines with ubuntu 6.06 (dappy) and ubuntu 12.04 (precise) to get compatible php and mysqls for the upgrade15:56
diddledantis now running tho and publicly visitable at www.clustergroup.org \o/15:57
daftykinsthe jump was too far to go direct purely due to software versions 0o15:58
diddledanindeed. it's 10 years almost exactly15:58
diddledanlast modification date on the homepage is "1 April 2005"15:59
bigcalmdiddledan: http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00X59GJGC15:59
diddledanI wonder if that was an april fool :-p15:59
diddledanbigcalm: nice16:00
bigcalmI already have 500mb ones, but they aren't cutting it for streaming Steam16:00
bigcalmGrr, ctrl-w on the wrong window16:01
daftykins1.9GB pulled down, now it's having a break16:02
diddledanaah. ctrl+w in nano gets me used to it for finding strings but then I try using it in gui apps and shut them down instead of finding what I'm looking for within the open file16:02
daftykinsconsistency was always a major pain in Loonix land16:02
awilkinsSolution : don't use nano16:21
awilkinsIt's evil, use vim16:21
bashrc_nano is ok for those 'vi has gone insane' moments16:22
daftykinsi'm happy with nano, i've never felt the need to 'learn' a text editor16:23
daftykinsi'm sure it's great if you're a dev who puts tonnes of hours into it, but i'm mostly doing config edits so meh16:24
* zmoylan-pi replaces all the text editors on daftykins system with edlin... :-)16:25
diddledanI am slowly starting to use vi more16:26
diddledanI like the regex search with just a / keypress16:26
zmoylan-piwelcome to the dark side, we have cookies16:26
diddledanand : to go to a line number16:27
diddledanthat's very useful for code editing16:27
daftykinsah har16:27
diddledan:65 <-- that goes direct to the line referenced in an error message about line 65 for example16:27
daftykinsthat could be handy when peeps in #ubuntu have error logs pointing to a line #16:27
daftykinsbetter than cursoring down XD16:27
daftykinswelp, this update isn't downloading :(16:28
diddledanaww :-(16:28
daftykinslets restart the windows update service and see what it does16:28
daftykinsah here we go, retry button...16:28
daftykinsand huzzah off to downloading at 36Mb again :)16:29
daftykinsand stopped =|16:29
zmoylan-pi99 updates on the windows server... bring one down, install, reboot, recheck 102 updates on the windows server....16:29
daftykinsi wouldn't run Windows Server :D16:30
zmoylan-piplease, you install ms office and it installs sql server for your 10-20 contacts... :-D16:31
diddledanzmoylan-pi: they've fixed that. now it installs sql server express :-p16:31
daftykinsi'm not aware of that16:32
daftykinsdon't really use Office myself16:32
diddledanjust joshing16:32
daftykinsthough supporting it is a common thing16:32
daftykinsgood ol' Outlook and its' many quibbles16:32
* bashrc_ MS Office installs considered harmful16:32
daftykinsreally? or is that just part of the childish attitude of Linux users?16:33
bashrc_The last time I used MS Office was maybe 200916:33
bashrc_I don't really consider myself very child-like, but I do consider closed source stuff to be a security threat and to be avoided at all costs16:34
diddledanbashrc_ but it's so pretty!16:35
zmoylan-pithe sql server for contacts in ms office thing really annoyed me as it consumed so much resources for what was for most people a tiny amount of data16:36
daftykinsi'm used to dealing with the PST and OST files, presumably they're accessed via SQL if what you're saying is still true?16:36
daftykinsin fact perhaps if it is SQL express that's where the 20GB limitation comes from...16:37
daftykinsnope 10GB on that16:38
daftykinsright must reboot and install this 1016216:40
daftykinsback in... a while :> despite a core 2 quad and SSD16:41
awilkinszmoylan-pi, Whut, Office installs MSSQL?!?16:48
* awilkins checks16:49
awilkinsDarn, I installed something else that installs MSSQL16:49
davmor2diddledan: don't use vi, vi hates you, use vim instead ;)18:38
davmor2diddledan: if you want to use something more minimal use vim.tiny :)18:38
diddledandavmor2: yeah vim is what I meant18:39
* daftykins sings "Another One Bites the Dust" :D18:40
daftykinsanother dead disk in #ubuntu18:40
davmor2diddledan: vimcheatsheet.com is nice,  http://www.viemu.com/a_vi_vim_graphical_cheat_sheet_tutorial.html this too, also vimtutor as a refresher is useful :)18:41
diddledanI need to learn the shortcut keys for "end of word" and "beginning of word"18:48
davmor2diddledan: e and w or E and W18:49
directhexpfft, vim19:07
=== DJones_ is now known as DJones
davmor2directhex: why pfft19:14
directhexit's hard to take seriously when its UI is designed for a computer that hasn't existed for decades19:15
directhexie the reason for hjkl is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ADM-3A#/media/File:KB_Terminal_ADM3A.svg19:16
davmor2directhex: I like kate too I just don't like installing half of kde to get it , I also like geany, but vim is there on servers and desktop and phones alike so there is only one set of shortcuts to remember :)19:17
gingwill apt-get upgrade --target-rlease trusty-security have the effect of installing only security updates?19:40
ging(on trusty)19:40
daftykinsAzelphur: there's a query right up your alley in #ubuntu right now ;) guy with 6 screens on 3 hosts used with synergy wants to be able to play media across all of them XD19:46
zmoylan-piwell if he wants to play x's and o's he'll need 3 more screens :-)19:50
diddledandaftykins: that sounds like something that'll be awkward at best19:50
daftykinsthat basically sums up all #ubuntu visitors19:51
daftykinsand #kodi for that matter19:51
daftykins"here's my ridiculous edge-case, why doesn't this work?"19:51
diddledanhe can start several X11 connections and try xinerama between all of them, but with synergy also that means the mouse will behave like it's on speed19:51
diddledanreally he needs to combine the 6 monitors onto a single system19:52
shaunohe might not still get video that way, since most players use direct rendering19:52
ali1234you need to use gstreamer19:52
ali1234it has a special module for synchronizing media across the network19:53
daftykinsi said get a decent single card and run it off a single host, but the language barrier is to blame for why i can't understand the response to that (if there was one)19:53
ali1234a single card that can control 6 monitors?19:53
daftykinswell, i said likely two19:55
daftykinsbut single host either way :P19:55
daftykinsi don't know anyone who's actually used displayport daisy-chaining19:55
daftykinsthat probably isn't available with those displays, let alone whether you can do 6 with that19:55
daftykinsnor it work on Linux *cough*19:56
shaunoyou only really need one screen to watch your nvidia drivers rebuild on19:56
daftykinshey hey, the driver hate solely belongs with AMD, not nvidia :P19:57
ali1234so raid...19:58
ali1234what repair tools exist?19:58
ali1234i don't even know what type of raid these drives are from19:58
daftykinsuh oh.19:58
daftykinsthrow madam on and plug 'em in? :D19:58
ali1234i can't, they are scsi19:59
ali1234this is the situation as best as i can understand it:19:59
ali1234new motherboard was ordered. engineer arrived to fit it.19:59
ali1234engineer didn;t configure the raid properly, wiped raid config from the drives20:00
ali1234ripped out the power so the data is still there20:00
ali1234i now have a mystery raid of four disks20:00
ali1234no idea which disk is which, or what raid level they are20:00
ali1234i have imaged all four drives20:02
ali1234what should i start looking at?20:02
shaunoI want to say "backups", but I suspect that isn't going to be helpful20:05
shaunohttp://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-33378778   go Iceland!20:05
ali1234yeah no backups20:05
ali1234also the system was operating for like a year with the array degraded apparently20:06
ali1234although all the drives seem to be working fine now20:07
ali1234hmm well i found some parity data20:12
ali1234next step: figure out the block size20:15
ali1234rightmost one is clearly parity... you can tell without even looking at the individual characters20:16
daftykins'engineer' doesn't sound too great20:21
diddledanali1234: 256Byte?20:21
ali1234no its not 256 btes20:21
ali1234it's at the very least 0x2000 bytes20:23
ali1234i mean the size of the stripped blocks btw20:23
ali1234not filesystem20:23
diddledanI was going on the second disk being a repetition of 32*820:23
ali1234i'm assuming here it's not just "1 whole disc for parity"20:23
diddledanthat's obviously if I'm counting it right, ofc20:24
ali1234looks like at least 0x1000020:26
diddledanthat's 1MB?20:27
ali1234yeah looks like that's it20:27
ali1234everything seems to switch around after 0x1000020:27
ali1234need to write some quick tool to confirm that20:27
ali1234wait a minute20:37
ali1234you can't tell which one is the parity programmatically :/20:37
ali1234because any given drive = the xor of the other three20:37
daftykinsnot sure if i'm not understanding you correctly, but a single disk can't hold the parity alone since it's spread about no?20:38
daftykinsas in, every disk has parity in a RAID20:38
ali1234usually yeah20:38
ali1234it's not a requirement though20:38
ali1234you could put all the parity on one disk if you wanted to20:38
ali1234okay so this is making more sense now... some bits of the array have parity errors20:39
ali1234so my old theory - a disk suddenly came back online in the array with out of date data on it - seems like it might be what's happened here20:39
daftykinsthat'd make sense for the degraded status, mmm20:39
ali1234well it's not saying degraded anywhere20:40
ali1234the bios doesn't seem to have any raid setup, and the OS won't boot at all20:40
daftykinsthe HBA would do that srely20:40
ali1234what a HBA?20:40
daftykinshost bus adapter20:40
daftykinsso SCSI controller20:40
ali1234there is a menu for the scsi controller but it does not have any mentions of "raid"20:41
ali1234it just lets you configure the LUNs etc20:41
ali1234the scsi controller is supposed to be a hardware raid though20:41
daftykinshmm, how was it presented? as a keypress on a POST screen?20:41
ali1234maybe if i just unplug one of the drives it will magically work20:41
ali1234no idea which one but there's only four20:42
daftykinsmmm won't take too long20:42
daftykinssometimes there's a different keypress to enter the RAID portion than the other i think, but perhaps that one's just software defined RAID20:42
daftykinsknowing the controller / motherboard if integrated / etc might help20:43
ali1234there is a keypress for something called "utility mode" but it tries to boot a recovery partition which is not accessable because the raid is dead20:43
ali1234it's a dell poweredge 1600SC20:43
daftykinsyep some posts online state the onboard SCSI controller is non-RAID20:47
ali1234but this is definitely raid20:47
daftykinsmust be software defined20:47
ali1234the OS is apparently business server 200320:48
ali1234they waited right until EOL to upgrade the server, at which point it promptly died the day before20:48
daftykinsheh my mate knows the guy that runs tvcatchup.com - they block us from using it due to geoIP so i'm asking them to change it :D20:48
daftykinsoh Windows, hmm not sure if server 2003 would install with a RAID config - might do20:49
ali1234well it must have20:49
daftykinsunless the disks were just glued together by some ugly 'dynamic' setup to pool their capacity together20:49
ali1234there is clearly parity and the data is striped...20:49
ali1234i don't understand why it wont boot... i just don't get it20:50
ali1234maybe the software raid knows the array is messed up so just refuses20:50
ali1234the other weird thing is that the array has a dos partition table20:53
ali1234it's on the first drive in the usual place, but of course it shows partitions which are too big for the drive20:54
ali1234i dont see how that could ever work unless there was a hardware raid to hide the physical disks from the bios20:54
daftykinsdoes it equal two disks glued together in a single volume, then perhaps that is RAID-1'd to the other pair?20:54
ali1234i dunno let me check the details20:54
ali1234"Dell Utility" - can't be just coincidence20:57
ali1234so 21Gb system drive, then a 188GB data drive, matches with what the owner told me about "E: for data"20:58
ali1234the array is four 70GB drives, logical size seems to be 210GB... checks out20:58
daftykinsindeed! so a soft RAID5 of some kind20:59
ali1234yeah but... given the partition table... how could a soft raid ever boot?21:00
daftykinsthat is confusing21:02
ali1234maybe it's 32MB striped and the dell utility boots it... no because that's not set bootable...21:03
ali1234maybe the old motherboard and the new motherboard are different!21:03
daftykinscould well be, though SCSI onboard in lots of Dell servers tended to lack the RAID portion i thought21:04
ali1234maybe they couldn't get the right one... so they got one with software raid... and now it doesn't work21:04
daftykinsyou'd get the RAID through a PERC controller card21:04
daftykinslooks like server2003 KBs state boot + OS files can't be in a software RAID521:04
ali1234hmm there is a second card in this thing21:04
ali1234it has a scsi tape drive connected to it21:04
ali1234nothing else21:04
ali1234but it's the same connector as the motherboard scsi21:05
ali1234maybe that's the problem21:05
ali1234plugged the connectors in wrong way around?21:05
daftykinsyeah that could definitely be plausible21:05
diddledanI just broke my mac and fixed it again21:05
shaunothe tape into the raid controller?21:06
diddledanit refused to let me login - seems I somehow fubard my pam.d21:06
ali1234the tape is connected to a separate SCSI card yes21:06
shaunodoes that card have a slot for a stick of ram?21:07
ali1234maybe... it has a weird daughterboard on it21:07
ali1234and it has a bunch of RAM on it too21:07
ali1234Dell PERC 4/SC apparently21:08
shaunothat's normally the giveaway for raid cards.  a good chunk of cache and/or battery21:08
directhexPERC is rebadged LSI megaraid21:08
daftykinsali1234: there you go, the PERC is the RAID HBA from Dell21:08
daftykinssounds like they've been mixed up21:09
daftykinsswap the SCSI chains and Bob's your mother's brother?21:09
ali1234still leaves the parity errors21:09
daftykinsthat could be the degraded angle21:09
daftykinsi take it you're not in the office to swap the cables yourself? :)21:10
ali1234i have the system right next to me actually21:10
ali1234it's loud21:10
ali1234and hot21:10
daftykinshow many U?21:10
ali1234it;s a full tower case21:10
shaunoand angry ;)21:10
ali1234and a massive one at that21:10
shaunoI miss pedestal towers (instead of desktop towers)21:11
zmoylan-pibecause sometimese you want to have 12 drives in one system :-)21:12
shaunosometimes a 386 really is a good substitute for a missing table leg21:13
daftykinsi suspect that's what's in your kitchen neighbouring the fixed oven wall socket, shauno :)21:14
shaunonah, I left that behind several houses ago21:14
shaunowell, when I moved to the US I only took a suitcase.  it was 2002.  my 386, no matter how much I loved the case, didn't make the cut :p21:18
shauno(what did make the cut was pretty fun though.  my carryon was mostly harddrives because I didn't trust the baggage handlers)21:19
zmoylan-piin 2002 the power brick with the 386 probably wouldn't have worked in usa?21:20
shaunosure, just throw the little switch on the back21:21
daftykinsi remember a mate from school bought a system from Canada and didn't know about said switch21:22
daftykinsso *pop* it went21:22
shaunoyeah.  that tiny little switch was probably one of the most critical on the system  lol21:22
zmoylan-piin 80s and 90s we had many a customer who flipped that switch on back of pcs to see what it did21:23
daftykinswhen i taught IT for a bit, one of the kids did it as a 'fault finding' exercise for a class mate21:23
daftykinsi told them off about that one :P21:23
daftykinssweet, i just got the tvcatchup.com service owner to unblock Guernsey ISPs \o/21:24
ali1234okay now were getting somewhere21:28
ali1234i'm in the PERC utility now21:28
ali1234it's actually doing something21:29
daftykinsexcellent :)21:29
daftykinsyeah that should show your config + status a lot better21:29
ali1234although still not actually working21:29
shaunocan I assume you already dumped the disks somewhere?21:30
daftykinshe did, image files up above21:30
daftykinsin the pastebin21:30
shaunojust checking :)  my limited experience with raid setups is that once the controller decides what to do next, it's a one-way street21:30
ali1234that is apparently what already happened21:31
ali1234but it was delivered to me with the drives on the onboard non-raid controller21:31
ali1234so i don't know exactly what the guy did21:31
daftykinssomeone had a stab already?21:31
ali1234yeah the "engineer"21:32
shaunoit sounds like someone just pulled a mad panic when it didn't come back up21:32
daftykinshehe yeah21:32
daftykinsall for not having labelled the cards + cables21:32
daftykinswhat an amateur job =|21:32
ali1234it says "reading configuration..."21:32
daftykinsinside the PERC BIOS?21:33
ali1234yeah... said that for like 5 minutes now21:33
daftykinshmm, disk activity?21:33
ali1234hard to say. there's no lights and this thing is so loud you can't hear any head activity21:33
zmoylan-piout hand on unit and see if you can feel the heads shifting21:34
ali1234i would say.... yes21:34
daftykinsmmm see how she goes21:34
zmoylan-pigo make tea to resist temptation to do something and interfere with it...21:35
ali1234it just made a bad noise :(21:35
ali1234i think it was the fan though21:35
shaunoif you have an audience, don't walk off and make tea.  keep your hands on the disk, close your eyes and hum.  if it boots you'll blow their fragile little minds.21:36
zmoylan-piit's 2236.  if he has an audience something is wrong21:37
ali1234who said 0x10000 is 1MB? lol21:37
shaunohe's up to his elbows in scsi disks that should have been smelted 10 years ago.  we've already established something's wrong.21:38
ali1234it's 64KB which also happens to be the default stripe size for PERC according to what I just read21:38
ali1234at this point it should be easy enough to restore from my images anyway21:39
diddledanI wonder what data I have tucked away on my old raid array that I haven't had running in over 5 years21:39
ali1234just need to figure out which is the "bad" drive21:39
ali1234still readng configuration :/21:40
daftykinsi'd expect the PERC BIOS to be able to determine that once it's done with its' little dance21:40
daftykinsdiddledan: :D i've got a set of 6 disks unplugged from my HBA right now21:42
daftykinsthat sucker21:42
ali1234well there's only four possible choices21:43
ali1234i can generate 4 images and see which one is a valid filesystemm...21:43
diddledandaftykins: my array is an ancient ANCIENT compaq ultrascsi thingy21:43
diddledanit's got about 40G total21:44
daftykinsRDP into a box... "what was i going to do?" :(21:44
daftykinsoh yeah check temps21:44
zmoylan-piwow i have thumbdrives bigger than that now21:44
=== awilkins_ is now known as awilkins
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
aCilnvjoin drobo22:07
daftykinsany of you that were playing with VPNs of late, did you take any notes or write any guides?22:07
daftykinsah nm digitalocean have one 8D22:09
ali1234well this thing still says reading configuration22:09
ali1234the numlock key has also started acting weird, i think it's crashed22:10
daftykinswouldn't hurt to ctrl+alt+del and try re-entering22:11
ali1234does nothing22:11
daftykinsah not a good sign22:13
ali1234reset it, i;m in now22:14
ali1234ah here we go... one disk is marked as fail22:15
ali1234but... two disks are marked as fail in nvram config22:15
daftykinsdoes it refer to it being a RAID5 unit?22:18
shaunoI think I'd prioritize getting a good backup off it22:19
ali1234how tho?22:19
ali1234i can force one of the drives back online...22:19
ali1234i don't think there are any serious problems with the disks22:20
ali1234one has 1 media error and 2 other22:20
ali1234the other one just has one other error22:20
daftykinsi'd force online and mount, sounds minor22:21
daftykinswouldn't try booting though, i'd throw in some Loonix media and try pinching the data volume, if that's all you need22:21
ali1234okay logical drive state is now DEGRADED22:22
ali1234will try to boot mah lunix22:22
ali1234looks like it worked22:25
daftykinsclean NTFS mount eh?22:28
ali1234didn;t try mounting yet... imaging the drive with netcat first22:31
daftykinsah ok22:32
daftykinsgood call22:32
ali1234gonna take hours :(22:37
zmoylan-pitune in later when you'll hear ali1234 say. 'flip is it monday already...?' :-P22:40
ali1234it should only take about 3 hours22:41
ali1234it has gigabit ethernet but my PC only has USB2 for the drive i am imaging to22:41
ali1234after this is done i'll probably just try to boot it up22:42
ali1234if tht works this thing is going back tomorrow22:42
diddledanI hate pressed-steel22:44
diddledanI split my knuckle open messsing with this old proliant22:44
ali1234i hate that too22:44
ali1234this monster seems to at least have no sharp edges22:44
diddledanluckt get22:44
ali1234weighs a tonne though, it's literally too heavy for me to pick it up22:45
diddledanseems the innargs of proliants are pure evil22:45
diddledanthis is proliant from compaq era22:45
diddledan1600R if memory serves?22:45
ali1234i found you get what you pay for22:45
ali1234everyone makes good and bad, cases no exception22:45
diddledanone of these jobbies: https://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server900/b18w/products/20144/images/44002/Proliant_1600R_Front__10454.1410158095.1280.1280.jpg?c=222:47
diddledanand yes, it weighs a tonne22:47
diddledanI think it's 4U?22:48
diddledanmight even be pushing 522:48
ali12346 even22:49
ali12341U isn't much taller than a hard drive22:49
diddledanthat's a good point - there's 6 drives in that lil cage22:49
diddledanshush you22:50
diddledancompared to me, it's lil :-p22:50
diddledanbut then most things compared to me are lil22:50
diddledanI think russia are invading23:17
diddledanthere's nothing on the news about it tho23:17
diddledaneither that or there's a lightning storm in the distance23:17
daftykinswell that's cool, i've just got OpenVPN going between my Windows desktop and a digitalocean droplet in London23:18
daftykinsgood documentation on their site23:19
diddledanthis makes no sense to me: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Diskless_nodes#Before_you_get_started23:33
diddledani.e. WHY do they think the interface needs multicast?23:33
diddledandhcp is most definitely NOT a multicast protocol23:34
diddledanhmm seems the author wants readers to configure the esoteric and unknown "MTFTP" protocol for network transfers of files23:39
shaunothat is a weird mes23:41
daftykinsace, now i got the phone on it23:51
daftykinsmapp: you'd be jelly23:51
ali1234i just bought a new phone23:53
ali1234£50 for a quad core 1.2GHz with 1GB ram23:53
ali1234and another £12 for a 32GB microsd23:54

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