
veebersmzanetti: it's not possible that you're still around is it? :-)02:51
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tsdgeosunity8 just crashed on me when running an autopilot test07:41
tsdgeosanyone remembers how i check in errors.ubuntu.com the thing i just uploaded?07:42
seb128tsdgeos, that was from a desktop or device?07:47
tsdgeosseb128: device07:47
seb128tsdgeos, unsure if there is an easier way but I've "'http://errors.ubuntu.com/user/'$(printf $(sudo cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid) | sha512sum)" in my notes about useful hints07:50
seb128tsdgeos, so I guess you can try to "printf $(sudo cat /sys/class/dmi/id/product_uuid) | sha512sum" on the device and open the url in a browser07:51
tsdgeosi just realized i just flashed the device again07:52
tsdgeosnot smart07:52
tsdgeosbut i'll keep it in my "things i can't remember but are useful" file07:52
seb128I think the uuid doesn't change between installs07:53
seb128so it might still work07:53
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tsdgeosdednick: ping10:55
dednicktsdgeos: plop11:19
tsdgeosdednick: does https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/fix_indicators_update_state/+merge/260291/comments/661389 satisfy you11:20
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dednicktsdgeos: yeah, guess so.11:28
tsdgeosdednick: :)11:28
MacSlowdednick, reviewing you qml-warnings fix branch... in what environment (regular desktop or chroot) do you usually run "make tryShell"? For me it gets stuck after the infographics have been populated with data-circles.11:47
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dednickMacSlow|lunch: just used desktop12:24
dednicknever seen it get stuck before.12:24
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MacSlowdednick, ok I see... initially I thought it had to do with some mir 0.14 related packages installed on my laptop... but using my stock desktop I see it too...will continue to dig deeper then.13:10
tsdgeoscimi: dandrader: what's the status of https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/deprecatedTheme/+merge/262216 ?13:10
tsdgeosMacSlow: you doing https://code.launchpad.net/~feng-kylin/unity8/AddTouchStateOnNavigation/+merge/262653 ?13:10
MacSlowtsdgeos, yes... that and dednick's qml-warning fixing branch13:11
tsdgeoshmmm we need someone for https://code.launchpad.net/~josharenson/unity8/slim_greeter_real_lightdm/+merge/26341613:11
tsdgeosnow that mterry is in a different land13:11
MacSlowtsdgeos, weee... that's large... I can put it on my reviews-todo-stack13:12
dandradertsdgeos, needed testing from cimi and mzanetti wasn't sure about merging this as SDK guys said that 1.3 shouldn't be used as it's unstable/unreleased (yeah, big WTF! here)13:12
tsdgeosMacSlow: you have it!13:13
MacSlowtsdgeos, ok13:14
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dandradertsdgeos, quick one: https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity-api/no-tests/+merge/26378214:10
tsdgeosdandrader: aren't those tests like ultra fast?14:15
dandradertsdgeos, not really no. try "time make" with and without -DNO_TESTS=true to see the different14:16
tsdgeosdandrader: ok, now we need to remember to land it14:50
greyback_mzanetti: hey, I'm gonna make a silo to land dandrader's app-state-handling stuff, that ok?14:52
mzanettigreyback_, yep. there is one unity silo waiting on QA. you might want to wait an hour before building (or rebuild it later)14:53
greyback_mzanetti: ack14:53
greyback_I'll just have it ready to build14:53
mzanettigreyback_, I'm preparing a silo for other unity branches (except daniel's one) but I'll leave you go first if all goes well. I'll rebuild mine when you're done14:54
greyback_let's see how it goes14:54
mzanettigreyback_, ah... depending on the outcome of the 45-50 things, I might have to jump in between, but I would let you know in that case14:54
greyback_that's ok, let's just see14:54
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EdwardMorbiushello, can anyone explain the possible cause of this error in my unity 8 log on the phone, "WARNING **: Unable to get pids for 'unity8-dash' to send signal 1819:58
EdwardMorbiusApplicationController::resumeApplication FAILED to resume appId= "unity8-dash" ", UI froze and I had to power off the phone and that was frequently in the log19:58
EdwardMorbiusAlso "Nested Mir Display Error: Failed to update EGL surface: EGL_BAD_DISPLAY (0x3008)"20:01

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