
DF__some one here??01:54
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mzanettican we have apps that are written with angularjs/ionic?12:55
mzanettitrying to build/port an app for ubuntu, but could use some help getting started with that stuff12:58
SturmFlutmzanetti: In theory you can just take https://github.com/Sturmflut/ubuntu-html5-template.git , copy the content to the "www" folder and it should run.13:25
mzanettirequires some building with gulp it seems13:25
SturmFlutmzanetti: Do you have a pointer to the project?13:25
mzanettiSturmFlut, git@github.com:guh/guh-mobileapp.git13:25
mzanettiSturmFlut, ok. one step further... I managed to build it (at least it says finished)13:27
mzanettilet's see if I can run that index.html somehow13:27
SturmFlutmzanetti: Bargh, why do people have to wrap whole JavaScript build systems around their stuff13:27
mzanettino clue13:27
mzanettidunno... this seems to use some platform integration stuff. maybe that requires it13:28
SturmFlutNo, it's just "cool" to build everything on node.js13:30
mzanettiSturmFlut, do you have some idea about the cordova things?13:33
SturmFlutmzanetti: No, not a bit. I only know that Oxide supports the Cordova APIs13:37
mzanettiok. will find out13:37
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popeymzanetti: i have built stuff using gulp and deployed as an html5 app on ubuntu13:51
popeyonce you get past all the npm and gulp nonsense13:52
popeySturmFlut: should merge that :)13:53
mzanettipopey, hey!13:53
mzanettipopey, yes, I'm past that13:53
mzanettiI've added the cordova ppa and did successfully platform add ubuntu13:53
mzanettinow trying to build. it complains about not finding my click chroots13:53
mzanettihmm... click doesn't seem to be aware of them indeed, even though they work in qtcreator... anyhow, creating one with that cordova tool now13:55
mzanettior not :D13:55
mzanettipopey, "cordova build --device" is still the correct thing to do, right?13:57
popeyno idea13:58
popeynever built a cordova thing13:58
mzanettiso close :)14:04
mzanettiI have a click, but it seems only white when I start it14:04
SturmFlutmzanetti: Any log output? Maybe an AppArmor permission is missing?14:18
mzanetticurrently fiddling with that, yeah14:18
mzanettilog is not too helpful, but last line is a permission denied...14:18
mzanettibut it seems to generate the apparmor file... so need to patch some files14:18
mzanettiSturmFlut, this is all I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11821020/14:21
mzanettinow running it unconfined14:21
mzanettistill everything white14:21
mzanettihmm... can't spot an obvious error14:23
mzanettineed to stop for today tho14:23
SturmFlutmzanetti: Looks like a case for #oxide :/14:41
ja_i try to use ubuntu-sdk with qml project14:44
ja_but when i have this error: errors while reading typeinfo files ...14:45
ja_and i can open desing section14:45
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DF__hi some one here??16:19
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popeyDF__: sure16:21
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elijahI am trying to build an AppIndicator for Ubuntu 14.04, I found documentation for 13.10 but not 14.0420:45
elijahDoes this apply for 14.04 too?20:45
elijahWhen I do help('appindicator') I get " /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/appindicator/__init__.py"20:45
elijahBut don't know if that means the appindictor version on my system is 2.7 or not20:46
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elijahThis here shows me a 0.1 and a 3-0.1 - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/trusty/libappindicator/trusty-updates/files/head:/src/21:50
elijahWhich I gather the 3-0.1 is for GTK3+21:50
elijahBut I am not sure how to declare which one to do with a import appindicator or how to see what one is being included21:50

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