[00:42] hes a prick, when he dont get his way, he bans [01:03] sure is. [01:55] oh man i had to leave again, it's such a time suck that channel [01:55] weekends. [01:57] still got this kid in PM downloading windows 8 to a flash drive *facepalm* [01:57] managed to get his age out of him, 15... explains the ADD. [02:01] Patience, the things we do that keeps us occupied ( and not going to jail) . [02:04] :) [02:05] how are we today, Bashing-om? and OerHeks for that matter :) [02:06] daftykins: Oh, I am good, considering. Got to rebuild the starter on my ole pickup, and procrastinating on other matters. So, life is good . Your island ? [02:06] preparing for nice weather this weekend, lazy time [02:07] Bashing-om: yeah good thanks :) just created a digitalocean VPS and set it up as an OpenVPN server - i can route traffic via London now, very neat [02:07] Bashing-om: does rebuild mean applying new copper to it? [02:07] and rewinding [02:08] OerHeks: :D more sunshine headed? [02:08] daftykins: Aye, Networking, that is the name of the game .. and "making it work" . [02:08] excellent [02:08] i do like fixing things [02:09] i assume i already bored you both with my fixing a fridge with a network cable snaps :) [02:09] daftykins: I really hope it does not come to that point. That thought has accured to me . I hope I can come up with a better alternative . [02:10] fixing a fridge is important now [02:10] oh absolutely! [02:10] in fact that reminds me i have an ice cream left [02:10] for keeping the milk for hot fresh coffee [02:11] gotta keep that ice cream at the correct consistency . [02:11] ah i'm a fan of black myself [02:12] hmm i must finish picking new parts for my mountain bike [02:19] building or repairing ? [02:23] needs a new drivetrain, not changed a single thing since i bought it in 2008 :) [02:23] https://www.dropbox.com/s/ixap3kddvynw452/IMG_20130614_025657.jpg?dl=0 [02:23] it's the carbon fibre beasty at the back [02:23] it's XC, but i'll be taking it to Wales with some friends on some downhill courses [02:33] Yeah, a beast, but what a machine . [02:40] :D [02:40] i love being on two wheels \o/ [02:40] me too, free, fast, cheap [02:41] yip :> [02:41] just the other day someone caused £300 damage to my mums brand new car o0 [02:41] i could replace a lot of parts for that... [03:56] morning to all [04:02] !info firefox [04:03] firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 38.0+build3-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 39627 kB, installed size 96718 kB [04:03] no 39 for you, young man! [04:03] They forgot to say, that firefox eats lots of RAM. :S [04:04] yeah omgubuntu says 39 is out [04:04] guess we have to wait [04:13] Shift Change; I am out of here . [04:14] Bashing-om: nite nite [05:21] grunhart: not as much as chrome [05:21] ! [05:22] daftykins: Errr... I have firefox, chrome and midori. And firefox is the most resource heavy after chrome and midori. [05:23] uh-huh [05:23] so i guess your word makes it fact then huh? [05:23] !info preload | grunhart [05:23] :P [05:23] grunhart: preload (source: preload): adaptive readahead daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.4-2 (vivid), package size 34 kB, installed size 135 kB [05:23] grunhart: tweak firefox buffer cache to 0 [05:24] grunhart: tweak your swappiness,..clean system with bleachbit [05:24] O_o bleachbit...?! [05:24] grunhart: empty firefox tmp folders [05:24] This app is always not recommended... e_e [05:25] well who let you in here then o0 [05:26] why would bleeachbit not be reccomended? [05:26] if you know what your doing.. [05:27] No idea, I always read terrible things. Like, as if this leads beginners to the destruction. lol. [05:27] fables... [05:27] Anyway, sorry about anything. :S [05:49] wow ;P [05:55] :p [05:56] curious user. [06:16] another, "i read it on the internet, therefore it must be true" LMAO [06:36] :D [10:54] Howdy folks [12:42] Good afternoon. [12:43] * OerHeks waves and gives lordievader a warm welcome [12:43] Warm it is... [13:43] good afternoon [13:45] hi lotus [13:46] OerHeks: hello mate :p [19:32] good evening to all [19:34] lotuspsychje: Early ? [19:34] Bashing-om: 21h34 [19:34] you? [19:35] ah you wanna trade shifts already :p [19:36] I be just a tad early on the channel . Got caught up with an early start elsewhere . Procrastinating due to rain in the forecast . [19:37] 30 degrees here sunny [19:41] 30 as in celsius or farenhiegth ? [19:41] celcius here [19:42] nice then ! And here we are on the keyboard. Shows where our minds are, huh ? [19:45] its too much outside [19:45] cool down on irc now :p [19:50] lol@#ubuntu [19:54] yeah, and "patience" is a virtue . Lord only knows what I learn from that exercise . [19:55] Would you do this, 8 hrs/day/paid? [19:57] OerHeks: Wow, now that is a thought ! If I were to be paid for what I do, I might starve to death . [20:02] so far for being helpful :p [20:03] Johnny_Linux: good evening :p [20:03] woohoo [20:03] itl like mthe horse races [20:14] http://linux.softpedia.com/blog/first-ubuntu-snappy-open-house-announced-ubucon-germany-planning-continues-486050.shtml [20:53] nite nite all