
SturmFlutHm, Little Kernel seems to tell me that my krillin display runs at 66.57 FPS?01:00
nhainesThat's fast enough for Super Tux Kart!01:02
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SturmFlutnhaines: I wonder why that information is important enough to be passed to the kernel, and why it's not 60 FPS01:13
dji just installed cinnamon on my computer and it is running in software rendering mode how do i get out of software rendering mode04:59
NiberIs there any simpler howto for writing a scope than the official one?06:47
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SturmFlutThe speaker of my MX4 makes a clicking noise sometimes08:44
SturmFlutpopey: Ping08:54
alinis it possible to have the tools from  https://launchpad.net/~phablet-team/+archive/ubuntu/tools working on other linux distros?08:55
svijhm… doesn't ubuntu phone support bluetooth headsets?09:17
SturmFlutsvij: It should, but the Bluetooth layer seems to be quite picky.09:20
svijI can't connect to two different bluetooth headset/receiver things09:20
svijfrom my mx4, didn't test with E4.5 and E509:21
SturmFlutIt's most likely the same on all three devices, people have been having lots of problems with Bluetooth09:22
svijyay :-/09:22
svijis there a bug report?09:22
alinwhen I activate the usb tether... I cannot receive calls is this normal?09:34
alinI am using enable rndis09:34
SturmFlutsvij: I think https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1435040 is a good start09:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 1435040 in Canonical System Image "Ubuntu Phone (BQ E4.5) does not connect to car-bluetooth" [High,Confirmed]09:35
* svij doesn't have a car.09:36
SturmFlutsvij: It might be the same profile, not all cars use the Hands-Free Profile, I've seen some show up as Headset Profile09:38
svijmy phones doesn't even show up the bluetooth devices09:43
SturmFlutThat's odd, my krillin at least talks to the Surround receiver via A2DP09:44
alindata connection seems to be enabled even if dataroaming is disabled... i use a british sim in ireland so I am in roaming09:45
alinthis shall not happen09:45
popeymorning all09:45
SturmFlutalin: Does the phone display the data symbol besides the roaming symbol?09:46
SturmFlutpopey: o/09:46
popeySturmFlut: pong09:46
SturmFlutpopey: I hit 15 articles last night ;)09:47
popeyheh :)09:47
alinSturmFlut: yes but data roaming is disabled09:47
SturmFlutalin: That's not right, no09:47
alinSturmFlut: seems not good thing eu forced them to lower the prices09:48
mr-tthow can i display a notification(and delete it if that's possible) in an utouch qt app?09:50
SturmFlutmr-tt: While the app is running in the background?09:50
mr-ttSturmFlut: yep (tweakgeek should keep it running from what i heard :)09:51
SturmFlutmr-tt: The account-polld uses a D-Bus API, I don't know if there's a Qt object which wraps that09:55
DanChapmanmr-tt take a look at the push server guide for sending notifications via dbus https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/platform/guides/push-notifications-server-guide/10:10
popeyDanChapman: every time I open dekko I'm amazed how far it's come.10:34
popeyDanChapman: almost a year since http://popey.mooo.com/screenshots/2014/device-2014-08-22-142617.png10:35
Walex2svij: BlueTooth does not work for me either.10:35
DanChapmanpopey: thanks! it's changed quite alot since that first release. I just looked and it was a year ago yesterday I uploaded that first click :-)10:37
popeytime flies :)10:38
DanChapmanit does indeed. :)10:38
* popey finds http://popey.mooo.com/mirror/clicks/2014/07/2014-07-05-100001/com.ubuntu.developer.dpniel.dekko_0.2_armhf.click10:38
popey12MB -> 20MB10:40
SturmFlutmzanetti: Ping10:41
DanChapman popey awesome I was just looking to see if i could find that click! the oldest I have is
popeyI am a hoarder10:43
popeythese are all the ones I have http://paste.ubuntu.com/11820132/10:43
mr-ttDanChapman: thanks. does that also work on the desktop ubuntu? when i run the com.ubuntu.Postal.Post example there i get an error The name com.ubuntu.Postal was not provided by any .service files10:44
DanChapmanpopey: heh that's all of them :-D10:44
SturmFlutI just had a complete UI freeze on krillin, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1465826 , nothing specific in the log files and contrary to what other people see the watchdog restarted everything after a couple of seconds10:44
ubot5Launchpad bug 1465826 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "The phone freez totally" [Undecided,Incomplete]10:44
popeySturmFlut: anything in /var/crash?10:44
DanChapmanmr-tt: nope that's phone/unity8 specific. For normal desktop you would want libnotify10:46
SturmFlutpopey: Yeah, looks like Unity8 and media-hub-server died at the exact same moment. I'll wade through the crash dumps, it's over two megabytes in total10:46
popeyhttp://popey.mooo.com/mirror/clicks/graph_clicks.png still climbing which is good :)10:49
SturmFlutpopey: _usr_bin_media-hub-server.32011.crash contains a coredump, but I don't see *.uploaded files for those two dumps. Can I trigger an upload?10:50
popeyyou can10:51
popeythere is a whoopsie-upload-all somewhere, not in the path10:51
SturmFlut /usr/share/apport/whoopsie-upload-all10:53
popeythats it, part of the apport package10:53
popeyi can never remember where it is, because its an odd placefor that to be10:53
SturmFlutit only seems to mark the files for upload, which they already were.10:54
popeyare you on wifi?10:57
popeyit wont upload if not i think10:57
SturmFlutErr, true10:57
SturmFlutCan I link to this upload from the bug report?11:00
mr-tt_how can i install packages(dependencies) in a click build target?11:56
mr-tt_when i click the maintain button in ubuntu sdk, a terminal window opens but immediately closes again :/11:57
mr-tt_hum sounds like you shouldn't put deps in the chroot anyway..12:05
mr-tt_but how then?12:06
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mr-ttwhen i enter the chroot i don't seem to get a new rootfs, i don't think i can compile+install the deps easily then12:18
mr-tti tried executing the com.ubuntu.Postal.Post command from https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/platform/guides/push-notifications-server-guide/ on the phone, but i see no notification. what am i doing wrong?12:36
mr-ttdoes the openstore or some of its apps change the rootfs?12:46
mr-ttmzanetti: ^12:47
mzanettimr-tt not on its own... tweakgeek has options to do so12:47
mr-ttmzanetti: does it change rootfs if i use tweakgeek to not pause some background apps?12:48
mr-ttmzanetti: i can't find the openstore in the app drawer, what name has it?12:53
mr-ttah got it12:54
SturmFlutmzanetti: I13:07
SturmFlutmzanetti: I triggered an UI freeze on krillin and uploaded the crash dumps, how can I link to them? I only see them on my phone.13:08
mzanettican't you copy paste the link somehow?13:09
SturmFlutmzanetti: Ha, I can't even look at them myself ;)13:15
mr-ttcan someone help me get notifications to work? i used the sample to register and to send a message, but nothing: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/start/platform/guides/push-notifications-server-guide/13:35
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mr-ttjudging by the source of dekko it's WAY too hard to send a notification imho. can we please get notification-send back?14:26
jrbtI have an issue with my Ubuntu Click install14:27
jrbtI've test to install a kit (ubuntu 15.04 armhf kit) from the ubuntu-sdk to develop Ubuntu Touch app.14:28
jrbtand I have had:14:28
jrbtbt> http://paste.ubuntu.com/11821038/14:28
brunch875jgdx: ping14:36
popeyjrbt: what version of ubuntu you running?14:39
jrbtpopey,  I am using 15.0414:40
popeymight need to ping bzoltan_ or zbenjamin when they're around on monday...14:40
jrbtok, but the kernel may broke that?14:40
jrbtI use the
jrbtBut I didn't worked with the default before (3.19)14:41
brunch875'android-gadget-service enable rndis' is pretty fantastic. There should be a slider under settings or something14:42
popeyyeah, you probably need stock kernel14:42
mr-ttbrunch875: what is that?14:54
brunch875it basically enables me to use internets on my laptop from phone14:54
brunch875from what I know rndis enables ethernet over USB14:55
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taiebotmm this morning managed to get the lock screen blocked and rotated could not do anything my password is using some of the numbers which were below the screen =-O http://uppix.com/f-screenshot2015075597f57900195644.png15:02
taiebotI am not sure i like the rotation of the shell so many little UX bug to solve15:03
robin-heroHey! Is the new Vivid based Ubuntu Toch also get updated langpacks by automatically?15:20
SturmFlutrobin-hero: Translations are part of the component they belong to. System components will get translation updates, new keyboard layouts etc. with OTA updates. Apps have to ship their own.15:23
robin-heroSturmFlut: Sorry, I think you misunderstanded me. I saw the new changelogs, but I can't find langpacks updates. Maybe it isn't setup to update automatically..15:25
SturmFlutrobin-hero: What is a langpack for you in this context?15:27
robin-heroI f I am right, the last langpacks updates are from 13th of May: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/20150513.changes15:27
robin-heroI don't see any other langpack related update in the newer changelogs15:29
SturmFlutkrillin OTA-4 shipped with 1:15.04+2015060815:29
robin-heroHmm. But why it aren't included in the changelogs?15:30
mr-ttis it possible to run binaries located in /home/phablet from terminal app without ssh?15:30
SturmFlutmr-tt: I get a "Permission denied" when I try to15:33
mr-ttSturmFlut: yep, me too, i'm looking for a way around that15:34
SturmFlutrobin-hero: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/vivid/20150608.1.changes15:34
SturmFlutmr-tt: Looks like AppArmor prevents it15:35
DanChapmanIIRC it should work if you place it in /home/phablet/bin/*15:35
mr-ttDanChapman: can i also link it there?15:36
DanChapmanmr-tt: no idea, give it a try :-)15:36
SturmFlutDanChapman: Doesn't work here15:37
mr-ttDanChapman: copying seems to work :)15:38
mr-ttor am i looged in to ssh?15:38
mr-ttguess so15:38
mr-ttyep, doesn't work15:38
mr-ttmzanetti: is anyone working on an unconfined terminal app?15:41
jrbtpopey, thanks! I have reinstalled the default kernel and the click installation has worked :)15:41
svijmr-tt: I'm not suer, but it seems you that it is this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-terminal-app/+bug/144359115:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 1443591 in Ubuntu Terminal App "users should not have to type and extra "." in order to run a shell script" [Undecided,New]15:45
robin-heroSturmFlut: Ohh, I'm blind, thanks :D15:45
mr-ttsvij: no, i think that's some other bug, it neither works with an extra dot15:47
svijmr-tt: too bad.15:48
popeyjrbt: yay15:55
popeysvij: mr-tt that bug is marked as fixed but it isn't15:59
svijI see16:00
robin-heroWhere can I find the keyboard layouts for the ubuntu keyboards? On Launchpad?16:03
robin-heropopey: Thanks :)16:09
Talustusanyone else having problems syncing source tree from code-review16:10
popeyTalustus: what command you issuing ?16:13
Talustusrepo sync -j216:14
Talustussyncs fine till prebuilts/sdk then keeps hanging there forever16:14
Talustusphablet-4.4.2_r1 branch16:16
popeyi dunno, sometimes that box goes dead16:16
robin-heroAny progress with this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/phablet-tools/+bug/1467865 ?16:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1467865 in phablet-tools (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Emulator is not working image 157+" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:16
popeyand we have to get IS to restart it16:16
robin-heroI think it is high prioirty.16:16
* popey tries it16:18
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mr-tthow can i install deps in the utouch schroot? simply make+make install?16:31
popeymr-tt: apt-get :)16:39
* popey attempts to run his newly made emulator16:40
taiebotNo one had the same problem as me. Lockscreen blocked in landscape mode and i could not type my password. http://uppix.com/f-screenshot2015075597f5a300195645.png16:41
popeytaiebot: you can't swipe that away?16:42
brunch875popey: I think he means to use the bottom numbers which aren't shown in landscape mode16:43
brunch8757 8 916:43
popeyI can't even get my device into landscape mode in lock screen16:43
taiebotpopey no i could open the indicators but i could not type either numbers 0 1 2 or 316:44
popeyit flips back to portait16:44
taiebotpopey it did not16:44
taiebotpopey it was locked16:44
ProstheticShey guys, im using a meizu mx4 ubuntu, my battery meter seems to lock up constantly, i have to reboot to get a re-read, is there some way to reset the service or soemthing , im fine with having to run a terminal command to do so16:45
taiebotpopey: do not know how it happened just took my phone out of my pocket it was like this in landscape mode and could not type my password. I had to reboot16:45
popeyhow strange16:46
popeyProstheticS: i think the battery gauge is a bit flaky on mx416:46
ProstheticSso... its always gonna be like that,IE hardware fault, so no software fix?16:47
mr-ttpopey: the package i need is in the repo, but not built against qt5, so i would have to build myself.16:48
ProstheticSthe other problem, im told for phablet-tools to work i need to first get adb working (assuming this isnt only for ex-android devices) and no matter what usb i plug it into, its not showing in adb devices :( any tips, i have dev mode set to on16:48
popeytry a usb 1 hub or another cable?16:49
popeyit's very picky16:49
popeytaiebot: looks like a bug :)16:49
taiebotpopey: yeah i think so16:50
ProstheticSrighto, i'll keep trying other kit to get it going, ive tried a few cables, and basically every port on my laptop / hubs :( so the battery thing is a hardware thing then??16:51
popeyno, software16:52
popeyI think we have a few battery related issues lined up to fix16:52
mr-ttpopey: if it would be a "normal" chroot with a new rootfs i would just run make install, but when i enter the schroot it shows the main systems rootfs, how can i install it anyway?16:52
ProstheticSohhhhh , good :) i wouldnt want to have it like this permanently is all, im happy enough to reboot every day at the moment, or to even cron/script something to kick some services in the guts every few hours if thats possible,16:53
popeymr-tt: this thing needs porting to qt5?16:53
mr-ttpopey: it's ported, but not compiled against qt5 in ubuntu/debian16:54
mr-ttit needs >qt4.5 or qt5.*16:54
popeyso yeah, I'd make a schroot and build in that16:55
popey(or in a ppa) :)16:55
ProstheticSlast question before i leave you guys alone, how often are the images pushed to devices? or how often is it planned. Regardless, great job, im enjoying my phone so far :)16:55
popeyppa means you don't do the work, launchpad does16:55
popeyProstheticS: roughly monthly16:55
taiebottrying to run a script but  in ofono folders ./test-stk-menu but i think it needs access to some folder and the script fall16:55
mr-ttpopey: how do i install it in the schroot? simply make install?16:55
ProstheticSoh thats an awesome update frequency for phones, righto, well im outski :) thanks16:56
popeyI would build a debian package, personally16:56
popeyProstheticS: thanks for dropping by16:56
mr-ttpopey: hum ok. hope that's not too hard to modify the package to build against qt516:56
popeyis it a commonly used package?16:57
popeyhas nobody else ported it?16:57
mr-ttpopey: debian hasn't and it's not common i think16:58
popeygood luck! :D16:58
popeywell volunteered16:58
mr-ttpopey: about the battery issues: is it normal that the battery indicator doesn't decrease while not using the phone? (on a bq)17:02
popeynot sure I understand17:02
popeyrobin-hero: yeah, emulator just black here too17:02
mr-ttpopey: phone at x% battery phone lies around for ~half a day. phone still at x% battery17:03
robin-heropopey: I would like to develop an app, but I can't test it on emulator bacause this issue...17:03
robin-heroI think it isn't a good sign for developers17:04
popeyyeah, i agree17:05
popeyi dunno who to poke about it.17:05
popeywill poke someone on monday.17:05
mr-ttpopey: do you know about anyone else having the same issue, or how to fix it? would suck if it's hardware issue17:06
* popey marks the bug high17:06
robin-heropopey: Thanks ;)17:06
popeymr-tt: thats a good thing surely?17:06
popeybattery doesn't drain, how is that bad?17:07
mr-ttpopey: well it drains immediately to zero in the end, so it does drain. it just isn't displayed17:07
popeyoh okay. not seen that17:07
popeyis there a bug filed for it?17:07
mr-ttpopey: *checking*17:08
popeymy battery gauge is completely blank! :S17:08
popey"Las full charge 78 hours ago", 57%17:08
* popey goes to light the bbq17:09
mr-ttpopey: can't find a bug for it17:10
mr-ttpopey: is there something like batterystats.bin that i could delete to reset the batterystats?17:13
mr-ttwonder if it's hardware, software or config(batterystats) issue. but doesn't seem like anyone has the same issue17:19
mr-ttfrom what i read it could very well be a software issue(calculating the wrong energy it takes to idle)17:24
mr-tti can't run qmake in the chroot, anyone knows why?17:44
mr-tt"/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/qmake: No such file or directory", despite it exists17:45
mr-tti'm trying to run an application from the terminal but it says it can't connect to mir server. do i have to set some var or something?18:49
ProstheticShey guys, i have a meizu mx4 ubuntu edition, if i remount root as writeable doing a sudo mount command, then reboot, are updates still disabled, i understand that when i get an update , it will blow away my changes, so im happy to have that be the case, i just dont want to break my ability to update18:52
ProstheticSi want to put a ringtone in the ringtone folder and apt-get a certain termianl utility or 4, then make it read only again18:53
ProstheticSif i get an update, i'll just redo my changes afterward :D18:53
EdwardMorbiusSturmFlut I saw your reply on the bug report I posted, I have new logs with new errors XD19:00
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mr-ttProstheticS: don't do it19:23
mr-ttusing apt-get and changing too much might break updates19:23
mr-ttand brick the device, making it necessary to reflash19:23
ProstheticSmr-tt i thought updates were static images? IE everything is replaced19:24
ProstheticSi dont plan on doing an apt-get upgrade or somehing, just want a few utilities, and ofc, to add some ringtones :)19:25
mr-ttProstheticS: don't know for sure, but maybe only the new files are replaced19:25
SturmFlutEdwardMorbius: I triggered a freeze today while I was attached via phablet-shell and uploaded some crash logs19:25
mr-tti read it bricked for some people, probably because they used apt19:25
* lotuspsychje would love to see terminal apps on touch in the future19:26
mr-ttlotuspsychje: in the app drawer you mean?19:26
SturmFlutlotuspsychje: What kind of terminal apps exactly?19:26
EdwardMorbiusSturmFlut so you managed to reproduce it, are your logs in another report? I dont see them in the bug where I posted mine19:26
lotuspsychjeSturmFlut: nmap,wireshark,whatever we use in ubuntu19:27
SturmFlutEdwardMorbius: They have been uploaded to errors.ubuntu.com and are private, they contain Core Dumps19:27
EdwardMorbiusSturmFlut oh ok. I hope they will help to trace the source of these freezes19:28
lotuspsychjemr-tt: no, more like a jailed enviroment where terminal packages cant harm19:33
SturmFlutlotuspsychje: nmap is already in the store with a GUI (Network Scanner), Wireshark has a GUI19:37
mr-ttwhen are the experts who know how to run an app from terminal in mir here?19:37
lotuspsychjeSturmFlut: oh really?19:37
mr-tti managed to create a desktop file and launch this, it loads shortly in terminal but it doesn't show up19:38
mr-ttlotuspsychje: i'd like to see terminal apps in the app drawer, so you can quicker launch/close them19:44
tathhumade a .desktop-icon?19:52
tathhuok doesn't that require r/w..19:52
mr-ttmzanetti: i installed kodimote but i get "connection refused" error despite kodi setup according to instructions19:54
ProstheticSif its anything like most linux desktops you could place it in your home dir ~/.local/share/applications tathu19:55
ProstheticSi'de assume19:55
mr-ttmzanetti: solved. restarted kodi, now it works :)19:57
TomLeeHello there19:57
TomLeeWas wondering if someone could direct me to a ubuntu touch scope creation begginers guide19:57
TomLeeGot the SDK set up19:57
tathhuProstheticS: yeah, might be. :D19:58
DanChapmanTomLee: https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/scopes/tutorials/ is a good place to start. Some good tutorials/examples there20:08
TomLeeDanChapman: Checked it out, there's one thing, not sure if it will give me trouble about it20:10
TomLeethe selection shows to mne "Unity Scope (cmake)20:10
TomLeethe selection shows to mne "Unity Scope (cmake)"20:10
DanChapmanTomLee: did you install the sdk from the ppa?20:12
ProstheticS anyone wanna give me more concrete, if i sudo remount writable my meizu mx4, make a couple of changes (import a ringtone or two, install a few terminal utilities, and then reboot to make it writable, will my updates be busted, from what ive been told next tiem i get an update i may have to remake my changes, i just dont wanna be stuck un-updateable20:13
TomLeeafter that step it gives me CMakeLists with kits, and nothing about it was given in the guide20:13
TomLeeFrom what I've read in the docs, after making it writable, you can't get updates. You'll have to reset(?) it, then get updates20:14
DanChapmanTomLee well you will need the kit to compile the scope. There's a good blog post here about kits https://developer.ubuntu.com/en/blog/2015/03/18/everything-you-always-wanted-know-about-kits-were-afraid-ask/20:17
DanChapmanonce you have them setup then you should be fine and the tutorials should just work20:18
TomLeeThanks! This is what I've been missing!20:19
mr-ttTomLee: you can still get updates, but they might break something20:20
mr-ttsmall changes to rootfs should be ok, but using apt i wouldn't recommend20:21
mr-ttlet's say apt creates 5 new files. out of these 5 2 get overwritten by an update. so you have 3 files floating around the system doesn't know about, or worse, they might interfere with it. (if the update works this way, that is)20:23
ProstheticSalso, for whatever reason, ive tried every usb port, every cable, every usb hub, i cannot get my phone to be detected by adb, and hence cant make it writable using phablet-tools, is there any reason not to use sudo mount -o remounte ro rararara?20:25
mr-ttProstheticS: i used that, actually20:27
mr-ttsudo mount -o remount,rw /  then do your changges and then  sudo mount -o remount,ro /20:28
ProstheticSwinner, perhaps i'll install the utils i want manually and put them in my home directory, just update bashrc to have that in path, so i dont use apt, and just place my ringtones in root20:28
ProstheticSdunno, but either way, imma be opening it to writes at some point, and cant get adb :)20:28
mr-ttremember that you need to enable/use ssh to run binaries in /home20:29
ProstheticSalready have20:29
mr-ttand about the ringstones: is there no way to put them in home?20:29
mr-ttor some builtin way via gui?20:30
ProstheticSno idea, i havent found one20:30
ProstheticSbut i have found where on the rom the current ones live :D20:30
mr-tthum ok looks like they have to be on /20:31
mr-ttlooks to me like it shouldn't interfere with updates, adding a ringtone20:33
ProstheticSif the updates are flat overwriting images, nothing really will , so long as you're still able to receive the update20:34
mr-ttProstheticS: i changed a file and the change was preserved through the update afaik20:36
ProstheticSeh, once i manage to get adbworking finally i'll be able to falsh a stock image should i screw anything up anyhow.20:42
mr-ttProstheticS: have you added the device id to the adb ini file already?20:44
ProstheticS?? can you link me to a tutorial20:45
mr-ttProstheticS: https://askubuntu.com/questions/632444/meizu-mx4-ubuntu-edition-not-mounting-as-usb-drive-and-not-available-to-adb20:46
mr-ttadd 0x2a45 to ~/.android/adb_usb.ini and restart/kill adb-server20:48
SturmFlutsergiusens: Ping20:58
tathhuBut höh, my jolla is working again :C21:04
ProstheticSwell that got me part of teh way, adb is now functional, phablet-config writable-image still doesnt work :p21:17
ProstheticSi'll do the sudo mount rara instead.21:17
ProstheticSi wanna install sshfs :( but that'll pull in heaps of changes i imagine21:18
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tathhuunless someone wants to trade aquaris for jolla +tohkbd :P21:49
Matlibwanted to report a tiny bug22:14
Matlibdoing apt upgrade totally wrecks aquaris22:15
MatlibI'm reflashing it for the second time in 2 days right now22:15
Matlibthere's a success story as well as I managed to start sort of wifi hotspot on it22:16
studio_hi all22:21
studio_are there some news about convergence and thunderbird for the UT-Device?22:23
Matlibhey ho22:24
MatlibTB is being ported to the phone?22:25
mcphailstudio_: what news were you thinking of?22:26
studio_you can install it, but without xmir it is not working, that is my last stand for information ...22:27
mcphailstudio_: Have you installed it?22:27
studio_yes, month ago ... but i am still on lollipop on my bq e4.5 since it is out. also sip is working now on the e4.522:29
tathhuAnyway, put my jolla for sale, going full yo.. ubuntu.22:29
mcphailstudio_: and how did you install it?22:29
mcphailstudio_: link?22:29
studio_from bq direct22:30
mcphailstudio_: thought you were talking about installing thunderbird?22:30
studio_waht do you need, for windows or linux?22:30
studio_i installed via apt-get install thunderbird22:31
studio_same as vlc an firefox22:31
mcphailstudio_: well, as you know, that wouldn't be expected to work, would it?22:32
studio_mcphail, i know, xmir is missing, therfore i asked for "news"22:32
mcphailrather odd to ask. Was there any hint of a thunderbird port?22:34
studio_mcphail, i am using Ubuntu and Debian, i do not like to "port" something, i am a user. an "one" problem i have is, that GPG or SMIME is not working under UT eMail22:37
studio_i fixed that under android with k922:38
studio_so, convergence means for me, that i can handle encrypted emails also under UT-Devices. therefore i asked for "news".22:42
studio_ok, seems to be, that it needs more time ...22:48
mcphaili would have thought so22:48
studio_btw. news, is the bq M5.5 the next ubuntu device from bq?22:49
mcphailWhat does the M5.5 have? is that the 4G one?22:53
studio_mcphail, it is hard to find "new" data about that phone, old data said it is the same cpu as the m5 is using, same is about the ROM 16/32 and the RAM 2/3GB. but i can't beleve, that the different is "only" 0.5 inches ...22:56
studio_hi john :)22:58
mcphailI suppose similar hardware must make it easier to port22:59
mcphailAnd if there are few bars for porting, it makes sense to diversify23:01
studio_mcphail, you are Michael Hall?23:01
mcphailstudio_: no23:01
mcphailstudio_: type "/whois mcphail". I don't keep my identity secret :)23:02
mcphailstudio_: I have no connection to Ubuntu or Canonical. I just hang out here because I like the phone23:03
studio_this irc is funny, it also doesn't support PGP ant it is logged ... "lol"23:04
studio_mcphail, what "phone", handheld-pc are you using?23:07
=== BOHverkill___ is now known as BOHverkill
mcphailstudio_: bq 4.523:09
studio_did you tried lollipop on it?23:09
mcphailstudio_: no interest in doing that. My Samsung S3 is gathering dust23:10
studio_you have to try, just for comparing. UT is "in the moment" behind the time23:12
tathhuwhy are you comparion ut and android?23:12
mcphailDepends what you want from your phone. Android has never satisfied me23:12
studio_tathhu, i compare, what is possible on the bq e4.523:13
studio_tathhu, for exp. SIP. SIP is now working on the bq E4.5 as a native client. SIP is a must have phone-client on a "smart-phone", isn't it?23:17
colbyfttphey folks, you might be better placed to help me with mu issue23:18
colbyfttpon screen keyboard for ubuntu23:18
colbyfttpfor going all mobile and tablet they kind of let out the touch screen laptop23:19
studio_btw. "on screen" is the mouse curser now working under MIR?23:19
tathhustudio_: dont know,idont use :P23:19
* mcphail has never seen anyone use SIP on a mobile phone, but supposes someone uses it somewhere23:21
SturmFlutstudio_: I think you mean VoIP in general23:22
studio_mcphail, from what country are you?23:22
mcphailstudio_: UK23:22
JanCmcphail: some mobile providers use it in their own app for example...23:23
studio_mcphail, your phone connecting is an old analog connection?23:23
mcphailstudio_: do analog networks still exist?23:25
studio_for sure :) , therefore you didn't asked for a SIP-Support on the UT-Device ... ;)23:26
mcphailstudio_: there aren't any analog networks in the UK23:27
* mcphail wonders how you could use SIP on an analog network. Do they even support data?23:28
SturmFlutmcphail: You use a modem?23:28
SturmFlutLike, you know, back in my days23:29
studio_so, in the UK, all phone-connections are SIP-based?23:29
tathhucmon,but myjolla so can get a bq for real...23:29
mcphailSturmFlut: couldn't use a modem over the old analog network...23:30
SturmFlutmcphail: What? Why?23:30
mcphailSturmFlut: people really got that to work? Noise was awful on those devices23:33
studio_mcphail, SIP is also supporting analogue faxes and modems23:33
SturmFlutmcphail: How do you think we connected to the Internet before ISDN and xDSL were introduced? And how do you think ISDN and xDSL work? At the end it's the same copper cable all the time, and all the digital communication is modulated onto an "analogue" medium.23:35
colbyfttpyes, we can use old analogue communications in the uk23:36
colbyfttpif thats what we are talking about23:36
colbyfttpdial up modem, faxes all that quality stuff23:37
colbyfttpdial up modem, faxes all that quality stuff but Ofcom regulator wont allow it23:38
mcphailSturmFlut: The noise over copper is far less than the noise from the old analog phone networks23:38
colbyfttpsry that last sentance was way off, got a new laptop and the shift key has shrunk so keep hitting the up arrow23:39
studio_SturmFlut, did you made an research about the bq E5.5? will that be the next UT-Phone?23:39
studio_M5.5, sorry23:40
colbyfttpwhats the issue? I kind of jumped in randomly and from the UK and have E4.523:41
studio_e4.5 is nice, especially with lollipop, compared to the momently status from UT, on it, but the bq e4.5 is just a "toy".23:43
colbyfttpyea, I got it to get a feel for the whole touch experience.23:44
colbyfttpwaiting to see what developments to come,23:45
mcphailstudio_: and where is the line between "toy" and "tool"?23:46
studio_meizu missed the point with the mt6595 on an ubuntu phone. they castrated the mt6595 :(23:46
studio_mcphail, this is easy to explain. a tool is a phone, that cost 130 euro23:48
studio_same is a "toy"23:49
studio_i need a "workstation"23:50
studio_is "plodder" the right word?23:51
mcphailplodder - don't think that's what you mean23:51
mcphailstudio_: what phone (or phone operating system) meets your definition of a "workstation" and what differentiates that from the "toy"s?23:54
studio_in german you say "Arbeitstier", translation said "plodder",  slogger or working animal?23:54
mcphailstudio_: "workhorse" or "slogger" would be better. "Plodder" implies something passive or disinterested23:56
studio_mcphail, i am using some RPI, and i "compare" them to the "Ubuntu-Phone". So what can a RPI do an what can the "Ubuntu-Phone", yes, it is an Handheld-PC with an armv7, do?23:58

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