
Kilosmorning theblazehen  and others07:37
mazalMornings all07:39
Kiloshi mazal  07:39
mazalGaanit oom ?07:40
Kiloshi Cryterion  07:40
Kilosdink nog daaroor en jy07:40
mazalOkerig dankie.07:40
mazalBackup eta nou op 18 hours07:41
Kilosse dankie vir eskom07:41
mazalLooks like it is really gonna take more than 1 day07:41
Kilossomething wrong there man07:41
mazalNah is normal for 100mb , my router is the weak link , it's lan is 100mb , not 1Gb07:42
Kilosoh ok not direct connection07:42
mazalNope , stupid OS to Ubuntu server over lan07:42
mazalI have a 1Gb switch , but don't have a spare power plug and space for it to stand , so sommer use the router's lan ports07:44
Kilosi was impressed with the speed through a switch07:45
* mazal checks the day's agenda07:45
mazaleat - play - eat again - play again - check backup progress - play further07:46
mazalI love winter agendas :)07:46
inetprogood mornings08:35
Kiloshi inetpro  08:35
inetpromazal: what's the size of your backup?08:35
mazalMorning Inetpro , 1.2TB08:36
inetproand the connection speed?08:37
inetprohmm... at a maximum of 100Mbps you can expect it to take at least 25.4 hours08:40
inetprobut it'll probably take longer08:40
mazalThe estimate when started was 37 hours08:41
inetproif the slowest link is a 100Mbps you'll probaly get more like 80% of that speed, thus more like >30 hours08:42
mazalFortunately I'm in no rush. Can't continue working until it's finished lol08:42
Kiloshe doesnt work weekends anyway08:43
Kilosjust sleep eat and play08:43
Symmetriasup :P08:44
Symmetriaheh, so, for those who are interested08:44
Kiloshi Symmetria  08:44
Symmetriaheh, bandwidths arent showing cause that was taken from editor mode08:44
inetprowb Symmetria08:44
Symmetriabut that will show you just how large my network is ;p08:44
mazalKilos, I actually have a big job waiting08:44
mazalHi Symmetria 08:45
Kilosyay mazal  thats good08:45
mazalI have to clean all this data08:45
Symmetrialol, thats what you call a *complicated* network08:45
mazalNeed to go through it all dir by dir and see what I actually still need and what can be deleted08:45
mazalSome of this stuff is coming from the 90's08:46
inetproSymmetria: interesting diagram 08:46
Symmetriahaha cleaning my shit up is almost impossible, there is just 2 much of it08:46
Symmetriaso now I just accumulate more and add more disk space08:46
mazalLots of old software and games that doesn't even work anymore08:46
inetproand looks like you have a few single point of failures even08:47
Symmetrialol, last time I checked I had 1.4 million MP3's 08:47
mazalSymmetria, that pretty much somes up my data disk lol08:47
mazalI need to clean this shees08:47
Symmetriainetpro heh very few actually08:47
Kilosyour mirror was sick for quite a while Symmetria  08:48
Symmetriaremember, you arent seeing a client view there, so clients connected to routers that are spured off are most often connected to other routers as well08:48
Symmetriakilos yeah that should have been sorted, had raid issues08:48
Symmetrialol inetpro the scary thing is, almost every link on that picture is 10G 08:48
Kilosah but you didnt tell us man and you werent here either08:49
inetpronicely squeezed to fit on a single page08:49
* Symmetria points at an email client ;p08:49
Symmetriaheh inetpro well, its formatted for a 4K resolution screen08:49
inetproSymmetria: what software is used to map it out like that?08:50
Symmetriainetpro its cacti with a plugin08:51
Symmetriaon the cacti instance it actually live updates every 5 minutes with the traffic levels08:51
Symmetriaheh scary thing about that map, thats just the backbone08:53
Symmetriathere is no human way to fit the whole edge of the network onto a map, because I'd be adding another 2 and a half thousand edge routers/switches to it if I wanted to do that08:53
inetproSymmetria: what network is this?08:54
Symmetriaheh thats the liquid backbone08:54
Symmetriafrom london all the way to zambia ;p08:54
Symmetriaheh the major pain in the ass with that mapping stuff08:57
Symmetriais that you have to do the layout manually08:57
Symmetriaso you place all your routers, add all your links, and then add via points to the links to route them around stuff etc08:57
Symmetriaand then associate the links with cacti graphs 08:58
Symmetriait takes *AGES* to put together a map like that08:58
Kiloshi magespawn  09:00
magespawnhi Kilos 09:01
Symmetrialol so outta interest09:04
SymmetriaI looked at what the month long average of the bandwidth into my house is (actual usage)09:04
Symmetriaand I'm living proof that once you get past a certain point, more bandwidth is pointless09:04
SymmetriaI run an average of 37mbit/second to my house09:05
Symmetriacoupla spikes to like 800 - 900 mbit, but mostly it just ticks away09:05
Symmetriaheh, admittedly if you averaging 37mbit, you probably really need at least 100mbit line, but more than that *shrug* no point09:05
inetproSymmetria: wow, only 37mbps average?09:37
inetprowould be interesting to see that over time as more speed becomes available to the masses09:38
magespawni have often thought anything fast enough to stream video would suit most09:40
* inetpro would be happy with 10mbps without any restrictions09:41
inetprothinking about it, Symmetria surely your averages would look much different if you only had a 100mbps line?09:45
Symmetriainetpro lol, possibly, hard to say09:46
inetprowould probably be maxed out all the time09:46
inetproall depends on how much data you actually transfer on a daily, weekly or monthly basis09:48
KilosMaaz  coffee on12:37
* Maaz flips the salt-timer12:37
inetproMaaz: coffee please12:37
Maazinetpro: Yessir12:37
inetproKilos: how do we solve our cooking problems?12:37
Kiloswhat cooking problems inetpro  ?12:38
inetproneed some solution for using sustainable energy rather than power or gas12:38
Kilosthats tough12:38
Kilosgas was the alternite but very expensive now12:39
inetproI think gas is still cheaper12:39
Kilossee if you can find 12v stoves or hotplates12:39
inetprobut not sustainable in the long run12:39
Kilosonly way is solar12:40
inetprohow do you store the energy for use later at night12:40
inetprono man12:40
Kilosonly way12:40
inetproheat kill batteries very quickly12:41
Kilosi used solar in utrecht12:41
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos and inetpro!12:41
Kilosno man solar to charge the batteries12:41
KilosMaaz  ty12:41
MaazYou are welcome Kilos12:41
Kilosmore sjoe12:44
inetprohmm... that last link is interesting12:46
Kiloswith our lots of sun solar is the wqay to go but outlay isnt min12:46
Kiloswhen i moved here i had lots of gas stuff and used to buy them big gas bottles and refil my smalll ones myself , but gas got expensive12:48
Kiloswe use gas when power out here now. got gas lamps and stoves and smokers etc12:52
Kilosbut mainly cook when power is on12:53
Kiloselectric still cheaper than gas12:53
magespawnwe have a gas stove mainly so that we do not have to think about when we cook etc12:54
magespawnelectricity has always been unstable here in hluhluwe12:54
inetproKilos: did you read that article I tweeted?13:07
inetproElon Musk: The World’s Raddest Man13:07
Kilosnope dont often open twitter13:07
inetprolot's of food for thought13:08
inetprovery long but worth it13:08
Kilosoh inetpro  that tesla power ball is an option for peeps with money13:15
inetpropower ball?13:15
Kilosits a storage system13:16
KilosMaaz  google tesla power ball13:16
inetproyes, but you mount it on your wall13:16
MaazKilos: "Tesla Powerwall - Tesla Motors" http://www.teslamotors.com/powerwall :: "Press Kit | Tesla Motors" http://www.teslamotors.com/presskit :: "Tesla's Powerwall Is the Latest Step Toward Our Clean-Energy ..." http://singularityhub.com/2015/05/01/teslas-powerwall-is-the-latest-step-toward-our-clean-energy-future/ :: "Elon Musk Debuts the Tesla Powerwall -13:16
MaazYouTube" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKORsrlN-2k :: "Why Tesla's Powerwall Is Just Another T…13:16
Kilosso what13:16
inetpronot ball13:16
Kilosi think one would need 2 or even 313:17
Kilosoh that ya13:17
inetproyou can build your own13:17
Kilosyeah but the cost and time to get it as perfect as teslas makes it simpler to buy one13:18
Kilosdont forget you need to buy everything to build one too13:18
Kilosand know exactly how to assemble andset it up13:18
Kilosbut 36k is heavy13:19
Kilosthe tesla one is the best you can get13:20
Kilosand everything will work, no oops need more cash to try again13:20
* inetpro wbbl13:21
nuvolario/ oh hi13:29
* nuvolari peek out from under the blankets13:30
Kiloshi nuvolari  13:30
nuvolarihi oom Kilos 13:30
Kilosamper tyd om weer te gaan slaap13:30
* nuvolari is vrot van die verkoue :(13:30
nuvolarigaan gesond bed toe, staan op met 'n gemors 13:31
nuvolarihoe gaan dit met oom?13:31
Kilosgoed dankie seun13:31
nuvolaridis mooi oom13:32
nuvolariword dit al bietjie warmer daar?13:32
Kilosnet al die buntu goed hou my te besig13:32
Kilosnee man dit vrek koud13:32
nuvolaridis nie heeltemal so koud hier nie, maar dis koud13:33
Kilosja julle minimums is nie so kwaai soos hier nie13:34
Kilosinetpro  that was very interesting, quite a man elon musk15:38
MaNIpowerwall is like the iphone of batteries, clever move by musk but just riding a new wave of batteries that was coming anyway :p16:36
Kilosare iphones good or bad?17:17
KilosMaNI  ?17:18
MaNIdepends on your point of view/preferences, mostly neither, they're just a device that timed what the market was already about to do anyway really well17:36
MaNIwhats known as 'smart phones' now was coming regardless, in the scheme of things the existence of the iphone changed very little - the powerwall is similar17:37
MaNI'lifepo' type batteries have been coming and is where things are headed anyway, its a smart move by musk and he will probably make a lot selling them to rich people, but it doesn't really change much in the grand scheme of things17:37
MaNIthats how I feel about it at least *shrug*17:38
Kiloswell getting in first with anything is always good busines17:38
MaNIthats the thing he isn't even first really, there are such things on the market already, as with iphone they weren't really 'first' either17:39
MaNIits just that because its a new market the initial players have not yet done wildly well17:39
MaNIthey are the first to have the capital/timing/marketing to take advantage of the new market17:40
MaNIwhich is of course what matters at the end of the day :p17:40
* Cryterion thinks MaNI should refer to a iPhone as an iCrap instead :)17:41
Kiloswell he seems to have been innovated with quite a few things17:41
MaNICryterion, well I'm trying to remain neutral, I'm not iphone fan but thats not really the point :P17:41
Kiloswb inetpro  17:42
CryterionI just never had any success with mine, failed on charging it's battery like my nokia did17:42
MaNIe.g. http://bosch-solar-storage.com/the-solar-power-storage-tank/the-system/ < predates powerwall17:51
Kilostell me this tesla car and wall things17:52
Kilosare they in anyway connected to the tesla of old17:52
MaNIno, well other than that they use electricity :P17:53
inetprothank you oom Kilos17:55
=== qwebirc46405 is now known as yusuf
Kiloshwhy dont you greet him19:21
Kiloswhy didnt19:21
Trixar_zaDidn't see him? Oo19:21
Kilosso how is Trixar_za  ?19:27
Kilosdid you ans Squirm  ever manage to get together there19:28
Trixar_zaYeah - once. He's in Durbs for the weekend though19:32
Trixar_zaHim and nuvolari tend to hang out more19:32
Kilosyeah i saw19:32
Trixar_zanuvolari also looks like he's turning into a fitness buff. Always up at like 5am to go for a run.19:34
Trixar_zaI should follow his example :P19:34
rusbusKilos I'm not a lurker, I'm a working man19:37
rusbusbeen super busy19:38
rusbusworked today19:38
rusbuswill work tomorrow19:38
rusbuswill work next weekend19:38
rusbusgot home not long ago19:38
Kilosah ok then i forgive you19:38
inetprogood night20:00
Kilosnight inetpro  sleep tight20:01
Kilosnight all, sleep tight20:16
mazal_Night all20:30

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