
OvenWerkscub: (if you see this) That was one of my points also that most video apps could argue that they are AudioVideo.14:01
zequencecub: Well, let's think of Video in this way: video is graphics+audio15:15
zequenceI think it would be correct to add the Video tag to those applications, as they are clearly created for video editing.15:16
zequenceWorkflow: I want to create a video, 1) record - what tool do I use (category: recorder), 2) edit - what tool do I use (category: video editor).15:24
zequenceThe Freedesktop categories are for tool types15:24
zequenceAll audio or video has to at least have AudioVideo, so for kdenlive, I would do: AudioVideo;Video;AudioVideoEditing15:24
OvenWerkszequence: I agree. My only question is if the developer will feel the same (or deb packager)15:25
zequenceWe will have to find out. I think it will be easier to get people to agree on changes if our work is well thought through and well prepared15:27
zequenceMy feeling is most people won't care15:27
zequence..and thus, they will have no big problem with changes15:27
OvenWerksI think too, that explaining this is about making things more organized and easier to find may help too.15:35

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