=== HoloIRCUser is now known as new | ||
new | is anyone here? | 02:27 |
=== new is now known as New | ||
New | Hello people | 02:36 |
augh | hi | 02:36 |
New | can anyone here tell me how not to get error from a xubuntu down load? | 02:38 |
New | im sorry I meant error message | 02:38 |
augh | can you give more detail? | 02:39 |
New | well when I do an installation from a down load it ask if you want to check disk for defect...then I check and I get 2 file errors found | 02:42 |
New | it said that on several different versions | 02:43 |
New | of linux | 02:43 |
augh | sorry man no idea. did google yield anything? | 02:45 |
New | well I usually try to come here first, kool if you cant help no problem | 02:47 |
New | #ubuntu | 02:50 |
xubuntu918 | Who can help me? | 06:10 |
xubuntu918 | :D | 06:14 |
xubuntu918 | X( | 06:15 |
nikolam | hi, I have very large CPU usage for Xorg on 2 Xubuntu LTS instalaltions on 32-bit computers (one with 512MB RAM, the other with 768MB) | 06:28 |
nikolam | One is intel ghraphics (Asus EEEPC 701) and the other is Matrox G400. System is doing absolutely nothing while CPU usage by Xorg is around 68-75 Percent, staying above 70% most of the time... | 06:30 |
nikolam | Sorry I remember better now. Asus is on 12.04 and Xorg large cpu usage happens for some time then stops | 06:34 |
nikolam | on 14.04 on other machine it continues to have large cpu usage all the time | 06:35 |
=== IdleOne is now known as Guest23854 | ||
nikolam | When I log out, it stops using 70% cpu time for Xorg, so it must be something in Xfce? | 07:04 |
nikolam | Hmm, Xorg behaves right with another user account. | 07:05 |
nikolam | How do I figure out what app is doing something with Xorg to make it use that much cpu time? | 07:09 |
nikolam | I figured that "System Load monitor" uses too much CPU time on recent 14.04 LTS 32-bit | 07:48 |
nikolam | it did not happen that way before. | 07:48 |
nikolam | It manifest itself with Large CPU usage by Xorg | 07:48 |
xubuntu26w | hello | 13:12 |
Luyin | hi xubuntu26w | 13:13 |
xubuntu26w | i would like to reboot my xunbuntu as i am having trouble with installations, so i have backed up al my files, i have no cds available to burn the disk image... | 13:14 |
xubuntu26w | can someone help? | 13:14 |
Luyin | xubuntu26w you mean reinstall? | 13:15 |
xubuntu26w | yeah | 13:15 |
xubuntu26w | do i need to start all over or can i do it without | 13:15 |
Luyin | you can also create images to be read from sd cards, usb sticks... | 13:15 |
xubuntu26w | what software do i need | 13:15 |
Luyin | xubuntu26w "dd" from terminal | 13:16 |
xubuntu26w | ok | 13:16 |
xubuntu26w | i will see | 13:16 |
xubuntu26w | i have downloaded the latest xunbutu software also | 13:16 |
Luyin | xubuntu26w but your computer must be able to boot from usb/sd card. you can check this out in your BIOS | 13:17 |
xubuntu26w | i can | 13:17 |
xubuntu26w | i thnik | 13:17 |
xubuntu26w | what "operation" should i type in the terminal? | 13:20 |
xubuntu26w | you said "dd" Luying? | 13:22 |
Luyin | xubuntu26w you add the usbstick you want to install the ISO to, find out which device it is in /dev. say it's /dev/sdc1, then you go "sudo dd if=/path/to/ISO of=/dev/sdc1" | 13:22 |
Luyin | xubuntu26w you can find out the correct denominator in /dev with "lsusb" | 13:24 |
Luyin | xubuntu26w sorry, ignore that last. that won't tell you much about the pointer in the filesystem | 13:27 |
Luyin | xubuntu26w instead, mount it (by double clicking it on your desktop, via thunar, etc), then type "mount" in the terminal and find the correct device there | 13:28 |
temroa | hi all | 13:42 |
temroa | i have a problem can someone help ? | 13:42 |
knome | temroa, just ask and if somebody knows the asnwer, they'll likely reply | 13:42 |
temroa | okay | 13:42 |
temroa | problem is about wifi | 13:43 |
temroa | my wifi card is mt7630e | 13:43 |
temroa | i installed official driver http://www.mediatek.com/en/downloads1/downloads/mt7630-pcie/ | 13:43 |
temroa | but wifi doesn't work | 13:43 |
temroa | my os is ubuntu 14.04.1 | 13:44 |
temroa | after install at the top-right there is writing this thing | 13:44 |
temroa | wifi is off by hardware switch | 13:45 |
temroa | i know how to correct it | 13:45 |
temroa | but | 13:45 |
temroa | after reboot wifi function is gone | 13:45 |
temroa | and that correction needs reboot | 13:45 |
xubuntu00w | Hi i am new. I installed XUBUNTU on my old SIEMENS ESPRIMO and verything was fine until i tried to install DROPBX and the PSAM. The installations never completed! I do not know how to UNISTALL them. Pls help | 14:50 |
xubuntu00w | I mean DROPBOX, sorry | 14:51 |
holstein | !dropbox | 14:56 |
holstein | xubuntu00w: i would just undo whatever you have done, and refer to https://www.dropbox.com/install?os=lnx and get the .deb from there | 14:57 |
holstein | you can "uninstall" packages with a package manager.. if the software center isnt doing as you would expect, you can use synaptic, another package manager | 14:58 |
xubuntu00w | Thanks. I cannot enter synaptic, because it tells me "another apt-get" is pobably being executed... | 15:01 |
holstein | right | 15:01 |
holstein | xubuntu00w: you can only use one package manager at a time, and should close other things that are doing software management | 15:02 |
cfhowlett | !aptlock | xubuntu00w | 15:02 |
ubottu | xubuntu00w: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a » | 15:02 |
holstein | which, could be the case.. could have been, you interrupted the dropbox installation prematurely, xubuntu00w | 15:02 |
holstein | i would want to make sure i *dont* have other package managers or updaters running in the background, to the point of, if i were new to linux, and didnt konw what that meant, i would reboot | 15:03 |
xubuntu00w | holstein: I have rebooted , no effect, processes seem torun in background | 15:04 |
holstein | xubuntu00w: the dropbox process? | 15:05 |
cfhowlett | xubuntu00w, do you have update auto-enabled? | 15:05 |
xubuntu00w | ubottu :i have followed yr advise. this is print out from terminal | 15:06 |
xubuntu00w | costas@costas-ESPRIMO-Mobile-V5535:~$ sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a [sudo] password for costas: USER PID ACCESS COMMAND /var/lib/dpkg/lock: root 2047 F.... dpkg Kill process 2047 ? (y/N) y Γίνεται εγκατάσταση nautilus-dropbox (0.7.1-2) ... Downloading Dropbox... 100% o share and store your files online. Want to learn more? Head to http://www.dropb | 15:06 |
holstein | xubuntu00w: you have to wait on dropbox to be downloaded | 15:07 |
holstein | xubuntu00w: its likely, you just interrupted the process.. | 15:07 |
holstein | anyways, i'll leave you guys to work it out.. must run o/ | 15:07 |
xubuntu00w | Looks like I have screw@d it up. How do I "un-interrupt" the process? | 15:09 |
max12345 | I found some old binaries for wine | 15:51 |
max12345 | how can I safely remove them and all that's connected to it? | 15:51 |
max12345 | they're not being removed by the package system | 15:51 |
max12345 | brb | 15:52 |
kyo | hi guys. anyone alive? i need to ask something about xubuntu 12.04 | 15:59 |
cfhowlett | !ask | kyo | 16:00 |
ubottu | kyo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience | 16:00 |
Pavlos_ | Hi all | 16:00 |
Pavlos_ | I just updated my system from 14.04 ubuntu to 15.04 | 16:01 |
kyo | i am currently installing xubuntu 12.04 on an old toshiba laptom from a usb mp3 player and suddenl, my right speaker started to make a loud pulse (like : tac tac tac tac tac). have you heard of this before? or it's just o coincidence? | 16:01 |
kyo | well .. the install requests reboot. i'll try to get back to you | 16:03 |
Pavlos_ | After restart graphical excitement is not staying and I got error that user.service failed to start. I found some information in launch pad and I removed systemd-sl | 16:03 |
Pavlos_ | Sorry systemd-shim package | 16:04 |
Pavlos_ | After restart the error is not there | 16:05 |
Pavlos_ | My system boots but xfce is not starting | 16:05 |
Pavlos_ | Does anyone has any suggestions? | 16:06 |
BBLLCC | i need help with plymouth for splashscreens while turning on and off my laptop | 18:49 |
xubuntu49w | can I install xubuntu OS onto my android tablet | 19:18 |
ObrienDave | !touch | 19:23 |
ubottu | Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch | 19:23 |
Voyage | Hi | 22:36 |
Voyage | What is the purpose of xubuntu? | 22:36 |
holstein | prebuilt iso providing an installation of ubuntu customized with xfce, and the xubuntu specific packages/tweaks | 22:37 |
holstein | a nice, full featured OS that is typically lighter on resources, without compromising features that are typically needed | 22:38 |
Voyage | ok, what is the purpose of xubuntu? is it the same kubuntu underneath but just a different desktop env? | 22:38 |
Voyage | I have kubuntu lts. but low hardward. | 22:38 |
holstein | they are *all* ubuntu | 22:38 |
Voyage | is xubuntu for me if I install it as an alternative desktop? | 22:38 |
holstein | xfce is the xubuntu desktop | 22:38 |
Voyage | I can still swtich between kubuntu and xubuntu anytime? | 22:39 |
holstein | you are welcome to install xfce4 into whatever you are running now.. | 22:39 |
holstein | Voyage: between kde and xfce, and yes | 22:39 |
Voyage | thanks | 22:39 |
holstein | but, installing "xubuntu-desktop" could cause issues.. with your current kubuntu install so, i suggest installing xfce4 | 22:39 |
Voyage | what kind of issues if i just install via apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ? | 22:40 |
Voyage | holstein, how to install xfce4? | 22:40 |
holstein | Voyage: you are using kubuntu, so, if you say "apt-get install xubuntu-desktop", it can be assumed you want to *switch* and offer to change large parts of your system, and remove parts of kubuntu | 22:40 |
holstein | where as, if you just install xfce4, it'll just add xfce to your current setup, and the end result is still the xfce desktop as an option for you at boot | 22:41 |
holstein | !info xfce4 | 22:41 |
Voyage | holstein, good idea | 22:41 |
holstein | sudo apt-get install xfce4 for example | 22:42 |
Voyage | thanks!! | 22:42 |
ubottu | xfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.10.1ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 4 kB, installed size 31 kB | 22:42 |
holstein | then, from the login screen, for kubuntu, you can choose xfce as the session, or kubuntu/kde | 22:42 |
Voyage | holstein, very very good suggestion | 22:42 |
Unit193 | (Generally no, things won't be removed as xubuntu-desktop-settings et all don't conflict with kubuntu-*, and xfce4 is just another meta too. Ubuntu/Kubuntu+xfce4 != Xubuntu, quite different.) | 22:42 |
holstein | or, you just download the the xubuntu iso, and try it live | 22:43 |
Voyage | Unit193, hm. so which one is better to do in you opinion? | 22:43 |
holstein | i had problems.. | 22:43 |
holstein | but, you can do what you like, and should have backups regardless | 22:43 |
Voyage | Unit193, if I do sudo apt-get install xfce4 , I am good too? | 22:43 |
Voyage | holstein, hm | 22:43 |
Unit193 | You'll get xfce4, sure. | 22:44 |
Voyage | holstein, xubuntu-desktop or xfc4. both will give me same thing ? (ignoring kbuntu is there)? | 22:44 |
Voyage | Unit193, ^ | 22:44 |
Voyage | Thanks! | 22:45 |
holstein | in my experience, which has actualy not been, running kubuntu, and installing xubuntu-destkop, but, has been, running main ubuntu, and installing kubuntu-desktop, and/or xubuntu-desktop or lubuntu-desktop, i have had issues | 22:45 |
holstein | they were likely, just bad choices i made, when being promted to swtich login managers, etc | 22:45 |
Unit193 | One looks more like http://techedemic.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/td_rdp_3.png, the other looks like http://xubuntu.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/1404_whisker.png | 22:45 |
Voyage | E: Unable to locate package xfc4 | 23:08 |
Voyage | holstein, Unit193 ^ | 23:11 |
knome | try "xfce4" | 23:16 |
Voyage | thanks | 23:27 |
=== HoloIRCUser5 is now known as xubuntuuser | ||
xubuntuuser | Hello people | 23:59 |
knome | hello | 23:59 |
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