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vbgunzDoes anyone know a simple and painless way to upgrade to KDE 15.04.3?02:56
valorienot yet, we've not got it packaged02:57
valoriehelp always welcome!02:57
vbgunzthanks valorie, I wish I could, it's chinese to me :/02:58
mintx_Is it possible to take the DE from kubuntu 15.04 and put it on another distro?03:06
vbgunzmintx_: it's only KDE 15.0403:07
vbgunzit's not exclusive to kubuntu03:08
mintx_what do you mean?03:08
mintx_when I do apt-get install kde-full it looks different03:08
vbgunzthe DE in Kubuntu is not special only for Kubuntu. Fedora, Debian, Arch, all the distros support KDE and there is a 99% chance it'll be in whatever native repository your distro supports03:08
vbgunzprobably a theme issue03:09
vbgunzsome distros don't support the look and feel but the DE, yes. the theme by default in Kubuntu is Breeze03:09
vbgunzGo look into your themes for Breeze03:10
mintx_How do I install kde 15.04? kde-full is the same right?03:15
pr0metheu5can I ask why you don't want to use kubuntu? just curious, as I was about to install it03:17
pr0metheu5and what do you want to install KDE on, mint?03:17
vbgunzmintx_: depends on what distro you're using, not all are as up to date as Kubuntu 15.04. Distros vary between older and newer versions of KDE.03:22
mintx_I have Debian 8.1 but im thinking of just installing kubuntu idk03:29
mintx_pr0metheu5: I don't use mint xD but I don't want to install it because I like the fact that debian only uses free software and kubuntu uses a lot of non-free software.03:30
pr0metheu5but you've been enjoyed KDE Plasma 5, I take it?03:31
pr0metheu5I ran the live cd to check it out, and I was definitely impressed by how it looks now03:31
pr0metheu5it's sad that things seem to be going weird for it, there are even rumors 15.10 might be the last release ever03:31
mintx_I've enjoyed some of it except for the look, I'd like it to look the way it does on kubuntu03:31
vbgunzmintx_: Kubuntu 15.04 is very far from solid. if stability is important to you, stop dead in your tracks now. Kubuntu 15.04 is for fun and testing.03:31
mintx_vbgunz: I might just do that then :P03:32
mintx_Stability isn't a huge deal for me I still don't like a lot of things about debian I'm just messing around with new distros figuring out which one I'd like to use long term03:33
vbgunzmintx_: I'm currently on it myself but have not upgraded from 14.10 to it. I just mount my old stable distro and access it in case I need to send/receive something. Other than that, I'm just testing it and I love and hate it. Keep testing until you're satisfied that where it fails won't affect you much.03:34
mintx_Is it possible to have debian and kubuntu both on 1 HDD , but have it so that they can each access a partition of the drive to store and share files?03:35
mintx_How would I go about setting up that storage partition?03:36
vbgunzall you'll need is free space. I use partition manager and it can help with that otherwise gparted (I think) is a good solution for a gui on doing that03:36
mintx_I have free space xP but how should I format it?03:36
vbgunzall you want to do is make free space, then boot an installation disk and point the installation to the new free spaced partition03:36
vbgunzwhen it comes to the boot loader, you might not want to rush installing it where your current boot loader sits. you can install the bootloader on your free partition. When you boot back into Debian, just do a sudo update-grub and that *should* pick up Kubuntu and offer it to you as an option on next boot03:38
valorie15.04 is relatively stable for me, vbgunz03:38
valoriepr0metheu5: don't listen to rumors03:38
valorieif you want kubuntu to go forward, as always, pitch in a make it happen03:39
valorieand make it happen I mean03:39
vbgunzvalorie: I honestly don't go messing with configuration files or go doing anything I think is out of the ordinary. I honestly saw in a day, perhaps a hundred crash dialogs03:39
mintx_^ true I don't think anything open source ever really dies03:39
valorievbgunz: you said above that packaging seems like chinese to you, but you seem to know a lot03:40
pr0metheu5welp, gonna go ahead and install kubuntu 15.04 right now03:40
valorieif you are getting crashes though, bug reports are welcome and useful03:40
pr0metheu5I would like some stability, but let's see how it goes03:41
pr0metheu5and yeah, will def. send reports03:41
valoriethe secret for me, if I know the packagename, is the cli: `ubuntu-bug packagename`03:41
valoriemakes filing bug reports dead easy03:42
vbgunzI wish I was kidding, I've been a hard core Ubuntu fan for 7-8 years. I love Kubuntu and love KDE since 3.5. I'm hoping going forward it gets better, I'm really hoping03:42
valorieof course if they are in KDE and not our packaging, then bugs need to be filed in the KDE bugtracker as well03:42
valorievbgunz: everybody starts where they are03:42
vbgunzvalorie: you know what I wish was an option. silent automatic bug reporting. honestly, I don't mind sending anything you need, I do this with almost any app that ask.03:44
mintx_HOw do I shrink my ext4 partition that debian is on to get free space for kubuntu03:44
mintx_Im in gparted idk03:44
vbgunzI mean, I gotta love the app and trust it but the second they say want to send us information, I agree to it03:44
valoriethat's great, vbgunz03:45
vbgunzmintx_: not sure I don't have it but I am certain it should be a bit intuitive. look to resize your Debian partition, is that an option?03:45
valoriemintx_: don't you just move the slider?03:46
valorieit's been awhile since i did that03:46
mintx_well it has a picture of a key next to it even though I opened gparted as SU , and when i do resize it wont let me03:46
mintx_it says minimum size and max size are the whole disk03:46
valorieyou shouldn't open the application as SU03:47
valorieyou will be prompted to give your passw if that is needed03:47
mintx_oh thought i should since im partitioning the root partition03:47
valorieif you are prompted, yes03:47
valorieyou screw up permissions if you run as root when you should not03:48
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo03:48
mintx_damn its still saying that the minimum size for it is the whole partition03:49
valorieit should have been gksu or kdesudo if necessary anyway03:49
mintx_maybe I should just say fuck debian and I'll reformat the whole drive to install kubuntu, then I'll leave space to reinstall debian if i want it03:49
valorieyou might look at that last link that ubottu sent you to fix any permission problems03:50
valorielanguage please03:50
vbgunzmintx_: try partition manager from KDE03:50
mintx_I don't have permission problems with sudo already have it configured03:51
valorieI don't know if a permissions problem is why you are getting that report03:51
mintx_vbgunz: whats it called03:51
valoriebut it is likely03:51
vbgunzsudo apt-get install partitionmanager... although I believe gparted should do it, I just made 50g free on my Windows partition to test Kubuntu 15.04. it worked for me and was intuitive. maybe it'll work for you?03:51
valorieor perhaps with a dash inside03:51
mintx_fuck it I know for sure I have like 150gb free on windows so I'll just shrink that one again.03:52
mintx_language my bad03:52
vbgunzit's all good, you catching yourself is a good thing :)03:52
mintx_Okay I'm gonna go shrink windows and install kubuntu ill brb.03:54
vbgunzmintx_: cool, worse comes to worse, you realize you don't like it, it should be easy to extend the partition back for Windows (Windows is always happy to nuke a Linux partition)03:55
mintx_it sure is lmao03:56
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mintx_wait , before I go, how much swap should I have for kubuntu?04:02
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valorieI never set up swap04:02
ubottuswap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info04:03
mintx_Okay thanks, and you should xD04:04
valorieSysinfo for 'valorie-HP-Pavilion-dv7-Notebook-PC': Running inside KDE Plasma 5 on Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) powered by Linux 3.19.0-21-generic, CPU: AMD Turion(tm) X2 Dual-Core Mobile RM-74 at 2200 MHz, RAM: 3551/3785 MB, Storage: 404/683 GB, 193 procs, 4.62h up04:05
valorieold laptop04:05
fewcha_Can somebody tell me how to install Qt 5.4 in Kubuntu 14.04.2 LTS ?04:39
mintxOmgg this is the longest install ive had xD04:40
valoriefewcha_: you cannot04:40
fewcha_valorie: okay04:41
valorieour first Qt5 release was 15.0404:41
fewcha_so if I want to build plasma-mediacenter from source in kubuntu what do I do?04:41
valorieso I suggest 15.04 in a VM or so04:41
mintxDuring install it never asked me to set up a root pwd..04:42
valoriemintx: your user password is what you use for sudo04:43
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo04:43
mintxOkay thx04:43
travbuntuokay the install is done :P05:05
travbuntuthis os is beautiful though, it kindof reminds me of the new osx05:05
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valoriemintx: good to hear05:10
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mintx_how can I change the panel color?05:22
valorieyou can change the colors in systemsettings05:25
mintx_Can I change transparency?05:28
valorieyes..... I would just start typing that in krunner05:30
valorieand it will pop up05:30
valoriealt+space now works for krunner by default05:30
valoriehuge timesaver05:30
mintx_it wont open05:33
mintx_I even tried sudo krunner05:33
valorieplease do NOT use sudo for such things05:33
valorietry alt+f205:33
valorieyou think I'm kidding?05:34
valorieI'm not05:34
mintx_its cool dw05:34
mintx_yeah its still not coming up when I click on it.05:34
valoriewell, just start systemsettings from the kmenu then05:35
valorieubottu: you ok?05:36
ubottuvalorie: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:36
ubottusudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !pkexec (for older releases: !gksu and !kdesudo). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo05:36
mintx_lol! ^05:36
mintx_ubottu: hi05:36
mintx_how update le kernel?05:37
valoriethe experts on the kernel for Ubuntu live in #ubuntu-kernel05:38
valorievery smart folks05:38
mintx_I believe I am banned from all ubuntu channels05:39
valoriethis is an ubuntu channel05:39
valorieso evidently not05:39
mintx_I mean the legit ubuntu ones05:39
mintx_ok maybe its just #ubuntu im banned from05:40
mintx_oh wow05:44
mintx_a bug05:44
valoriewhat did you find?05:45
mintx_I was installing terminator from konsole and all the suddon the whole screen goes black except for konversation05:45
mintx_Think I should reboot05:45
mintx_The desktop is like gone lol brb05:46
valorie!info terminator05:46
ubottuterminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97-4 (vivid), package size 234 kB, installed size 2049 kB05:47
mintxI rebooted and it still only goes to a black screen with a mouse pointer05:57
mintxI think ill have to uninstall05:58
valorieit sounds like a problem with plasmashell05:58
valorieI don't know why you would need terminator, but I also don't think that caused kwin and/or plasmashell to crash05:59
mintxI dont think it did i was js thats when it happened05:59
valorieyou can have multiple terminals in one window with nothing special06:00
valorieor just tab them06:00
valorielots of choices06:00
valoriepersonally, I use yakuake06:00
valoriepops down from the top with f1206:00
valorieand can be tabbed06:01
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lordievaderGood morning.08:34
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yossarianukhi - I have a couple of usability questions about Plasma5 (using 5.3.x)10:28
yossarianuk) How do you get different backgrounds/wallpapers for different workspaces? (I need to easily visually make the distinction between different workspaces)10:28
yossarianuk2) I am using Korganizer to sync to google calendar but I do not have any desktop notifications about any events in the calender10:28
lordievaderyossarianuk: For the first, according to Blueskaj that feature has been dropped.10:29
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BluesKajG'Day folks11:47
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ovidiu-florinlordievader: when was that dropped?13:26
ovidiu-florinI still have it in vivid13:26
lordievaderovidiu-florin: You do? Talk to BluesKaj.13:26
lordievaderovidiu-florin: He has been complaining about that for weeks.13:28
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VecodoHello everyone15:37
Vecodoi got a question15:37
Vecodohow do i mount a VHD file on a ubuntu 14.04 system? I want it on the orginal system and not use virtualbox software with a virtual image of ubuntu15:37
TJ-Vecodo: you probably need "virtualbox-fuse" and use "vdfuse" command15:41
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KarmeloI would like to ask a question16:53
lordievaderVecodo: If TJ- method doesn't work you could take the long road. Convert it to a raw image and then mounting that raw image with kpartx or something.17:11
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lordievaderVecodo: http://superuser.com/questions/202684/converting-vhd-imag-to-raw-format17:53
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JunkHunkHello I managed to build a bridge like it is said here: http://linux-net.osdl.org/index.php/Bridge but i cannot get the bridge to connect to the internet could anyone drop me a line?22:03
JunkHunkWhen I write ip route list I can see default gateway already set I then tried dhclient mybridge but still no connection22:08
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pr0metheu5so, I installed Kubuntu last night and went to sleep without trying it out22:28
pr0metheu5I get to the login screen and login, only to get to the login screen again for a second time22:29
pr0metheu5after logging in the second time, I just get to a blank screen and nothing happens22:29
pr0metheu5is kubuntu 15.04 really this unstable?22:30
pr0metheu5I did a fresh install of Kubuntu last night - and I either keep getting the login loop, or have to login twice to get stuck on a light grey screen.22:46
Chaserpr0metheu5: May sound silly - but did you update after fresh install ? My initial upgrade to 15.04 was unstable but its usable now after all the updates since then.22:51
pr0metheu5Chaser - I chose to download updates during the install process22:52
pr0metheu5Chaser - perhaps I shouldn't? Perhaps I should update only after it's installed and working properly, what do you think?22:52
ChaserI would update it.22:53
pr0metheu5upgrading it now, hopefully this fixes it22:56
pr0metheu5upgrading it did not help either23:11

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