
blrwgrant: am I right in understanding that https is disabled for vhosts in the testrunner, but allvhosts.configs['mainsite'].rooturl renders using 'https00:13
blr'https' on staging/production?00:13
wgrantblr: Ah yes, that's a point I'd forgotten.00:25
wgrantHTTPS is enabled on pretty much everywhere except the testrunner.00:25
blrno obvious way to disable cert validation for `go get`... reasonably confident this is fine, but would like to test.00:34
wgrantKnowing them, they probably statically link the CA database into the compiler :)00:37
blrlooks like I'll have to write some go! tls.Config{InsecureSkipVerify : true}00:37
blrmwhudson: wgrant: no apparent way to disable a cert check in https://code.google.com/p/go/source/browse/src/cmd/go/http.go00:47
wgrantblr: You could also use a variant of rf-setup-certs from lp-dev-utils to get a launchpad.dev cert that's valid on your local machine. go appears to respect /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt like it should.00:48
blrwgrant: thanks, will try that00:49
mwhudsoni'm sorry this is working out to be such a pain!00:53
blrmwhudson: not a pain, I'm just still unfamiliar with parts of LP. It would help if go get had a flag though :)00:55
=== Nigel_ is now known as G
* mpt resists the urge to redesign Launchpad’s team page08:42
cjwatsonwgrant: rf-setup-certs!  Thanks, I'd wondered how people had handled that in the past09:14
cjwatsonI hacked things out brutally when I was testing bazaar codebrowse changes recently09:14

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