
tewarddoes launchpad show ppa usage/download statistics anywhere?01:04
tewardactually, may be better to ask: is there a reason this would time-out?  https://api.launchpad.net/1.0/~nginx/+archive/ubuntu/stable/+binarypub/40721078?ws.op=getDailyDownloadTotals&start_date=2013-10-23   (Error ID OOPS-debf0694dfb4065abd2d84ccc9668f58)01:08
teward(generated by a ppastats tool)01:08
wgrantteward: That's a very long period. You'll get better results if you don't ask for almost two years of data at a time.01:09
tewardwgrant: FYI: I didn't generate the link?01:10
tewardnor do I have the capability to customize01:10
wgrantteward: You'll want to tweak the code that you're using.01:10
wgrantWhy not?01:10
teward^  that tool01:10
wgrantWhy can't you customise it?01:10
tewardI could customize it, but i'm not sure whether the release team *wants* that amount of data or not01:11
tewardonly reason i'm using it is because the release team asked for ppa stats01:11
tewardnot sure if giving them a smaller dataset would be frowned on by them01:11
wgrantYou can give them the entire dataset.01:11
teward(see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2015-July/003310.html)01:11
wgrantYou just can't request absolutely everything in one hit.01:11
tewardwgrant: then what do you suggest I do to the program and API reqs?01:11
tewardbecause I haven't dissected the tool's code01:11
wgrantdear lord01:12
wgrantit is an LP API client written in C01:12
* teward yawns01:13
tewardwgrant: i'm tired, cut me some slack?01:13
tewardblame the holidays >.>01:13
wgrantOh, I'm just looking at the code, expecting it to be a 50-line Python script.01:13
wgrantInstead it's thousands of lines of C...01:13
tewardwgrant: i think what the release team wants is nice graphics01:14
tewardthis thing produces graphs apparently01:14
wgrantteward: Anyway, as a general rule, if requesting two years of data times out, request less data at once.01:19
tewardwgrant: and without C coding knowledge (I have limited) I can't customize the tool.01:19
wgrantThat's not something I can help with.01:19
wgrantIf it were Python, the code would be perhaps one-twentieth the size, and would be easy to adjust.01:20
tewardC --01:20
wgrantRetrying it several times may work, but it may not.01:21
tewardit's tried 35 times so far *shrugs*01:21
lifelesswait what01:46
lifelesssomeone wrote non-kernel code to talk to an API in C?!01:46
wgrantYes, I thought I was drearming.01:47
wgrantThat 4000 LOC could probably be less than 200 lines of Python.01:47
blrwell, there's something charmingly perverse about that I guess.01:50
lifelessthere really isn't01:50
wgrantNothing charming at all.01:50
wgrantPerverse, sure :)01:50
blrcome on, it's a little amusing.01:51
lifelessif you find more buffer overflows in the world amusing01:51
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lfaraonewgrant: lifeless: I guess you folks haven't heard of https://github.com/okws/okws :P15:34
zygahey, any launchpadlib hackers around?17:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1471894 in launchpadlib "_bad_oauth_token crashes on python3 (str vs bytes)" [Undecided,New]17:01
cjwatsonzyga: doesn't crash here17:13
cjwatsonAh, but I probably don't have an expired token17:14
cjwatsonYeah, should be trivial to fix, bonus points if your patch comes with a test17:14
zygacjwatson: I have the code patched, patching existing tests not to crash with the patch in place17:15
zygacjwatson: my current approach is to use b'...' constants instead of plain strings there17:24
zygacjwatson: do you think that's the right way to do it?17:25
zygacjwatson: (and patching tests to actually test with b'...' strings17:25
cjwatsonThat sounds fine17:25
zygacjwatson: which is ok for python2 (no op) and gives us nice bytes in python317:25
zygacjwatson: nice, thanks17:25
cjwatsonJust check that if you temporarily shelve the code patch, the tests start failing in python317:25
cjwatsoni.e. that the test changes constitute an effective test for this bug17:26
zygacjwatson: sure17:28
zygacjwatson: offtopic, I sent out a hello-world patch for tarmac but I didn't get any replies for it17:39
zygacjwatson: I'm pretty booked lately but I will return to tarmac/git later this week17:40
zygacjwatson: it would be good to have a person that can commit and can have a conversation with me17:40
cjwatsonOK, I understand that, but it's not something I'm in a position to do much about17:41
cjwatsondobey: ^- can you help zyga?17:41
zygacjwatson: sure, just something that flew past my mind while talking to you :)17:41
zygacjwatson: iff there's nobody interested I could just be added to developer group17:41
cjwatsonzyga: are you blocked on anything in LP for tarmac at the moment?  (I know there are one or two things that are suboptimal)17:41
zygacjwatson: no17:42
zygacjwatson: I think it's okay now17:42
cjwatsonhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1462449 is quite complicated, surprisingly17:42
ubot5Launchpad bug 1462449 in Launchpad itself "branch_merge_proposal.reviewed_revid is '<email address hidden>" if operated through anonymous API login" [High,Triaged]17:42
zygacjwatson: those are not real blockers17:42
cjwatsonI think that was your only recent unclosed bug17:42
cjwatsonright, good17:42
zygacjwatson: the most useful bits are already in17:42
zygacjwatson: (thanks a lot for that!)17:42
zygacjwatson: btw, if we're talking about git, I had inconsistent results lately17:43
dobeysent tarmac patch where?17:43
zygacjwatson: sometimes I think I'm hitting a server that doesn't know my ssh key17:43
zygadobey: merge request on lp:tarmac17:43
zygadobey: it's not a real support for git, just a trivial rename to start the conversation with someone live17:43
zygacjwatson: as repeated git push fix that17:43
zygacjwatson: maybe related to ps4 outage17:44
zygacjwatson: not sure, just letting you know17:44
cjwatsonzyga: all the ps4 stuff should be out of DNS by now - check what DNS for git.launchpad.net gives you17:44
zygagit.launchpad.net has address
zygagit.launchpad.net has address
cjwatsonright, those are ps4.517:44
dobeyzyga: i'll take a look, but i suspect tarmac probably won't be able to support git, in its current design17:45
zygadobey: yeah, I'm willing to do all the work to change that17:45
zygadobey: I wanted to talk to someone about a plan how to approach that17:45
zygadobey: and if that's something that would be merged17:45
dobeyzyga: does git have something remotely anything like bzrlib?17:45
cjwatsontarmac really doesn't look all that far off supporting git17:45
zygadobey: doing that in dry run mode and getting a nack later would be pretty costly for me:/17:45
cjwatsondobey: there's pygit2, but honestly shelling out to plain git should perform fine17:46
zygacjwatson: no result is impossible with an appropriate patch ;>17:46
zygacjwatson: rm -rf; git add; profit ;-)17:46
zygacjwatson: yeah, shelling out works great17:46
cjwatsongit has nowhere near the startup time cost of bzr17:46
zygadobey: git has many implementations17:46
dobeywell, it doesn't have to start python and load all the plug-ins at init, sure17:46
zygadobey: there's libgit2? from github folks (C)17:47
cjwatsonpygit2 is based on libgit217:47
zygadobey: but I think it's not useful to work at that level17:47
cjwatsonbut it also isn't in Ubuntu17:47
zygadobey: as git CLI is just fast and everything is there17:47
cjwatsondobey: I've taken specific care to make the LP webservice interface reasonably compatible for bzr/git MPs, with reference to what tarmac is using17:47
zygadobey: it's certainly not the bottleneck in the prototype I wrote17:47
dobeyzyga: it's not about how fast the CLI is or isn't really. shelling out makes for not-so-nice code17:47
dobeycjwatson: sure, and launchpadlib should handle that part just fine; it's the local  stuff i'm really worried about in that respect17:48
zygadobey: I also think that but only to some degree, the prototype that shells out supports git and bzr and is 300 lines long17:48
cjwatsonit would perhaps be better to use pygit2, but honestly, it doesn't seem reasonable to block on that17:48
zygacjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpadlib/+bug/1471894/comments/117:48
ubot5Launchpad bug 1471894 in launchpadlib "_bad_oauth_token crashes on python3 (str vs bytes)" [Undecided,New]17:48
zygacjwatson: does that look reasonable?17:49
cjwatsonzyga: I think so, but would rather have an MP :)17:49
zygadobey: the problem with many apis is that we are all used to cli and sometimes it's not easy to understand which apis a given cli command maps to exactly, I think that applies to bzr and git equally well17:49
zygacjwatson: sure, that's step two :)17:49
cjwatsonpython-pygit2 is actually in wily, so it would be possible to write against that17:51
cjwatsonI just worry that it's an extra barrier for people looking to upgrade existing tarmac instances to support git MPs17:51
zygacjwatson: I agree17:51
zygacjwatson: I target LTS codebases typically17:51
cjwatsonand I'd like that to be as low-friction as possible to make it easier for people to convert over17:51
zygacjwatson: that's very good for adoption17:51
dobeytarmac isn't in the archive17:52
dobeyso whether one of its dependencies is in the archive or not shouldn't really be a blocker, i don't think17:52
cjwatsonwe're using pygit2 in the LP git backend implementation, but we can also deal with getting our own dependencies excruciatingly right17:52
cjwatsonI'm less sure about a bazillion little tarmac deployments17:52
cjwatsonespecially because libgit2/pygit2's API compatibility, well17:53
dobeyi'm sure tarmac hasn't got so many users that it would be problematic :)17:53
cjwatsonzyga: well, if dobey feels this is required, then pygit2 isn't that hard to use.  we have reasonable experience with it in the LP dev team now17:54
cjwatsonand there is a backport in ppa:launchpad/ubuntu/ppa17:55
zygadobey: I think that this is actually a bad way to approach this, I think tarmac is just x10 larger than it has to be, has pointless deps and is tied to bzrlib+python217:55
dobeymostly i'd like to know what "the plan" would be, to get git support in, even if it actually did nothing at the moment in the case of git17:55
zygadobey: but I'm very much open to discussion, I just come with opinions and, hopefully, arguments17:55
dobeywhat is a bad way to approach what?17:55
zygadobey: using python-* for each VCS17:56
zygadobey: as this requires working bindings and blocks python3 transition17:56
zygadobey: shelling out is far easier if somewhat less technically pure in some way17:56
cjwatson(pygit2 has python3 support FYI)17:56
zygacjwatson: and bzr?17:56
zygacjwatson: run one installation with python2 for bzr, with python3 for git?17:56
cjwatsonsure, I know that, but we're talking about git17:56
zygacjwatson: that's a bit bad17:56
dobeyit only blocks py3 for bzr support, and bzrlib is never going to support py3 afaik17:57
zygacjwatson: sure but do we remove bzr to add git?17:57
zygacjwatson: or require different runtime to use git?17:57
cjwatsonno, please stop being disingenuous17:57
dobeyit's not bad17:57
dobeyno, we don't remove bzr support17:57
cjwatsonmy point is simply that the python3 point is not relevant for pygit217:57
dobeyi think the python3 point is irrelevant anyway17:57
dobeyit's a non-argument17:57
zygadobey: why? so you want tarmac to be python2 forever/17:57
dobeyzyga: i don't care if it's python2 or 3; it's quite easy to support both until such a time bzr is not used by anyone any more who uses tarmac17:58
* zyga pushes the fix to launchpadlib17:58
dobeyi'm not going to strip tarmac down to be a shell script written in python, just to get rid of py2 support17:59
zygadobey: so what kind of approach would you like to see17:59
zygadobey: initially I did try to de-couple tarmac from bzrlib (to run on python3) and shell-out to bits for each vcs, but if you don't want to see that then another option must be available18:00
dobeyzyga: i don't know exactly, but if there is to be support for multiple VCS types, then there obviously needs to be some sort of abstraction layer somewhere18:00
cjwatsontarmac.branch seems like about the right point for the abstraction layer18:01
cjwatsonvirtually all the operations there, with the exception of bug/branch links, have analogues in git18:01
zygacjwatson: yes, I agree, to some extent, there's also some config changes that need to happen, tarmac ties entires there to branches directly and a new scheme would be needed for git18:01
dobeyzyga: we can't shell out to bzr for all features in tarmac, so shelling is simply not an option for bzr at least18:01
dobeyi have no idea whether all those features will even be supportable with git at all though18:01
zygadobey: what features are those?18:02
cjwatsondobey: the only one I could find that's not (at least at present) is bug/branch links18:02
zygadobey: from the top of my head I can think of the checkout-lock-held semantics18:02
dobeycjwatson: we also add custom metadata18:02
cjwatsondobey: hm, where's that?18:02
cjwatsonoh, revprops['reviews']?18:03
dobeycjwatson: i'd have to go search the code, but we add revision propes for the reviewers, yeah18:03
dobeyyeah that's it18:03
zygadobey: what's the use of that?18:03
cjwatsonThe usual git idiom is to stuff that into the commit message :)18:03
zygacjwatson: https://code.launchpad.net/~zyga/launchpadlib/fix-1471894/+merge/26395018:03
cjwatsonWhich is kind of anathema to people used to bzrlib style, but meh18:03
dobeyyeah, CI train does as well18:03
dobeyand it makes commit messages quite ugly :(18:04
cjwatsonPerhaps it would be OK to disable that for git, pending discussion?18:04
zygacjwatson: well, since there's no way to put that (structured) in git then I think it's hard to make that an option, same as bug associations18:05
cjwatsonIt doesn't have to be structured, since git people don't expect it to be structure18:05
dobeywell, there's a plug-in in tarmac which adds the info to the commit message too i think18:05
zygadobey: what do you think about the checkout mode of operation18:05
dobeymaybe it would be ok to drop that feature (we don't have a bzr plug-in to be able to pull it out on cli anyway)18:06
zygadobey: which cannot be replicated with git18:06
cjwatsonyou could just have the commit implementation be commit + push18:07
zygacjwatson: yes, I have that, it's just that the semantics is a little bit different due to the lock logic18:07
dobeyzyga: i'm not sure what that means exactly. i think the best start would be abstracting out the bzr branch bits another level (as you've already started), and rewriting all the tests to not use the bzrlib testing stuff, but instead do abstract mocking or such18:07
cjwatsondobey: he means the bit where tarmac requires a checkout / bound branch so that it doesn't have to worry about lock failures, pushing, etc.18:08
cjwatsonzyga: yeah, maybe ok as long as tarmac will retry the merge the next time it runs?18:08
dobeycjwatson: yeah i got that now. i was confused beause "checkout" in git is something else entirely :)18:08
cjwatsonyou just have to make sure to clean up on a push failure18:09
zygacjwatson: mmm, yeah, it's just another failure that can happen18:09
zygacjwatson: good point18:09
cjwatsonwhich is easy if you do all the work in a temp branch18:09
dobeyi'd also started some work to add signature verification to tarmac, but i haven't had any time to work on tarmac in quite a while :-/18:10
zygadobey: signature verification?18:10
dobeyi don't know how signatures work in git18:10
zygadobey: signed commits?18:10
dobeyzyga: yes, gpg signed commits18:10
zygadobey: ah, I think in git you more like gpg sign tags instead18:10
zygadobey: though I haven't used that much myself18:10
cjwatsonyou can sign commits too, it's a topic of debate18:10
cjwatsonI tend to just sign tags18:11
cjwatsonzyga: thanks for the lplib branch, I'm EOD now but will remind myself where my test environment is in the morning18:11
zygacjwatson: thanks!18:11
zygacjwatson: I'll publish it in my ppa so my colleague can hack on that in a few hours when he wakes up18:12
zygacjwatson: when you upload a new version to ubuntu I'll backport that as well18:12
zygacjwatson: (one more) https://code.launchpad.net/~zyga/launchpadlib/fix-1471927/+merge/26395318:35
=== keithzg_vacation is now known as keithzg
StevenC99hi;  FYI an email from launchpad.net is seen in leaked NSA slides20:02
StevenC99large 43.6MB PDF unfortunately https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.documentcloud.org/documents/2116130/intro-to-xks-appids-and-fingerprints.pdf20:02
StevenC99on page 24 of 60, a "Launchpad OpenPGP Key Confirmation" email20:03
StevenC99I wonder, were those emails sent to Ubuntu developers? or regular users too?20:03
tewardStevenC99: i'm not going to look deeper into the document given the top line says TOP SECRET20:05
tewardand i'm instead going to question where the hell you got the document from20:05
StevenC99sorry, should have perhaps linked to the news article instead20:06
dobeyteward: obviously it's declassified or something20:06
tewarddobey: 'leaked nsa slides'20:06
tewardi'm questioning that given the 'leaked nsa slides' part20:06
dobeyStevenC99: the e-mail is the same type of e-mail sent to anyone to confirm adding a gpg key to launchpad, yes20:06
teward(and when a new PGP key is added to Launchpad, LP emails the owner of the LP account an encrypted message they have to decrypt with their own private key corresponding to the PGP public key it was encrypted to, in order to provide the verification link to add it to the account)20:06
tewardit's the same type of email, yes.20:07
dobeyStevenC99: having it used as an example of a pgp-encrypted messages doesn't mean much20:07
teward^ that20:07
StevenC99thanks;  so this could be any Ubuntu user, not necessarily a developer20:07
dobeyyou should be more worried about all the e-mails you get from various services, in clear text, that have personal information and passwords in them20:08
StevenC99this was 2008;  we didn't know better at the time20:08
dobeyunless you can read under the redacted e-mail20:08
dobeyeh, some of us knew better :)20:08
StevenC99i think this email was rather intercepted at the recipient's end, when they read it via plain HTTP webmail (mail/webmail/outblaze)20:09
StevenC99or who knows, maybe they did use HTTPS but it was broken somehow20:09
StevenC99if launchpad.net do happen to have email logs from Wed, 31 Dec 2008 10:04:16 -0000, they could maybe identify and notify this person20:10
StevenC99if launchpad.net has logs of who they send mail to at that specific time, they could figure out whose email this was20:11
dobeyno i mean the interception part20:11
StevenC99oh okay, well... launchpad.net emailed somebody20:11
StevenC99that person then used some HTTP webmail client to read it20:11
dobeythe nsa has been sucking up data off the wire for decades20:11
StevenC99and that's when I think NSA intercepted the email20:11
dobeyi doubt it. it was probably intercepted when it went across the SMTP20:12
StevenC99i think it's a nice, chilling example though20:14
StevenC99come to think of it, there's a scerenshot of what looks like a webmail interface at the top20:17
StevenC99so surely, the person whose email is shown here, was the author of the NSA slide20:17
StevenC99well, not surely, but possible20:18
dobeyi think you are making way too many assumptions about it :)20:19
StevenC99it would be cool to find out.  launchpad.net email logs seem like the only way20:21
StevenC99unfortunately the first line of base64 is obscured, so i can't extract the GPG keyid from it20:21
lifelesslfaraone: C++ concerns me much less20:34

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