
SNSN is Back06:53
dholbachgood morning07:00
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sturmflut2"This app is certainly less harmfull for your ubuntu-phone than the monetarist theory for europe."07:04
sturmflut2I think I never laughed so hard on a monday morning07:04
davidcalleMorning o/07:14
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sturmflut2Apps will soon be able to keep the screen on!08:31
ogra_crazy talk !08:31
popeys/apps/games/ :)08:32
mzanettipopey, why?08:33
popeyjust kidding and thinking of MvM :)08:34
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brunch875Hihi! I'm trying to follow the first code snippet in https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-15.04/Ubuntu.Components.ToolbarButton/09:20
brunch875but it doesn't work09:20
brunch875also, it complains that09:20
brunch875qml: Page.tools is a deprecated property. Please use Page.head instead.09:20
brunch875if anyone knows how to put buttons and labels at the top toolbar I'll appreciate it!09:22
nik90brunch875: use https://developer.ubuntu.com/api/apps/qml/sdk-15.04/Ubuntu.Components.PageHeadConfiguration/09:40
nik90brunch875: the Page.tools was deprecated for several months...no idea what the hell is it still doing in the 15.04 documentation09:40
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sverzegnassipopey: ping11:57
popeyhey sverzegnassi11:59
sverzegnassipopey: o/ which is the launchpad project for reporting a missing package/dependency on devices' images?11:59
popeysverzegnassi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-touch-meta12:00
sverzegnassipopey: ok, thanks!12:02
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mzanettisturmflut2, Neverball just got an update locking rotation down :)12:49
mzanettisturmflut2, I wonder if you have been involved there12:50
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mzanettisturmflut2, fyi: https://github.com/pseuudonym404/neverball-touch/issues/913:01
sturmflut2mzanetti: It's all popey's fault!13:03
mzanettipopey, pfff... really... you had to mess that up?13:03
mzanettiI don't even know what... but blaming popey is always fun13:04
mzanettisturmflut2, why?13:04
sturmflut2mzanetti: https://github.com/pseuudonym404/neverball-touch/issues/813:05
mzanettiindeed, popey's fault :D13:05
mzanettiwhy would you suggest a landscape app to lock to portrait?13:05
cachionik90, hey, I am writting a system test for the clock app and I need to delete the all the alarms that were set. Is any way to do it but not using the ui13:18
cachionik90, the autopilot test goes through the ui and delete it13:19
Frantiquehello all14:10
FrantiqueI need some help, please14:10
Frantiqueis anyone awake?14:12
ubot5Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:12
Frantiqueok, well, I have a published desktop software in developer.ubuntu.com, and the updated package is still waiting for approval since weeks. I really need to publish te updated version.14:13
nik90cachio: It is not easy deleting the alarms in the backend. If you're using EDS, you need to stop the process and delete its db files. But that would also affect the calendar app.14:14
Frantiquehow can I contact someone who can give a review?14:14
nik90cachio: which is why the current AP tests are resorting to deleting it via the UI (although its not the most reliable)14:14
balloonsdavmor2, see Frantique above ^^14:21
cachionik90, the test is the test_add_recurring_type_alarm_must_add_to_alarm_list14:22
davmor2balloons: not me14:22
davmor2balloons: beuno and his team14:23
davmor2Frantique: is this a desktop app or a click app14:23
cachionik90, which is the process and where are located the db files?14:23
nik90cachio: one sec, let me get the info14:24
cachionik90, tx14:25
Frantiquedavmor2: Desktop app14:25
Frantiquethe click app is reviewed automatically14:26
davmor2beuno: ^14:26
Frantiqueby the way, the initial review was made by asciigirl.14:27
nik90cachio: atm EDS handles alarms and its db is located in .local/share/evolution/tasks/*somefoldername/tasks.ics file14:27
nik90cachio: however the issue is that the *somefoldername is usually random .. not sure how to take that into account while writing the test14:28
nik90cachio: the process is evolution-calendar-factory afaik14:28
cachionik90, thanks! I'll try using glob python module that helps for this scenario14:29
nik90cachio: cool, np14:30
* popey scrolls back to find out what he's blamed for14:34
popeydownside of having a smart watch is I get notified when I'm blamed for stuff, but don't necessarily know why :)14:34
popeymzanetti: oh :S14:35
mzanettipopey, :P14:39
popeyfair point14:39
DF__hi guys14:50
DF__can some one tell me how i can have an app that whn offline (not connected to the web) see the things it had in cache but when you're connected to the web it updates the cache??14:54
ogra_by adding the necessary logic in javascript ... ?14:54
DF__for example14:54
DF__you have an app14:55
ogra_well,  that was more a rhetoric question :)14:55
DF__and when you're offline you see the last thing you saw when you where online14:55
DF__but then when you come online you have your cache updated with the new things14:56
dpmballoons, I'm getting this error trying to run the AP plugin:16:09
dpmStarting /usr/bin/autopilot3-sandbox-run...16:09
dpmE: Xephyr executable not found. Please install Xephyr16:09
dpmany ideas?16:09
dpmballoons, zbenjamin, seems qtcreator-plugin-autopilot needs a dependency on xserver-xephyr16:11
zbenjamindpm: yeah that could be16:12
dpmzbenjamin, balloons, is there a way to get Qt Creator to choose whether I want the Run button to just run the app or run the tests?16:13
dpmwith the autopilot plugin installed, that is16:13
balloonsdpm, mmm.. it should depend on autopilot.. but autopilot never included xephyr as a hard depends16:14
balloonsdpm, yes use the run selector in the lower left16:15
dpmballoons, I just did an install of qtcreator-plugin-autopilot, and that didn't install xserver-xephyr16:15
dpmah, yeah, it just picked up the AP runconfig, but I can switch between them as usual, neat!16:16
balloonsdpm, correct, it won't, even if the plugin depends on autopilot (which it should)16:16
balloonsautopilot has never had xephyr as a dependency16:16
balloonsso, we could / should add it directly to the package16:16
dpmyeah, otherwise it's not really a good experience for those who install it16:17
balloonsnoted, thanks dpm16:18
balloonsalso, should it not default to the AP test runconfig?16:18
zbenjamindpm: sure you can switch through the run configs16:19
zbenjaminballoons: there is no way to default to a RC16:20
dpmballoons, otherwise looks really nice!16:20
balloonszbenjamin, thanks16:29
zbenjaminballoons: the one i released already has the MR btw16:29
balloonszbenjamin, haha, nice16:32
bzoltan_vila: ping19:25
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SturmFlut29 app store updates today o_O20:54
SturmFlutOn a monday!20:54
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