
nizarusping elacheche10:04
elachechepong nizarus10:07
elachecheGood morning :)10:07
nizarusAhla, tawwa 9omt ?10:07
elachecheNope :D Ah! C'est déjà 11h de mat o_O10:08
nizarusça va10:08
elachechehmd.. toi?10:08
nizarushmd :)10:08
nizarusalors tu as la Tunisie dans la liste de tes sources de dépôts .10:09
elachecheYep! Chui sur 12.04 ici..10:09
nizarusouff ! 12.04 oO10:09
elachecheEmm.. Je check dans un 14.04 de l'un de mes collégues..10:10
elachecheOui 12.04 C'est un desktop de travail.. Je vais faire une migration soon..10:11
elachechenizarus, je viens de vérifier sur Ubuntu 14.04 et Xubuntu 14.04 ils détectent la mirroire Tunisienne10:14
nizarusA la sortie de 15.04 le miroir était down c'est peut être pour ça10:15
elachecheOui.. A wek a go the mirror was UP but no 14.04 or 15.04 support.. Today it's there! and my 14.04 boxes detect it10:18
elachecheWhat mirror do you use right now?10:18
elachechenizarus, if the mirror that you use right now is not up to date and last update was before that the TN mirror is there, so it can not see the Tunisian mirror10:21
elachecheo/ Neo31 :)11:37
Neo31yo elacheche :)11:37
Neo31thx for the notification btw11:38
elachecheAm sleepy x)11:38
elachecheYou're welcome dude :D11:38
elachecheDuring my 1st week as MB member I saw someone do the same for sabdel :D So I can do that for you too :p :D11:39
elachecheBTW, nizarus wanna join #ubuntu-africa :D11:40
nizarusdoing what ?11:41
Neo31i'm stoned, can't think today! I think im getting sick11:42
Neo31ahla nizarus ca va ?11:42
elachechenizarus, Neo31 just expired from the Ubuntu members group.. I have the right to re-activate him.. After all even sabdfl forget to check he's inbox :D11:43
nizaruslol elacheche11:44
nizarusNeo31, toujours en retard :p11:45
* Neo31 O:)11:45
elachechenizarus wanna join #ubuntu-africa ? :D11:57
elachecheluna say hi to all :)11:57
elachecheA busy monday for her..11:57
nizarussallem 3liha11:58
nizarusi'm in elacheche11:58
=== ubuntiste-msakni is now known as elacheche_anis

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