
=== iScream is now known as DonkeyHotei
Roguehorsewhat's happenin'?14:50
RoguehorseOMG! Last night the pain in my knees and ankles was like 9+....have to tell my Dr14:51
pleia2good morning16:25
ianorlinI finally got out of bed17:11
Roguehorseit's a side effect that didn't used to bother me when I was younger ........ http://www.webmd.com/drugs/2/drug-6007-9383/prednisone-oral/prednisone-oral/details/list-sideeffects17:57
darthrobot`Title: [Common and Rare Side Effects for prednisone oral]17:57
pleia2Roguehorse: interesting to know, I was starting to worry that my RF cat is secretly in joint pain18:05
Roguehorsewhat is RF?18:07
pleia2renal failure18:08
darthrobot`[R: www.youtube.com] Title: [Susan Cain: The power of introverts - YouTube]18:09
Roguehorseah, they may be if the vet has them on prednisone....the side effects are long and everyone reacts differently to it18:10
Roguehorseif it wasn't the only medication to save my life, I wouldn't take it.....as it is though, no other options18:11
pleia2fortunately she's not, just subcutaneous fluid injections every other day so she stays hydrated, and some calcium dropping thing once a week because her calicum levels are high18:11
Roguehorsethat is much more fortunate....it's hard dealing with sick pets because they can't tell you what hurts18:12
pleia2she was diagnosed 3.5 years ago when she was 5 years old and dropped from 11lbs to 6.5 (she's a little siamese, and we live with her every day, so it took us a while to notice the weight loss)18:13
pleia2I track her BUN, CRE and weight publicly, with graphs! http://princessleia.com/journal/?cat=3018:14
darthrobot`Title: [simcoe – pleia2's blog]18:14
Roguehorseyeah, thats hard18:14
Roguehorseneat log.....very creative18:15
pleia2I like data18:15
Roguehorseme too18:15
Roguehorsebeen adding more stuff to my new website.......shameless, but I have to market myself http://www.roguehorse.net/about.html18:45
darthrobot`Title: [Scott DuBois - About]18:45
nhainespleia2: thanks for the Twitter shoutout yesterday.  It came just as I was looking at my schedule and thinking about emails.  :)23:03
pleia2of course :)23:03
pleia2I usually need reminding about such things, but I was also tweeting about the ubuntu hour + debian dinner in sf23:03
pleia2so I saw it in the loco.u.c list23:03

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