
Sakrecoerhi! i'm sorry i take such time to get started.. i'm having a bit of a logisitcal issue to install de dev version... need to resize my encrypted drive but it seems i will have to reinstall everything for that....09:19
Sakrecoerbut i should be able to get it done this week...09:20
Sakrecoerbut the live-version of 15.10 menu looks very good!09:20
Sakrecoerzequence: on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/FeatureDefinitions/MultimediaApplicationCategorization#Phase_1:_Make_suggestions it is stated:09:26
Sakrecoer"Install the package that the desktop file belongs to, if needed, in order to learn what the application that you start with the desktop file is used for. "09:27
Sakrecoeris it likely that those packages aren't yet installed in the 15.10 dev?09:27
Sakrecoerand if so, do i proceed with a simple apt-get install or do i need to use some ..ehm..."manual" proceedure?09:28
Sakrecoeri'm sorry if it's a stupid question... if it is i am affraid it might not be the last one :D09:41
Sakrecoeri'll be back soon :) have a great week y'all!10:14
=== Sakrecoer is now known as Sakrecoer-readin
OvenWerksSakrecoer-readin: apt-get install is about as manual as it gets. synaptic may be more useful as it will tell you what the names of the files are that it installed. If you right click on any installed package and select properties, a dialog comes up with one tab being installed files. This can help find the exact name of the desktop file if:20:35
OvenWerksls /usr/share/applications/*appname* doesn't find it first.20:36
OvenWerksThere will be for sure a commandline method of finding out the installed files in a package... but I don't know what that is.20:37
OvenWerksMy thought is that because we are working on UbuntuStudio, we should start with the applications we actually ship first.20:39
OvenWerksI am glad you like the menu as it sits, but you do need to know that every <Filename> line in /etc/xdg/menus/applications-merged/studio.menu is an application that does not have the categories we would like to see.20:41
OvenWerksI have had to use the <Filename> tag to force it to be where it is. The good news is I am doing less of that than before... 20:42
OvenWerksYou may notice that some of the filenames in there are for apps we do not ship, that is because it is based on my system and I have added SW I need/wanted to try out.20:47
* OvenWerks is not sure why studio does not even have a guitar tuner20:48
=== Sakrecoer-readin is now known as Sakrecoer
SakrecoerOvenWerks: thank you for the feedback :) and also, you've been doing an amazing job!22:06
Sakrecoereveryone really..22:06
* Sakrecoer votes in favour of a guitar tuner22:07
=== Sakrecoer is now known as sakrecoer-ZzZz

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