
dholbachgood morning07:01
dpmhey czajkowski, morning07:45
czajkowskidpm: morning to you, all set for next weeks CLS ?07:49
dpmnearly :)07:49
dpmand you?07:49
czajkowskidpm: nope :) have a big event in Dublin next week, kicking off our 1st user group in ryanair HQ so prepping for that and then I need to finish my talk for CLS :)07:51
* dholbach relocates, brb08:44
popeydpm: dholbach balloons mhall119 who is doing the hangout this week? (thought I'd ask nice and early)09:40
dholbachif balloons is there for the second half of the snappy open house I'd be available09:41
dholbachwe have jose as a guest today :)09:41
dpmpopey, you and I were on the last one, so most probably mhall119 and dholbach/balloons depending on snappy open house09:42
popeymhall119: neverball / neverputt work on nexus devices now :)10:00
czajkowskipopey: dpm dholbach so in the jcastro thread re snappy, is the code and documentaion available for all to see and use https://plus.google.com/+JorgeCastro/posts/Q9fam5uGyns10:38
czajkowskicurious regarding the comment Daniel Foré  asks10:38
* dpm reads post10:39
popeyhe's talking backend10:39
dpmnot sure I understand it, he wants to create an image server?10:40
dpmor a store?10:40
dpmfor image server, we do have documentation, if it's for the store, we'd need to check with beuno, but as far as I know, there is closed code in the store indeed10:42
czajkowskidpm: so I guess that;s what're looking to hear is a once off statement saying it' closed code atm or indefinately10:46
dpmczajkowski, ack. I'll find out first what he's trying to do, but in any case, this is a discussion we've already started internally. I'll put it on the agenda for the team call tomorrow.10:55
czajkowskidpm: nods great thanks10:57
=== chalcedny is now known as chalcedony
dholbachah ok11:14
dholbachMartin replied on the thread too11:15
czajkowskidholbach: aye but didnt come out and say like dpm just did that it is closed11:23
czajkowskiif that was said on that thread it may clear it up for all11:23
czajkowskior as dholbach said there will be an item on the agenda call11:24
czajkowskiso folks know what's happening11:24
dholbachon which call?11:50
dholbachI didn't read the entire thing this morning, but just commented on the fragmentation bit11:50
popeyI think the specific issue people have is that it's not clear if the backend store is open or not.11:58
popeyI have seen this question voiced numerous times.11:58
dpmdholbach, I meant on our team call tomorrow ^12:34
dholbachahhh ok12:35
dholbachballoons, is it OK if I leave the second half of the open house?12:55
dholbachthat way I can do the Community Q&A with mhall11912:55
balloonsahh sure :-)12:55
dholbachlike... I'd be there for the hangout but not for the irc part12:56
balloonsthanks for sharing this morning dholbach .13:05
dholbachno worries13:05
dholbachballoons, we should probably promote it on all channels again before we go live in 48m - my call should be over before that already13:12
dholbachballoons, I'm not sure if our planning was wise this time - immediately after the open house hangout is the q&a13:22
dholbachso we'll have to change ubuntuonair.com midflight13:22
dholbachbut we can't push it back because José has only time until 15:30 UTC13:23
dholbachmaybe we can ask Ricardo to finish and move over to IRC like 5-10m early?13:23
balloonsdholbach, we'll stop at 45 mins then13:24
balloonsand you can drop and switch things, sound ok?13:24
balloonsdholbach, looks like you already setup the hangout yes? got a link?13:50
dholbachall right my friends - I call it a day! see you tomorrow!16:05
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohi
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk

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