
Dylan_Hey guys03:40
lordievaderGood morning.08:28
lordievaderJanC: I find 100+ euros for keyboards still relatively expensive.08:29
JanClordievader: they have older & cheaper keyboards with pre-MX/ML mechanical switches08:47
lordievaderWell, I'm not against spending some money. I was just wondering if someone used them and what their experience with them was.08:48
JanClordievader: you are aware that there are many different MX switches, right?08:52
JanCso, many different experiences too  :)09:19
lordievaderYeah, I know. Still just gathering information ;)09:21
* daftykins looks at baja and shakes his head16:12
izroilI'm connecting using weechat. somebody help me how to use it pls17:05
OerHeksyou are doing fine17:06
izroilwhats other command should i know17:07
OerHeksI am not familiar with weechat, sure there is a manual for it17:08
izroilwhat kind app you use?17:08
daftykinsjust use what works for you, and don't ask for support in a channel with a topic that says "non-support discussion" :)17:11
izroilim sorry. fine. thanks17:11

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