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yossarianuk hi - looks like the bug with korganizer not sending alerts has been fixed ?   But I now have an issue, its using a metric tonne of memory .... 08:24
yossarianuk i'm literally just using one simple google calender with it and the korganizer process is using over 1 GB MEM (looking at kde system activity) and the korgac is also using over 1 GB - that's 2 GB for 1 cal ?08:24
yossarianukI am using plasma 5.3.108:24
yossarianukput it this way the korganizer processes are the highest mem usage in my machine, beating Chrome and Firefox at present.08:29
yossarianukthat cannot be right ?08:29
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yossarianukgoing to just disable korganizer09:50
lordievaderGood morning.09:50
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soee_gusy i need someone on Wily + hubrid graphic 12:04
mparilloHow do I know if I have hybred graphics?12:08
lordievadermparillo: Do you have two graphics cards?12:10
lordievaderlspci |grep VGA12:10
soee_lordievader: i have intel  + nvidia but after latets kernel update i think system does not see nvidia12:13
lordievaderHehe, that is annoying.12:13
lordievaderWhich reminds me, I need to update this box.12:13
mparillo00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)12:15
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=2&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 212:15
lordievadermparillo: Unless you have a secondary nVidia or AMD you don't have hybrid graphics.12:18
mparillolordievader: TY. I knew I had two video ports in the laptop, but I did not know whether they had separate graphics cards.12:22
ahoneybunI need a working machine soee_ sadly12:26
ahoneybunsince I have hybrid graphics12:27
ahoneybun15.04 works decent12:27
soee_yes worked fine also here on Wily before Kernel 4.0 :)12:28
lordievaderahoneybun: Dualboot?12:28
ahoneybunlordievader: I don't really want to do that12:28
lordievaderHmm... -.-12:28
lordievaderDarn, I need to reboot if I want 4.0 on this box.12:29
ahoneybunonly time I ever did that was with Windows12:29
ahoneybunbut I'm full Linux now12:29
ahoneybunlordievader: are their daily images?12:32
ahoneybunor from the Alpha?12:32
ahoneybunsoee_: ^12:34
lordievaderahoneybun: Check http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com12:35
ahoneybundaily would require less downloads for latest packages12:35
ahoneybunit's down12:35
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BluesKajHi folks13:13
ahoneybunhey BluesKaj13:17
BluesKajhey ahoneybun13:18
yossarianukhi - potential bug - running 15.04 + plasma PPA - I have the filemanager PCManFM installed and KDE has defaulted to use that as its file manager13:28
yossarianukif I choose a different file manager - i.e dolphin the changes are lost after I apply13:28
yossarianuk(i.e it still uses PCManFM)13:28
yossarianukis this a known bug ?13:28
yofelshadeslayer: so, I set up my raspi2 and tried to fix kdenlive, but GLES isn't what it's looking for, and with GL I get http://paste.ubuntu.com/11841424/13:28
santa_hey shadeslayer13:31
santa_this doesn't work when building for debian I think13:32
shadeslayersanta_: no, I changed it later on I think13:32
santa_not in libnm-qt13:32
shadeslayerok, let me fix it13:33
santa_↑ this is a build of kubuntu_vivid_archive + kubuntu_unstable merged13:33
santa_+ not important changes of siduction13:33
shadeslayersanta_: sitter http://paste.ubuntu.com/11841448/13:33
shadeslayershould work for kubuntu and debian13:34
shadeslayerthough it's clearly a workaround13:34
santa_yeah, that should do the trick13:34
sitterthe symbols are different13:34
shadeslayersitter: I still don't understand that reasoning13:34
sitterthe symbols table for debian needs to include symbols that are not there in kubuntu13:34
shadeslayersitter: symbols for DCI don't matter13:35
shadeslayer( atleast at the moment )13:35
santa_hmm have you considered to keep different symbols files for debian and kubuntu?13:35
shadeslayersanta_: I'm trying to avoid having to make 2 branches 13:35
santa_that's what one of your fellows of ubuntu did with qt13:35
shadeslayerkubuntu_unstable and ci_unstable13:35
shadeslayerthat sounds icky13:35
shadeslayeror debian_unstable13:36
shadeslayeror whatever13:36
santa_shadeslayer: you dont have to do that13:36
santa_one of your qt guys added a file to skip the symbols files in the merges13:36
shadeslayerdidn't I say symbols don't matter for DCI13:36
shadeslayerI think I did13:36
sitterthey matter to everyone else13:36
shadeslayerwhy are we even discussing them13:36
sitterso what you are proposing is a bloody workaround only applicable to dci13:36
shadeslayerthen everyone else can fix the issue13:37
sitterand doing nothing to solve the underlying problem13:37
shadeslayerwhich is what?13:37
santa_but I don't get how symbols handling is related to the libnm-dev build depend problem13:38
santa_aren't they different problems?13:38
shadeslayersanta_: nah, he's talking about the other Depends13:38
santa_ah, ok13:38
shadeslayersanta_: I've pushed the build-depends fix13:38
shadeslayerand I still don't get the issue with the Depends and symbols FWIW13:39
santa_shadeslayer: ok, I have scheduled a rebuilld with your change, thanks13:41
santa_shadeslayer: also, please note that I have a merge request for kdesu to not differ between debian and ubuntu13:42
santa_would be nice to get that one fixed too13:42
shadeslayeryeah, I have no time for that at the moment13:42
shadeslayerI'll try to make some time for it13:43
santa_ok, thank you13:43
mparillohow does kdesu differ from kdesudo?13:54
sgclarkshadeslayer: sitter: plasma-nm in vivid seems to be looking for modemmanager-qt-dev , any idea where this might have gone? Or why it can't find it?13:55
sittersgclark: might be new to vivid. modemmanager-qt-dev (framework) was libmm-qt-dev (plasma) until plasma 5.3 and some frameworks release13:56
sittersgclark: i.e. it probably needs a frameworks backport as well13:59
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> »  to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why.13:59
sgclarker oh13:59
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mparilloThanks, BluesKaj, but I always use kdesudo (except for one time I fogot. I tried sudo nano filename, thought better of it, and up-arrowed, and changed nano to kate). I was wondering what/why use kdesu instead of kdesudo.14:23
lordievaderAin't it the same thing? Kdesu and kdesudo?14:33
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thelionroarsI don't think kdesu is a valid command any more.14:44
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thelionroarscommand -v kdesu gives me nada14:46
lordievaderGuess it is replaced alltogether with kdesudo then.14:47
BluesKajyeah , I think it has been , for graphical permissions at least14:50
thelionroarsI wonder if pkexec works for gooey stuff14:51
thelionroarsherpderp, negative14:52
lordievaderthelionroars: Perhaps if you set the display variable first.14:56
ahoneybunThis looks cool: http://tech.thaivisa.com/intel-ubuntu-hdmi-dongle/12160/15:17
ahoneybunload up some Kubuntu on there15:17
shadeslayerI'm unsure if 1GB would be enough15:17
shadeslayerprobably won't be able to do much15:18
ahoneybunmaybe MATE15:18
clivejois it possible for Kubuntu to stream to a Chromecast?15:18
ahoneybunchrome browser15:18
shadeslayerahoneybun: I can stream my entire desktop15:19
clivejoWhole Foods Market?15:19
shadeslayerworks for me15:19
clivejofounded 198015:20
clivejowhat is WFM?!?15:20
maxyz$ wtf WTM15:20
clivejogoogle isnt being very helpful!15:21
thelionroarsWhifflebat Fighting Match15:24
clivejoIve been waiting to see if VLC would bring in support, but hasnt appeared yet15:24
shadeslayersgclark: vivid backports merge failing15:25
shadeslayersgclark: all the mergers are failing http://kci.pangea.pub/view/merge%20FIX/15:25
shadeslayermight want to go through those and fix them15:25
sgclarkshadeslayer: okies15:28
sgclarkI really don't understand why ci explodes like this. what a pain to try and backport...15:32
shadeslayermergeroo failed because of conflicts15:34
sgclarknot something we can merge15:35
shadeslayerhm? sure we can15:35
sgclarkwell how do I convince git that?15:35
shadeslayergit checkout kubuntu_unstable; git merge kubuntu_vivid_backport; fix things by hand; git commit -a15:36
sgclarkunstable.. I thought this was stable. ugh. 15:37
shadeslayerlook at the logs15:37
shadeslayer kubuntu_vivid_backports -> remotes/origin/kubuntu_unstable   15:37
shadeslayersgclark: what did you do to frameworksintegration15:52
shadeslayerwhy did you merge unstable into vivid backports15:52
sgclarksigh I don't know wtf is suppose to be going on here. All I wanted to do was backport some frameworks, not this.15:56
shadeslayersgclark: https://community.kde.org/images.community/a/a5/Kubuntu_CI_Mergeflow.png15:57
shadeslayeralthough that does not show backports15:57
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