
oo_miguelhow can I empty the paper-bin19:48
ianorlinby going through all the files and deleting the ones you don't want and restoring the rest20:10
oo_migueloh well20:59
oo_miguelsome other strange thing is that the terminal-based applications like midnight commander or htop , seem to start an terminal window only, when I try to launch threm trough a shortcut from the start-menue. anybody experienced this behaviour?21:26
Unit193They are using xterm to open, not lxterminal.21:27
oo_miguelso I need to install xterm (which ist not present by default?) ?21:27
oo_miguelah nah21:28
oo_miguelI have xterm21:28
Unit193Of course you do.21:28
oo_miguelso how can I "fix" this issue?21:28
Unit193Depends on how they are launched.  I'd check x-terminal-emulater in alternatives, and that sort of thing.21:29
oo_miguelhmm ok, I ll try to change this value21:30
oo_miguelhowver the problem occured already after a fresh installation of lubuntu I think.21:30
oo_miguelchanging the x-terminal-emulator , changes the emulator that gets called indeed/ but still the programm (mc or vim etc..) is not run21:32
ianorlinoo_miguel: maybe edit the destkop file21:54
oo_miguelianorlin: where do I find this file?23:52
carla_hi, is it possible to have a live lubuntu and save the settings of the keyboard  layout/country?23:55
ianorlinfor htop mc ?23:55
ianorlincarla_: I think there is some way of persistence23:55
ianorlincustom isos are possible but I do not know how to spin them myself23:56
carla_yup, I use persistence but keyboard seems to be out :)23:57

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