
cjwatsonrobru: OK, we've thought of one detail that needs to be put in place to make sure that translation message sharing works properly before starting imports, but I know what to do now and the translations can sit in the import queue until I've done it.00:00
robrucjwatson: OK, need anything from the train side?00:01
cjwatsonrobru: Nope, thanks00:04
cjwatsonBest collect the hacks for this in one place00:05
robrucjwatson: great, thanks for taking care of that.00:05
cjwatsonI feel kind of dirty but at least it wasn't too hard :-)00:05
cjwatsonThere's also a hidden dependency here on the fact that the silos are devirtualised, which is the only reason that translations are getting stripped00:07
cjwatsonBut we can just keep that flag even after devirtualisation otherwise no longer matters00:07
cjwatsonWell, except ephemeral PPAs, hmm, will have to think about that00:08
robrucjwatson: ephemeral train silos are a long way off, no hurry00:11
cjwatsonrobru: Indeed, but in part because LP won't let you create them.00:13
cjwatsonWe like to not be in people's way for important projects.00:13
robrucjwatson: haha, indeed00:13
robrucjwatson: is it just that we can't create devirt ppas, or does lp api actually not allow ppa creation at all?00:13
cjwatsonrobru: Oh, you can create them, but you can't configure them the way silos should be configured (especially but not limited to devirt) without giving ci-train-bot a scary amount of privilege.  And anyway other bits of the workflows for PPAs we expect to be deleted and forgotten about at the end probably aren't quite right.00:16
robrucjwatson: I see.00:16
cjwatsonIt's moot until we get scalingstack for all arches, anyway, but shouldn't be too hard at that point.00:17
cjwatsonA thing that lets you configure relatively unprivileged aspects of PPAs would be not that scary, it's just devirt that's kind of verging on admin privileges.00:18
robrucjwatson: yeah definitely don't want bots with admin.00:18
cjwatsonWhat's the work on your end?00:18
cjwatsonJust the logic to create and clean up?00:18
robrucjwatson: yeah basically00:18
cjwatsonOr is there non-trivial assignment logic as well?00:18
robrucjwatson: currently it determines what silos exist by querying lp api, would need to change some of that logic to care less about what PPAs exist and just create them as necessary.00:19
cjwatsonI guess it would mostly be deleting code.00:19
robrucjwatson: depends how many lp api calls it would take to create the PPA with the right settings.00:19
robrucjwatson: lots of ppa-discovery code would go away, but then lots of ppa-creation and deletion code would take it's place00:20
cjwatsonWe could probably just give person.createPPA more arguments.00:21
cjwatsonNo point in making you create and configure it separately just because we hate you and want you to write more code or something.00:21
robrucjwatson: it's probably not a huge change measuring by lines of code, but there's certain architectural assumptions that would have to change and that could have some growing pains.00:22
cjwatsonWell, scalingstack for everything is still probably months away not weeks, so no rush00:23
robrucjwatson: anyway, we're focused on the spreadsheet replacement for now so the ephemeral PPAs thing isn't blocking us badly.00:23
veebersrobru: still around perchance? :-)01:23
robruveebers: yeah what's up01:24
veebersrobru: hey :-) First, is it possible to make the new citrain site https only? (I get a warning dialog when using it)01:25
robruveebers: production will be https. I didn't bother to make a cert for the staging area.01:26
veebersrobru: ah, ack :-) Second, prob dumb Q, landing for the devices (i.e. overlay ppa) which distro is that? ubuntu or ubuntu-rtm?01:27
robruveebers: it's all ubuntu for now01:27
veebersrobru: ah ack, thanks for the clarification :-)01:27
robruveebers: you're welcome01:27
veebersrobru: if you're still around :-) seems packages failed to build due to signing. http://ci-train.staging.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-001-1-build/1/console01:56
robruveebers: just eating, will look later, thanks for trying.01:59
veebersrobru: nw. Should I be using the old spreadsheet if I need this landed or will this do the jobfor me?02:00
robruveebers: you need the spreadsheet for a real landing. The staging area is not eligible for real publishing to distro02:11
veebersrobru: oh, hah, sorry I had the wrong end of that :-) I'll fire up a spreadsheet landing now02:12
robruI'm hoping this'll go live in a week or two02:12
robruveebers: i think you looked at the wrong part of that log. Build failed in ppa: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/211049255/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-amd64.autopilot_1.5.1%2B15.10.20150708-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz02:15
robruveebers: you can now assign your own from the spreadsheet, enjoy ;-)02:16
veebersrobru: I hope it goes live too, its a much nicer interface02:16
robruveebers: thanks02:18
veeberstrainguards, I've been told I can assign a silo from the spreadsheet, unsure how though03:31
robruveebers: "landing tools > assign/reconfigure" menu03:37
jdstrandfyi, pmcgowan said this (line 82) needs to land tomorrow (part of fix for bug #1462489)03:37
ubot5bug 1462489 in apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu (Ubuntu) "Allow apps to keep the screen on" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146248903:37
robrujdstrand: you can now assign your own silos. Go crazy03:38
jdstrandoh, I missed that03:38
robrujdstrand: let me know if you need any help03:38
jdstrandrobru: where are the instructions? on ubuntu-phone?03:39
robrujdstrand: no instructions really, this is a small change phased in ahead of the larger spreadsheet replacement change coming soon03:39
robrujdstrand: just go to the landing tools menu and follow the prompt to assign03:40
robrujdstrand: veebers make sure the right row is highlighted first03:40
veebersrobru: ah coolio, thanks03:40
jdstrandrobru: oh, cool :)03:40
robruveebers: you're welcome03:40
robruI'm eod 3 hours ago but happy to help if anything goes wrong03:41
veebersrobru: nice, thanks :-)03:44
jdstrandrobru: worked well, thanks :)03:45
robruveebers: jdstrand you're welcome!03:45
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Mirvand I'm awake now04:56
oSoMoNGood morning trainguards! Can I have a silo for line 83, please?06:33
MirvoSoMoN: done, silo 03506:33
oSoMoNMirv, thanks!06:33
jameshjibel: hi.  With the problems you highlighted in the thumbnailer (silo 10), what exactly did you see on arale? Black thumbnails, a placeholder image, or something else?07:25
ogra_what made the session startup so slow ?07:41
ogra_it takes a felt 20sec more with todays image07:41
ogra_woah ... over 80seconds ...07:45
ogra_that used to be way below 1min ... (krillin)07:45
ogra_jibel, davmor2 ^^^ did that not happen during QA testing ?07:46
* ogra_ files bug 147250707:53
ubot5bug 1472507 in Canonical System Image "extremely slow session startup after upgrade" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147250707:53
jibelogra_, I didn't see that but victorp mentioned it yesterday too. I'll have a look.07:55
ogra_victorp, ^^^ you might want to "ne too" that (or duplicate it against your bug if you opened one)07:56
ogra_*me too07:56
ogra_(so it gets confirmed status)07:57
popeyogra_: how long does arale take to boot for you on 51? from vibrate to lock screen?07:57
ogra_right now, yeah, it was way less before07:58
ogra_between 30 and 4007:58
ogra_i think sturmflut said hiw boots in 22sec :) not sure how he measured that :)07:58
popeyi have 50 on my arale and it takes 50 s07:59
popeyso not sure it's image 5107:59
ogra_i didnt notice it yesterday morning ... could indeed also have been 49 to 50 where it broke ...08:05
ogra_i definitely know it wasnt that slow on monday08:05
popeynew unity8 on monday :)08:09
victorpogra_, ack08:10
jibelogra_, it is slow right after the upgrade or on every boot?08:13
seb128could somebody get https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/1472161 on the milestone list?08:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1472161 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[regression] full URL is not displayed when focusing the address bar" [High,In progress]08:16
jibelogra_, ok, 1:40 from the moment the screen turns on with the bq logo to the first sim prompt on krillin.08:16
seb128that's sile 35 and a regression in ota508:16
jibelogra_, and 18s on arale08:18
jibelsame image08:19
jameshjibel: hi.  Could you provide a bit more detail about the problems on arale that you encountered testing the thumbnailer in silo-010?  What did the missing thumbnails look like?08:23
jibeljamesh, Hey, missing thumbnails look like a placeholder image08:35
ogra_jibel, yeah, 1:40 isnt good, we were below a minute ... and yes, i can reproduce it every boot08:35
popeyodd, fine here.08:35
jibelogra_, I know it isn't good, especially compared to arale08:36
jameshjibel: but all other thumbnails showed up correctly? (just want to make sure the thumbnailer-service package got installed correctly: it gets skipped by "citrain device-upgrade" if you don't have libleveldb1 installed)08:36
jibeljamesh, the package was installed, I don't use citrain device-upgrade and do it manually08:37
ogra_jamesh, the solution to that is to copy libleveldb1 into your silo (citrain install disables the main archive to not taint the testing)08:37
jameshjibel: okay.  I wouldn't mind seeing an excerpt from ~/.cache/upstart/dbus.log when this occurs.08:38
sil2100jibel, ogra_: can we somehow identify when this regressed?08:38
ogra_sil2100, well, i can only say it regressed today for me08:38
jibeljamesh, okay, I'm looking into this long boot issue which is more pressing and will reinstall the silo afterward08:38
ogra_and it doesnt seem to be consistent ... some people do not see it it seems08:38
sil2100Then somewhere here http://people.canonical.com/~lzemczak/landing-team/ubuntu-touch/rc-proposed/60.commitlog08:38
ogra_while jibel victorp and i can repro it, popey and sturmflut can not08:39
ogra_sil2100, i linked to my changelo in the bug ...08:39
jibelogra_, when you test your device is plugged or unplugged to usb?08:39
* ogra_ checks your link08:39
victorpogra_, mind you , I only managed to repo on arale, krillin updated fine08:39
ogra_sil2100, yeah, looks similar08:40
jibelfor me it's the other way arale is fine but not krillin08:40
ogra_jibel, unplugged08:40
sturmflut2Good morning!08:40
ogra_i wouldnt call it critical, everything seems to work fine beyond that08:41
ogra_(not a OTA blocker)08:41
ogra_but it is definitely noticeable and annoying08:41
ogra_hey sturmflut208:41
jibelogra_, it is not consistent, this time the device booted in 55s08:42
* ogra_ reboots his krillin again 08:42
sil2100I'll upgrade my krillin and see if I see the same  thing08:43
popeysil2100: want these new clicks uploaded to the store?08:43
ogra_while i like most of the new icons, the cellular one is really awful in its steepness08:43
sil2100popey: yes please :)08:43
sil2100Ok, anyway, let's close the landing gates - I see we might have some blocker fixes approved to land anyway, but for now we lock down08:46
ogra_jibel, exactly 100sec this time ... 20sec for the bootsplash ... which is usual and 80 with the usc spinner08:46
jibelsil2100, there is a request for a device tarball for arale on the spreadsheet, do you know if it landed already?08:46
jibelogra_, that's what I saw during previous boot08:47
sil2100jibel: ah, the second one? Not sure, I hope alextu checks the spreadsheet... let me ask08:48
ogra_and my arale just did it in around 20sec08:48
ogra_(the full boot)08:48
sil2100jibel: I see there's yet another device tarball that was ready08:48
ogra_yeah, and again ... seems my arale only was slow for the first few boots, now it seems fast08:49
sil2100My arale is fast as lightning08:50
sil2100ogra_: hm, my krillin rebooted pretty fast08:51
ogra_95sec here again08:52
ogra_well, someone should bootchart that ... sadly i'm busy with preparing a snappy release today :/08:53
jibel33s on krillin, the more I reboot, the faster is goes :)08:57
sil2100jibel: we have the last device tarball, we'll need now someone to sign off the new one - it has the notification led fix in it08:58
jibelsil2100, ok08:58
sil2100Still writing the announcement e-mail, too much distractions08:58
jibelogra_, could the device try to suspend during boot like it did during shutdown?09:06
ogra_it did  ?09:06
* ogra_ never heard of that 09:06
jibelogra_, maybe I misremember the exact cause but there was a long shutdown issue09:06
jibelogra_, anyway, when the devices is plugged boot time is always between 30 to 35s09:07
ogra_well, thats usually due to wrong stop on lines in upstart jobs09:07
ogra_let me plug in mine09:07
ogra_16sec bootsplash09:08
ogra_20sec session09:09
ogra_wow !09:09
popeysil2100: calculator, calendar, clock, music, notes (reminders), shorts and weather all updated with new icons in the store.09:10
sil2100popey: thank you!09:10
ogra_unplugged: 20sec bootsplash, 80sec session again09:11
seb128jibel, do you think bug #1472161/silo 35 can/should be included in the ota5 landings? (it's to fix a regression in the current candidate)09:19
ubot5bug 1472161 in webbrowser-app (Ubuntu) "[regression] full URL is not displayed when focusing the address bar" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147216109:19
sil2100seb128: we'll have to wait for Pat to pop-up for a final decision anyway... but in overall we don't like regressions09:20
jibelseb128, yeah, set it to ready for QA and we'll try to land it09:21
seb128jibel, thanks09:21
LaneyAlbertA: how did qtubuntu-* end up getting in?09:39
jibelsil2100, so the plan is to try to land what is currently in the ready for testing queue + silo 35 seb128 mentioned earlier if it is ready on time. Then you can build a first candidate.09:43
jibelsil2100, Is there anything else to land?09:43
jibelsil2100, I think we needed a policy group fix for qtsystem that landed yesterday09:44
seb128jibel, oSoMoN: I just tested silo 35 and marked it as testing pass on the ci table09:45
oSoMoNseb128, thanks, I also validated it on my side, I was waiting for someone on my team to review it, but if we’re in a hurry I think it’s perfectly safe to land now09:48
seb128oSoMoN, no idea when it needs to land, but today I guess09:56
seb128qa can verify it meanwhile09:56
oSoMoNseb128, yeah, landing today would be good09:57
pstolowskitrainguards, hello, silo 42 has been in proposed pocket for quite a while (for around 20hrs i think), any idea why is that?10:02
seb128pstolowski, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scopes-api/0.6.19+15.10.20150706.1-0ubuntu110:04
seb128pstolowski, it failed to build on arm64 it seems10:05
pstolowskiseb128, ah10:07
seb128pstolowski, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html is the url to check for proposed migrations10:08
Mirvpstolowski: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/210999339/buildlog_ubuntu-wily-arm64.unity-scopes-api_0.6.19%2B15.10.20150706.1-0ubuntu1_BUILDING.txt.gz - does that look something that might fail occasionally? it can be rerun.10:08
Mirvpstolowski: I just wonder how it was possible to publish that since it should have warned in CI Train if it failed to build in a silo for one arch10:08
pstolowskiMirv, exactly... shall I then just kick the build of unity-scopes-api?10:09
Mirvpstolowski: why all train users are so trigger happy with new builds to fix one arch! it should be made more painful :D so no, it's already published, and single archs need to be restarted by trainguards manually (either in silo or in archives)10:10
jibelogra_, ah I got a slow boot. I adbshelled to the device and apport was running. unity8 crashed10:11
ogra_jibel, hah !10:11
Mirvpstolowski: rerunning now at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scopes-api/0.6.19+15.10.20150706.1-0ubuntu1/+build/7628619 - but if it fails, it might be something needs to be changed, rebuilt, and republished10:11
jibelogra_, can you check if you have any crash file corresponding to a slow boot10:11
jibelin a previous boot it was maliit-server10:11
seb12818: Value of: (db->settings()["locationSetting"].get_string())10:12
seb12818:   Actual: "London"10:12
seb12818: Expected: ("New York")10:12
pstolowskiseb128, yeah, i know, this test is a bit racy10:12
seb128pstolowski, k, so should the build be retried?10:12
seb128pstolowski, do you have a bug about the test not being stable?10:12
pstolowskiseb128, yes, should be retried; no bug yet10:16
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
seb128pstolowski|lunch, can you open one?10:18
pstolowski|lunchseb128, willd do10:19
popeysil2100: today scope still has old calendar icon, do you know if that's being updated?10:22
sil2100popey: hm, not sure10:31
jibelrvr, I take silo 21 can you do 35 after 26?10:31
rvrjibel: Yes10:31
sil2100jibel: just so you know... silo 36 might need to be landed as an exception as well10:31
popeysil2100: I'll ask the icon designer10:31
sil2100jibel: it seems management wanted that10:31
jibelsil2100, well if we want to release something it has to stop at some point. The silo is not even built10:33
sil2100jibel: yeah... mzanetti is rebuilding it since some other silo landed in the meantime10:33
mzanettisil2100, jibel: nope. silo7 hasn't landed yet10:33
mzanettiwill have to rebuild after that10:33
sil2100It's for the arale look and feel10:33
sil2100mzanetti: is 007 more important?10:34
mzanetticurrently just building/testing to be prepared for when the other is out of the way10:34
mzanettisil2100, it's not... but it's approved and tested by gerry already10:34
sil2100Yeah, but QA is not testing it yet, so I would say we should prioritize10:34
ogra_jibel, yes, lots .. unity8, -dash, maliit and whoopsie-upload-all10:35
jibelogra_, that would explain why it is inconsistent, if the same process crash again it won't be reported10:38
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seb128pstolowski|lunch, retry failed on the same test, I do another retry10:42
ogra_jibel, yeah10:48
jibelogra_, and again, unity8 unity8-dash and maliit crashes, it took nearly 2 minutes to boot11:15
ogra_wow, that starts to sound more critical11:15
ogra_jibel, hmm, my arale just locked up hard ... doesnt take inout11:40
cwaynecan the ci train spreadsheet replacement work for click packages/tarballs?11:44
cwaynesil2100: ^11:44
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
pstolowskiseb128, hmm if this keeps failing I may need to rollback on of the changes from that silo which perhaps made things worse than before12:01
Mirvogra_: around? https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-003-2-publish/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/ubuntu-ui-toolkit_packaging_changes.diff - one universe binary package (ubuntu-ui-toolkit-autopilot) new dependency on an universe package, is that ok?12:10
Mirveven though src plus some of the other binary packages are in main12:10
ogra_Mirv, as long as it is properly mentioned in the changelog :)12:10
* ogra_ will take a look soon (sorry, busy atm) 12:11
sil2100cwayne: yes :)12:12
sil2100cwayne: it doesn't build them, but it can be used to track non-train landings12:12
Mirvrhuddie: hey! your UITK commit message does not include the information about addind a new dependency in debian/control, which is a requirement for any debian/ changes12:13
cwaynesil2100: neat!12:13
ogra_rhuddie, i usually dont sign off packages that dont explicitly mention the dependency change ... please make sure to do this properly next time ... (for now i'll approve it)12:15
ogra_Mirv, with the above .... ACK12:15
sil2100My arale battery is really good since the few last updates12:17
rhuddieMirv, ogra_, ack. I'll remember for future so its not missed12:18
Mirvogra_: :( I mean, nice for ack, not nice for your quest for educating people being hard. FYI the bug of autochecking that by CI Train was deemed a bit hard to implement.12:18
MirvI still think that's the only right way, CI check for it.12:18
ogra_yeah, i can imagine that the logic for that is hard12:18
=== _salem is now known as salem_
jibelogra_, the dash crash I get on boot is bug 136394612:27
ubot5bug 1303637 in unity-scopes-api (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1363946 scoperunner in RegistryI test fails if locale is not set" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/130363712:27
jibelmzanetti, ^12:27
seb128pstolowski, yeah, 3rd retry failed as well, doing another one but you might consider looking at fixing the issue or disabling the test if it's a buggy one12:28
seb128or better fixing it ;-)12:28
jibelogra_, maliit-server is https://errors.ubuntu.com/oops/6874ad2a-2562-11e5-8f47-fa163e525ba7 but not fully retraced and quite popular on 15.0412:28
pstolowskiseb128, is there an arm64 machine i could access and debug this test?12:28
jibeland unity8 failed to retrace completely12:29
pstolowskiseb128, i'm just running this test in a loop on the desktop and it passess...12:29
seb128pstolowski, try asking on #ubuntu-devel about porting boxes, or try arm64-porter.canonical.com12:29
ogra_jibel, well, i'm not as concerned about it crashing on every boot as i am about the hard lock12:30
pstolowskiseb128, ok, thanks12:32
=== mvo_ is now known as mvo
jdstrandpmcgowan: hey, apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu is in silo 17 for stable-phone-overlay and I'm finishing up testing now13:22
jdstrandpmcgowan: I wasn't sure what to put in 'QA signoff needed' though13:22
pmcgowanjdstrand, awesome, jibel ^^13:22
jdstrandpmcgowan: /win 2913:24
rvrboiko: Silo 26 approved13:28
boikorvr: great! thanks a lot!13:28
boikosalem_: ^13:28
salem_boiko, rvr awesome, thanks.13:29
jibelrvr, can you pick silo 17 when it's ready?13:31
rvrjibel: Ack13:31
jibeljdstrand, can we start the verification of silo 17 or you think it's better to wait until you finished testing?13:32
rvrPackages built13:32
bfillersil2100. popey: has anyone uploaded the new camera app to the store yet?13:52
sil2100bfiller: I don't think so...13:53
sil2100bfiller: we only landed it to the archive13:53
sil2100popey: ?13:53
bfillersil2100: I was out last two days, needs to happen. I can do it now, hopefully the final image hasn't been spun yet13:53
popeyI only did gallery13:53
sil2100bfiller: no worries, silos still being signed off and translations in progress of being exported13:54
bfillersil2100: cool, will do now13:54
sil2100bfiller: so please release :)13:54
jdstrandjibel: go ahead13:57
mzanettisil2100, pmcgowan: ok. 36 good to go13:58
sil2100My target date to kick the new image is around 19 of my time, so in ~3 hours13:58
pstolowskiMirv, seb128 about that test failure on arm64 and silo 42: it's not clear why it fails only on this arch, i've requested access to arm64 box to debug this, but it may take time. does this block entire landing? if so, then I'll prepare MP that disabled that test for this landing13:59
pstolowskiand will continue debugging14:00
jdstrandjibel: note, you can skip the autopkgtest-- I forgot to update it for the new policygroup so there is a failure on the unexpected 'keep-display-on' policy group. that doesn't affect the functionality in the package in any way (and I am staging the fix for that now for next time)14:03
pstolowskisil2100, hey, I think I need to sort out the issue with silo 42 mentioned above, it has critical fix affecting battery ^14:11
AlbertALaney: qtubuntu-android qtubuntu-desktop depends on qtubuntu-sensors and they have the ubuntu-application-api3-touch(desktop) dependency14:18
jibelpmcgowan, is there anything else on the "need sign-off" queue that must land this week? It's a bit late to land 3614:27
pmcgowanjibel, 36 and the device tarball that goes with it, sorry for the last min as usual14:28
jibeldavmor2, ^ can you do it?14:28
pmcgowanjibel, the apparmor change14:28
pmcgowanyou know about14:28
jibelpmcgowan, rvr is on the apparmor change14:29
pmcgowandevice tarball won't arrive till first thign tomorrow from asia14:29
seb128pstolowski, yeah, that build issue is a migration blocker14:29
pmcgowanjibel, and silo 53 is that landing?14:30
davmor2pmcgowan: not another tarball I only signed one off this morning ;)14:30
pmcgowanjob security14:30
bfillerpopey: camera uploaed14:30
bfillerpopey: mind approving it in store?14:30
davmor2jibel: I can do it once I finish this browser one maybe 30-60 minutes14:30
pstolowskiseb128, in that case I'm disabling the test for now and will rebuild the silo. this will not require any re-testing from qa14:31
pstolowskijibel, ^14:31
seb128pstolowski, k14:31
pmcgowanjgdx, pete-woods how is silo 53?14:31
cjwatsonsil2100: Oh, I told Robert about this last night, but you'd left by then.  Translations are being correctly uploaded to ubuntu-rtm/15.04 for copies to stable-phone-overlay now.  However, we thought of a detail we need to sort out (ensuring Packaging records so that message sharing works) before we can turn on import queue processing and permit translations.  I'm working on that.14:31
cjwatsonpmcgowan: ^- FYI14:31
jibelpmcgowan, we cannot start regression tests tomorrow otherwise we won't make it on time. And silo 36 touches core components14:32
pete-woodspmcgowan: I've tested it, and it seems to work14:32
pmcgowancjwatson, ack14:32
pmcgowanjibel, will we also wait for the crashes to be fixed? that ogra_ mentioned above14:33
ogra_pmcgowan, it is hard to tell what impact (beyond boot time) they have14:33
jgdxpmcgowan, davmor2 is currently the only one (the chosen one) able to test this properly AFAIK14:35
jgdxpmcgowan, re: silo 5314:35
davmor2jgdx: oh not more peap stuff14:35
jgdxoh yes indeed14:35
pmcgowanso 36 and 53 seem the last to land14:36
davmor2jibel: I can probably test both, but I assume the preference now will be 53 I assume right?14:37
pmcgowanand 35 fixes a regression I see14:37
jibel35 will land soon14:38
davmor2pmcgowan: testing 35 now14:38
pmcgowanjibel, 39 is the only other one to consider14:39
popeysure bfiller14:41
popeybfiller: done14:43
bfillerpopey: thanks14:43
rvrjdstrand: I need a test app for silo 1714:44
pmcgowanmzanetti, do you have an app for rvr?14:46
mzanettipmcgowan, rvr, one sec. I'll update the one from yesterday to not be unconfined, but use the apparmor permission we need to test this14:47
rvrmzanetti: Thanks14:47
mzanettirvr, http://notyetthere.org/data/untitled5.mzanetti_0.2_all.click14:53
mzanettirvr, this uses the "keep-display-on" policy as said in the bug. I didn't test it on the silo to14:53
jdstrandrvr: I put one in the bug14:54
jibelmzanetti, could you split 36 and build a silo with only GU related changes?14:55
jibelpmcgowan, ^14:55
jdstrandI see mzanetti also has one14:55
mzanettijibel, reason?14:55
mzanettijibel, yes I can do.. but obviously requires a rebuild etc14:55
rvrjdstrand: Ahh... test-keep-display-on.jdstrand_0.1_all.click14:56
pmcgowanmzanetti, what else is in there14:56
rvrjdstrand: I'll check it too14:56
mzanettipmcgowan, some test improvements that I had in there earlier already14:56
mzanettibut sure, I can drop them, no prob14:56
jdstrandrvr: ok-- but it is just mzaneeti's qml file :)14:56
pmcgowanmzanetti, jibel just trying to avoid risk14:57
mzanettiI understand. ok. rebuilding then, ok?14:57
mzanettijibel, ^14:57
jibelmzanetti, yes14:58
mzanettithat line seems a bug btw ^ (I've set it from yes to no)14:59
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oSoMoNtrainguards: can silo 35 be published, please?15:20
awepmcgowan, do we promote OTA candidate images to flash-able channel?15:29
aweif not, I guess rc-proposed would be sufficient...15:30
pmcgowanawe, not sure I follow, yes its rc-proposed15:39
pmcgowanawe, there is an rc channel actually but nt really used for that15:39
aweyea, after some thought, it was a dumb question15:39
bfillerpmcgowan: is there a known issue with installing apps from the store? seems to not be working for me on latest image15:42
bfillerget error "Download or install failed. Please try again."15:43
pmcgowanbfiller, not that I am aware of15:45
pmcgowanbfiller, oh my15:46
pmcgowanfailed here as well15:46
bfillermaybe something with the 2-factor auth?15:46
pmcgowanstore or image is the question15:46
pmcgowanjibel, ^^15:46
pmcgowanbfiller, checking with martin as I bet you are right15:48
rvrjdstrand: jibel: Silo 17 looks good15:49
jibelpmcgowan, bfiller fails here too15:50
jibelbfiller, I've this in the logs of scope-registry: Error received from UDM during startDownload: Network Error15:51
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pmcgowanbfiller, jibel I am told prodstack went down so downloads busted15:54
bfillerpmcgowan: ok, thanks15:55
jibelpmcgowan, thanks15:55
jdstrandjibel: fyi, re silo 17, I haven't been able to complete the image/unprivileged/apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu because it is a long running test and something is stopping adb and killing the test. I'm bringing up an alternate device to test on. If rvr was able to complete the test run, I don't think you need to wait on me15:59
jdstrandjibel: let me rephrase, I am using 'adb shell ...' and something unrelated to the test is breaking the connection15:59
jdstrandwhich of course makes the test not complete. but, like I said, I am now trying on a different device16:00
rvrjdstrand: I was able to verify that the new feature works fine16:01
jdstrandyes, I was able to do that16:02
jdstrandI was referring to the test plan16:02
rvrjdstrand: The manual tests are ok.16:06
jdstrandI'm highly confident in this upload between what you've done and the test plan I was able to complete (and like I said, trying to complete that test on a different device that doesn't break the adb connection)16:07
cjwatsonprodstack> One PS4 compute node went down16:08
jdstrandmeh, the adb connection keeps breaking16:15
* jdstrand tries on emulator16:15
pmcgowanbfiller, jibel store is back up16:21
sil2100oSoMoN: was AFK, publishing now16:22
dbarth__hey trainguards o/ can i have a silo for line 86 ?16:29
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oSoMoNsil2100, thanks!16:30
sil2100On it16:31
oSoMoNtrainguards: is it possible to publish a dual silo to wily only?16:33
robruoSoMoN: it is, basically I just have to delete the vivid packages16:34
oSoMoNrobru, ok, I’ll want to publish silo 8 to wily only tomorrow (still need to validate it a bit more)16:34
popeypmcgowan: store is broken here16:35
robruoSoMoN: ok no worries, I'll wait to delete the packages just in case you change your mind. just remind me when it's ready to publish.16:35
popeypmcgowan: nothing is downloading - all at 0% on multiple devices16:35
oSoMoNrobru, will do, thanks16:37
robruoSoMoN: you're welcome16:38
sil2100pmcgowan, jibel: still some time needed until I can build the candidate image... exports are still ongoing16:43
jibelmzanetti, is 36 ready for QA?16:47
mzanettijibel, ah, it has built. I would day yes, but just to make sure, I'll do a quick test before making you guys work16:48
cjwatsonsil2100: Looks like it completed 13 minutes ago, in fact16:52
cjwatsonBit quicker than my linear guesstimate suggested16:52
pstolowskisil2100, i'm still waiting for silo 42 to finish... 2h 10 min already!16:54
mzanettijibel, ready16:55
jibelmzanetti, thanks17:00
jibelrvr, alesage om26er : silo 36 is ready, anyone?17:02
om26erjibel, I'll17:02
pstolowskiseb128, ping17:05
jibelom26er, thanks17:08
jdstrandjibel, rvr: silo 17 testing complete17:34
jdstrandjibel: "Testing pass. QA needs to signoff"17:35
om26ermzanetti, Hi!18:09
om26ermzanetti, re: silo36 what do I need to edit to be able to test the GU change ?18:09
ogra_hmpf ... so now i permanently have a "add your fitbit account" on my today screen ?18:10
ogra_seems it wiped all my settings ... thats evil18:10
alecupmcgowan: hi! pstolowski tells me that this bug is "in progress", not "released": https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/147075018:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 1470750 in unity-scopes-api (Ubuntu) "scoperegistry uses 45% CPU after applying updates from the store, draining battery quickly" [Critical,In progress]18:19
anpok_ping trainguards18:19
robruanpok_: hi18:19
anpok_now I read the console output..18:19
alecupmcgowan: it was not able to land because one test failed in arm6418:19
anpok_hmm of the ci silo reconfigure script18:19
anpok_it says sources and sync_requests not supported18:19
anpok_I thought they worked before?18:19
pstolowskipmcgowan, yes, it was only merged into devel, maybe that was confusing. i've been fighting with the silo to get it landed, but the build is still in progress18:20
alecupmcgowan: we are not able to change the status for that bug in Canonical System Image18:20
anpok_robru: ubuntu/landiing-004 - dual landing silo I just had to replace qtubuntu-gles MP18:21
mzanettiom26er, re18:25
mzanettiom26er, check out the description here: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/unity8/40-50-90/+merge/26348818:25
robruanpok_: no SOURCES and SYNC_REQUEST never really "worked" with dual landings, the behavior was undefined.18:25
robruanpok_: the check to prevent that situation from happening is new though. what are you trying to do?18:26
robruanpok_: if you are able, the best thing to do is use MPs for everything. If you have packages you can't use MPs for, you need to release to wily first then sync back to vivid.18:27
om26ermzanetti, thanks, did the changes and rebooted, lets see18:27
sil2100rvr: ping18:29
robruanpok_: You have sources marked as "glmark2 xorg-server gtk+3.0". is your intention really to build wily+vivid copies of both of those manually? much easier to just do wily manually, then once it's all in wily sync the whole lot back to vivid.18:29
sil2100rvr: you still around? :)18:29
anpok_robru: why manually?18:29
robruanpok_: I don't understand your question. what are you trying to do? what are you expecting to happen?18:30
anpok_robru: i want to release a new mir version to both vivid+overlay and wily + all reverse dependencies that would otherwise break because of ABI breaks in libmirclien18:31
robruanpok_: ok so when you put "glmark2 xorg-server gtk+3.0" in column G, it means "I'm going to build these packages myself manually then upload them into the PPA myself manually."18:31
anpok_so we added xorg-server, and two different versions of gtk+ and glmark to the silo18:31
anpok_robru: yes18:32
robruanpok_: ok so in a dual silo, that behavior is undefined, because the train isn't able to do vivid copies of manually-created packages.18:32
anpok_but well we only uploaded change files and the ppa did the building (i know glmark2 currenty fails for vivid but will be updated)18:32
robruanpok_: the train can only make vivid copies of packages that it created18:32
rvrsil2100: Still around18:32
robruanpok_: what you need to do is make the silo just a wily silo, then those manual sources will work. then release to wily. Once the wily release is complete, you can make a second silo that syncs everything back to vivid.18:33
sil2100rvr: can I ask you to quickly check if the -es translations are ok? I'll be pushing the -es langpack to the silo, want someone to double-confirm if I didn't mess anything up18:33
rvrsil2100: Do you want me to check the langpack file?18:34
rvrAh, in a silo18:34
rvrsil2100: Ok18:34
sil2100rvr: yes :) It's building right now, but it should be real fast18:34
sil2100I have all langpacks ready for upload, but I don't want to upload them if I messed it up18:35
anpok_robru: hmm ok .. odd .. I thought it would work, since the packages were correctly sorted according to the series.. when reconfiguring that to be only wily .. what will happen with the packages already uploaded?18:37
robruanpok_: oh I'll have to delete the vivid packages myself18:45
sil2100rvr: waiting for the binaries to get published18:46
robruanpok_: yeah there's no technical reason that it couldn't be made to work the way you expect, it's just that when I implemented dual landings I didn't anticipate this use case and so unfortunately the behavior is literally just undefined (if the prepare job allowed configuring a silo this way, the build job would just explode because it would try to make a18:46
robruvivid copy of a manual package that it doesn't have access to at the time that it needs it)18:46
anpok_hm ok .. I thought it was a landing problem and not a package building problem (because the building part worked fine so far..)18:49
sil2100rvr: grrr, this is taking ages ;/18:54
sil2100rvr: could you check https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-002/ and its -es langpack?18:58
rvrsil2100: Silo ready?18:58
sil2100rvr: the -es package in it, yes - I didn't upload the rest18:59
sil2100(since there's a lot more)18:59
sil2100Thank you!18:59
pmcgowanalecu, pstolowski ok my mistake but the qa board said 42 passed19:04
alecupmcgowan: yes, it passed the QA checks, but failed when landing of the image19:05
pmcgowanoh I see it passed but build failed19:05
alecupmcgowan: only one test in arm64 was failing, on armhf it worked ok19:06
pstolowskipmcgowan, arm64 build failed but for some reason that didn't stop it from getting into proposed pocket (where it got blocked), that's why it got under our radar till today afternoon19:06
pmcgowanalecu, jeesh19:06
pstolowskis/it got/it didn't/19:07
pmcgowanpstolowski, need help or is it sorted?19:07
pstolowskipmcgowan, sil2100 helped me already, waiting for build to finish, thanks19:07
alecupstolowski: thanks to you for staying so late! :-)19:08
sil2100Fixes keep coming ;)19:10
pstolowskisil2100, alecu it has been built! giving it a quick test on the phone19:12
sil2100pstolowski: \o/19:12
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pstolowskisil2100, is it possible that part-broken silo got already landed into the overlay ppa?19:15
pstolowskisil2100, i mean not broken, but with arm64 package missing19:16
pstolowskisil2100, this is what i mean http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11843330/19:17
sil2100pstolowski: yeah, it most probably did19:18
sil2100But no worries19:18
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pstolowskisil2100, ok, cool. so silo42 is good now. as said before, it has been tested by qa already and only rebuilt with the failing arm64 test temporarily disabled19:19
pstolowskialecu ^19:19
sil2100jibel: so I suppose you're ok with getting that published, right?19:19
alecupstolowski: you rock, thanks a lot!19:21
sil2100Anyway, I suppose I'll just publish it19:22
sil2100rvr: any luck?19:31
rvrsil2100: On it19:31
cwaynesil2100: ping19:33
sil2100cwayne: pong19:36
cwaynesil2100: it seems some badness has made it's way into the custom tarball :/  when is the final RC image being built? is there time for a custom re-spin?19:37
sil2100cwayne: uh, what kind of badness?19:37
cwaynesil2100: a nearby scope update that shouldn't have gone in19:38
rvrsil2100: We have somethings still untranslated, but everything else looks fine19:38
rvrsil2100: It doesn't break anything :)19:38
sil2100rvr: ok, phew... thanks ;)19:38
sil2100Let me upload the rest19:38
sil2100cwayne: hm, ok, so the custom re-spin would only revert that one scope to a previous version, right?19:39
cwaynesil2100: i'd need to double-check with kyle and penk (since I don't own it anymore, I don't want to actually make the decision)19:39
sil2100We can upload it tomorrow I suppose then, we just need to make sure to inform the QA team so that they don't waste time on testing that19:40
cwaynerighto, I'll sync up with penk tonight19:40
sil2100jibel, rvr, davmor2: ^ we'll need a custom tarball upload tomorrow still19:40
davmor2sil2100: yes for the fix to CTR if nothing else I think cwayne should be made to fix it myself ;)19:42
cwaynedavmor2: :)19:48
pmcgowansil2100, did silo 42 make it ok this time19:50
pmcgowansil2100, and it looks like 53 can publish19:50
sil2100pmcgowan: not sure about 42 yet, it's fine on the overlay but still don't see it on wily migration19:51
sil2100pmcgowan: publishing! Was busy with langpacks19:52
sil2100Unbuilt revisions again19:52
sil2100jgdx: ping19:52
sil2100jgdx: I think revision 1462 didn't get built...19:53
sil2100Please make sure not to push any new commits without rebuilding the silo19:53
sil2100pmcgowan: without jgdx not sure if we can land it ;/19:54
jgdxsil2100, here19:58
sil2100jgdx: hey! Do you remember if 1462 was built in the silo for merge https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/handle-ssid-bssid/+merge/263664 ?19:59
sil2100I think only 1461 was there then19:59
sil2100Is that commit required?19:59
jgdxsil2100, when was the silo built?20:00
* jgdx checks20:00
jgdxsil2100, built today and that push was done yesterday it seems20:01
sil2100jgdx: I just checked in the train and 1462 was indeed not built20:01
sil2100Branched 1461 revisions. <- this was built20:01
sil2100Is 1462 necessary?20:01
sil2100Damn, then we need to rebuild it and get a re-test20:02
sil2100Thought it wasn't, since kenvandine approved it without it20:02
sil2100pmcgowan: is silo 53 an OTA-5 blocker?20:03
pmcgowansil2100, well, its one of the few new features20:03
sil2100jgdx: will you be re-building the silo then?20:04
jdstrandpmcgowan: hey, so apparmor-easyprof-ubuntu is tested by me and QA, but it is still shows 'QA needs sign off'20:04
jgdxsil2100, yes20:04
pmcgowanjgdx, what does 1462 fix?20:04
jgdxkenvandine, could you approve 1462 in the handle ssid branch?20:04
pmcgowanjdstrand, someone goofed and did not set the approved flag20:04
pmcgowansil2100, ^^20:04
jdstrandsil2100: you can see backscroll conversation between me and rvr if you need context20:05
jgdxpmcgowan, dispatched urls are not handled properly if USS is running in 1461, 1462 fixes that.20:05
jgdxsil2100, maybe davmor2 can chime in20:05
jdstrandsil2100: (this is line 82 in the spreadsheet)20:06
sil2100jdstrand: oh, a silo for release?20:06
jdstrandsil2100: for vivid stable-phone-overlay, yes20:06
sil2100Phew, I aborted it on time20:07
popeypmcgowan: ahayzen is in university halls and is trying to get the WPA stuff working, is that dependant on silo 53?20:07
sil2100SOmeone miss-assigned the silo, it wasn't targetting the overlay20:07
jgdxsil2100, [1] is building 1462. [1] https://ci-train.ubuntu.com/job/ubuntu-landing-053-1-build/7/console20:07
jdstrandsil2100: sil2100 oh, that would've been me :(20:07
popeyHe's a good person to test this stuff, his university network is one that we can't connect to20:07
pmcgowanpopey, yes20:07
sil2100No worries, reconfiguring and republishing ;)20:08
jdstrandsil2100: this was the first time I did a silo assignement. I guess I messed up20:08
sil2100It's easy to forget, we do that mistake all the time20:08
sil2100jgdx: \o/20:08
jdstrandsil2100: I'm not sure what I should've done differently...20:09
jdstrandsil2100: I chose ubuntu/vivid from the dropdown, highlighted the fow, then used Landing tools.20:10
sil2100jdstrand: there's column 'L' that needs to be changed to the overlay-ppa from the dropdown20:10
sil2100jdstrand: since otherwise it targets normal vivid20:10
jdstrandoh, yes, I didn't do anything with that20:10
* jdstrand takes a note20:10
jdstrandI see, cool20:10
sil2100Silo published o/20:11
jdstrandsil2100: thanks!20:12
sil2100You're welcome20:13
sil2100It was switched to 'testing done' after publishing, hah20:14
sil2100Language packs published20:16
jgdxsil2100, I'm on telegram 2-3 more hours if anything pops up.20:16
sil2100(might still need some work)20:16
sil2100jgdx: will you need to test it after it's done?20:16
sil2100Or can it go straight to QA?20:16
jgdxI can test some of it, but I'm not really remotely close to a wpa network20:17
sil2100pmcgowan: hm, not sure what to do here20:17
jgdxsil2100, wpa-ep I mean20:17
jgdxsil2100, I can test system settings r1462, so I guess the answer is yes20:18
pmcgowanpopey, is ahayzen able to test the silo?20:18
sil2100So we're waiting for 36 and 53 then20:28
sil2100I go now grab some food, will be back in a bit20:28
sil2100Don't want to be eating at midnight20:29
ogra_bad karma ?20:29
davmor2sil2100 whats up20:33
davmor2sil2100 I marked 53 passed if it is jgdx s20:34
om26ermzanetti, so unity8 feels good to me, I tried to play a few games, tried multiple app. the arale's screen have all of a sudden become very useful.20:34
mzanettiom26er, nice! thanks20:34
om26ermzanetti, should we wait for the device tarball or is it fine to approve this landing now ?20:35
ogra_mzanetti, does that fix the crashes on boot ?20:35
popeypmcgowan: he went for dinner, should be back later20:35
jgdxdavmor2, most recent silo 53 build did not include the most recent revision for some reason.20:36
davmor2jgdx so needs a retest20:37
jgdxdavmor2, yes, but ahayzen's apparently close to a wpa2 net20:37
mzanettiom26er, I think we can land... even in the unlikely event the tarball wouldn't make it, this branch should not really change how it looks when you still run it with the other GRID_UNIT_SIZE.20:38
ogra_ah, not the crashes ...20:38
pmcgowanom26er, arale's screen have all of a sudden become very useful. thats good to hear20:39
ogra_that took a while :)20:40
om26erogra_, I remember you were the first to mention that issue a looong time ago ;)20:40
ogra_yeah, and i had to battle :)20:40
davmor2jgdx okay if you need my setup just ping I'll be back home soon20:41
sil2100Please approve the silo, I'll release it ;)20:41
om26ermzanetti, I don't see a line for silo 36 on the spreadsheet, though.20:44
jibelom26er, row 8520:46
om26erjibel, oh, my bad.20:48
jibelsil2100, ^20:48
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sil2100davmor2: silo 53 is built now it seems, do you need jgdx to first test it?21:11
sil2100ogra_: since slangasek does not seem to be around, could you maybe review/merge https://code.launchpad.net/~sil2100/livecd-rootfs/remove_youtube_scope/+merge/263350 ?21:11
sil2100ogra_: does livecd-rootfs need to be released somehow afterwards?21:12
sil2100davmor2: ^ silo 53 just for you <321:17
ahayzenpopey, i'm back :-) what am i breaking?21:19
popeyaww pmcgowan left21:19
popeyjibel: need someone to help test silo 53? ahayzen is near an affected network21:19
sil2100I think we would appreciate some help here21:19
sil2100But probably jgdx, jibel or davmor2 would need to be around to give details21:20
jibelsil2100, popey any help is appreciated but davmor2 knows the details21:26
jibelsil2100, can you build an image once unity8 lands?21:27
AlbertAcihelp: hi, who can I ask to modify the mir-clang-wily-amd64-build job?21:28
AlbertAcihelp:  we essentially need to add an extra build that has Thread Sanitizer enabled21:28
robrucihelp: anybody familiar with this traceback from jenkins charm? https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/DeGeR0u2/21:29
ahayzenjibel, hey i've done $ citrain device-upgrade 053 <passcode> ubuntu .. but i didn't see indicator-network of system-settings in the update was that the right command?21:30
fgintherAlbertA, I can take a look21:32
fgintherrobru, can't say I've seen that one, is the volume actually attached to the instance21:34
robrufginther: no, that's the trick, this error happens when mounting the volume21:34
jgdxahayzen, is the citrain list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d ?21:35
fgintherrobru, you mean it's thrown by the manifest "volumes" command?21:35
ahayzenjgdx, i'll have a look, i just did this as well http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11844053/21:35
ahayzenjgdx, "ci-train-ppa-service-ubuntu-landing-053-vivid.list" is there21:36
robrufginther: it's thrown by the config-changed hook shortly after setting the volume-map option on the charm.21:36
jgdxahayzen, doing the same right now. Let me have a look21:36
ahayzenjgdx, thanks21:36
fgintherrobru, ok, but something else has to do a "nova volume-attach" command to actually the nova volume to the instance, juju can't do that21:36
robrufginther: right, so there's volumeconfig step to attach the volume, and then there's a juju deploy step to set the volume-map21:37
robrufginther: and then after that it explodes21:37
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
jgdxahayzen, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-system-settings=0.3+15.04.20150708-0ubuntu1 indicator-network=0.5.1+15.04.20150708.1-0ubuntu121:38
ahayzenjgdx, The following packages have unmet dependencies:21:38
ahayzen ubuntu-system-settings : Depends: libsystemsettings1 (= 0.3+15.04.20150708-0ubuntu1) but 0.3+15.04.20150703-0ubuntu1 is to be installed21:38
ahayzenE: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.21:38
fgintherrobru, can you verify that the volume is attached? perhaps that step failed horribly21:39
jibelahayzen, not sure what citrain device-upgrade does exactly but for me it crashes http://paste.ubuntu.com/11844083/21:39
jgdxahayzen, sorry, do $ … {ubuntu-system-settings,libsystemsettings1}=0.3+15.04.20150708-0ubuntu121:39
jgdxas well as the indicator21:39
robrufginther: yeah, it's not attached, that is the problem.21:39
sil2100jibel: I can, but aren't we waiting for silo 53?21:39
jgdxjibel, no network on the phone maybe?21:40
davmor2jibel, sil2100 okay I'm back home21:40
fgintherAlbertA, so you want to do 2 builds with mir-clang-wily-amd64-build? Continue to do the current build and then repeat it with an additional option?21:40
ahayzenjgdx, that worked \o/ rebooting21:40
jgdxahayzen, \o/21:40
AlbertAfginther: yeah, basically "CXX=/usr/bin/clang++ CC=/usr/bin/clang cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=ThreadSanitizer ../"21:40
AlbertAfginther: then do the build and run the tests "ctest -V"21:41
sil2100Damn, there's no one to merge my livecd-rootfs merge, slangasek didn't do it - I hope we won't have a duplicate scope on the phone21:41
AlbertAfginther: so yeah " normal build - run tests - TSAN build - run tests"21:42
davmor2jibel, sil2100, jgdx: flashing new image will add silo after that21:42
sil2100jibel, davmor2: unity8 is on the overlay already, but I was waiting with image builds for silo 5321:43
jgdxdavmor2, thanks. you'll need $ sudo apt-get install {ubuntu-system-settings,libsystemsettings1}=0.3+15.04.20150708-0ubuntu1 indicator-network=0.5.1+15.04.20150708.1-0ubuntu121:43
sil2100davmor2: how much do you think you'll need to test silo 53?21:43
jibeldavmor2, how long do you think it'll take?21:43
davmor2once the image is flash and app installed etc 20 minutes if it is only going over the bits that change 2-3 hours if it is the whole test plan21:44
* sil2100 opts for the 20 minute version21:45
fgintherAlbertA, is a 'make clean' between the two builds sufficient?21:45
jibeljgdx, indeed, there is no network on the phone but that's what phablet-network is supposed to configure, isn't it?21:45
jgdxjibel, never has for me :s21:45
* ahayzen wonders why some of the eduroam guides say to use TunneledTLS and others to use PEAP ..both with MSCHAPv221:46
jibeljgdx, for me neither, that's why I add silos  manually :)21:46
AlbertAfginther: ummm I dunno let me try locally here21:46
davmor2image flashed21:46
ahayzenjibel, jgdx, so copying the settings i have on my laptop (which connects) causes it just to sit there spinning ... note that when i select the CA certificate it still says "None" though21:48
ahayzenand the last thing related to NM i can see is "<info> Activation (wlan0) Stage 4 of 5 (IPv4 Configure Timeout) complete."21:48
ahayzen(this was with PEAP+MSCHAPV2, possibly a CA cert and a username and password specified)21:49
jgdxahayzen, eduroam?21:49
ahayzenjgdx, yeah21:49
jgdxahayzen, so that took a while for me.. using a cert21:49
jgdxbut eventually it worked21:49
ahayzendefine "a while"21:50
jibeljgdx, apparently phablet-network if there is a vpn up on the wireless interface21:50
jibelphablet-network fails*21:50
ahayzenbut the UI shows "None" surely that should be fixed as i selected the cert and clicked save21:50
jgdxahayzen, it's still in the list though?21:51
ahayzenerm i can't see the UI is locked due to it still trying to connect21:51
ahayzenlet me try again21:51
AlbertAfginther: no apparently not21:51
fgintherAlbertA, ack21:51
ahayzenjgdx, in the list i have "None" and "Choose..."21:52
jibeldavmor2, the 20 minutes version of the test plan looks good given that you already covered the test plan 3h ago21:52
davmor2jibel: that's what I thought and we'll cover it again tomorrow21:53
jgdxahayzen, that means the cert import failed..21:54
ahayzenjgdx, ah ok, is there a log i can look at?21:54
fgintherAlbertA, is the thread build of use if the first build fails?21:54
AlbertAfginther: I would say no21:55
fgintherAlbertA, ok, thanks21:55
AlbertAfginther: but yes if only the test fails21:55
jgdxahayzen, .cache/upstart/application-legacy-ubuntu-system-settings-.log21:56
ahayzenjgdx, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11844170/21:56
jgdxahayzen, aah I mean syslog21:57
ahayzenah ;-)21:57
jibelsil2100, you'll still be around to build an image once silo 53 is published?21:58
jgdxahayzen, did you try a second import?21:58
davmor2jgdx, jibel, sil2100: I have a network connection21:58
ahayzenjgdx, yeah21:58
jgdxdavmor2, thanks!21:58
ahayzenjgdx, and literally nothing appeared in the /var/log/syslog only powerd stuff21:58
davmor2jgdx: where can the indicator read in from? does the cert need to be in a certain directory?21:59
ahayzenjgdx, this is the certificate i have http://obis.brookes.ac.uk/wireless/certs/AddTrustExternalCARoot.cer22:00
jgdxdavmor2, any file providing content hub peer22:00
ahayzenjgdx, ooooo i want the other one? http://obis.brookes.ac.uk/wireless/certs/AddTrustExternalCARoot.crt22:01
ahayzen(that one appears in the list when i import)22:01
jgdxahayzen, \o/22:01
ahayzennow to see if it connects22:01
jgdxahayzen, when I tested eduroam I downloaded a text file from eduroam's pages.22:02
jgdxBEING CERTIFICATE and so on22:02
ahayzenjgdx, we have like a million tutorials http://obis.brookes.ac.uk/wireless/wireless_setup_Linux.html or a script https://cat.eduroam.org/user/API.php?action=downloadInstaller&lang=en&id=linux&profile=60822:03
robrufginther: thanks a bunch, it seems to work if I just call 'nova volume-attach ...' before setting the volume-map. I have no idea why mojo failed to do this for me (or how it ever worked before)22:03
ahayzenjgdx, ugh now its just asking me for my password over and over again22:04
jgdxahayzen, did you use 'remember password'?22:04
davmor2ahayzen: and did you type it in correctly ;)22:04
ahayzenjust trying remember password :-)22:04
ahayzenugh still kicks me out22:05
fgintherrobru, glad it's working. The only thing I can suggest checking is to make sure the volumeconfig file has the right id in it (should match the volume id being passed in the volume-map option)22:05
fgintherrobru, if the volume is mapped to another instance, it would fail, but that doesn't sound like your problem22:05
davmor2ahayzen: forget the network and try it again and ignore the password popup it is nothing to do with the part you are trying to use22:05
robrufginther: yep, quadruple-checked that. it's as though volumeconfig step isn't running but it's clearly there in the manifest and also shown in the mojo log. total mystery.22:06
ahayzendavmor2, ok :-)22:06
* fginther is stumped22:06
davmor2ahayzen: I think you are hitting this https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/147273422:07
ubot5Launchpad bug 1472734 in indicator-network (Ubuntu) "WPA2 Enterprise setup has issues" [Undecided,New]22:07
sil2100jibel: sure22:07
ahayzenappears to be stuck at "Activation (wlan0) Stage 4 of 5 (IPv4 Configure Timeout) complete." again .. i'll wait and see what happens22:09
jgdxsil2100, ack from me on silo 53. Do I mark it as such, overwriting the prev ack?22:10
ahayzenjgdx, thats the log up to the point its stuck at http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11844283/ i've omitted my username/password22:11
sil2100jgdx: you can leave it as it is :)22:11
jgdxsil2100, okay :)22:11
jgdxahayzen, you're able to connect to this network using an ubuntu desktop?22:13
ahayzenjgdx, yep :-)22:13
jgdxahayzen, okay. Well, it seems auth is good, but dhcp fails? I do believe that's beyond the scope of this silo, so not sure what to do.22:13
jgdxahayzen, we could compare /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/eduroam from both the phone and desktop and see if there are differences22:14
ahayzenjgdx, ok :-)22:14
jgdxahayzen, there will be sensitive things in there22:15
ahayzenjgdx, oh my desktop one uses the .cer instead of the .crt22:15
jgdxahayzen, is that required though? Could you try making a connection without once?22:15
ahayzeni'm not sure it is as i know friends who haven't used the cert22:16
* ahayzen tries22:16
davmor2ahayzen: try renaming the cer one to crt after backing them all up obviously ;)22:16
davmor2ahayzen: and then connect using that one :)22:17
davmor2jgdx: does it allow addition of cer's or is it strict on crt?22:17
jgdxdavmor2, I'm unsure, I would have to contact the developer.22:18
ahayzenotherwise the only difference i can visually see is the the desktop has password-flags=1 and the phone has password=<password>  ..and the phone has the addition of auth-alg=open under [wifi-security]22:18
robrusil2100: are you still publishing stuff or do you want me to do this one?22:19
sil2100Still on a publishing roll22:20
ahayzenjgdx, without a certificate i think it may have worked :-D let me double check22:20
sil2100Just pressed the button on that one22:20
robrusil2100: sweet. I'm on a "get bileto ready for production" roll ;-)22:20
jgdxahayzen, /me clenches22:20
sil2100I like the sound of that22:20
sil2100Ok, looks like the only thing left is silo 5322:21
ahayzenjgdx, i think its working :-D inet addr: which is not on my own WiFi \o/22:22
veebersmzanetti: ^^ that's the fix for autopilot being released :-) Thanks for the help testing (and alesage too)22:22
davmor2sil2100, jibel, jgdx: okay everything is looking good here.  I'm happy to pass it22:22
jgdxahayzen, woo22:22
sil2100I see ahayzen also seems to like it22:22
mzanettinice. thanks22:22
sil2100Thanks everyone!22:22
ahayzenjgdx, wonder why you optionally need the cert lol22:22
jgdxahayzen, I'll file a bug for the cert stuff..22:22
ahayzenjgdx, thanks22:22
jgdxahayzen, added security22:22
sil2100Ok, publishing it22:22
jgdxfor whistle blowers and such :p22:22
ahayzenwhistle blowers going over a govenment provided internet...lol22:23
jibeldavmor2, wonderful, thanks!22:23
jibelahayzen, thanks for your help!22:23
ahayzenanyway great work on this guys i can now use my phone on campus \o/22:23
jgdxahayzen, oh snap22:23
jgdxahayzen, thanks for the help!22:23
ahayzenno problem, so happy i can actually use it rather than a 2g connection lol22:24
davmor2ahayzen: don't live in america then live where the 4g works ;)22:25
davmor2okay I'm really going back to EOD now ;)22:25
ahayzendavmor2, there is 4g in town...just my campus is out of town :'( in the sticks of oxfordshire22:25
davmor2ahayzen: oh that sucks22:26
davmor2ahayzen: try a 3 sim22:26
sil2100Published, now I wait for the binaries to fully appear on the overlay and I kick a new image22:26
sil2100Phew, this was a long day22:26
davmor2ahayzen: they seem to have better coverage daft as it sounds22:26
ahayzendavmor2, either you get good signal in town or bad signal out of town your choice lol O2 good in and EE good out lol22:26
davmor2anyway night all o/22:27
ahayzennight o/22:27
sil2100davmor2: goodnight!22:27
jgdxahayzen, davmor2, sil2100: filed for the certificate bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/canonical-devices-system-image/+bug/147280522:28
ubot5Launchpad bug 1472805 in Canonical System Image "Phone fails to connect to eduroam using a certificate" [Undecided,New]22:28
ahayzenjgdx, thanks22:28
jgdxahayzen, were you using a certificate on your desktop?22:28
ahayzenjgdx, yeah the .cer one22:29
jgdxahayzen, got it. Thanks22:29
sil2100jibel, davmor2, ToyKeeper: kicking a new image now o/22:36
sil2100jibel, davmor2, ToyKeeper: this will be our first promotion candidate22:36
ToyKeepersil2100: Woot!22:36
sil2100Disabling cronjob too22:36
ToyKeeperI've been waiting for it.22:36
ToyKeeper(well, doing some development while waiting)22:37
ToyKeepersil2100: It'll be ... image 53, I think?22:37
sil2100For the arale?22:37
jibelToyKeeper, arale #53 and krillin #6222:38
ToyKeeperRight, thanks.  :)22:38
sil2100Ok, cronjob disabled, image building22:38
sil2100Time for a shower and off to sleep22:38
sil2100Thanks for all the hard work everyone, good luck to the rest :)22:39
veeberstrainguards I seen an error on the spreadsheet for my silo, has this affected the actual release of the package or just merging the branch?22:43
robruveebers: what row?22:43
veebersrobru: 8122:44
robruveebers: yes this is a failure of merging. so autopilot published fine22:45
robruveebers: you need to check the ownership of lp:autopilot/overlay. Most likely it's owned by a person instead of a team, or it's owned by a wrong team that the train isn't a member of22:45
veebersrobru: ah I see, I'll check now.22:46
robruveebers: indeed you need to add ~ci-train-bot to https://launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/+members#active for this to work22:46
veebersrobru: owner is "Canonical Platform QA Team" I feel that perhaps the train should be a member of rthtat?22:46
veebersrobru: heh coolio, thanks doing now22:46
robruveebers: train should try again shortly and take care of itself once permissions are fixed22:47
veebersrobru: nice, thanks :-)22:47
robruveebers: you're welcome22:47
robruveebers: oh and you can delete ~ps-jenkins bot from that team, we don't use that one anymore.22:48
veebersrobru: ack thanks, trying to get an admin to action that now22:50

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