
c0mradeI got banned from ubuntu long time ago16:30
c0mradeCan i get back?16:30
IdleOnec0mrade: no thank you.16:36
IdleOneyou have too much bad history with #ubuntu and I am not ready to remove the ban16:38
c0mradeI swear i will be good though.16:38
IdleOneYou've said that before16:39
IdleOneNot going to happen, please don't make this more difficult than it needs to be.16:39
c0mradeGive me a chance.16:39
c0mradeIf I will act in a bad way.16:39
c0mradeBan me.16:39
c0mradePlease just one chance.16:40
IdleOneYou have already behaved badly and are already banned. The answer is no.16:40
c0mradeI know.16:40
k1lc0mrade: if you need support try askubuntu, ubuntuforums or discourse or mailinglists.16:40
c0mradeI have a bad history but you cant do this to me for the rest of my life.16:41
k1lthe trust in your "i will not doing bad things again" is gone since you did cause issues since 2010.16:41
c0mradeJust one more chance.16:41
IdleOnec0mrade: Last time, no.16:41
k1lc0mrade: not going to happen now. if you need support try the other support options i just mentioned.16:42
c0mradeWhy that strict.16:42
c0mradeAm not going to NASA.16:43
c0mradeJust loosen a bit.16:43
IdleOnestop asking or you will be banned from here also?16:44
IdleOnestop asking or you will be banned from here also16:44
c0mradeI wanna stay here.16:44
c0mradeDont ban me from here.16:45
IdleOneI don't have time for these childish games.16:45
c0mradeAt least I still feel like its family, it's ubuntu related.16:45
c0mradeI will not waste your time mr.16:46
IdleOneyou are not welcome to idle in this channel. Please part now.16:46
c0mradeLet me stay16:47
c0mradeAt least here16:47
c0mradeI will keep my mouth shut I promise.16:48
DJones20:37 < anonymous> can anyone tell me how to hack emails19:38
DJonesbanned and _b set for 4w duration19:40
valorieIdleOne: kudos for the tough love22:07

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