
RoguehorseAh...I'm a D&D guy.......4.5 last I got to play at the local game shop https://www.dropbox.com/s/ek4gnmnidnfbpdi/dnd.jpg?dl=000:13
darthrobot`Title: [Dropbox - dnd.jpg]00:13
Roguehorsewhen a person grows up with a condition like mine, this is what we got into instead of sports00:16
RoguehorseI started at age 9, maybe 1000:17
Roguehorsedoctors said it would be unlikely I would be able to have kids too from so much medication00:39
RoguehorseI was afraid to try...and a few miscarriages I thought they might be right00:40
Roguehorsethen when my son was born I was terrified he might have it but they assured me it was highly unlikely https://www.dropbox.com/s/wdayy4an52gkr5k/wyatt.JPG?dl=000:41
darthrobot`Title: [Dropbox - wyatt.JPG]00:41
Roguehorsehe's ok....and smart too =)00:42
nhainesThere's AD&D, AD&D2e, AD&D3e, AD&D3.5e, AD&D4e, and D&D5e.  There's no 4.5e that I know of.  :)01:35
nhainesCute kid!01:35
ianorlinI like pathfinder rpg whic is a fork of 3.502:55
ianorlinalthough I heard the nook was horrible with paizo publishing pdfs02:55
nhainesD&D 4e was okay.  I've played very little 5e, but I liked the crit dice.02:56
ianorlinnhaines: did you hear about the you cannot produce 3.5 stuff in the 4e third party publisher agreement02:57
ianorlinof how they could not produce both 4e stuff and 3.5 stuff at same time02:57
ianorlinthat said paizo does make a pretty awesome setting02:58
nhainesianorlin: nope!02:58
ianorlin4e has drastically different low level play02:59
nhainesI played 2e and then a little 4e.02:59
ianorlingah I forgot my password to paizo forums haven't posted there in ages03:00
pleia2I played for a few years and attended D&D Experience back in 2008, some fun times were had, James Wyatt DMed a game I lurked in on03:00
ianorlinit is quite easy to make a dnd map in inkscape03:01
ianorlinactually that is what most of photos on google plus are03:01
nhainesMost photos on Google+ are vector D&D maps?03:06
ianorlinactually I exported to png and some of the earlier ones I made in gimp03:07
ianorlinI really wish there would be something like the firefox matchstick or something where I could like have a public map on a tv while playing would be pretty awesome03:07
ianorlinnot sure it works for inkscape03:08
pleia2something you're editing live? otherwise could just export it as something other than svg is the photo viewer thing doesn't do svg03:10
nhainesIntel Compute Stick.03:10
ianorlinlive would be best for interactively with the math03:10
ianorlinthat would work03:10
ianorlinhmm I would need a bluetooth keyboard03:11
ianorlinor does it have usb03:11
ianorlinrun vnc or something on it and gm controls from laptop03:12
nhainesI think it has USB ports.03:16
nhainespleia2: https://i.imgur.com/S3OFJWz.jpg03:51
darthrobot`Content type: [image/jpeg] Size: [33687]03:51
pleia2<3 <303:52
pleia2thank you03:52
Roguehorseoh, well maybe it was just 4e...I started back up when I went back to school and only got to play for a few months after that13:47
Roguehorsenhaines: thanks for the compliments on the kid =)13:48
Roguehorsehe's ok, but living with so many people in one house has him kind of messed up13:49
Roguehorsehe gets a lot of shit from many directions and they mess with his head a lot13:50
Roguehorsethe in-laws13:50
Roguehorsemy wife hated the fact that I was playing D&D at the local game store13:51
Roguehorseshe said it was embarrassing, immature, and uncool for an adult13:51
RoguehorseI guess it's more cool to just lie in bed every night and watch TV ....... definitely much cooler and mature13:53
ianorlinRoguehorse: I don't get why people say that Dnd is immature15:36
ianorlinit can be if you dumb players15:36
ianorlinI think local gaming store could be a better place than a bar15:37
RoguehorseI don't get it either...I think it requires an extremely high level of maturity17:08
Roguehorsethere's a lot involved with the game17:09
Roguehorsebars suck17:09
RoguehorseI believe people who put it down just do because they can't handle the games complexities17:10
RoguehorseI thought as I got older I would get less immaturity towards it than what I did a a teen ..... I guess not17:24
ianorlinI don't understand18:03
Roguehorsedon't understand what?18:36
ianorlinwhy people are prejudiced18:41
RoguehorseI think it's usually jealousy or personal inferiority complexes19:42
Roguehorsesome people have this terrible need to constantly compare themselves to others around them instead of just concerning themselves with being happy with themselves19:43
ianorlinyeah that doesn't make any sense20:10
Roguehorseto you and I no21:16
pleia2signs for tonight :D https://www.flickr.com/photos/pleia2/1950777887621:36
darthrobot`Title: [Freshly printed signs! #UbuntuHour #Debian | Flickr - Photo Sharing!]21:36
Roguehorsecool signs23:28
RoguehorseI need to make one for EBLUG23:28
pleia2I have unlaminated onces I used to use, but they're a bit out of shape from being stuffed in my bag23:32
DonkeyHoteigiant canvas ones are where it's at23:47
pleia2but a bit much for a table at starbucks/henry's hunan :)23:51

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