[00:05] anyone experiencing long shutdown times for this kernel 3.19.0-22-generic [00:06] 15.04? [00:10] murthy: the shutdonw process is some kind of broken atm in Plasma 5.3.1 [00:10] it is fixed in Plasma 5.3.2 [00:11] and i think sgclark is working on backoprts [00:13] soee_: You mean the shutdown script fix that was released in 5.3.2? [00:13] I am working on vivid [00:14] murthy: probably [00:14] but seems I needed to backport frameworks to do so and broke ci in the process so I have to backport rest by hand... [00:14] im not sure how kernel versions you mentioned works as i'm on Wily now [00:15] soee_: Last time I read the change log it was related to scripts not executed from certain places. [00:15] let me check it again [00:17] ah ok [04:13] is there no newer Qt Creator than 3.1.1 available for Vivid? === drawkward_away is now known as drawkward [06:16] markey_work: no, there's 3.5 for wily brewing (available in a PPA currently). on vivid your only option is to download upstream installer if you require newer. [06:33] Mirv: hmm, ok [06:34] anyway know why this old version was used? [06:34] anyone* [06:44] markey_work: because Ubuntu SDK plugins needed to continue working on 14.04 LTS and newer QtC:s don't build with Qt 5.2. now a lot of the Ubuntu plugin functionality has been upstreamed like CMake support, and the 14.04 support will be solved another way [06:44] ah yes, that's what I suspected [06:44] so in summary it has taken a bit of time === drawkward is now known as drawkward_away === tazz_ is now known as tazz [08:26] Good morning. [09:04] hi ho [09:08] o/ === greyback__ is now known as greyback [10:54] what is this warning: Warning: polkitd.service changed on disk. Run 'systemctl daemon-reload' to reload units. ? [10:58] Hiyas all [11:01] soee: That the service file changed and that systemd wants you to reload it. [11:03] lordievader: ok, thanks for the explanation :) [13:38] just for your information, kdenlive was uploaded to debian sid without pushing the changes to git [13:38] you might want to merge some of the changes [13:38] https://packages.qa.debian.org/k/kdenlive/news/20150709T093542Z.html [13:55] shadeslayer: ^ [13:56] i think you plan to work on kdenlive :) === rdieter_work is now known as rdieter === drawkward_away is now known as drawkward [14:23] also you might want to merge kmix master branch, apparently they built it against frameworks in debian [14:35] Hi! Is there a schedule for Plasma 5.3.2 on Vivid? Plasma 5.3.1 keeps crashing and freezing and crashing and ... Thank you! [14:46] Haudegen: got backtraces? [14:46] just upgrading is not going to help if we don't get to know about crashers (and we'd rather like to fix things than mindlessly propose to upgrade) [14:48] Haudegen: not any defined date, Scarlett is working already on vivid packages but there are also some framework backports required so it takes time === soee_ is now known as soee [14:48] sebas: I have some information in .xsession-errors. The crashes are segfaults. But I have them on 6 different machines, so it's not a hardware issue. [14:49] Haudegen: backtraces would be useful, posted to bugs.kde.org under the product "plasmashell" (depending on what exactly crashes) [14:49] and: most crashes are segfaults, that doesn't actually say anything :) [14:49] sebas: How do I enable backtraces? [14:52] Haudegen: did you use sudo for any gui apps recently? [14:52] Run it through gdb [14:53] murthy: Hmmm, I can't think of any. [14:53] Haudegen: Can you check something for me? [14:54] sebas: Plasma through gdb? OK, I normally restart plasma like this: kquitapp plasmashell ; sleep 1 ; plasmashell & [14:54] sebas: How would I call plasmashell through gdb? Which options? [14:54] yes I am working on the backports still, turned out to require even more backports which broke many things so I have to do them by hand... plus I am only a volunteer that has other life commitments. Sorry. [14:55] Haudegen: sorry, empty battery ... bbl [14:55] sgclark: I really appreciate your work. Thanks a lot. [14:59] Haudegen: can you check the detaisl of the file ksycoca5? [15:00] murthy: It's a binary file. [15:01] Haudegen: no I mean the user and group details. see if there any files with root [15:02] Haudegen: run this command from your home directory ls -lRa | grep "root" [15:02] Haudegen: and see if there is any file with root as user and group [15:02] murthy: ksycoca5 is owned by my user (not root). I have read and write permissions (600). ksycoca5stamp has 664. [15:03] Haudegen: thats good [15:03] Haudegen: now check if there any other file owned by root by using the above command [15:04] murthy: I have to filter this a bit. I've got a lot of paths containing the string "root". [15:04] Haudegen: just check the user and group column [15:04] murthy: OK, grepping for "root " works. [15:05] Haudegen: can we do this in #kubuntu? [15:06] murthy: OK, I have to do a little bit of work now. I'll be back for sure. [15:06] Haudegen: ok [15:39] shadeslayer: DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS="parallel=5" adt-run is supposed to parallize my build? [16:03] tsdgeos: yes [16:04] doens't here, oh well :D [16:04] tsdgeos: huh [16:04] pitti was supposedly fixing that [16:05] tsdgeos: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/autopkgtest/+bug/1399177 [16:05] Ubuntu bug 1399177 in autopkgtest (Ubuntu) "adt-run should parallelize builds as necessary by default" [Wishlist,Triaged] === drawkward is now known as drawkward_away === drawkward_away is now known as drawkward [16:53] shadeslayer: ping [16:53] whats up [16:53] does kubuntu_stable not exist fior frameworks? [16:54] the wiki only explains plasma [16:56] it should [16:56] hm [16:56] it exists for pretty much all the things [16:56] sgclark: anything missing? [16:57] attica does not for starters [16:57] the entire scripts failed with not something we can merge [16:58] all I wanted to do was backport 5.3.2 to vivid and this is turning into a nightmare. [16:58] sure it does [16:58] https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-kde/frameworks/attica.git/ [16:59] intersting. I am looking at git gui now and it is not there [16:59] I dont see kubuntu_stable on that link either [17:00] there is unstable / is that what I want to merge for kf5? [17:02] did you check it out [17:03] error: pathspec 'kubuntu_stable' did not match any file(s) known to git. === rdieter is now known as rdieter_work [18:18] ok, I got kdenlive to build [18:18] Laney: excellent idea! Riddell, would you have time to look at the kscreen 5.3.2 autopkgtest failure, or consider whether you could override qtdeclarative update to ignore it if kscreen fixing would take time? [18:51] yofel: beware of the epoch [18:52] santa_: in kdenlive? I'm not adding any version checks [18:54] yofel: yep. in kdenlive the ubuntu has the 4: epoch while the debian dude uploaded it without any epoch [18:54] (assuming you are merging from debian) [18:55] I wasn't [18:55] all I'm trying to do was fix the armhf build [18:55] and we already uploaded with the epoch, so the damage is done [18:56] * clivejo curses and mutters under his breath about epochs [18:56] ah ok [18:56] well, debian tries to be version-perfect, while whoever did the versioning in our scripts just applied the same epoch to everything [18:57] * yofel needs a faster usb drive for his raspi :( [18:58] you compiling it on the Pi? [18:58] yep [18:58] how long did it take?!? [18:58] I'll tell you once it's done :P [18:58] LOL [18:58] how many sleeps! [18:58] it actually compiles pretty fast on the quad-core, but installing the build-deps took ages -.- [18:59] 2B? [19:00] nah, ~150kB [19:00] Model 2 B? [19:01] Pi 2 B, right [19:02] Dont have the version 2 yet [19:03] but have a few B's [19:03] doing different jobs for me [19:05] which reminds me I was meant to look into creating a GSM gateway :/ [19:07] does Kubuntu have or is it planned to ever have a Cortana style speech recogition module? [19:13] Build needed 00:57:52, 82656k disc space [19:14] shadeslayer: please upload kdenlive from git when you have time, thanks === drawkward is now known as drawkward_away [20:50] Morning [20:52] hey jussi [20:53] long time no see... [20:53] yes it is! [20:54] Ive been very busy IRL [20:55] How have things been in the kubuntu world? [20:57] jussi: not amazing but I think will get better [20:58] jussi: we have new DVD artwork! http://imgur.com/a/axpzW [20:59] and updated Documentation: https://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu [20:59] nice! [20:59] yep :) [21:20] ahoneybun: is it possible to add a link to the next logical section in the userguide? [21:21] clivejo: as in? [21:21] like in the welcome page, when you are done reading a link to the install page would be handy [21:21] instead of going home and then finding the next page [21:22] with the next gen of the Docs/Manual I'm doing that as reST supports it [21:22] :) [21:23] I've place links on every page in the new Manual so if I/someone needs to link to that page they can [21:23] just in case [21:24] jussi: haven't seen you in a while :) [21:24] hello shadeslayer! [21:25] yes, its been a while. [21:25] How's Elodi ? [21:25] The new apprenticeship plus my family have eaten my time [21:25] Elodi is doing well. :) [21:25] As is Emre [21:26] Nice :) [21:26] jussi: how's that going [21:26] shadeslayer: Loving it :) [21:26] https://instagram.com/p/44KGPdIbe2/?taken-by=thefarmersplace [21:27] jussi: nice! [21:28] I should visit you so that I can ask you to cook [21:28] sounds good... but it is a pretty long trip... [21:29] clivejo: like this: https://userbase.kde.org/Kubuntu/Welcome#Thank_you ? [21:29] yup :) [21:30] cool [21:30] I tend to get lost when have to go back to index [21:30] I got goldfish memory === alket_ is now known as alket [21:31] clivejo: use the Docs a lot? [21:32] not really, but i been glancing over it recently [21:33] clivejo: new stuff: https://github.com/ahoneybun/kubuntu-manual [21:33] raw stuff: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ahoneybun/kubuntu-manual/master/source/welcome.rst [21:34] jussi: indeed [21:34] jussi: how long is it for ? [21:35] shadeslayer: the apprenticeship? [21:36] 3 years... [21:58] jussi: yeah, wow o_O