
cjwatsonteward: The canonical way to determine whether systemd is pid 1 is os.path.isdir("/run/systemd/system") or per-language equivalent01:11
cjwatsonteward: For Upstart, you want the init_is_upstart function from /lib/lsb/init-functions (or, again, per-language equivalent)01:12
tewardcjwatson: i really only need the systemd test/check - the apport hooks i'm writing for nginx (because of the appalling bug helpfulness quality since 15.04 and systemd) i'm trying to make sure is catchable.  plans were to only land it in 15.04 and up, and since I know someone has a wildly custom setup where they got rid of systemd... *shrugs*01:14
tewardcjwatson: thanks thoug01:14
cjwatsonAt least the systemd check is pretty trivial01:14
tewardi'm more concerned with why when i try and get the apport hooks to request whether hte user wants to include certain files or not it then asks TWICE before doing anything01:14
tewardthree questions coded, six questions asked (the three questions, 1 2 3, then again, 1 2 3)01:15
* teward shrugs01:15
cjwatsonYou want pitti or bdmurray for that kind of thing01:15
tewardi'm going to poke pitti tomorrow01:15
tewardbare minimum is to get the systemd check01:16
teward(tomorrow my time, as in the morning about 10 - 12 hours from now)01:16
tewardcjwatson: given only a day, though, thanks to pitti's guidance this morning my time, i've already got the gist of what i need to have done down, at the very least to fix  the reason that sarnold and I want to smack the nginx package around in 15.o401:20
tewardso a big thanks to pitti is definitely due :)01:20
psusiis 15.10 going to switch to systemd either in the initramfs or user session?01:26
tewardcjwatson: follow-up: thanks for the guidance.  Finding systemd was easy.  I had to essentially write an init_is_upstart function in python, using init-functions's init_is_upstart as a partial guide for what to do.  And I've replicated the command set to check if it's upstart or sysvinit (the old one)02:49
tewards/for what to do/for what to do to check if upstart/02:50
pittiGood morning04:03
pittiteward: asks twice> at this point I'd need to see your hook and what you do exactly to test/call it; normaly it's run once04:08
pittiteward: os.path.isdir('/run/systemd/system/') -> running systemd04:09
pittiteward: detecting upstart is harder, but on Ubuntu you can assume that it's upstart if it's not systemd04:09
pittinah, don't readlink  /proc/1/exe, that's wrong04:09
pittitarpman: ^ FYI04:09
sarnoldhey pitti :) teward said he'd like something that can work with debian sysvinit too04:10
infinityI think he cargo-culted from init-functions and got what he wanted.04:10
infinityAt least, backscroll with cjwatson seems to imply that.04:10
pitti"initctl --system list" should work under upstart, but I'm not sure whether it needs root04:10
pittiit fails under systemd with "Name "com.ubuntu.Upstart" does not exist" as expected04:11
pittiteward: global hook> you mean general-hooks/, not a package specific one? you can do that too, yes04:11
infinitypitti: The is_upstart function from init-functions is the canonical way.04:11
pittiteward: logs> rsyslog's logs have everything too, so in general you can get it there; but filtering stuff that you are interested in from the journal is magnitudes easier than fishing it out of syslog04:12
pittiteward: no, hooks must never collect private/sensitive stuff,  please obfuscate that with post-processing04:13
pittiteward: ok, I think I've caught up with your questions, but at this point just show me the hook for review?04:15
opiwahnI still need help creating an initram script while a remastering process.  This is the way I put my "script" to initram: http://pastebin.com/RmNivmvX   The script simply should do "blockdev --setro /dev/sd*"   on the live-system I can find the script under /usr/share/initramfs/scripts/local-top/ but it did not have any effect. running it manually blocks the harddisk. someone could help me?04:44
sarnoldwhy two sudo calls per line?04:45
sarnoldopiwahn: I think I'd remove every 'sudo' from this script, and run this script via sudo manually04:46
opiwahnsarnold: hi.. you mean the "sudo" before the blockdev, right? not from my remastering-part, right?04:50
sarnoldopiwahn: well... lets take this line here:04:52
sarnoldsudo chroot "${WORK}/new" sudo chmod +x usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/initramblockdev04:52
opiwahnthe 2nd sudo I need to chmod or not?04:53
sarnoldopiwahn: that'll execute the system's sudo, then the system's chroot, then the usr/bin/sudo from within the chroot, then the bin/chmod executable from inside the chroot04:53
sarnoldopiwahn: the entire thing could be replaced with sudo chmod +x ${WORK}/new/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-top/initramblockdev04:53
sarnoldopiwahn: .. that'd remove the dependency on a sudo and chmod from inside the chroot...04:53
opiwahnok I understand04:53
opiwahndo you think thats the problem? because .. the script IS on the live medium.. executable.. and works when executing it manually after boot...   while the remaster process stout say me "blockdev: /dev/sd*" device not found.. could be the problem but I dont know why04:55
pittiopiwahn: you already asked that yesterday -- apparently you are calling it too early and /dev/sd* does not exist yet04:56
opiwahnok.. I tried to put it on every subdirectory.. according to "man initramfs-tools"...04:58
opiwahnI also tried "Init-bottom" what is, according to manpage, the last scripts that are executed.. even here it was the same error message04:58
pitti/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local waits for the root file system to appear04:59
pittiopiwahn: perhaps you simply don't have any /dev/sd* then? maybe it's /dev/vd* from QEMU or whatnt04:59
opiwahnno, its really sda and sdb from virtualbox05:00
opiwahnam I right that putting it in init-bottom.. just for testing.. is the latest possibility to put the script in.. and so that /dev/sd* should already exist?05:01
opiwahnor could it be possible that - at this stage - the "*" could not work??05:02
pittiit's still not guaranteed to work, but I'd say in most cases it should05:02
pittithe only way to reliably wait for a device to appear is with an udev rule05:02
pittiif it's a shell script, the * works05:03
opiwahnI also put a udev role on the live system.. this works.. for the "late stage" and plugging new devices.. but there is this "early stage"... e.g. told me ubuntu "unsafe ntfs filesystem.. fixing" . This is only one example why I want to prevent the live system from writing to the disks via a init script05:13
opiwahnok.. I am sorry :-)  but my question again.. is "init-bottom" the "latest stage" where I can sure /dev/sd* should be ready??05:14
pittiopiwahn: as I said, you can *never* be sure in the initramfs that all devices got detected05:27
pittiopiwahn: you can certainly try and applying it  for those that are already there, with the /dev/sd* globbing, but it might be that new devices are detected later on05:27
opiwahnpitti: just detected.. that I use #!/bin/bash in my script... should this be "sh" instead of "bash" *shame*05:30
pittiopiwahn: /bin/sh is faster, otherwise it makes not much difference05:33
opiwahnpitti: oh.. hoped this was the problem. thanks pitti..05:34
opiwahnpitti: pitti.. how would YOU solve this? generally like I am trying it?05:34
pittiopiwahn: it seems to me you just want something like05:34
pittiKERNEL="sd*", RUN+="/sbin/blockdev --setro $devnode"05:35
pittiput that into /lib/udev/rules.d/50-block-ro.rules and copy it into the initramfs05:35
pittiopiwahn: oh, another thing -- does /sbin/blockdev really exist in your initramfs? I wonder if your error message from above was really correct05:36
pittiif it says "device not found" that suggests that blockdev exists, but if it says "file not found" it might very well be that blockdev itself is missing05:37
pitti$ lsinitramfs /initrd.img |grep blockdev05:37
pittiseems alright05:37
opiwahnpitti: are you german?05:39
pittiyes, does my writing have an accent too? :-)05:39
pittizat is ze problem!05:39
opiwahnpitti: sure.. is it "allowed" to write in not-english in privat messages like this?05:40
pittisure, just talk English on the public channels; what happens in priv messages stays in priv messages05:40
opiwahnpitti: ok.. na denn. mein remastering script läuft gerade durch, ist aber gleich fertig, dann geb ich dir nochmal den genauen wortlaut der fehlermeldung.. wobei mich schon wundert, dass das beim remastern im stdout erscheint.. da wird ja nix ausgeführt hinsichtlich des block-dev-scriptes..05:41
pittiopiwahn: err, this is *not* a private message, it's the channel05:42
opiwahnpitti: ups.. I am really new to irc chats.. sorry..05:42
pittiopiwahn: yeah, during remastering there shouldn't be a run of blockdev05:42
opiwahnpitti: thats my error message: http://pastebin.com/TCpUSZRk05:43
opiwahnpitti: dont understand why this appears in the remastering-stdout05:44
pittiopiwahn: what's the script right now?05:44
opiwahnpitti: you mean the init-script?05:44
pittiopiwahn: your remastering script05:45
* pitti restarted IRC some minutes ago, I don't have earlier scrollback05:45
opiwahnpitti: oh... thats big.. :-)    or do you just want the part where I copy the script and the initram-part?05:46
pittiwhere it shows that error message05:46
pittiI suspect you have some missing quoting there05:46
opiwahnpitti: http://pastebin.com/PT6Ymb8y05:46
pittiso that it expands /dev/sd* while you run the script, not while you boot the image05:46
pittisudo chroot "${WORK}/new" sudo update-initramfs -u -k all05:47
opiwahnpitti: this is the initram-part.. but dont know if this causes it05:47
pittiah, this probably runs it05:47
pittiand please drop all those sudos05:47
pittinot sure why update-initramfs would run scripts/05:48
opiwahnpitti: really ALL sudos? need them to chmod and update-initramfs or not?05:48
pittiopiwahn: you ought to run the remastering script as root; it's never good to call sudo in scripts05:48
pittibut nevermind, different issue05:48
pittiopiwahn: did you run your script with -x to confirm where that error message comes from?05:49
pittiI'm not sure it's from http://pastebin.com/PT6Ymb8y05:49
pittianyway, sorry, I really need to get to do something else, bbl05:49
opiwahnpitti: ok I drop all sudos at the beginning of these lines...05:49
opiwahnpitti: no problem.. what do u mean by running with -x ?05:50
pittinevermind the sudos now, those are not *that* bug; they are just utterly wrong05:50
pittiopiwahn: bash -x yourremasteringscript05:50
opiwahnpitti: ok..trying bash-x   thank you pitti.. sorry for taking you so much time.. but I am a little closer to the solution05:52
opiwahnpitti: really one last beginners question: how can I complete write the output of bash -x myscript also to text-file?05:55
pitticommand 2>&1 | tee output.txt05:55
opiwahnpitti: thank you. really. thank you very much. and have a really good day05:57
pittigood luck!05:57
opiwahnpitti: thanks05:57
opiwahnif I start a bashscript as root/su is another script that is invoked by the first also automatically run as root, or not?06:22
sarnoldthey all run as root06:23
sarnoldwhich is why you can remove every 'sudo' from the script and run it as root :)06:23
opiwahnthats why my question :-)  thank you guys !06:25
dholbachgood morning06:47
pittiLaney: can you please remove your upstart test override? bug 1429756 is fixed in wily's kernel now07:30
ubottubug 1429756 in linux (Ubuntu Vivid) "FTBFS: upstart test_job_process fails in majority of cases / Kernel returning unexpected EIO at end of file" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142975607:30
pittihttp://d-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/view/Wily/view/AutoPkgTest/job/wily-adt-upstart/ succeeded, I restarted it to see that it survives two runs in a row07:31
Laneypitti: yay!08:04
pittiLaney: yep, survived four tests in a row08:04
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dokoLaney, could you merge pcre3?08:47
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Laneydoko: hmmmmm, I guess so08:48
pittiwow, we have a delta in prce?08:48
Laneystupid delta08:49
Laneywill fwd it if it's not already08:49
pittihm, unmangled C++ symbols?08:49
seb128wgrant, cjwatson, do you know why templates on e.g https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+source/dialer-app/+imports are "approved" but not "imported"?08:49
pittiI mean "mangled", i. e. "not demangled"08:49
dokoLaney, and then upload a follow-up version to the ci-train 16 PPA?08:50
pittiI thought they'd cause more trouble than they would help08:50
wgrantseb128: Translation imports have not yet been activated for wily.08:50
Laneypitti: are you doing this merge? :)08:51
seb128wgrant, thanks08:51
seb128wgrant, when is that planned?08:51
pittiLaney: no, I was just curious what we could possibly have changed in pcr308:51
wgrantseb128: Someone Ubuntuy (pitti?) would enable them at https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+translations-admin once the state of the series was verified.08:51
seb128wgrant, it sort of created a fail for ota5 touch langpack updates08:51
Laneythey have only exported the right symbols08:51
wgrantseb128: ... OTA5 is based on wily?08:52
pittiwgrant: this currently has "hide" and "defer" enabled, is that intended?08:52
seb128wgrant, no, but ppas don't have translation template, so they copied the wily .po over08:52
seb128wgrant, assuming that the strings would be the same in their overlay and wily since they dual land08:52
pittiwgrant: (sorry, never saw that page)08:52
wgrantpitti: Oh, we don't normally enable those, so I assumed you did.08:52
wgrantThere's nothing blocking it.08:53
pittiwgrant: no, certainly not; maybe that's just the default state until we actually get wily translations?08:53
Laneydoko: no-change rebuild?08:53
pittiwgrant: so want me to uncheck these two?08:53
wgrantpitti: Oh, I mean having those two checked is the default, and I assume you normally unchecked them.08:54
wgrant(yay for having negative checkboxes...)08:54
wgrantYep, I see no reason not to.08:54
dokoLaney, yes, but with higher version number08:54
pittiwgrant: I suppose so far it was done by you or cjwatson or possibly dpm?08:54
pittiwgrant: done08:54
wgrantpitti: dpm makes sense, maybe.08:54
pittihttps://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+imports is full of stars now08:55
Laneydoko: are you going to dump all of the no-change rebuilds into the silo as they can be done?08:57
Laneywould be good to have a transition tracker which looks at that too I guess ...08:57
sil2100pitti: does this mean we can have an another export with updated translations soonish?08:58
dokoLaney, transition tracker for a ppa doesn't yet exist. but infinity is supposed to work on this ...08:58
pittiseb128: ah, the one on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+language-packs is no good because of the above?08:58
pittiI mean sil2100 ^08:58
dokofor now, I just upload things what need to fix bugs08:58
seb128pitti, well, template imports didn't work08:59
seb128so the templates are outdated08:59
seb128so the langpack content doesn't match the current code08:59
seb128so strings are missing08:59
pittiseb128, sil2100, wgrant: so I guess we have to wait until https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+imports clears up, and then do another full export?08:59
seb128but that's going to take days righT?08:59
pitti 14190 templates to import AFAICS09:00
seb128which might be too much for the ota update09:00
wgrantYes, the translation importer is slow beyond belief.09:00
wgrantWe can, er, expedite certain templates, though, with a bit of hackery.09:00
wgrantThat is, unapprove all of the imports that are boring.09:00
sil2100wgrant: would that require a lot of work?09:01
sil2100Since I suppose if we could get properly updated touch translations imported and then do an export, that would be sweet09:02
pittiwgrant: how long would that take roughly? poking 14000 strings into a DB doesn't sound like a lot?09:02
wgrantsil2100, pitti: I would probably just use SQL to set all Approved import queue entries in wily to Needs Information. Then you can approve interesting ones as necessary.09:04
wgrantAnd once the deadline has passed we can set them all back to Approved.09:04
cjwatsonseb128: We'll have proper translations for the overlay PPA soon, BTW.09:05
cjwatson(Not OTA5 soon, but soon)09:05
seb128cjwatson, ah, that's good news ;-)09:05
sil2100wgrant: that could work... although my experience with handling LP translations is a bit weak09:07
sil2100wgrant: so I would need some help with that probably09:08
sil2100pitti: could you help me out here?09:08
pittisil2100: err, we are supposed to manually set several hundred templates to "approved"?09:09
pittican't we do this with SQL again?09:09
seb128I guess it's just a matter of going to https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+source/<template>/+imports and change the status to approved, for every package that needs an update template09:09
pittiset all of them to needsinfo, then set the ones from touch packages back to approved?09:09
seb128but yeah, need to have a list of those that need an update09:10
pittiit's a hilarious amount of work to change the status of 50 projects times 5 arches on the web UI09:10
sil2100I don't know how that works - wouldn't it be like simply approving the top most version of the .po file?09:10
sil2100Indeed, 65 .po files are in our langpacks...09:11
pittisil2100: sounds okay; it *should* be enough to approve it on one architecture only (but I'm not sure)09:11
seb128those are not by arch afaik09:12
pittihm, I thought they were09:13
pittibut even if not, 65 projects times 50~is languages is still "OMGlots" for a human09:13
seb128we are speaking about templates no?09:13
Laneyis it not scriptable via the API?09:13
pittiNB you need the po files too, not just the pots09:13
seb128not languages09:13
pittiah, po files get auto-approved then?09:14
sil2100We have .po's for these packages09:14
dpmLaney, there is no API09:14
dpmfor translations09:14
pittiah, so it's not the 14000 files from https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+imports?field.filter_status=APPROVED09:14
dokomvo, please could you merge snappy, and then do a follow-up upload to the ci-train 16 PPA ?09:14
dpmactually, there is a bit for templates09:15
seb128well, outdated ones, since they are based on the outdate templates09:15
pittibut just the 425 from https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+imports?field.filter_status=APPROVED&field.filter_extension=pot09:15
* dpm reads scrollback09:15
pittisil2100, seb128: I'm confused -- if you already have the .po's, what's blocking you?09:15
pittithe *.po are all we care about in langpacks/exports09:15
seb128pitti, the po they have are outdated as just written09:16
pittithe *.pot is "just" for LP itself to know which strings to put into *.po files and to translate the strings09:16
pittiseb128: so we *do* need the po files, not just the pots09:16
seb128they are based on wrong templates09:16
sil2100pitti: I don't know too much about that, but those .po files haven't been updated with new translations, which didn't get imported09:16
sil2100pitti: but we'll get the .po files from the export09:16
seb128well I expect once the template are updated things are good09:16
pittiso I misinterpreted09:16
pittisil2100 | We have .po's for these packages09:16
seb128the translations are shared with trunk09:16
pittiseb128 | we are speaking about templates no?09:16
sil2100pitti: I said for the list above09:17
pittiwe *do* need LP to import all *.pot *and* *.po files from wily then09:17
sil2100pitti: I pasted http://paste.ubuntu.com/11847166/ and said that these are the apps we have in the langpack09:17
pittisorry for the confusion09:17
seb128pitti, I'm unsure the .po *import* are needed09:17
sil2100I think I caused some confusion here ;)09:17
seb128the strings come from trunk09:17
pittiseb128: how could they not be needed?09:17
pittiif the current po files are outdated, we need to import the current ones09:17
seb128because translation sharing with trunk is active09:17
mvodoko: you mean upload the latest snappy into ppa-16? sure, I can do that09:18
mvodoko: I guess a PPA copy with rebuild is also ok?09:18
mvodoko: from our daily build snappy ppa?09:18
pitti3 templates out of 425 imported in teh last 3 minutes09:18
dokomvo, but first merge it to wily. I'm talking about https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/snappy09:18
dokomvo, no, different upload with a higher version number09:19
pittifrom that we could estimate that it imports all 425 in ~ 8 h?09:19
mvodoko: oh, that snappy, sorry, I was confused09:20
pittiseb128, sil2100, wgrant: so did I get this right: we don't care (right now) about the 14000 *.po imports, just the 425 *.pot -> thus we could set all *.po to "needsinfo", and just let it import the pot09:20
pittiand once that's done, put the *.po back to approved to import them too?09:20
pittiand let message sharing take care of actually providing translations for wily?09:20
sil2100If you guys think that would work, +1 from me ;)09:20
pittiit's a theory based on what I learned in the last 5 minutes, don't take it for granted -- it needs to be wgranted09:21
* pitti chips in 5 bucks into the "bad pun" cash savings box09:21
dpmassuming message sharing works as we expect, yes, it should work09:21
sil2100I just want the latest strings imported to the translations for wily so I can request an export and get properly updated .po files ;)09:22
sil2100pitti: ;)09:22
sil2100wgrant: what do you think about pitti's idea ^ ? :)09:22
dpmi.e. the templates would be up-to-date in LP once imported, and the export would put the translations from the DB into the final .po files, without needing to wait for the *.po import09:22
pittiit should import 400 pots in the course of minutes, based on the progress on seb128 | we are speaking about templates no?09:23
pittieww, x c&p buffer!09:23
pitti... on the progress on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+imports?field.filter_status=APPROVED09:23
pittiX c&p is seriously broken from firefox09:23
dpmactually, wgrant, do the PO imports need to be set to Needs Review at all? I.e. if the export is not blocking on the po imports, we can just trigger an export after the 425 templates have been imported, without further action09:24
pittiright, but we need to do the pots first, not 100 po files in between each pot09:25
pittiapparently it' just one big shuffled blob right now, the *.pot don't get prioritized09:25
dpmpitti, I think templates are imported first, but we'd need confirmation from the LP guys09:26
pittidpm: no, demonstrably not09:27
pittidpm: it imported several hundred *.po files but only 3 pot files during this talk09:27
pittidpm: compare progress on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+imports?field.filter_status=APPROVED with https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+imports?field.filter_status=APPROVED&field.filter_extension=pot09:27
dpmwere the imported .po files corresponding to the 3 pot templates?09:27
* dpm looks09:28
pittiimporting pot first -> few minutes; import everything in that semi-random order: -> 8 hours09:28
mvodoko: snappy is uplaoded09:29
wgrantsil2100, pitti, dpm: Sorry, was eating. I think that POT-only approach sounds reasonable.09:29
dokomvo, hmm, ok, but that version number looks odd when copied to the archive09:31
sil2100pitti, wgrant, dpm: who can do this magic then?09:31
dpmwgrant, pitti, seb128, one thing to bear in mind is that not all templates are set up to message share with upstream trunk, but I think we might be able to assume that most if not all the packages for the phone are set up this way09:33
seb128dpm, we basically think we need update to dialer/messaging/browser09:34
mvodoko: uh, sorry, let me remove and upload again09:34
seb128so I think it should be ok09:34
dpmseb128, in that case, yes, these should be set up like that, but let me check09:34
sil2100And ubuntu-system-settings too09:36
dpmseb128, ok, I can confirm those 3 from https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/vivid/+templates (the wily page is not yet up while templates are being imported, but the sharing configuration is copied over)09:36
seb128dpm, thanks09:36
seb128dpm, u-s-s as well?09:36
dpmsil2100, that one is sharing with trunk too, confirmed09:36
sil2100And unity8 I suppose?09:36
* dpm checks09:36
* sil2100 looks at the list before saying anything more09:37
dokosiretart, ping on https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=77778109:37
ubottuDebian bug 777781 in src:aspectc++ "aspectc++: ftbfs with GCC-5" [Serious,Open]09:37
dpmsil2100, unity8 shares translations with trunk too09:38
sil2100dpm: could you also check address-book-app, indicator-network, indicator-sound, indicator-bluetooth, indicator-transfer, indicator-messages and mediaplayer-app?09:38
sil2100Not sure if we had any changes in the indicators, besides the network one...09:39
* dpm checks09:42
dpmindicator-transfer and indicator-display are not set up for sharing09:44
dpmindicator-network and indicator-location are set up for sharing, but I'm not sure if with the right branch (they're using indicator-network/14.10 and indicator-location/14.04)09:45
dpmseb128, sil2100 ^09:45
dpmsil2100, seb128, in summary, it seems some of the indicators need to be set up for sharing: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11847330/09:50
dpmthe problem is that for some of them translations are not enabled on the upstream project :/09:51
sil2100dpm: ok, but if that's the case, then it didn't have that in the past as well...09:51
wgrantdpm: We can use the API to approve the POs selectively relatively easily.09:52
wgrant(there is an API for one part of Translations: the import queue)09:52
wgrantTo start, I intend to set all non-POT Approved wily imports to Blocked.09:53
wgrantThe POTs will import relatively quickly, and we can import POs as required.09:54
wgrantWhen things are sorted out, we can re-approve the rest.09:54
wgrantAny objections, or shall I carry out the first step?09:54
pittisounds good to me09:54
pittiimporting the pots should only be a few minutes09:54
hjdLaney: Hi, I saw the discussion above. If you do end up merging pcre3, could you leave a comment at and/or close bug 1457964? :) It should be fixed in Debian, so I believe it's simply waiting for a merge.10:02
ubottubug 1457964 in pcre3 (Ubuntu) "pcre3: enable jit again on ppc64el" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/145796410:02
Laneyhjd: hi, ok10:02
hjdThank you :)10:03
sil2100dpm, pitti, wgrant: is anyone doing all the dirty work for that? :)10:05
pittiI thought it required SQL? can't do that10:05
wgrantsil2100: Yep, waiting for sysadmins.10:05
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dokomvo, snappy failed to upload10:07
sil2100wgrant: thank you!10:08
sil2100seb128: so in the meantime I won't be reverting the langpacks that I uploaded since we're not having another image now anyway... QA can test translations later, once we have proper .po files10:08
sil2100seb128: I'll prepare then once we have the right export10:08
sil2100seb128: thanks for bringing this up and sorry for the mess-up, seems I didn't have enough data about the state of the translations10:09
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smbpitti, I think I found some explanation for bug 1466790. Not sure my "fix" is reasonable or makes systemd people run away screaming...10:14
ubottubug 1466790 in ifupdown (Ubuntu) "dhclient does not remain running on boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146679010:14
dpmseb128, howcome we're grabbing translations from wily for ota5?10:17
pittismb: looking in a bit; still having infinite fun with more broken swap partitions and ecryptfs-setup-swap..10:17
pittikirkland, cyphermox: did we ever start a discussion on some "official" place (blueprint/bug) about stopping configuring swap partitions in the installer?10:18
dpmseb128, ah, I get it, messaging-app & co are .debs and depend on newer templates on vivid, right?10:18
sil2100dpm: since we don't have the infra set-up for overlay translations yet10:18
sil2100dpm: but since we're using dual landing for most packages, wily and vivid have the same sources10:18
smbpitti, sounds like a tar pit of fun...10:18
pittierr, WTF10:18
pitti$ dpkg -L libecryptfs010:18
sil2100So temporarily, as a quick workaround, we're using the wily ones10:19
pittikirkland, tyhicks: ^ noooo10:19
sil2100dpm: as this is the only thing we can do this time10:19
dpmthanks sil210010:19
dpmsil2100, once the overlay is set up, where will translations be done?10:20
sil2100dpm: the proposed solution is to use the ubuntu-rtm distro for those10:22
mvodoko: yeah, I'm fixing, thanks10:27
dpmsil2100, oh I see, so should we then point translators to https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm once it's all set up?10:29
sil2100dpm: yes, I suppose that's how it'll look like - there will be a proper announcement once that happens10:29
dpmsil2100, ok, thanks. Another question: are there going to be series too, or will basically ubuntu-rtm be used effectively as rolling?10:30
wgrantdpm: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-rtm/15.04/+imports10:31
wgrantNot active yet, so don't try to poke anything.10:31
wgrantBut translations from the vivid overlay PPA go there.10:31
dpmwgrant, ah, cool, that answers it then, thanks!10:31
pittismb: ah, are you using open-iscsi or something?10:36
pittismb: there are only two things that bring up /e/n/interfaces normally: /etc/init.d/networking and ifup@.service via udev10:37
pittismb: open-iscsi kind of hooks into that10:37
smbpitti, Not really. I think MAAS deployments may include it. Oh... for bare-metal... yeah I may have installed open-iscsi to try something else10:37
smbfor reasons usually long forgotten because those were... err last week10:38
pittismb: so it could be that I don't see it because in my case init.d/networking already brought up everything, and thus ifup@eth0.service didn't really do anything ("interfacae is already up")10:39
Mirvwhat's up with armhf builders btw? builds taking roughly double the time compared to June.10:39
Mirvso qtbase takes 8+ hours instead of <=410:39
smbpitti, Right. Same with normal desktop as there network manager handles things10:39
mvodoko: should be good now10:49
opiwahnI have still no luck in booting in text mode in 15.0411:01
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sil2100pitti: hey! Do you know if there's any progress regarding translations?13:13
pittisil2100: apparently so - https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+imports?field.filter_status=APPROVED is becoming smaller and just has POTs now13:15
cjwatsonYeah, admins did the DB change for us13:16
sil2100So once this queue gets empty, I can request a new export with the proper translations, right?13:16
pittiI already requested a full export on https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+language-packs13:18
tewardpitti: can I pick your brain again when you're a little less busy?13:18
pittiso once the POTs are imported, the wily langpack cronjob needs to be restarted (by wgrant or cjwatson), then we should have an export after some hours13:18
pittiteward: just ask, there's no better or worse time :)13:18
tewardpitti: so, three things.  First, i've got working apport hooks, plus code-checking to verify that the init system is actually systemd and not upstart (sicne I know someone who uses Upstart and not SystemD on a highly irregular 15.04 box).  There's two issues, though.13:19
tewardpitti: firstly, when pulling `systemctl -l status nginx-service` it says "Error: Exited with code 3" which is the error code systemd returns from the command - which in turn makes its way into the output file13:20
tewardsecondly, i'd like to expand it to prompt the user for certain report types (Crash, Bug) if they want to include the error.log, nginx.conf file, and enabled site configs.13:20
tewardAFAICT those work fine, but the prompts run twice13:21
tewardsuch that P1 P2 P3 are asked, then it repeats the cycle13:21
tewardbefore going and finishing collection13:21
pittiteward: that's from the command_output() wrapper; if you call a program which is expected to fail, then I suggest calling subprocess.getstatusoutput() directly13:21
tewardpitti: ok.  that's what I thought, i was hoping there was an easier method but ehh.13:22
pittiteward: as I wrote this morning, I'd need to see the hook and where you put it13:22
pittiteward: how could it be easier?13:22
tewardpitti: i didn't see that, sorry, my scrollback is limited on my bouncer :/13:22
pittiteward: out = subprocess.getstatusoutput('meh')[1]13:23
tewardwow, i need coffee, I thougth i'd have to import another module, forgot I had to import subprocess for another function >.<13:23
pittiquite possibly you only want to know whether it's running, then just check the return code instead13:23
tewardi hate mornings sometimes :P13:23
tewardpitti: actually the opposite - we want the information from `systemctl status nginx.service` because it actually spits the errors into there13:23
pittiteward: ah13:24
tewardrather than "Is It Running" we need to know "Why Did It Fail To Start"13:24
tewardi'm hesitant to include the error.log because that could have sensitive information.  but the systemd status logs *would* tell us what happened13:24
teward(whereas `journalctl -xe --unit=nginx.service` doesn't always show it)13:24
tewardi'm content to let it keep the "Error code 3" stuff in the message, since nginx *did* fail to start or isn't running.  but if there's a way to remove it that'd be even better13:25
tewardI have the two variant scripts stored in a VM, give me 3 seconds to pull them off there13:25
teward(since my primary system is Trusty)13:26
pittiteward: well, command_output()'s sole reason to exist is to provide exactly that functinoality; if you don't want it, just call getstatusoutput directly()13:26
tewardpitti: ack.  i'll use getstatusoutput in place of it13:27
tewardassuming the VM wants to actually start13:28
* teward hates VMs sometimes13:28
pittiteward: actually, even easier: out = subprocess.getoutput('your command')13:28
pitti(if you don't care about the exit code)13:28
cjwatsoncheck_output if you do13:28
cjwatsonsubprocess.getoutput doesn't exist anyway :)13:29
pittinot in this case, don't want to fail on exit code 3 (which is expected)13:29
pitticjwatson: err, what?13:29
tewardcjwatson: it works fine in python 313:29
cjwatsonoh right13:30
cjwatsonstuck in the past13:30
pittiI know, shell and all, but *shrug*, it's just a static commannd13:30
cjwatsonmarked as legacy though :)13:30
tewardhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/11848412/  <--13:30
tewardcjwatson: 'tis fine :)13:30
cjwatsonI usually prefer subprocess.Popen([...], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]13:30
cjwatsonor try: subprocess.check_output() except subprocess.CalledProcessException: re-raise anything with an unexpected exit code13:31
pitticjwatson: yeah, I feel that's a rather big omission in the subprocess API13:31
cjwatsonlatter could be wrapped up easily13:31
pittithat there's no argv method for "give me the output of a program which is allowed to exit non-zero"13:32
pittiexcept for the complicated one you mentioned13:32
pittianyway, bikeshed → green13:33
cjwatsonsomething like http://paste.ubuntu.com/11848429/13:33
tewardpitti: if you had a choice, would you use the Popen method or the getoutput method?13:33
cjwatsonuntested, literally just typed into pastebin13:33
tewardi.e. which is less likely to explode in our faces five python revisions down the road :P13:33
cjwatsonI'd use the thing I just pasted :)13:33
pitticjwatson: does that actually give you the output on failure?13:33
pittiteward: I usually use Popen()...communciate()[0]13:34
cjwatsonpitti: "The CalledProcessError object will have the return code in the returncode attribute and any output in the output attribute."13:34
pitticjwatson: ok, that's too contrived for my taste; I'm with communicate() :)13:35
cjwatsonpitti: ah, sorry, should also have a return e.output in the else case there13:35
pittibarry: please just give us a subprocess.get_output(). love, pitti13:36
barrypitti: what's up? :)13:36
pittibarry: bikeshedding above -- pythonic way to get the output of a program which is expected to return nonzero13:36
pittibarry: i. e. the non-exceptionary variant of check_output()13:37
pittibarry: nvm, it was just meant as a joke, but the API is oddly asymmetrical there13:37
pittiteward: anyway, all this probably confused you more than it helped :/13:38
pittiteward: cjwatson | I usually prefer subprocess.Popen([...], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]13:38
pittiteward: that'll do fine13:38
tewardi was going to use that anyways13:38
tewardi'm just currently debugging why sftp is blowing up in my face13:38
barrypitti: ah :) i see you suggest Popen() directly, and yeah i'd agree.  i see what you mean, but non-zero exits are probably not handled because they *are* exceptional :)13:38
pittibarry: right, it's just that subprocess.getoutput() is so darn convenient, if it wasn't for the shell/no argv13:39
barrypitti: ah, yeah.  those are legacy apis after all13:40
tewardpitti: in that command you just stated, where [...] exists, that's the same syntax as command_output(['array','of','command','and','args']) ?13:42
teward(i.e. just drop in the [ ] array?)13:42
pittiteward: right, it's an argv13:42
barryof course 'array of command and arg'.split() works too13:45
DavieyBe careful if using Popen.wait() for checking return codes, the logic was changed in 2.7 which can cause unexpected exit codes.. (due to the fix in http://bugs.python.org/issue14396)13:46
cjwatsonI basically think any non-argv process execution mechanism is a timebomb, if not due to underlying library changes, then a timebomb for future developers13:52
tewardpitti: and whoever else wants to spotcheck me: This is the bare minimum that should be in the hooks for now:  https://github.com/teward/nginx-apport-hooks/blob/master/no-config-prompts/source_nginx.py13:57
tewardand yes it's at github because version tracking is nice so I know what i did xD13:57
tewardand it's a bad thing i make a lot of helper functions, yes.  that's how i was taught coding though :/13:57
* teward needs to break that habit13:57
cjwatson"github because version tracking is nice" -> logic does not follow :P13:58
barryzyga: you're a "checkbox" guy right?  have a few moments for some questions?13:59
pittiteward: the init system check is a bit broken -- it won't work right after you switch init systems, like after a dist-upgrade13:59
Davieyteward: pep8! screen width isn't free you know!13:59
pittiteward: os.path.isdir('/run/systemd/system') is the only tried and true, foolproof, and simple way to assert that13:59
cjwatsonteward: seriously, os.path.isdir("/run/systemd/system")13:59
cjwatsonI gave you that code last night :)13:59
pittiteward: also, procps doesn't need to be installed13:59
cjwatsonand it's *shorter* than what you're doing13:59
cjwatsonteward: it's also the algorithm recommended in http://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/sd_booted.html14:00
cjwatson("A simple check like this can also ..." etc.)14:00
pittiteward: if it's not systemd, it's upstart, no need to check for that14:00
tewardcjwatson: i'm tired, my logic is slightly borked.14:01
pittiteward: I'd eliminate the two def _systemd_*() and just fold them into add_info(), but that's a matter of taste; looks good aside from the init system check14:01
tewardgot called to a 6AM "Emergency Fix It" thing :/14:01
tewardand i only had 3 hours sleep >.<14:01
tewardi shouldn't be awake14:01
pitti(there's lots of other style issues, but I'll try to restrain myself :) )14:02
pittii. e. the whole thing should be 5 lines tops14:02
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tewardpitti: heh, yeah i tend to be overly verbose14:03
cjwatsonI don't think you should apologise for helper functions if they're well structured14:03
tewardDaviey: yes, i wanted something functional before making it look pretty14:05
Davieyteward: fair enough :)14:05
zygabarry: yes14:05
zygabarry: absolutely14:05
zygabarry: hangout or locally?14:05
pitticjwatson: right, I meant the True/False returns, nested ifs, and overly split single-use functions; but *argh* restrain myself harder *argh*14:06
barryzyga: shouldn't take long, i'll pvtmsg you14:06
zygabarry: thanks14:06
pittiif report['ProblemType'] == 'Package' and os.path.exists('/run/systemd/system'):14:06
pitti   <call journalctl and systemctl>14:07
pittithat's really all it is14:07
tewardso then you want something like this then:  https://github.com/teward/nginx-apport-hooks/blob/master/no-config-prompts/source_nginx.py  (this is updated)14:13
rbasakbdmurray: looking at the samba phasing stop with rharper, I don't really understand how to interpret the page your notice linked to.14:14
tewardpitti: ^14:14
rbasakbdmurray: I can't see the data that suggests the error rate has increased14:14
rbasakbdmurray: it looks like a constant stream of errors that has always been present. Is there a graph that'll actually show me the increase please?14:14
pittiteward: heh, yes; os.path.isdir() would be a bit "more correct", but good enough like that14:16
tewardpitti: mmm yep i remembered that just now, lemme fix, then this is 'done' for now14:17
pittisil2100, cjwatson: https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/wily/+imports?field.filter_status=APPROVED&field.filter_extension=all -> done!14:22
pittiwgrant: so we can now revert that SQL magic and let the other po files get imported14:22
pitticjwatson: as wgrant is probably/hopefully asleep now, could you start the wily langpack export cronjob?14:22
cjwatsonpitti: I really have to go out for a bit, can it wait an hour?14:23
pitticjwatson: sure, I'm not waiting for it; sil2100 is14:24
cjwatsonpitti: is the langpack export useful without the po import?14:24
pitticjwatson: wgrant/seb128 believed so, due to translation sharing with trunks14:24
tewardpitti: cjwatson: Daviey: thanks to all of you for your help :)14:29
tewardi'll circle back later when i start stabbing the 'prompt to include other files' stuff14:30
* sil2100 needs the updated .po files14:32
kirklandpitti: well, I filed a blueprint about it, in like...jaunty?14:34
kirklandpitti: does that count?14:34
pittikirkland: apparently it wasn't implemented :)14:34
kirklandpitti: :-)  let's get rid of it, and promote swapspace package to main14:35
kirklandpitti: with some sane defaults14:35
pittikirkland: anyway, I piled up two patches for ecryptfs-setup-swap (second patch from today in wily), and some postinst (not sure if that is also in the upstream trunk)14:35
kirklandpitti: interesting, I'll have a look14:35
kirklandpitti: I have a flight tomorrow, I'll check it out14:35
kirklandpitti: have you played with swapspace yet?14:35
kirklandpitti: maybe try it out on your machine14:36
pittikirkland: no, I haven't yet; it's been ages since I wanted/needed swap14:36
kirklandpitti: before I added 16GB of mem to my x250, I ran with 8GB and swapspace for a few weeks14:36
kirklandpitti: agreed--me either, but I decided to give it a try14:36
kirklandpitti: byobu monitors swap usage14:36
kirklandpitti: it seemed to do the right thing14:36
kirklandpitti: on a related note, G+ Hangouts are MEMORY HOGS14:36
tewardum... i forgot, so if someone would be willing to refresh my memory... if two releases of Ubuntu have the same package version number, and I need to fix in Wily and also in Vivid, what do I do with the version strings?14:37
sil2100cjwatson: I can wait a bit if needed, just hope the export won't take as long as previously14:37
pittiteward: normal increment for devel series (wily), and add 0.1 for SRUs14:37
kirklandpitti: but I agree -- swap in general is as bad as subprime mortgages14:37
pittiteward: that has been a common pattern for a long time; or just the wily version and append ~vivid114:38
kirklandpitti: you're loaning someone something that's ultimately going to make their life worse14:38
pittikirkland: hah, good one14:38
kirklandpitti: I gotta go, customer meetings14:38
pittikirkland: yeah, I've now spent too many hours cleaning up after ecryptfs-setup-swap and we've shipped broken systems for years14:38
kirklandpitti: could you drop me an email with a pointer to the patches?14:38
pittikirkland: o/14:38
tewardpitti: given that this is, of course, the nginx package and we have a pending plan of action (provided TB approves, once we send in), it won't remain the case going forward, but I think i'll do the .1 method14:38
pittikirkland: sure14:38
tewardpitti: i thought that was the case but I wasn't sure, thanks for confirming :)14:39
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pittikirkland: mailed14:59
sil2100cjwatson: could you simply give me a poke once the new, perfect and flawless LP translation export is ready? :)15:26
sil2100Would be grateful15:26
om26erpitti, Hi!15:40
om26erpitti, is there a way to run a command *after* adt-run executes the tests ?15:40
pittiom26er: a counterpart of --setup-commands? not right now15:44
om26erpitti, yes and :/15:45
om26erpitti, I kind of apt-mark hold a few packages and would like to unhold them after tests run15:45
pittiom26er: it never came up yet15:45
pittiom26er: hm, for most testbeds (ephemeral) that's pointless, and for non-ephemeral testbeds you can just do that after the adt-run call?15:46
om26erpitti, hmm, I could change my test runner script to unhold packages after adt-run hmm.15:47
tewardanyone able to provide any insight to why an sbuild run would be 'attempted' but fail?15:47
tewardif i provide sbuild logs that is15:47
teward(assuming it fails again)15:47
om26erthanks pitti, let me see how far I can get with that.15:48
om26erpitti, you might want to consider that feature for future releases, though.15:48
teward(brb thoug ha moment)15:48
om26erpitti, at what stage does adt-run installs dependencies ? I am looking inside run-system-tests script and can't see where it actually installs the debs.16:01
tewardI'm either blind or can't figure it out, anyone know why this is failing?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/11849975/17:26
teward(it's an sbuild log)17:27
zygabarry: hey, how can I build against python3.5?17:34
zygabarry: can I add a PPA to my wily schroot?17:34
zygabarry: or should I use sid?17:34
zygabarry: I have a patch that test builds in both places but I'm unsure if that's with 3.5 now17:34
barryzyga: easiest right now is to add the pythoneers/py35asdefault ppa17:35
barryzyga: or17:35
zygadeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pythoneers/py35asdefault/ubuntu wily main  ?17:35
barryzyga: that should work.  i always use add-apt-repository from software-properties-common17:36
barryadd-apt-repository ppa:pythoneers/py35asdefault should do it17:37
barry(there's also a purge-ppa which mostly undoes that)17:37
tewardbarry: what do you know about diagnosing sbuild failures, if anything17:40
tewardsorry, i'm just kinda scratchin my head here tryin to solve this 'fail'17:40
barryteward: a bit.  i use sbuild all the time17:40
tewardbarry: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11849975/  <-- can't wrap my head around this17:40
* zyga tries with 17:40
tewardit shows 'attempted'17:40
zygasbuild -d wily --chroot-setup-commands='apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key 224D9D15EE176F89' --extra-repository 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pythoneers/py35asdefault/ubuntu wily main' --extra-repository 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily universe'17:40
tewardbut it's not a code break, barry17:41
tewardat least not afaict17:41
barryteward: is the build failure on line 4074 you're wondering about or something else?17:41
tewardbarry: that's the only failure i can find17:42
tewardso it goes 'attempted' not 'failed'17:42
tewardbut it's equivalent17:42
zygabarry: hmmm, I'm doing something wrong because...17:42
zygaI see this:17:42
tewardbarry: same package doesn't have the problem in vivid17:42
teward(vivid and wily have the same code, and the same changes except for debian/changelog entires, with my sbuild runs today)17:42
barryteward: that's some problem with the package's d/rules i guess.  but the nice thing is you can now do `schroot -u root -rc <session-id>` and then drop into the chroot and poke around at the errors, retry the build, etc17:43
barryteward: sbuild is great at giving you a debuggable environment when the builds fail17:43
tewardbarry: i'm not sure where to check next :/17:43
barryteward: sorry, i can't help much with that right now; i don't know much about the nginx packaging17:44
barryzyga: hang on, i have a script that helps17:44
* teward grumbles17:44
zygabarry: why doesn't it see all those deps? are they not in wily now (they must be, they were in vivid)17:44
tewardthis is a pain, it builds FINE in Vivid, fails in Wily17:44
barryteward: likely toolchain or dependents differences17:44
tewardthen how the heck did the thing build :/17:45
* teward grumbles17:45
zygabarry: and this is the patch I'm test-building http://paste.ubuntu.com/11850085/17:45
barryteward: if there have been no changes since vivid, it probably hasn't been rebuilt since then17:46
barryzyga: bzr branch lp:~barry/+junk/repotools17:46
barrysbuild ... --chroot-setup-commands="/repo/sbuildppa.sh" ....dcs17:46
barryzyga: but also look at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild#Local_packages17:47
barryzyga: anyway, that's the recipe i use17:47
tewardi should probably try the merge from debian then locally and see if THAT builds17:48
tewardbecause if it doesn't i fear the package will fall out of the repos17:48
barryteward: take a look at the upload history.  maybe there's another dev around that has more immediate experince w/nginx17:48
tewardbarry: mmm... that'd be me17:48
barryteward: oh ;)17:48
tewardi've never seen this type of failure17:48
barryteward: looks to me like debian/tmp/use is nonexistent in the chroot17:49
tewardbarry: what would even cause that to be created though... I've grep'd everywhere and there's no reference to it, the only thing I can think of is the build process has been changed17:50
tewardand if it has, i need documentation on that to try and debug17:50
barryteward: maybe a debhelper change?17:50
* barry is just guessing tho17:51
tewardbarry: i'm guessing too17:51
tewardwho's in charge of the debhelper changes if any17:51
barrythat's mostly inherited from debian17:51
tewardso I should go to #debian and throw things at them, then... *shrugs*17:51
barrytho i'm sure there are ubuntu deltas, i doubt this is the cause of your pain17:51
tewardwell then i'm going to have to stab rbasak and get him to priority 1 the TB email17:52
tewardsince my GUESS is that there's changes between 1.6.x to 1.9.x which fix the build fails17:52
tarpmanno stabbing rbasak. i might still need him alive17:52
tewardand any merge to Wily is dependent on an X-series TB exemption approval17:52
zygabarry: weird17:53
zyga sbuild -d wily --chroot-setup-commands='apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key 224D9D15EE176F89' --extra-repository 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pythoneers/py35asdefault/ubuntu wily main' --extra-repository 'deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu wily main universe'17:53
zygathis builds for me17:53
zygaso I had to add wily into the ... wily schroot?17:53
tewardgod I hate my computer17:53
zygateward: hey, want to see mine ;)17:53
tewardzyga: can i light it aflame out of spite?17:54
tewardsorry i've been bashing my head against nginx for too long the past 3 days17:54
zygateward: GPU burned, keyboard stopped working on the left side, got new GPU, won't fit case, got new case, wont ship for a week (holidays)17:54
* teward mumbles something about apport hooks17:54
zyganow I'm computing with all the guts out, on the desk17:55
zygaoh and today morning I had to take out 3 ram sticks or it would not boot17:55
zygaI guess summer isn't healthy for hardware17:55
tewardand three hours sleep isn't healthy for maintainers17:56
* teward grumbles17:56
zygabarry: built and tested fine, I'll commit to debian and ask for upload17:56
barryzyga: +117:56
pittiom26er: you see it in the logs; it opens testbed, runs --setup-command / apt-get upgrade, copies the test into the testbed, reads test deps there, and installs them, then runs the test18:01
zygabarry: sent, CCd18:01
* zyga -> off18:01
barryzyga: thanks18:01
tewardwhen using udd / bzr to merge from Debian, how would one resolve this caused by Debian removing the file?  Contents conflict in debian/index.html18:19
tewardbarry: how can i drop into the failing schroot19:33
barryteward: grab the id of the schroot from the sbuild output at the bottom and: schroot -u root -rc <id>19:44
tewardwho here knows the most about how debhelper and package building has changed for Wily20:19
teward(i.e. debhelper, etc.)20:19
tewardbarry: you wouldn't happen to have any scripts lying around that would take in a list of releases and sequentially build multiple arch's schroots for sbuild, would you?  Just curious, if not i'll write one21:58
sarnoldteward: there's a little tiny copypaste on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/BuildEnvironment -- search for "finally"22:02
tewardsarnold: thank you kindly :)22:05
barryteward: glad sarnold pointed you to the script.  i have a bunch of little doodads in lp:~barry/+junk/repotools22:11
tewardbarry: i might steal xD22:15
tewardor borrow :)22:15
barryteward: enjoy! :)22:15
mwhudsonso um er is the powerpc64le abi documented anywhere? <- infinity you'll know this?22:16
mwhudsonnm, found it22:25
tewardso, new question.  For installing .apport files, the package needs to build-dep on dh-apport right?  And do I need to call dh_installapport in the debian/rules ?23:16
tewardwait i think i figured it out...23:20
tewardmmm... nope23:50
tewardanyone got any guidance on actually getting the .apport files installed with the given binary package?23:50
teward(E: No Documentation)23:50

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