
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
flocculantboth the qa.ubuntu.com sites are showing Service Temporarily Unavailable since at least yesterday10:57
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
balloonsflocculant, indeed you are right. The upgrades clearly didn't go well13:34
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=== charles_ is now known as charles
flocculantballoons: thanks - didn't know the why - just the result - so shouted out15:39
balloonsflocculant, thanks for bringing it up. They are back online again :_)15:40
jhodappIs there a way I can have an integration test (using QTest) run in a silo only for certain architectures?19:21
balloonsjhodapp, interesting thought. I'm not sure what options exist for qtest off the top of my head19:25
balloonswould you want to limit by arch or would by device by enough?19:25
jhodappballoons, by arch, basically I can only run these tests on any of the actual phone targets but it can't run on the desktop yet since media-hub doesn't run there yet without crashing19:26
balloonsright.. we would normally see to do that by merely excluding the desktop, which sounds like it would work19:28
jhodappballoons, where would you actually specify to exclude the desktop?19:28
balloonsjohnlage, you can use skip() to skip a testcase. I'm thinking about how you could know in qt when you have a device or desktop19:32
jhodappballoons, ok19:32
balloonsyou can check properties.  perhaps there is a nice property you could check19:34
jhodappballoons, got an example of a property?19:37
jhodappballoons, in terms of what you're thinking19:37
balloonsjhodapp, no idea.. That's as far as I can take you offhand I'm afraid19:38
balloonsIn autopilot there is a nice method to tell you. I don't know of anything in ubuntutest or qtest offhand19:38
jhodappballoons, ok let me know if you think of anything more specific19:39
jhodappbut thanks19:39
Noskcajballoons, There's a guy joining the ubuntu-gnome team who wants to make documentation videos. Did any of the old "how to do testing" cideos need a rework? It might be good to start him on them21:32
knomeNoskcaj, does he know much about testing?21:34
Noskcajknome, Probably not, he says it's the first time he's done open source stuff. It's not super hard to pick up on, especially if it's just re-making a video so it's on a current release21:36
knomethere's that, but otoh it would be know that they actually knew what they were talking about and not just blindly copying21:38
knomei don't think he needs to be expert on testing, but it would be nice if he had done a few tests himself before he records the video21:38
knomethat way he'll bump to the potential questions before he's deep in the making21:39
balloonsknome, Noskcaj howdy21:42
balloonsindeed, might be a problem to re-create things. Not a bad idea for him to make some videos though. Tell him to make videos as he learns.21:42
balloonsNo reason to try and copy what I've done anyway :-) Stuff from his perspective would be better21:43
knomeand there's no perspective without knowledge...21:44
knomewell at least some..21:45

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