
dendrobatesHey are you guys still using the cloud server I set up for you a couple years ago07:02
dendrobatesI worked with Jussi to set it up07:05
dendrobatesIt has been compromised and rackspace is wanting it shutdown.07:08
MooDoomorning all07:13
Unit193What?  Really?07:50
Unit193tsimpson, hggdh, Pici07:50
Unit193dendrobates: Yes, ubottu and a couple clones are on it.07:51
Mikaelameetingology too I believe, what happened to it? was it one of those not-installed security updates or did someone run something fishy or was some password bruteforced? and AlanBell should possibly also be pinged?07:53
dendrobatesUnit193: I need to shut it down.  Can you guys move those bots?07:53
Unit193dendrobates: I don't have access, I pinged a few that do.07:54
dendrobatesRackspace stopped providing it for free about a year ago, and I've been meaning to tell you guys07:54
Mikaela50 security updates07:55
dendrobatesit seems I still have an account.  The system is completely owned07:59
Unit193That doesn't sound good..08:00
Mikaelawas it allowing password login and is there some reason for not at least having unattended-upgrades?08:00
dendrobatesI don't maintain the server, I just provided it.08:01
dendrobatesThere are php processes running as user www-data out of /tmp/tmp08:02
dendrobatesthis system is attacking others though.  We need to stop it ASAP08:04
dendrobatesAre you guys running postfix on there?08:08
dendrobatesand FTP?08:08
Unit193jussi and tsimpson are the admins still.08:10
MikaelaI know only about meetingology which I have successfully scped, but the logs are larger than I exppected and I am scping them too just in case they are missed. I don't know if it's end of the world if they are lost though08:11
dendrobatesAre you guys running any webservices on there?08:12
Unit193dendrobates: There's also a wordpress blog, but that's not as vital.08:13
dendrobatesIf you guys remove all your data, I'll create a new vm for you, until you can find new hosting08:14
DJonesIsn't meetingology AlanBell's bot08:35
dendrobatesthere are around 4k tcp connections on the box.  That seems excessive08:37
MikaelaDJones: I have been administrating meetingology for some months08:39
DJonesok, I thought alan still managed it08:39
Mikaelathey do, but I have been helping with it and enabling SASL, CertFP etc.08:39
Mikaelahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/mikaela tells a little more08:40
Unit193DJones: Yeah that's his bot, but it runs on ubottu's server as it is the official meetingbot.08:43
Unit193https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bots/ubuntu-bots/meetingology after all.08:44
dendrobatesa php process is making connections out to thousands of http servers08:55
Unit193Can you kill that and whack it out of /tmp?  Perhaps disable http/php for now until one of them comes online?08:56
dendrobatesI can kill it, but the box is owned08:57
Unit193Besides email, I only have one way to contact either of them and he's not online.09:00
dendrobatespid 1564 is the offending process09:02
dendrobatesI think I will kill wordpress when I do it09:05
=== mkv is now known as m4v
popeydendrobates: who has user accounts on the box?09:20
MikaelaI think the accounts might be named after the bots that run on them and you must look at authorized_keys of users, but the only acount that I know surely of is meetingology09:22
popeylook for early numbered accounts in /etc/passwd, from 1000 upwards09:23
Mikaelaand ubottu unless there is spoofing09:23
Mikaelapopey: tsimpson, jussi, meetingology, rclark, ubottu, jpds, seeker, ljl, pici,nalioth, topyli, steev, m4v, sven, jaksa, quassel09:25
dendrobatesI think someone got into one of the web apps.09:26
dendrobatesI put busybox on and looked or hidden procs and files09:26
dendrobatesIt seems fine.09:27
dendrobateskilling the apache2 service stopped all the outgoing connections09:27
popeywhats on there? the bots that we use to log and all the html / log files we serve up over http?09:27
dendrobatesI have no idea, but you guys need to get your data off ASAP09:28
Mikaelaat least ubottu and meetingology, possibly some other bots09:28
popeydendrobates: sure, but first we need to find someone who has access09:28
popeybecause I can't get the data off it.09:28
popey(not having an account)09:30
Mikaelado they happen to be on timezones that are currently sleeping?09:31
dendrobatesI have access.09:32
dendrobatesI can give anyone access09:32
AlanBello/ popey09:33
popeyhey AlanBell thanks09:33
popeysee scrollback, we have an issue with the ubotu server, dendrobates (who provided the box) has shut down the (probably owned) apache2 process09:33
popeyif rackspace shut it down we have no access to the historical logs or the bots.09:34
MikaelaAlanBell: and I am running scp of meetingology, logs seem to take forever, meetingology itself is copied and also the authorized_keys09:34
AlanBellthanks Mikaela09:34
AlanBelljust reading back . . .09:34
MikaelaI should have started this with rsync so I could have moved to tethering which is 100Mbit/s and gotten it faster, but too late now probably and I never manage to be wise in advance09:35
popeyyou can kill scp and run rsync instead, that's fine, it will carry on09:35
popey(assuming you do it right)09:36
dendrobateswe have snapshots of the server, btw09:36
MikaelaI will try, my command is "scp -r meetingology@ubottu.com:/home/meetingology meetingology/"09:36
AlanBellso, there is the bantracker, the IRCC ticketing system (history is probably not that important)09:37
AlanBella wiki that isn't needed09:37
AlanBella pastebin that probably isn't needed09:37
Unit193Well, wiki has plugin info, can be moved though.09:37
dendrobatessyslog was scrubbed, so we can assume root compromise09:39
Mikaelarsync seems to be copying in different order, but I hope it will see the previously scped logs09:40
dendrobateswtmp as well09:40
dendrobateslol sshd is configured to allow root with no password: fixing09:42
Mikaela"rsync says logs/", I hope it's just wondering what is already downloaded or what there is to download or something09:43
Mikaela*rsync says "logs/"09:43
Mikaelanow it seems to download logs09:44
* AlanBell also grabs meetingology and /home/ubottu/ubottu09:46
Unit193AlanBell: How large is that second one?09:47
Mikaelaand meetingology is 7.1G so I could have tried downloading it forever with that copper connection09:49
AlanBellthere is an owncloud instance (no clue what is is for)09:49
AlanBellseveral wordpress related things09:50
AlanBellvarious abandonned projects I think09:51
ninnnuAbandoned Wordpress, what could possibly go wrong..09:51
AlanBellindeed, surprised it lasted as long as it did tbh!09:52
Mikaelaalso 50 security upgrades requiring installation09:52
* AlanBell has 4.4G of stuff so far09:52
AlanBell5.0G now :)09:53
Mikaelahow fast connection do you have?09:53
AlanBellas fast as it wants to go :)09:54
MikaelaI see09:54
AlanBellI will do a speed test when it is finished, I am not sure how quick things are at the moment09:56
AlanBellso, having salvaged anything of value, what happens next?09:57
AlanBelludsbottu and the uds logs are there as well . . .09:58
Mikaelaputting it running somewhere else which is hopefully a little more secure, I hope. meetingology will be missed on Monday if not sooner http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars09:58
Mikaela5,5G of meetingology currently10:00
popeyhow big was the box?10:01
popey(useful data for looking for another one)10:01
MikaelaFilesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on10:01
Mikaela/dev/xvda1       79G   70G  4.8G  94% /10:01
dendrobatesAlanBell: I will kill the vm when you are done.10:01
popeydendrobates: how much ram does it have, how many cores?10:02
Unit193AlanBell: Can you get a mysql dump?10:02
dendrobatesAlanBell: I can create another vm, but you have to find a new home, as  I can't fund it myself10:02
popeythanks for funding it so far dendrobates !10:03
dendrobatespopey: 2GB, 2vcpu10:03
DJonesPresumably a clone of ubottu will need to be dropped into its channels once the vm is shut down10:03
DJonesShort term anyway until new hosting/vm is set up10:03
popeythanks dendrobates10:04
AlanBellUnit193: perhaps, any particular database you are looking for?10:05
AlanBellthere is even a sugarCRM instance kicking about on it!10:06
Unit193Just thinking in terms of wiki, wp, etc, etc.10:06
dendrobateslet me know when you are done.10:15
AlanBellwell my downloads are done for now10:15
AlanBellplenty of stuff I haven't got, and I have no idea what to do with the stuff I have, but it is acquired10:16
AlanBellUnit193: I could get mysql stuff if I had a username/password for the interesting stuff10:17
benonsoftwareIf the IRC team is wanting to find a new host/sponsor for a server, I'll be happy to pay for an instance on DigitalOcean or some other provider if you're interested.10:17
Mikaelabased on the current details it would be expensive on DigitalOcean10:18
Mikaelabut no idea about anything else either10:18
k1l_is there a chance to get some (v)server from the canonical side?10:18
popeyThe problem with hosting at Canonical is you get very limited access, and you're fighting for IS resource with everyone else.10:19
popeyOn your own box you have more control, but that also means you're more likely to get owned when nobody takes ownership :(10:20
Unit193What on earth is taking all the storage on this one?10:20
popey(I am not pointing fingers at anyone here btw) :)10:20
Mikaelabenonsoftware: looking at only HDD size, equivalent of ubottu.com at DigitalOcean would be 80$/month10:21
Mikaelabut RAM would be just $20, but that is half smaller HDD10:21
popeyWell, there's multiple things on that box.10:21
popeyIt could be split up.10:21
popeyFor example a logging bot which does just that - log to files - could well be hosted by canonical (possibly)10:22
popeyas I imagine it doesn't need a huge amount of intervention.10:22
popeybut something that needs a lot of TLC might be more problematic.10:22
Unit193popey: ubuntulog is.10:22
Mikaelawith meetingology we need access to install things with python/pip to $HOME/.local and also access to cron or at least these things come to my mind10:23
Mikaelabeing able to generate certificates (meetingology uses CertFP and SASL-ECDSA256-CHALLENGEAUTH) with openssl would also be nice, but that could also be done remotely and of course shell access.10:24
popeyIt seems to me we shouldn't make any rash decisions or purchase any new hosting or anything until we have a concrete list of requirements.10:26
popeyGiven this isn't a major emergency (in that it's a bit of a bummer, but the project won't stop because of it)10:27
Unit193AlanBell: BTW, going to run the bantracker by chance?10:27
popeyMight be worthy of a discussion over the weekend on the community team and/or irc team list10:27
AlanBellUnit193: I don't know how10:27
Mikaelaare those lists open to everyone and if yes, where?10:27
popeyyes, both are10:28
popeyon lists.ubuntu.com10:28
dendrobatesI'll setup a new vm for the time being.10:28
popeyprobably only needs to go on one list, and -irc is probably the right one?10:28
dendrobatesif you guys want it10:29
popeyWhat's the most urgent thing we're missing?10:29
popey(from that box being dead)10:29
Unit193dendrobates: I'm sure tsimpson will until a plan is made.10:29
dendrobatesI'll be back in an hour to check on progress10:30
AlanBellpopey: hard to assess the most urgent, there is paste prevention, meeting notes and the ban tracker/factoid stuff which will all be noticed at some point10:33
AlanBellalong with the USDbottu stuff which will be noticed when there is a UDS10:33
Unit193I'll be going in 28 minutes, will need to know if I should pop ubot93 in.10:33
AlanBellit would all fit perfectly cheerfully on one of these https://www.hetzner.de/de/hosting/produkte_vserver/vx610:34
AlanBelland I could in theory offer a VM on the side of one of my systems, but I am a little reluctant as it has already been a target10:35
popeyyou wouldn't put wordpress / sugarcrm / everything else php on it though?10:35
popeyso would be way less of a target10:36
AlanBellyeah, that is true10:36
popeyShall we co-draft a mail in etherpad to -irc?10:38
AlanBellgood plan, but I have to pop out now10:38
Unit193FWIW, Drone` isn't on that server, only unopaste.10:39
Mikaelaunopaste was under meetingology10:40
DJonesUnit193: Is it worth putting ubot93 in, but leaving it muted, that way it won't be responding to factoids and can just be unmuted if ubottu does drop out10:40
Unit193DJones: Only issue with that is if someone kicks with a factoid, or uses !foo > nick10:41
DJonesThen somebody can just unmute rather than having to wait for you to return to be able to put ubot93 in10:41
DJonesTrue, I did wonder about that10:41
Unit193And fwiw, tsimp is an admin in that bot.10:42
AlanBellI think some people were using it for irssi/quassle core as well10:42
Unit193Yes, quasselcore.10:42
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dendrobatesI'm back.  have you finished moving data?12:20
dendrobatespopey: what is the status?12:23
popeyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/11855670/ was what you missed12:24
popeyI don't know if AlanBell Mikaela have grabbed all they can...12:24
MikaelaI have meetingology & logs and I think AlanBell got meetingology & ubottu, no idea about mysql etc.12:25
dendrobatesdo you want me to create a new vm?12:25
dendrobatessomeone can email me an ssh key and go to town12:26
dendrobatesI can leave the old one up, until you are have everything setup12:27
AlanBelldendrobates: what is the cost situation here?12:28
AlanBellare you being charged for this?12:28
dendrobatesit's less than $100/mo12:29
dendrobatespennies an hour12:29
dendrobatesbut over years, it adds up, but a few months is ok12:30
AlanBellindeed, I think it would be good to pause for a bit and decide on a long term home12:30
AlanBelldon't really want to move things twice12:30
dendrobatesthe other option is to ask rackspace for free hosting.  I think they will probably say yes12:31
dendrobatesthen the vms could be moved12:31
dendrobatesor hp12:31
AlanBellok, so clean rebuild, then we have something that can be a bit portable?12:32
dendrobatesanyway I need to work.  Do you guys know how to reach me?  I'm not in IRC much anymore12:35
Mikaelaemail address could be made visible to /ns info dendrobates with /ns set hidemail off12:36
* AlanBell spots ways to reach dendrobates :)12:36
Mikaela(or /msg nickserv...)12:36
dendrobatesmy handle is the same on twitter and github and ubuntu.com12:37
dendrobatessomeone email me a public key and I'll get e new server up12:38
Piciubot5: join #ubuntu-server16:10
ubot5Pici: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:10
tewardbot fail?16:15
MikaelaEncyclopedia fail, I would say16:16
Mikaelait won't separate what commands are meant to it, what to bot and join doesn't provide feedback on successful joins16:17
Unit193Pici: tsimpso seems to respond faster via email nowdays, if you haven't emailed yet.21:42
PiciI've copied mostly everything to a new vps, I'll working on configuring it later21:56
Unit193Well, if you need any assist, I'm around.22:02
Unit193Uh oh.22:25
tewardUnit193: Pici: I was about to say... :)22:26
Unit193...Say that it is taco time?22:26
Picijust doing some testing ;)22:27
PiciUnit193: where is drone running out of? ubottu.com as well?22:27
Unit193Pici: unit193.net22:28
Unit193I offered to move it off my stuff, or whatever you want with it.22:28
Piciwell it not being on ubottu.com means one less thing for me to worry about22:29
Unit193kubot is there, no?22:29
tewardUnit193: no, it's not taco tuesday.  I was gonna say it's peanut butter jelly time, but i'm trying not to be a smartass here xD22:29
Unit193Pici: Oh hey, if you do move it over there's some script that copies ubuntu.db (factoid db) to a location other bots can rsync from, this is vital to ubot93.22:42

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