
robert_ancellHas anything changed with how to run Mir demo servers? I'm running sudo mir_demo_server ; chown me.me /run/usr/1000/mir_socket ; mir_demo_client_basic -m /run/user/1000/mir_socket and getting "Failed to connect to server `/run/user/1000/mir_socket': No such file or directory"01:56
robert_ancell/run/usr/1000/mir_socket definitely exists01:56
duflurobert_ancell: Not that I'm aware of. Everything should work as before..01:57
robert_ancellduflu, any debugging tips?01:57
robert_ancellThe client/server seem otherwise happy01:58
robert_ancellaha, strace suggest the failure is actually to open /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mir/client-platform/02:06
duflurobert_ancell: Try installing mir-graphics-drivers-desktop02:09
dufluI think there's a bug for that but it's also arguably a feature02:10
robert_ancellduflu, yeah, I'm looking at the Mir code so see how the error text could be clearer02:10
dufluI agree, our lack of useful error messages is an issue. There are one or two bugs for that.02:10
robert_ancellThe issue is there's more than one thing that might not exist, so the error text needs to be clear02:10
robert_ancellugh, I give up trawling the frontend code. Bug it is.02:11
duflurobert_ancell: A new bug is fine. Although I remember it was logged recently somewhere and ended up being won't fix/can't fix because you can't automatically determine the best driver package to have installed. We do however have: https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/138139802:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 1381398 in Mir "Mir error messages from exceptions are not user-friendly" [Medium,Triaged]02:13
robert_ancellyeah, they're the server side messages.02:14
robert_ancellThe client side should be easier to fix02:14
robert_ancellbug 147326802:14
ubot5bug 1473268 in Mir "Connection error when no client-platform installed is confusing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147326802:14
duflurobert_ancell: Wait, what?! If your server is already running you must have graphics drivers installed...02:23
dufluYou must have installed a working mir-platform-* to get the server driver but be missing the client driver package02:23
robert_ancellduflu, I had mir-platform-graphics-mesa2 installed but not mir-client-platform-mesa202:24
duflurobert_ancell: Yeah OK, no problem.02:24
duflurobert_ancell: At last discussion this was labelled "not an issue" as our desktop-next metapackage has the required deps02:24
dufluBut we can do better02:24
robert_ancellIt would be fine if the error message actually indicated the mismatch02:25
duflurobert_ancell: Totally agree. Should be a simple enhancement02:25
duflurobert_ancell: Also I have had thoughts that "driver" should be a single package, not separate client/server.02:28
dufluEven a single binary02:28
robert_ancellYeah, it would be nicer to have one package though I guess there are potential small gains in splitting?02:28
duflurobert_ancell: We can keep two binaries and still have a single package. But also code reuse (and hence total system memory used) might be reduced by a single binary02:29
duflu-reuse +duplication02:30
duflurobert_ancell: Incidentally, this week I was focussing on "bugs that users can actually see"02:35
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
robert_ancellduflu, do you know of an issue running mir_demo_server on wily and it crashing when a client connects with "*** stack smashing detected ***"?03:34
duflurobert_ancell: I am aware of only one stack smashable issue. That is apparently fixed in 0.13.3 and later - https://bugs.launchpad.net/mir/+bug/146588303:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 1465883 in Mir "libmirprotobuf's ABI can be broken when modifying protobuf message definitions" [High,Fix committed]03:36
duflurobert_ancell: Obviously first check if it's the client rather than Mir doing the smashing03:37
robert_ancellthe message is on the servers stderr03:37
robert_ancellah, I have a 0.14.0 version of libmirprotobuf it seems03:37
duflurobert_ancell: From memory you need the fix in libmirclient and libmirserver packages (0.13.3 and later)03:38
dufluNot libmirprotobuf, despite that being closely related03:38
robert_ancellduflu, I downgraded and that fixed it, thanks!03:39
robert_ancellbtw fingerpaint is fun with a 10 fingers :)03:39
duflurobert_ancell: That's a worry if 0.14 caused issues03:39
dufluYay, fingerpaint03:39
robert_ancellShould libmirclient8 0.13.3+15.10.20150617-0ubuntu1 with with libmirprotobuf0 0.14.0+15.10.20150701-0ubuntu1?03:40
duflurobert_ancell: I think so. But there might be bugs we're not aware of03:41
dufluIf you can install them simultaneously then that's theoretically a supported combination. But not a guarantee that they will talk to each other (you might have multiple versions of a package installed too)03:42
robert_ancellRAOF, with DRI3 do you create a Pixmap then use DRI3BufferFromPixmap or do you create the buffer using some direct call to the driver and then use DRI3PixmapFromBuffer?04:18
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duflurobert_ancell: He's on holiday for a week now04:27
dufluAlthough reading email on the go04:27
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UukGoblinhi :-)10:02
UukGoblinis there a way to run applications written for X11 under Mir?10:02
anpok_in wily the new package is called xmir .. on vivid it was xserver-xorg-xmir10:21
anpok_you bascially launch xmir with -mirSocket /path-to-your-mir-socket/ (i.e. /run/3201/mir_socket) and assign a display id and launch the x-application with that DISPLAY10:22
anpok_UukGoblin: depending on the mir shell in use you might need additional steps.. I believe for unity8 you need to append a --desktop-file-hint <path-to-a-desktop-file> if in doubt ask in #ubuntu-unity10:23
UukGoblincool, thanks :-)11:08
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kgunnalf_: i'm assumign the system setting for "lock screen timout" does not alter or change the dimming timer?16:22
kgunn(it's currently conflating lock with screen blank i think)16:22
kgunnso for 1 minute.... 50 bright, 10 sec dim16:23
alf_kgunn: the dimming timout is set to power-off timout - 10s16:23
kgunnah...so fixed16:23
alf_kgunn: (by other components, we are not forcing it, our API is set_timeouts(dim, poweroff)16:24
kgunnalf_: for your ques 6 i think scenario 1 makes the most sense to me at least16:26
alf_kgunn: note: there was mistake in the description of (6) (fixed now), the initial trigger is a power key event16:34
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* kdub figures out how to tease apart BufferQueue19:54

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