
=== duflu_ is now known as duflu
tsdgeosmzanetti: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/fix_ninja_build/+merge/26438307:03
tsdgeosmzanetti: actually that it works with make must be just some kind of luck tbh08:24
tsdgeosit should fail too08:24
mzanettitsdgeos, the ninja stuff?08:24
mzanettiah... hmm, still... it works with make, so someone will drop this line again (as it happend 3 times already) :D08:25
tsdgeosmzanetti: yes, because we're just using -lLibraryName08:25
tsdgeosand hoping it'll be built before08:25
mzanettifair enough08:25
tsdgeosand i guess make is doing some parsing and making sure it happens08:25
tsdgeosbut yes i'll add a comment08:26
tsdgeosmzanetti: comment added08:56
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akiva-thinkpadHey anyone home? I was working on the SDK, but have largely finished the project I was working on. I'm looking for some new things to work on, and I have actually wanted to try adding some things into unity8 (desktop mode)10:06
akiva-thinkpadJust wanted to know where I can get started with this?10:06
akiva-thinkpadThere are two things I want to make sure are added: HUD support for one, and I'd like to make sure thinkpad trackpoints are supported :P This was a big pet peeve of mine in unity7, how the mouse settings were really inaddequate.10:08
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
MacSlowgreyback_, the qml-scene overlay (for debugging) I can get with QSG_RENDER_DEBUG=render qmlscane foobar.qml, right?13:51
greyback_MacSlow: for debugging what exactly?13:52
MacSlowgreyback_, so I see the 3D-view of my scene overlayed on top of the qmlscene window13:53
greyback_MacSlow: QSG_VISUALIZE=overdraw13:53
MacSlowgreyback_, ah that one... thx13:53
seb128is the app loading screen an unity8 thing?14:53
seb128or a qtubuntu/mir/... one?14:53
seb128bug #147347614:53
ubot5bug 1473476 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "loading application splashscreen is blurry and sometime not matching content" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/147347614:53
seb128I've a feeling I picked the wrong project ;-)14:53
kgunnseb128: i don't think it's the wrong thing....15:00
kgunngreyback_: tsdgeos says this is per design, but surely we should purge the image15:00
kgunnif an app is closed for any reason15:00
kgunnotherwise you just have a "random" screenshot w/o context at that point15:01
kgunnseb128: oh..yeah, could be qtmir maybe15:01
greyback_kgunn: I guess it depends on if we expect apps to restore to their previous state on startup15:01
greyback_or will they start up to the default view15:01
kgunngreyback_:  is there an sdk setting for an app to imply  ?15:02
greyback_kgunn: no15:02
kgunnthen i don't see how we could guess15:02
greyback_guess we should ask them if that's even possible with the uitk15:02
tsdgeoskgunn: we purge it when closing the app15:03
tsdgeoskgunn: it's just that the app is not closed if you reboot15:03
tsdgeosgreyback_: there is actually a state saver in the sdk yes15:04
tsdgeosthough i really doubt much apps are using it15:04
greyback_that I know, but can apps tell us if they are using it or not15:04
greyback_I don't believe so15:04
tsdgeosah don't think so no15:05
greyback_kgunn: we did have design saying if you reboot your phone, the spread should be populated as if you had never rebooted at all...15:06
tsdgeosright, and the "start with this screenshot" is part of that feature15:06
tsdgeosmonths ago was agreed we could land it step by step15:07
kgunngreyback_: hmmm, but as far as app launch and taking focus, do we _have_ to show that screen shot ?15:07
kgunnright now it's splash->old ss-> fresh frame15:07
kgunncould we change to splash-> fresh frame15:07
tsdgeoskgunn: we don't have to, it was asked15:07
tsdgeosso we did it15:07
kgunnah...so a bad request imho :)15:08
seb128tsdgeos, kgunn, the design is flawed there and we should tell them15:08
tsdgeosi disagree, i like it :)15:08
seb128the "have a switcher with the old state" is fine if apps reopen to that state15:08
seb128not if they open to something totally different15:08
tsdgeosthen the bug is in the app for not following platform rules15:08
seb128what are the rules?15:08
tsdgeosyour app can be killed in any moment, the user shouldn't have to care15:09
tsdgeosso you save your state and restore it on startup15:09
seb128well that' assuming that you want to restore on start15:09
seb128like you close settings15:09
seb128then open the sound panel from an indicator15:10
seb128it does open to that subpanel which is the right thing to do15:10
tsdgeosyou closed the app15:10
tsdgeosthere's no state to restore15:10
seb128well the oom did for you15:10
seb128open settings15:10
seb128switch to something else15:10
tsdgeosah, i see what you mean15:10
tsdgeossure the user just sees the app unfreeze and go to the other page15:11
tsdgeosas it would have done15:11
tsdgeosif it wasn't killed in between15:11
seb128hum, fair enough15:11
seb128I think we have buggy cases though15:12
seb128like webapps not been seen as different apps15:12
tsdgeosalso kgun sayd  splash->old ss-> fresh frame it should just be  old ss-> fresh frame15:12
tsdgeosit was last when i tried, but maybe it regressed somehow15:12
tsdgeosseb128: webapps are not seen as different apps? wops, that's bad :/15:13
dandradermzanetti, ready for review: https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/unity8/phone-lock-landscape/+merge/26430015:23
mzanettidandrader, thanks15:27
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=== dandrader|afk is now known as dandrader
om26ermzanetti, Hi! I am having issues with unit8, when autopilot restarts it, it opens in windowed mode, causing my tests to fail19:59
om26eris there a way to force unity8 to *not* open in windowed mode ?19:59
balloonsom26er, this sounds like the creating a mouse bug20:00
mzanettiom26er, there's a fix in autopilot on the way, but for now, use "gsettings set com.canonical.Unit8 usage-mode Staged"20:00
mzanettiballoons, yep, that's the one. actually current autopilot simulates a touchpad :)20:01
om26ermzanetti, balloons thanks, broke my device, right now, will check once I reflash it20:02
mzanettihmm... I wonder why om26er still has the problem, yet I can't find a silo for the fix.20:03
mzanettiballoons, do you know if it only landed to wily?20:03
balloonsmzanetti, nothing has landed in distro20:05
balloonsbut they did push it to the overlay ppa, only for vivid20:06
om26ermzanetti, I am on wily20:09
balloonshere's the bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/autopilot/+bug/147159820:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 1471598 in autopilot (Ubuntu) "Autopilot uses mouse events, puts device in windowed mode" [High,Fix released]20:11
balloonsom26er, presumably https://launchpad.net/~ci-train-ppa-service/+archive/ubuntu/landing-034/+build/7630756/+files/python3-autopilot_1.5.1%2B15.04.20150708-0ubuntu1_all.deb will fix it for you.20:12
om26erballoons, thanks20:12
mzanettidandrader, yay! qmltest are coming back21:05
mzanettinot sure if today still, but at latest on monday we should have then21:05
mzanetti5 new failures slipped in21:05
dandradermzanetti, awesome!21:06

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