
bubbasauresvamsiampolu, If you just post what you feel like and not focus on the help only, I doubt anyone will stick with you.00:00
bubbasauresjust saying means nothing to me if your fixed or not, if you don;t care.00:01
vamsiampoluthe boot repair link is for the external,not for the internal.no,i have not changed anything00:01
bubbasauresvamsiampolu, That link shows both HD's00:02
bubbasauresvamsiampolu, Nor does it represent what you claim.00:02
vamsiampoluthe boot config is the exact same...00:03
jj995.Xmodmap no longer works and I am supposed to use XKB, right?  I'm trying to do the equivalent of "keycode 166=" with KXB, and it seems very complicated -- can someone please help me?00:03
Gambit171how do you install something you downloaded into the download directory folder ?00:03
bubbasauresvamsiampolu, You are lost and not willing to focus nor ask pertinent questions on what you do not understand, best of luck I can't help.00:03
Gambit171im new00:04
AvatarAGambit171, depends what you have downloaded00:04
bubbasauresGambit171, What is i and are you sure it's not in the ubuntu repos?00:04
xanguayou follow the instructions from the website you downloaded Gambit17100:04
Gambit171stratum mining proxy00:04
Gambit171i even followed the directions .. i also tryed to load bitcoin and could not00:05
vamsiampoluas i said,that is for the external(i have installed on an internal drive later but that should not affect,i believe).i can differentiate between them the extrnal uses linux-3.x.x.x-21 while the internal is 3.x.x.-1500:05
AvatarAis it a .tar a .deb?00:05
mircx1hola how i update perl 5.12? in ubuntu00:05
AvatarAa zip, a directory...00:05
xanguamircx1: either manualy compiling or search for a third party repository00:06
vamsiampoluand both of them have the same issue,the boot screen does not load...00:06
mircx1is have commands from terminal00:06
OerHeks!info perl trusty00:07
ubottuperl (source: perl): Larry Wall's Practical Extraction and Report Language. In component main, is important. Version 5.18.2-2ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 2122 kB, installed size 11509 kB00:07
Gambit171can you take a zip directory and turn it into a db directory ?00:07
mircx1how i check my perl in ubuntu00:10
mircx1perl --version?00:10
technicaldrunkperl -v00:11
AvatarAthat should work00:11
huliohi  guys, i access MAC drive, but i cant only read not write00:14
xanguais there something wrong to begin with with the perl package and security updates the ubuntu official repository offers? mircx100:15
huliohow to make a  mac drive writeable under ubuntu?00:15
fenecois it possible to use gnome2 on new ubuntus? remove this unity layer?00:15
OerHeksgnome2 is dead00:16
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE00:16
OerHeksit is not advised to make it writable00:17
huliobut i want to00:17
OerHeksyou don't want to disable journaling :-)00:17
hulioi already did00:18
hulioOerHeks, sorry man i dont know how to do it , after reading the link u sent00:19
hulioi am not good at ubuntu00:19
OerHeksit is all explained there.00:20
huliosudo mount -t hfsplus -o remount,force,rw /dev/sdc2 /media/mac00:24
huliomount: /media/mac not mounted or bad option00:24
hulioi am lost00:25
hulioit look like i can only mount with root user00:29
wolfhearthello can someone please link me to the driver for a realtek wi-fi rtl8723be please ?00:30
wolfhearti am using 14.0400:31
ubun14I have a question any android develop kit for ubuntu?00:33
bubbasauresubun14, The android kit runs in linux00:34
ubun14I try to find the android sdk I was using on Ubuntu 13 to run android apps to see if they work on actual android devices00:35
bubbasauresubun14, It is android and not really supported here technically. https://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html  Not sure if there is a better ubuntu repo app,00:36
ubun14ok thank you! :)00:37
bubbasauresubun14, YOu might talk with #ubuntu-touch or any of the 3 android channels I know of.00:37
huliook i want to   chmod 777 to a directory and subdirectory00:37
huliohow do i do that?00:38
huliochomd 777    to  everything   from a directory to sub direct and files.00:38
hulioplease help00:38
ubun14you want to open a file00:38
huliochmod -R folder   doesn't work00:39
somefancyhulio, what exactly are you trying to use it for?00:39
hulioi want to chmod 777 to a folder and it's sub folder....(files and directory)00:40
ubun14chmod -r 777 try this00:40
hulioi'm in su mode00:40
OerHekshulio, doing that ruins your data if you want to usi it in mac again00:40
somefancyhulio, can you print the EXACT command you are using? I understand you are logged in as root.00:41
hulioman i want to access mac drive00:41
hulioi have to mount in root00:41
somefancywith you so far...00:42
hulioand chmod 777 in order for non root to use00:42
ubun14yes if you are share the access to your local hard drive00:42
somefancyhulio, are you sure that the filesystem there is compatible with that command? Having no idea what macs use, I can't tell you.00:42
ubun14MacOS is not like Linux or Unix is base on Unix but is not Unix00:43
OerHekssomefancy, some info, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/hfsplus disabling journaling is bad00:43
somefancyhulio, check the page that OerHeks just sent me. It reccomends using chmod -R 501:username folder instead. This looks like a safer option to me assuming you don't want to use tons of accounts.00:45
wolfhearthi , I just installed the wi-fi driver for realtek RTL8723BE on Ubuntu 14.04 but it is showing no networks how can I fix this please ?00:45
somefancywolfheart, this sounds like you have the wrong driver, but I could be mistaken.00:45
ubun14try turn off your wifi and connect again00:46
somefancywolfheart, have you rebooted since you installed the driver? maybe it isn't activated.00:46
Koyaanisis there any way to install a new OS on my VPS if the management website itself doesnt give you an option to do so?00:47
wolfheartsomefancy i used the guide from here :- http://askubuntu.com/questions/590414/wifi-problems-with-rtl8723be-in-ubuntu-14-0400:47
bubbasaureswolfheart, Might help to look through these posts, https://askubuntu.com/search?q=RTL8723BE+wireless+adapter&s=0345038f-d262-4043-926c-315c8f1891b200:47
wolfheartyes i did somefancy00:47
wolfheartok thank you ubun14 and bubbasaures00:47
ubun14no problem00:48
somefancyhulio did that work?00:49
ubun14some component of hardware don't the compatible drive for every os system but you can download generic driver for compatible for your system.00:49
wolfheartubun14 I tried switching it on and off and no luck00:50
ubun14you are using a laptop or desktop computer00:50
OerHekswolfheart, go into wifi settings, and trottle back to 54 mbit00:51
ubun14there is no problem on my laptop hp I am running Ubuntu 14.14 LTS and my wifi driver work fine00:51
wolfheartubun14 laptop00:51
ubun14you try to connect your laptop over your wifi connection00:52
somefancywolfheart do you have the specific model number for your computer? I am not assuming anything here, but I have made the mistake of actually having the wrong driver simply because I had tried to install it for the wrong hardware.00:53
ubun14if you have a wifi modem like comcast or any brand name internet provider services are plug and play just check your connection00:54
ubun14go to your terminal and type ifconfig and see what type of connection you have00:54
ubun14wlan or ethe000:54
somefancyubun14 it sounds like he isn't even getting the list of networks yet. I doubt that his service provider has anything to do with this. Also, sometimes these computers use the new nm nomenclature, which would be more like wnp3s0 rather than wlan.00:55
ubun14yes I see00:56
ubun14click on your wifi icon on the top of your laptop screen see like bar signal click there and enable wifi and enable network check if have a check mark00:57
somefancyubun14 he didn't get that, just disconnected.00:57
ubun14I try to help00:57
somefancyubun14 that's ok. It looks like a ping timeout. I know your efforts :)00:58
wolfheartubun14 yes01:00
wolfheartlooks like I will have to just use my Asus wi-fi adaptor for now anyway01:01
somefancywolfheart if that works, that works. Good luck anyhow, seeing as we weren't what you needed for this. :)01:01
wolfheartsomefancy, thank you , its just annoying a little bit as the adaptor is huge lol01:02
wolfheartand blocks ports lol01:02
nmatrix9daftykins, I'am still stuck I think Iam going to complete reinstall xserver01:03
somefancywolfheart have you tried this on a different version? I have had problems with Ubuntu versions not being compatable with drivers.01:03
AvatarAas last resort, you could use windows drivers01:03
somefancywolfheart but while that one may not work, say 15.04, 14.04 might.01:03
nmatrix9*Anyone else have issues where when Ubuntu does a update it complete fscks up your monitor resolution?01:03
somefancynmatrix9 what video card do you have?01:04
wolfheartsomefancy it worked fine on ubuntu 12.04 but i was having problems with it freezing so upgraded to 14.0401:04
Gambit171anyone with teamview who wants to help with a tiny project ..01:04
nmatrix9somefancy, nvidia Geforce 550 ti01:04
somefancywolfheart if I didn't know any better I might just say it was getting old.01:04
histowolfheart: what does 'rfkill list'  show?01:04
nmatrix9somefancy, installed the latest drivers, propietary, opensource01:05
nmatrix9somefancy, it's "stuck" at 1280x80001:05
somefancynmatrix9 have you checked the drivers for updates? If you used a PPA to get them and then upgraded the PPA is now wiped.01:05
Gambit171anyone with teamview who wants to help with a tiny project on ubantu01:06
nmatrix9somefancy, I think I've literally installed, purged and updated around dozens of times01:07
whosaidwhatHey folks, what is the latest stable version on Ubuntu for Firefox? Has it been upgraded to v39 yet? Thanks01:07
histoGambit171: what kind of project?01:07
histo!info firefox | whosaidwhat01:07
ubottuwhosaidwhat: firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 38.0+build3-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 39627 kB, installed size 96718 kB01:07
somefancynmatrix9 sounds like it might be a linking problem. Are you sure the driver is loaded?01:07
whosaidwhatCheers histo01:07
whosaidwhatis there a website where I can check that out? I Tried distrowatch but it didn't have it01:08
nmatrix9somefancy, I looked at the logs it looks like it's not loading properly01:08
OerHekshisto, whosaidwhat today update firefox 39 came by01:08
wolfhearthisto :- http://pastebin.com/Z0Ttxjet01:08
somefancynmatrix9, try loading it manually. I can't help a ton here, because I haven't had much experience with kernel stuff though.01:08
AvatarAwhosaidwhat, http://packages.ubuntu.com/01:08
whosaidwhatOerHeks: nice! I'll remove the security testing ubuntu PPA now and let it update normally :-)01:09
histowhosaidwhat: firefox gets updated in ubuntu releases due to security issues. It's a few days behind for testing01:09
wolfheart_histo - http://pastebin.com/Z0Ttxjet01:09
histowolfheart_: you have multiple wifi cards?01:09
nmatrix9somefancy, the aspect ratio is also fubared fyi01:09
awesomess3I love my xubuntu 14.04 so much, I feel like crying in happiness.01:10
histowolfheart_: 'lspci -k | nc termbin.com 9999'01:10
whosaidwhatthanks for that AvatarA. Shows up as firefox (39.0+build5-0ubuntu0.15.04.1) [security] - security meaning it was a security update. Sweet01:10
wolfheart_histo yes one is the laptop built in one and the other is my adapator that is keeping me connected to the internet now01:10
somefancynmatrix9 that does sound exactly like a driver load problem. Have you tried reverting to the OSS driver until you can check to see if this one is actually supported?01:10
=== Wiched is now known as Guest29358
histowolfheart_: okay01:11
wolfheart_histo :- http://termbin.com/apyk01:11
histowolfheart_: so what happens when you try to connect with your realtek?01:11
nmatrix9somefancy, I'd love to revert back to whatever works, I have X right now and it was previously on a oss but I still have the aspect ratio problem.01:11
nmatrix9somefancy, never had this problem before until some background update ubuntu did01:11
wolfheart_histo I can't connect to anything as it does not show any networks01:11
somefancynmatrix9 try inserting a live cd and seeing if that works. I would love to see a copy of the most recent upgrades though, that may help. Look in software center -> history tab.01:12
histowolfheart_: can you tell from iwconfig which 'interface' it is?01:13
wolfheart_histo , yes wlan001:14
somefancynmatrix9 I have an AMD HD 47xx GPU. That one they just totally dropped support for after not wanting to keep up with an X update. Was X one of the updated packages, or the video driver?01:14
histowolfheart_: iwlist wlan0 scan01:14
wolfheart_histo, says no results found01:15
nmatrix9somefancy, this week was when everything went to hell it was linux headers and linux generic that stand out.01:15
wolfheart_histo - " wlan0     No scan results "01:15
histowolfheart_: are you using the stock drivers or did you install something new01:15
nmatrix9somefancy, and linux-image extra01:16
somefancynmatrix9 this is very temporary, but try rebooting, enter the GRUB menu (it will show up or you hold SHIFT on boot) selecting "Advanced Options" or whatever they call it, and select the item one or two down. It should not have "recovery" or "fallback" in its name. You just want to load an older kernel.01:17
wolfheart_histo i could not find the stock drivers so I used rtlwifi_new drivers01:17
somefancywolfheart_ it sounds to me like all that needs doing is finding the right ones! Gimme a sec, I'll try and look them up.01:17
wolfheart_somefancy thank you and also thank you histo  and anyone else i missed out who are helping me01:18
nmatrix9somefancy, I was following instructions from someone else and they told me to remove my old linux images I had quite a few.01:18
histowolfheart_: check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224397801:18
nmatrix9somefancy, last night01:18
histowolfheart_: those are some driver options you can try passing, but it sounds like your card isn't even scanning01:19
nmatrix9somefancy, with apt get remove whatever01:19
somefancynmatrix9 OK, while that may be a problem, there may be a way to reinstall them. check your package manager for the old kernels and try to reinstall them if they are there.01:19
nmatrix9somefancy, in software center?01:19
somefancynmatrix9 if you have it, try Synaptic Package Manager. If you don't, that will have the option to install it. This is the cleanest way to do this without a lot of command-line-fu.01:20
nmatrix9somefancy, yeah I got synaptic01:20
Kali_YugaIn Openshot My sound is coming out of my speakers not my headset how can I change it? use KDE01:20
somefancywolfheart_ try finding the driver for windows and  using ndiswrapper.01:21
somefancywolfheart_ I have had limited luck with that though, so good luck to you, for what it's worth.01:21
Kali_YugaNo it has to work with ndiswrapper you need the right .inf file!01:21
somefancyKali_Yuga try looking in KMix to see if there is a setting for both speakers and headphones. Mute speakers and turn up headphones.01:21
nmatrix9somefancy, what should I look for?01:22
somefancyKali_Yuga, ??? nmatrix9 look for documentation on ndiswrapper for ubuntu. It shouldn't be more than a google search away.01:22
histowolfheart_: which kernel version are you running?  You can find out from uname -a01:22
wolfheart_histo already tried that01:23
Kali_YugaI dont need the infos cuz I don't use ndiswrapper anymore01:23
Kali_Yugamine worked out of the stick01:23
wolfheart__histo i have tried them but no luck01:23
Kali_Yugaof the box xD sorry01:23
somefancyKali_Yuga, we were trying to help someone else at that moment.01:23
Kali_Yugasorry go ahead01:23
somefancyKali_Yuga, is there those two channels in KMix?01:24
reactormonkI've flashed an ubuntu 14.04 image onto an usb stick with unetbootin, but it doesn't boot, I just get a flashing cursor - got an idea how to install in another way?01:24
somefancysometimes it just doesn't realize there's something plugged in. ( Kali_Yuga )01:24
nmatrix9somefancy, ndiswrapper that wrapper for wifi devices?01:24
somefancyreactormonk, if you can find the /dev/sdx name of the drive (for example, /dev/sdb) then try sudo dd if=<ubuntu image file>.iso of=/dev/<device, like sdb>01:25
reactormonksomefancy, \o/ so they work that way too now :D01:25
somefancynmatrix9, it is a wrapper to use Windows network drivers on linux.01:25
reactormonksomefancy, will the 14.04 version work that way too?01:25
nmatrix9somefancy, not sure how that would relate to my problem01:25
somefancyreactormonk, this works on every version I've tried given that the bios is actually looking at USB disks.01:25
SchrodingersScatreactormonk: should normally work with any image01:26
somefancynmatrix9 sorry, got your probelm mixed up with someone else's >.<01:26
somefancynmatrix9 look for packages starting with linux in the quick search.01:27
nmatrix9somefancy, yeah done01:27
somefancyInstall one you don't have and try booting it with grub ( nmatrix9 )01:27
nmatrix9somefancy, ok01:28
histowolfheart__: which kernel are you running?01:28
wolfheart__histo,  3.16.0-30-generic01:29
nmatrix9somefancy, I see new versions and older versions should I try with older versions first?01:29
histowolfheart__: have you rebooted since installing the rtlwifi_new drivers?01:30
wolfheart__histo, yes01:30
somefancyhisto yes he has01:30
somefancywolfheart__ Sorry, got a little mixed up. Have you tried using the windows drivers with ndiswrapper?01:31
histowolfheart__: should be working. No idea why it's not.01:31
wolfheart__somefancy, no not yet01:31
somefancywolfheart__ I know it's a pain, but it may be your only option at this point :(01:31
wolfheart__somefancy, ok thank you01:31
histowolfheart__: trying to find you a better source of information01:32
wolfheart__histo, ok thank you if it helps my laptop is an hp 455 g2 amd1001:32
histowolfheart__: where did you get the rtlwifi_new drivers from?01:33
somefancywolfheart__ this is a pain to use so I remember, but this thread may get you off on the right foot. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=217396601:33
somefancyhisto off github.01:33
wolfheart__yes github01:33
somefancyhisto wolfheart__ http://askubuntu.com/questions/623001/how-to-install-realtek-rtl8723be-wifi-pcie-wireless-network-adapter is what he used01:33
wolfheart__somefancy, thank you01:34
somefancywolfheart__ anytime sir, here to help!01:34
wolfheart__somefancy, already tried that as well01:35
histowolfheart__: has this card ever worked?01:35
wolfheart__histo, yes it worked before i upgrading01:35
somefancywolfheart__ OK. well, it was worth a shot. I'm signing off now, it's pretty late here. Good luck to you!01:36
wolfheart__thank you somefancy an nn01:36
histowolfheart__: After any kernel update you will have to reinstall those drivers from github until the issue is fixed upstream in ubuntu's kernel.01:36
wolfheart__histo, ok thank you01:36
histowolfheart__: The only thing I can think of is trying those power management settings from the forum I provided, other than that most people report that driver is working for your card.01:36
wolfheart__histo, ok thank you01:37
nmatrix9somefancy, gonna try and reboot, if this doesn't work I may try re-installing xserver completely because even without nvidia I had the correct aspect ratio from a fresh install.01:38
bluejeansI'm having problems installing ubuntu with EFI, so I'm trying manual partition here. I'm confused as to why it's asking me for a location for the bootloader. I doubt I select the disk, this isn't MBR. So do I select the ESP or my root partition?01:39
histobluejeans: do you have an efi partition?01:42
bluejeanshisto: I will. I'm wondering what to select for bootloader01:44
bluejeanshisto: this is a fresh install. No previous Os. Exclusive ubuntu01:44
nmatrix9someone, were you somefancy?01:44
histonmatrix9: Which drivers were you using for your card?  The nvidia.com ones?01:45
nmatrix9histo no I am using repository xorg-edgers ppa01:45
histonmatrix9: what does xrandr show for possible resolutions?01:46
nmatrix9histo: one resolution 1280 x 80001:46
nmatrix9histo, even without any drivers whatsoever I had quite a few more than that.01:47
histonmatrix9: I would ask the maintainer of the ppa, there's probably an issue with your current driver01:47
histonmatrix9: or switch to a working one01:48
nmatrix9histo,  that is what Iam trying to do01:48
JohnHi, can someone suggest the best KDE based distro02:04
=== John is now known as Guest23878
=== Guest23878 is now known as John123
SchrodingersScat!flavors | John123, this is #ubuntu, ubuntu support, have you tried kubuntu?02:05
ubottuJohn123, this is #ubuntu, ubuntu support, have you tried kubuntu?: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.02:05
bubbasauresJohn, kde is the desktop not the distro02:05
John123I heard Kubuntu latest version 15.04 comes with Plasma 5 desktop and is very sleek and fast02:05
John123Do you recommend I try that one?02:06
Kali_Yugacan someone help me with dependency problems? and where to get them?02:06
SchrodingersScatIf you like kde and ubuntu, it's worth a shot.02:06
John123bubbasaures: true, thats what I said above, KDE based distro02:06
Kali_Yugawhere should I Upload again??02:06
bubbasauresJohn123, Bad woding this is canonical/ubuntu support we suggest a canonical distro here.02:07
SchrodingersScat!pastebin | Kali_Yuga02:07
ubottuKali_Yuga: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:07
Kali_Yugaok cuz I have a problem with a game that won't start it says dependency problems02:08
Kali_Yugak I paste it in there02:08
Kali_Yugait's a hole bunch02:10
Kali_Yugajust for a game not specific for ubuntu either02:10
Kali_Yugaany idea has something to do with lib's that I need02:14
trismKali_Yuga: the missing lib is in the package libsdl2-image-2.0-0:i38602:14
=== kalen is now known as kalen_not-here
Kali_YugaI am downloading the package right now02:16
Kali_Yugaok I try again oh there is also something else I need wait02:16
Kali_Yugahow do you find this out anyway??02:16
Kali_YugaTHX MAN02:18
Kali_Yugayou're awesome02:18
trismKali_Yuga: the only one not found in the output was libSDL2_image-2.0.so.0, if you install apt-file you can search for files in packages not installed02:19
Guest87631is it possible to save a file as mp3 with kdenlive.  All I see is MP$02:20
Kali_YugaI did I installed with sudo apt-get02:21
Kali_Yugathank you very much trism02:21
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abuayyoubHello everone,  I was hoping someone could help me. I'm trying to connect my ipad to my xubuntu machine to make some changes to one of the ipad apps. The ipad loads and mounts when its plugged in but I do not have access to any of the system or app files just music, pictures and stuff like that. Can anyone help me figure out how to completely mount my ipad?02:38
bubbasauresabuayyoub, I think it will be read only.02:39
sapienTech1hi everyone, I just set up an ubuntu server, but am having a hard time ssh'ing into it from my linux desktop. i have checked through tcpdump that no packets are being captured or received. is this because of a firewall?02:40
abuayyoubbubbasaures,  do you know if there are any programs out there like ifunbox or anything to be able to access the filesstem? Looking at the permissions it says read/write02:40
=== kalen_not-here is now known as kalen
bubbasauresabuayyoub, Not really, never had to do this, I see it though as a last ditch effort, is this correct?02:41
abuayyoubwell its pretty simple on windows but I dont have access to a windows machine.02:41
bubbasauresabuayyoub, never know here, hang and see. ;)02:42
abuayyoubbubbasaures, its showing it mounted on afc://9e2be9c891bee98b12897491dcba6383d490a9a9/02:43
bubbasauresabuayyoub, Not having done this, I have no ideas on permissions is all.02:44
abuayyoubok thanks02:44
bubbasaureswish I did, I'm pro an os really02:44
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Kewldealer_ps.com 967702:49
=== kalen is now known as kalen_not-here
abuayyoubHello everone,  I was hoping someone could help me. I'm trying to connect my ipad to my xubuntu machine to make some changes to one of the ipad apps. The ipad loads and mounts when its plugged in but I do not have access to any of the system or app files just music, pictures and stuff like that. Can anyone help me figure out how to completely mount my ipad?02:51
phionadid anyone have problems nstalling the latest release of google chrome and the other updates on 14.04?03:03
crossbeauwould anyone be able to help with a Ubuntu VM / networking question?03:04
bubbasauresphiona, describe the problem you had to the channel03:04
bubbasauressame for crossbeau if you can03:04
crossbeauI have a ubuntu VM sitting on 3 different network interfaces, and when I reboot it the Eth adapters dont stick with the Mac Address I want them to03:05
bubbasauresphiona, We have not seen any update issues with the servers.03:06
crossbeauany suggestions or thoughts?03:09
phionaahh ok it just updated my system but it worried me bcoz it took long to update.03:13
bubbasauresphiona, any errors? time is relative to how large the download, ISP speed and your computers hardware.03:13
sapienTech1if i can't connect to the ubuntu server i just set up, is it because of a firewall?03:14
sapienTech1(connect via ssh)03:14
craigbass76I've got what I think is a java app that I run via telnet, and regardless of how I set up gnome-terminal, I've always got a light blue background when I fire it up.  Is there a way to tell gnome-terminal to only use 16 colors?03:16
phionano. no errors. just yesterday i cancelled bcoz it took long to  download chrome and now it took long to install adobe flash plugin installer.  but its ok now. im updated.03:17
bubbasauresphiona, Cool, be careful not to cancel an install, the download is okay, this is easy in the terminal, it ask to do the upgrade.03:18
bubbasauresphiona, Additionally, you can go to software & sources and have it find the fastest ping server.03:19
phionabubbasaures: where do we find software & sources in Lubuntu?03:26
=== Blaster is now known as Guest95512
bubbasauresphiona, Ah, not in lubuntu, not sure in lubuntu, probably a term command, lubuntu tends to be lighter.03:29
bubbasauresphiona, Chrome and Flash are from 3rd party servers, could just be there slow.03:31
bubbasauresactually flash would be ubuntu repos or should be anyway03:32
=== hugegree_ is now known as hugegreenbug
craigbass76I ran source ~./bashrc, and now can't launch an app.  Getting "terminal code file is missing."  How can I set gnome-terminal back to how it was before I ran that command?03:42
BigEars431whats a good CAD solution for Linux?03:49
venom250salut all04:00
venom250vous faite quoi?04:01
somsip!fr | venom25004:02
ubottuvenom250: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.04:02
phionabigears431 they say draftsight is good. http://askubuntu.com/questions/26954/what-good-cad-programs-are-available04:04
=== shawniverson is now known as Guest25331
canonprinter(ubuntu 15.04) how can I enable edge scrolling (for the touchpad on a laptop)?04:17
=== PacketStorm-_ is now known as PacketStorm-0x71
canonprinteras in, where you slide your finger across the right edge of a touchpad to scroll04:18
=== Peb is now known as Guest26964
canonprinteranyone? :(04:23
TechMongerthere is a moust and touchpad menu04:27
nicomachushi guys, I removed the 3.13.0-54 kernel, forgetting that this machine wasn't able to boot on the -55 kernel. -57 installed the other day, which is why autoremove took out -54, and when I rebooted I wasn't able to boot -55 or -57. I have a root shell... how can I install the -54 kernel again from here?04:31
=== justinS_ is now known as jhsimpson
nicomachusI tried to install the kernel package using apt-get, but got this error: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11853832/04:33
canonprinterTechMonger: Oh yes I found that but I do not see any setting for edge scrolling?04:34
SailorRealityanyone wanna join ##businessintelligence * SailorReality has changed the topic to: This is the official Freenode channel for business intelligence and big data topics. Please stay on topic. Valid topics include data management, databases, Extract Transform Load, data mining, machine learning, data warehouses, OLAP. cloud computing , Excel , Tableau, self-service BI04:42
somsipSailorReality: adverts are not welcome here04:43
ibulsheyoo ;\04:54
BBLLCCsorry, wrong channel05:08
agent_whiteEvenin' folks.05:40
lotuspsychjeagent_white: good morning05:40
agent_whitelotuspsychje: moin!05:40
user1_hello, I'm looking for a screen capturing program. Anybody have any recommendations?05:46
lotuspsychje!info kazam | user1_05:46
ubottuuser1_: kazam (source: kazam): screencast and screenshot application created with design in mind. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.5-1 (vivid), package size 733 kB, installed size 2052 kB05:46
TJ-user1_: see for example vncsnapshot, ksnapshot, gnome-screenshot gtk-vector-screenshot05:48
hateballuser1_: I think this is quite popular as well https://obsproject.com/forum/threads/ubuntu-14-04-14-10-15-04-ppa-installation-instructions.16495/05:49
user1_thanks for the recommendations. I'll look them.05:51
=== wtm is now known as Guest70663
atsu333Hey guys, I'm having some trouble setting up my USB audio in Ubuntu. I've looked around and found a couple guides but the big issue I'm having is that it doesn't recognize my device as an audio device.06:06
lotuspsychje!sound | atsu33306:07
ubottuatsu333: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.06:07
mrpotatovhow can i get flash on Raspbian?06:11
xanguaask in raspbian channel06:13
gr1zzlybe4rWhy am I always booting in "insecure mode" on my ubuntu gnome? I'm running 15.04 kernel 3.1806:20
atsu333Ok, so I've run through all that sound troubleshooting, still no luck06:21
cyphasegr1zzlybe4r, you mean EFI insecure mode?06:21
=== ubik is now known as Guest27163
gr1zzlybe4rI thought that it was UEFI insecure mode, but I just disabled UEFI boot in my BIOS and got the same error.06:23
lotuspsychje!uefi | gr1zzlybe4r06:24
ubottugr1zzlybe4r: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI06:24
atsu333When I use lsusb -v it recognizes the device as an audio device but cat /proc/asound/cards doesn't06:29
Rad-i'm testing something right now could i solicit a pm from someone?06:30
lotuspsychje!test | Rad-06:30
ubottuRad-: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )06:30
agent_whiteTime to test this myself...06:31
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )06:32
agent_white!test | agent_white06:32
ubottuagent_white, please see my private message06:32
agent_whiteCheers. Nice lotuspsychje! Never knew that.06:32
lotuspsychje!msgthebot | agent_white06:32
ubottuagent_white: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".06:32
* agent_white adds into ubottu, to alternatively visit "ubottu.com/factoids.cgi" so as not to spam the bot.06:33
=== Blaster is now known as Guest37132
baja_my media players are not playing music or video06:53
baja_what is the problem?06:53
lotuspsychje!info vlc | baja_06:54
baja_im not using vls06:54
ubottubaja_: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.0-1 (vivid), package size 1430 kB, installed size 4562 kB06:54
cyphasebaja_, that's the point i think :)06:54
lotuspsychjebaja_: have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras ?06:54
cyphasebaja_, which media player(s)?06:55
Gary_943anyone having issues with vlc? my vlc player freezes while adjusting the sound?06:55
lotuspsychjeGary_943: try starting vlc from terminal to see errors06:55
baja_i use parole06:55
Ben64baja_: see if it plays in something else06:56
baja_and its not playing06:56
Gary_943lotuspsychje it show no errors in terminal06:56
cyphasebaja_, start it in a terminal and pastebin the output when you try to play a file06:56
baja_no even xvideos is not playing06:56
Ben64baja_: install mplayer2 and try it there, pastebin the output06:56
baja_videos and xine are not playing also06:57
Gary_943runs fine , though when i adjust the volume it freezes for  a second lotuspsychje06:57
Ben64baja_: ok, try what i said\06:57
lotuspsychjeGary_943: is your graphics card installed properly?06:57
baja_yesterday it was playing06:58
Ben64baja_: without any information nobody can help you, try what i suggested06:58
baja_dont know what happened..06:58
Gary_943lotuspsychje i am using ubuntu on my dekstop , i have ubuntu on both laptops and desktop , the vlc player on laptop ubuntu runs fine , no issues06:59
lotuspsychjeGary_943: other players dont have that issue?06:59
lotuspsychjeGary_943: wich ubuntu version?07:00
Gary_943no lotuspsychje , i have mplayer, audacious, exaile all of them are fine07:00
Gary_943lotuspsychje ubuntu 14.04 LTS07:00
=== rrr__ is now known as rrr_
baja_i have installed mplayer ben6407:00
TJ-Gary_943: Are you adjusting the volume in VLC, or on the System volume control?07:00
Gary_943TJ- on vlc itself07:01
lotuspsychjeGary_943:did vlc play good before?07:01
baja_ben64 how do i pastebin07:02
lotuspsychje!paste | baja_07:02
ubottubaja_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.07:02
Gary_943yes prior  i had no issues with vlc, it has started happening from last couple of days07:02
cyphaseTJ-, in case you were curious, i just reinstalled firefox to fix that issue with /usr/lib/firefox/libnssutil3.so. i guess it just got corrupted somehow07:03
cyphasei did save a copy of the corrupted file07:03
cyphaseooh, let me diff :P07:03
lotuspsychjeGary_943: you might wanna try a tail -f /var/log/syslog and tail -f /var/log/dmesg and start vlc and fool around with sound a bit07:03
TJ-cyphase: I did suspect that, or else you'd got a binary for an ARM system somehow :)07:04
Ben64baja_: don't need the paste from you installing mplayer, need the output from you trying to play whatever file07:04
Gary_943lotuspsychje i see, btw what does it do?07:04
baja_how do i do that?07:04
lotuspsychjeGary_943: it might catch usefull errors07:04
Ben64baja_: "mplayer file"07:04
cyphaseTJ-, yea, it was my first thought as well, but i had *just* updated a couple libnss packages, so i tried reinstalling those a couple times before i realized the file was coming from the firefox package07:05
baja_command not found07:05
Gary_943i see , ok will try this method and see if it works lotuspsychje07:05
TJ-cyphase: might be worth scheduling a memtest in case there's some sticky bits developing07:05
Ben64baja_: pastebin the full command and error you're getting07:06
cyphaseTJ-, i had been running e4defrag on the drive, so potentially that caused an issue. there better not be anything wrong with my RAM.. it's not very old! :P07:07
hero100ulimit output unlimited, still on core dump file under current directory. I have checked man 5 core, cannot guess the reason.07:07
lotuspsychjeBen64: lol good luck07:07
Gary_943 TJ are memtest results genuine, i mean do they really tell us about the condition of ram ? and for how long one should run it?07:07
hero100still no core dump07:07
TJ-cyphase: that's usually when faults show up if they are going to :)07:07
cyphaseTJ-, well, it's ~1.5 years old07:07
Ben64lotuspsychje: :(07:08
baja_ben64 go step by step im not getting you...07:08
cyphasenever had any problems07:08
TJ-Gary_943: a long time ... hours... the patterns read and written into the RAM are designed to trigger unusual fault scenarios07:08
cyphasei am already planning a system rebuild (software-wise), so i am going to run a nice long memtest anyway in that process07:08
Ben64baja_: no quotes, and unless the file you want to play is called "file" ...... then put the actual name07:08
Gary_943TJ- 10 hours should be sufficient ?07:08
TJ-cyphase: your admission of doing a defrag would seem to me to be the obvious cause :)07:08
cyphaseTJ-, indeed :)07:09
TJ-Gary_943: "overnight" is the usual recommendation, so yes, 10 hours should be more than sufficient07:09
vvassilevHi I am booting the example instance in openstack ubuntu-trusty-14.04-amd64-server-20150629-disk1, does anybody know what are its credentials?07:09
cyphaseTJ-, there's been long time low disk space on the root partition, so it actually has helped07:09
Gary_943i see TJ-07:09
TJ-cyphase: Are you using LVM? I generally just add an additional LV for something like /var/cache/ to take the pressure off the main root file-system :)07:10
cyphaseTJ-, i'm not, but i'm going to be after this rebuild07:11
TJ-cyphase: Tip: don't allocate all extents to LVs when installing, keep what isn't immediately required unallocated and just 'lvextend' if needed later07:11
cyphasei haven't done a complete, from scratch rebuild in.. ages..07:12
silidanhi, my bios is password protected, but i forgot the password, now i need to boot a ubuntu live-dvd, but it only boots from harddrive now, i cant select the cd/dvd drive due to password protection, how can i boot the live cd from a grub2 cli? (it loads grub 2 from the harddisk)07:12
Ben64silidan: remove password07:13
histosilidan: reset the bios07:14
Gary_943silidan u could try ubuntu as live on a flashdrive07:14
Ben64usually by moving a jumper for a minute, ##hardware for more info07:14
silidanhm... id rather not change any bios settings at all...07:14
cyphasethough newer motherboards/laptops make it harder07:14
Ben64theres no reason not to07:15
Gary_943Ben64 sata hdd don;t have jumpers, or do they ?07:15
Ben64i'm talking motherboard, not drive07:15
histosilidan: do you get a checksum or hash if you enter the password incorrectly so many times?07:15
silidanid rather prefer a way to manual boot directly from the grub2 cli if that is possible, resetting BIOS may be the easiest way, but id rather not...07:16
silidanhisto: no07:16
histosilidan: well the reset it.07:16
histosilidan: what bios is it?07:16
Gary_943silidan if u can enter bios and check the option of resetting to default, that should clear all the passwords?07:16
EriC^^silidan: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot07:17
Gary_943insyde H20?07:17
EriC^^you can boot the .iso file if you have it on the hdd ^^07:17
EriC^^silidan: you should probably reset the bios though07:17
histosilidan: http://www.tech-faq.com/reset-bios-password.html http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/CmosPwd07:17
silidanEriC^^: ill read in that iso thing..07:18
Ben64silidan: its so easy to reset bios....07:18
TJ-silidan: From the GRUB menu, access the command-line, and load the iso9660 module, then you sohuld be able to figure out how to boot it07:19
silidanTJ-: thanks will try07:19
Gary_943or if nothing works, flashing the bios is the last option, though flashing the bios is really a sensitve work, do it with care else ur laptops would be bricked silidan07:19
EriC^^silidan: if you have it on the usb, you can type ls in grub and get the device and type configfile (hdX,msdosY)/path/to/.cfg to boot it maybe07:19
EriC^^* (hdX,msdosY)/boot/grub/grub.cfg usually07:21
silidanTJ-: do i need any other modules besides the iso9660, because right now i only can see my harddrive07:21
histosilidan: it will take you minutes to remove the bios password and not have to deal with this again int he future.07:22
TJ-silidan: "insmod iso9660" should be sufficient, then "ls"07:22
EriC^^histo speaks the truth07:22
silidanEriC^^: so far i can only see my harddrive with the ls command in grub cli07:22
Ben64yep, would already have booted by now if you reset bios07:23
silidanTJ-: already did that, still i see only entry with (hd0,*partition)07:23
EriC^^do you have it on a live usb?07:23
TJ-silidan: it may be the BIOS is not reporting that device to GRUB07:23
silidanTJ-: possible, isnt there a way around that?07:24
* histo screams internally07:24
TJ-silidan: Yes; remember the BIOS password07:24
Ben64sure, reset the bios07:24
silidanhisto: look i know that resetting bios may reset password and that should be the easiest way, but id rather not change anything on that pc )07:24
histosilidan: yet you're booting ubuntu07:25
silidantrying to07:25
histosilidan: do you intend to install?07:25
Ben64silidan: whats the actual reason you don't want to reset bios07:25
silidanon harddrive there is a suse install07:25
silidanthis pc is a lab pc07:25
Ben64do you own it07:25
silidanand used by many student in the way it is configured now07:25
Ben64then don't install anything on it07:26
silidanthats why i want to run the live dvd07:26
silidanzso i dont need to change anything on that pc07:26
histosilidan: there's a reason it's locked down07:26
silidani just need the processing power07:26
jertoHi all07:26
histosilidan: if they wanted people to be able to run whatever live distro they probably wouldn't have restricted the bios07:27
Gary_943hello jerto07:27
TJ-silidan: wondering if you need "insmod ata" too07:27
silidanhisto: the people responsible for these machines are kinda strange, in one area they have security standards so high not even they can circumvent it and in other areas the security holes are so big a whole planet fits in...07:28
Gary_943 histo if ur computer supports usb or cd,dvd booting then u can boot almost any distro, atleast as live07:28
TJ-Gary_943: not so; the firmware boot options can lock that down, which is the case here07:28
TJ-silidan: does "insmod lspci" and "lspci" list the controller the DVD drive is attached to?07:29
silidanit listst 1 sata controller,07:30
Gary_943i see TJ-  though my intel D945GCPE motherboard can boot almost any distro the BIOS layout is very simple , i never had any isues with booting linux on this motherboard and its a 2008 make07:30
TJ-silidan: check the specs of the make/model of PC/motherboard, find out if its all SATA for optical devices. If so, then it looks like the firmware has disabled the optical device port07:31
silidanTJ-: it lists more things: 2 USB controllers, 1 Sata controller, 1 multimedia device, 2 pci-pci bridges07:31
silidanTJ-: and interstingly 1 unknown data input controller07:32
TJ-silidan: is it UEFI or Legacy BIOS?07:32
silidanTJ-: no idea, the systems are quite new i7-4790 cpu... could be uefi07:32
Gary_943silidan u could easily tell if its a UEFI or BIOS, does ur pc came with windows 8 preinstalled, if so  then most probably it has UEFI07:33
TJ-silidan: GRUB has EFI commands07:33
HypothesisFroghi. Pulse audio isn't starting automatically in 15.04. Any way I can fix this?07:34
lotuspsychje!sound | HypothesisFrog07:35
ubottuHypothesisFrog: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:35
TJ-silidan: If it is UEFI this should work: "insmod efifwsetup"  then "fwsetup"07:37
silidanTJ-: that module is not available07:38
silidanTJ-: so iguess it doesnt have uefi?07:38
UmeaboyHas Canonical added some extra files to apache2 that other dists haven't? I can't find javascript-common.conf in Mageia even thou they use apache
silidanTJ-: this is the model http://www.fujitsu.com/de/products/computing/pc/desktops/esprimo-p920-e85/07:38
=== underyx|off is now known as underyx
silidanOk Thank you all for the help, i made some short term hardware modifications and now it booted from the cd (unplug harddrive sata cable, unplug network cable..07:45
histosilidan: I thought you didn't want to change anything?07:47
ObrienDaveAppropriate time-of-day greetings & Welcome07:59
Caleb--whenever i reboot my usb wifi adapter gets soft-blocked by rfkill.  i fix it by doing `rfkill ublock all` and `ifup wlan0`07:59
Caleb--any idea why this could be happening on startup?07:59
Caleb--actually, i am seeing some stuff in journalctl -b08:02
Caleb--nm_urfkill_get_wlan_state: assertion 'self->wlan_proxy != NULL' failed08:02
TJ-silidan: histo: for our future reference, in GRUB2 command-line to cause a rescan of devices use the "nativedisk" command. After that, additional devices can be discovered (e.g. after having done "insmod ata")08:02
* Konstantin 08:03
histoCaleb--: I'm trying to read up on it myself.08:05
Caleb--histo, it then says: NetworkManager[1302]: <info> rfkill0: found WiFi radio killswitch (at /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:14.0/usb1/1-3/1-3:1.0/ieee80208:06
Caleb--so it's soft-blocking it for some reason08:06
histoCaleb--: http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man8/systemd-rfkill@.service.8.html08:08
histoCaleb--: something with that is probably not working08:09
histoCaleb--: do you have comments about saving and loading the states?08:10
histoCaleb--: in the journalctl when searching for rfkill08:11
TJ-histo: strangely, neither network-manager nor network-manager-gnome have any mention of 'wlan_proxy' so the function name 'nm_urfkill_get_wlan_state' is misleading08:11
SashaGreyHey TJ- u there?08:12
=== Faskil_ is now known as Faskil
SashaGreyNevermind guys my servers gets stuck at the start, can't mount /home. I don't have KVM but i've managed to skip the mount and get in via ssh. Anyone willing to help?08:14
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience08:14
histoSashaGrey: is /home on a separate partition?08:14
SashaGreyyes it is... i don't even know why08:14
histoSashaGrey: any error while mounting it?08:15
SashaGreyhisto something like device not ready press S to skyp M manual C i don't remember.08:15
histoSashaGrey: well give it a try mounting it now. I suggest -o ro and see if it gives us an error08:16
SashaGreyhisto sec i'm gonna open the connection via ssh08:16
SashaGreyhisto how do i try to mount it now?08:19
SashaGreyhisto how do i check the situation08:19
Caleb--histo, i'm looking into it. btw, here's /etc/network/interfaces: http://pastebin.com/NC372x15  and journalctl -b: http://pastebin.com/ghy5QZ4S08:19
Caleb--histo, i have a bridge and i use the wifi adapter as an access point08:20
Caleb--i didn't have any problems in 14.10, but after upgrading to 15.04 hostapd stopped working, and i realized that this was the reason08:20
untakenis there a way to change screen focus? If I have multiple monitors, is there a way to enter a keyboard short-cut to select the other monitor?08:21
=== Yukkii is now known as Yukkino
=== Rootee is now known as Layke
LaykeHey. Which is my partition with ubuntu ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/11854676/08:26
baizonLayke: sda508:30
Laykebaizon: Thanks. How do you tell from looking?08:34
ObrienDavenormally by the size. sda2 is an extended partition that holds sda508:35
baizonLayke: sda1 is your boot partition, then you have sda2 which is extended (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disk_partitioning#Extended_partition), then you have there sda5 which is a linux LVM08:35
baizonLayke: LVM (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logical_Volume_Manager_%28Linux%29)08:36
LaykeI'm having problems with booting atm, due to a power failure. I've backed up, going to try and not run boot-repair,08:36
LaykeNot idea what the problem is, but it just boots to initramfs.08:37
=== jerto1 is now known as jerto
jhoFirst time using irc, would someone explain whats going on? Maybe an introduction of sorts?08:39
artisanIndiahello everyone08:39
artisanIndiadid you guys read my blog about migration ?08:40
k1l_!irc | jho08:40
ubottujho: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:40
baizonjho: thas IRC :D in this channel you only ask questions about ubuntu :>08:40
artisanIndiaif not then here it is http://www.webeasts.com/blog/2015/07/09/migrating-from-windows-to-linux/08:40
ObrienDavejho, you're in an official Ubuntu support channel. people ask questions (help) and volunteers try to help out08:40
k1l_artisanIndia: that is more a topic for #ubuntu-offtopic08:40
jhomakes sense. I'll [try to] head over there! Thanks y'all08:41
dannatoI use google chrome browser and when I view a video freezes, use an old PC probably will be?08:47
dannatomy graphics card and vga intel 200808:49
dannatoi used xubuntu 14.04 lts and i have only 1 gb of ram08:51
dannatosolution? change pc??08:51
dannatomy vgs chipset not support above?08:51
ObrienDaveadd ram08:51
dannatoonly solution??08:52
dannatoi think tthat08:52
ObrienDavecheaper than a new pc08:52
dannatoonly solution??08:52
ObrienDaveno but the easiest and cheapest08:53
kgbwat chipset is it? o.0 probably z68 is as far back as you should go..:)08:55
dannatoi addd 1 gb di ram but if change matherboard? vga card ??08:56
dannatovga card is old08:56
TJ-dannato: 'video' could mean anything from 320x240 to 1920x1080 and higher... sounds more likely the resolution, frame-rate, and encoding of the video is more than the CPU software decoding can manage. Most modern PCs have hardware-offload support for mainstream H.264 MPEG-4 decoding08:56
dannatook thank you08:56
kgboic, video card....08:56
dannatothank you tj08:58
fancyfetusHey guys. I'm trying to install ubuntu on my computer with a UEFI bios08:59
fancyfetusI can boot into my usb 3 different ways09:00
fancyfetus2 different ways*09:00
TJ-fancyfetus: 1 of those will be the UEFI boot method, the other Legacy BIOS compatible09:00
fancyfetusTJ-, yes sir09:00
fancyfetusWhich one do I pick?09:00
fancyfetusI'm pretty sure that the UEFI one doesn't even boot to the usb. It just ends up booting windows09:01
TJ-fancyfetus: if you want native UEFI boot then the UEFI option... if you can tell them apart! Some UEFI boot-managers don't make it clear which is which, so you may have to experiment09:01
fancyfetusI just want a regular ubuntu installation09:01
fancyfetusUEFI makes everything much more confusing.09:02
TJ-fancyfetus: if the system is UEFI, and has Windows booting that way then you want Ubuntu booting with UEFI too09:02
EriC^^fancyfetus: if windows is in uefi mode you have to install ubuntu in uefi mode as well09:02
fancyfetusah, I see09:02
TJ-fancyfetus: as ong as oyu boot the installer in UEFI mode, it'll install as UEFI boot09:02
R13oseHow do I make my mic work better in Skype?09:02
fancyfetusSo can you think of any reason why the usb wont boot in uefi mode?09:02
TJ-fancyfetus: what precisely happens... it passed over the device?09:03
EriC^^fancyfetus: did you disable fastboot, is it first in the boot order?09:03
czwolfHello everybody, not so experienced in this but I would like to have jailed some app for mono. J installed jailkit as described here: http://www.binarytides.com/setup-jailed-shell-jailkit-ubuntu/ The application should run in terminal, is using MySQL and needs internet, plus to run it it I will ssh. Can somebody help?09:03
fancyfetusoh, nevermind! It worked :P09:03
* TJ- goes back to sleep09:03
fancyfetusEriC^^: fastboot is enabled, but it still booted :)09:03
fancyfetusTJ-: Good night, thanks for the help!09:03
Caleb--histo, TJ-, the problem was the /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state file09:03
EriC^^yeah, i think that's for pressing a button to choose the boot device, anyways great :)09:03
Caleb--histo, TJ-, for some reason it had WirelessEnabled=false ... which is why wifi was being disabled on boot09:04
TJ-Caleb--: well done; nice detective work :)09:04
fancyfetusDon't most applications get installed to / (root)09:05
Neo9how to log complete ubuntu machine cpu usage at each intervals?09:06
histofancyfetus: they get installed in various directories in /09:06
fancyfetushisto, I see09:06
histoNeo9: load?09:06
fancyfetuswhy does / and ~ go into seperate partitions?09:06
fancyfetusshouldn't ~ be IN /??09:07
Neo9histo: load? is it tool or command ? please tell me details09:07
histoNeo9: are you talking about what uptime shows?09:07
fancyfetusMan... I can't even make enough partitions to install ubuntu :/09:08
histofancyfetus: you can install them all to the same partition /09:09
kgbfancyfetus: usually u dont have to make one09:09
histofancyfetus: Why can't you make more?09:09
Neo9histo: i have to log the current cpu usage  by entire machine and 'cpu free'.09:09
fancyfetusefi, /, /home, and swap09:09
kgb*just have empty space and the installer will create it..:)09:09
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Neo9histo: i have to monitor the cpu usage with log files.09:09
fancyfetuskgb, I HAVE to specify EFI, no?09:09
histoNeo9: for?09:09
EriC^^fancyfetus: you should use the same efi windows uses09:10
EriC^^don't create another one09:10
fancyfetusEriC^^, I don't see any other EFI, just a little partition of size 367 MB09:10
Neo9histo: to monitor the cpu usage. i can put some trigger/alert from log's (i have tool to monitor the logs).09:10
EriC^^fancyfetus: is it fat32?09:11
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regeditneed some help here with my ubuntu install process: "Device for bootloader installation" /dev/sdb or /dev/sdb6 ? sdb1-4 are a Windows installation09:11
EriC^^are you sure windows is using uefi? can you get to a terminal?09:11
histoNeo9: you can watch /proc/loadavg09:11
czwolfAnyone who suceeded here with chrooting mono program who would help to set that working fo rme?09:11
fancyfetusEriC^^, yeah, give me a second09:11
EriC^^type sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999909:12
EriC^^fancyfetus: it's using legacy09:13
fancyfetuslol.... did I install windows incorrectly?09:13
fancyfetusWell shit.09:13
EriC^^windows 8?09:14
fancyfetusLooks like I have a looot of work to do.09:14
kgboic, "But it doesn’t work with Windows 8, or with computers that have UEFI firmware." :-/09:14
Neo9histo; load won't displays the cpu usage like top command.   but with top command we can't log the usage i.e sum of cpu    us+sy+ni/us+sy+ni+id.09:14
kgbthat blows :-f09:14
fancyfetusbut I don't even want to reinstall windows... I'm waiting for 10 :/09:14
Neo9histo: load won't displays the cpu usage like top command.   but with top command we can't log the usage i.e sum of cpu    us+sy+ni/us+sy+ni+id.09:14
fancyfetusI may just go ahead and install windows 10 and then ubuntu09:15
histoNeo9: Is there a reason you want to monitor this?09:15
kgbfancyfetus: all i did was leave ~160GB empty space at the end of the drive - http://i.imgur.com/F53qjOx.jpg - and used to installer to set it up alongside of windows (fully auto)09:16
EriC^^fancyfetus: you could install ubuntu in legacy mode, and when win10 comes out convert to gpt, and install it in uefi mode and then modify ubuntu to use uefi, just a though09:16
EriC^^fancyfetus: if you're keen on installing ubuntu now09:16
fancyfetusEriC^^, I'm running on coffee fumes at this point. It's 5 AM :/09:16
fancyfetusAs much as I love my linux, I think it can wait :P09:17
kgb(bt idk what's up w/teh whole xefi deal, blah)09:17
fancyfetusThanks for your help! I'll be back eventually!09:17
fancyfetusThank you :)09:17
EriC^^fancyfetus: np :)09:17
histoNeo9: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Load_(computing)09:17
Neo9histo: yes, based on logging cpu usage & by configuring some alert to certain cpu treshold. i will came to know at what cases my linux server is went to peak load.09:17
histoNeo9: For what reason.09:18
Neo9histo: because i have to know at what time my product taking too much cpu. (which is running in a tomcat server)09:20
histo!xy | Neo909:20
ubottuNeo9: The XY problem is when you need to do X, and you think you can use Y to do X, so you ask about how to do Y, when what you really should do is state what your X problem is. There may be a Z solution that is even better than Y, but nobody can suggest it if X is never mentioned.09:20
bazhang!info stress09:20
ubottustress (source: stress): A tool to impose load on and stress test a computer system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.1-1ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 16 kB, installed size 76 kB09:20
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Neo9ubottu: i don't want to test it with  'stress'.   is that not possible to access current cpu usage in  percentage ? & log it to a log file continously.09:24
ubottuNeo9: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:24
Neo9histo: let me ask. how can we monitor a linux server?09:26
hateballNeo9: Depending on your needs, something like Nagios, Zabbix, Zenoss09:27
Neo9hateball: exactly. i am using https://logentries.com/.  if i am able to log the cpu usage,memory usage  at each intervals; it will be easy to monitor the server.09:29
Neo9hateball: I have to log these things.       total cpu usage, total memory, total network bandwidth& cpu taken by a specific process.09:30
Neo9hateball: it is a cheaper solution compare to nagios & others.09:34
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hateballNeo9: Considering those I mentioned costs nothing, alright09:37
Neo9neo9: sorry, what is the cost for nagios?09:38
Neo9hateball:sorry, what is the cost for nagios?09:38
hateball!info nagios09:38
ubottuPackage nagios does not exist in vivid09:38
hateballNeo9: Nothing but your time09:39
bazhang!find nagios09:39
ubottuFound: nagios-images, nagios-nrpe-plugin, nagios-nrpe-server, nagios-plugins, nagios-plugins-basic, nagios-plugins-common, nagios-plugins-standard, nagios3, nagios3-cgi, nagios3-common (and 28 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=nagios&searchon=names&suite=vivid&section=all09:39
bazhanghateball, ^09:39
bazhangtis nagios309:40
bazhangand it's also09:40
JuNuKNCan someone point me in a direction how to prevent from a black screen, while ubuntu switches from plymouth to the unity desktop?.09:40
xarcommand not found: pip09:40
xarhow to deal with please "command not found: pip" ?09:40
Neo9hateball: is there any difference. https://www.nagios.com/products/nagios-log-server/buy/09:41
Neo9hateball: please confirm.09:42
hateballI... no09:42
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xarhow to deal with please "command not found: pip" ?09:44
mcphail!info python-pip | xar09:46
ubottuxar: python-pip (source: python-pip): alternative Python package installer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.6-5ubuntu2 (vivid), package size 98 kB, installed size 471 kB09:47
xarmcphail, (y)09:47
knightyyy_How can I remove Ubuntu from login main screen?I have already removed unity and ubuntu-desktop and even unity-greeter09:52
JuNuKNSomeone able to point me in correct direction to automatically switch the tty1 while ubuntu is loading,- so that i later can siwtch by my own back to tty7/desktop?09:54
knightyyy_junukn: I do not know much about it,but https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SDDM might help?09:55
knightyyy_"SDDM starts on tty1 instead of tty7"09:55
knightyyy_sorry if i said nonsense09:56
JuNuKNknightyyy_:  You mean it is only related to archlinux?09:58
baizonJuNuKN: http://askubuntu.com/questions/16371/how-do-i-disable-x-at-boot-time-so-that-the-system-boots-in-text-mode10:02
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baizonknightyyy_: ubuntu uses lightdm, not SDDM10:02
JuNuKNbaizon: Thanks,- I already found that, but that doesn't solve my problem. This enables to show the complete boot process in terminal mode.10:04
baizonJuNuKN: it also boots into the text mode, not lightdm10:05
JuNuKNbaizon: But at the end my problem is,  that the Splash Screen goes away, triggered by the start of gdm or what else an d it tooks to much time, till the desktop is up and our app is dieplayed10:07
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JuNuKNbaizon: I was not able to keep plymouth on live and up till my app is running to quit it by my own10:09
DanielCEHey guys , i need to install SSL on my server. i already generated the key and everything and got the ssl from the ssl provider but how do i instlal it10:10
JuNuKNbaizon: So I now try to temporary switch to a console window , display some message there and later on try to switch back to the desktop10:10
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bajahi is there a app that opens word documents in ubuntu?10:13
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DJonesbaja: Libreoffice10:13
JuNuKNbaja: Libre office or open ofiice10:17
bajawhich one do you use JuNukN10:18
bajai have installed libre how do i launch word?10:19
bajai can only see libre office math10:19
k1l_baja: tha "word" from libreoffice can open the .doc files10:19
k1l_baja: its called libreoffice writer10:19
bajawhere is it installed?10:20
bajai cant find it10:20
JuNuKNopen office. Just open writer there and than open the fword file10:20
k1l_baja: what ubuntu are you running exactly?10:20
baja14.04 trusty10:20
k1l_baja: is it unity?10:21
bajahere im no10:21
k1l_what desktop is it?10:21
bajai dont know whichc desktop10:22
bajahow do i find out?10:22
chxaneHello, I was trying to install ubuntu 15.04 on my Toshiba Satellite which doesn't have a cd-rom drive so I was using a usb boot and I got this error when it was getting information for my storage devices http://i.imgur.com/IWxLfxM.jpg10:22
chxaneand it won't let me complete install10:22
k1l_baja: what does it look like? http://imgur.com/a/9iaLJ10:22
chxaneI turned off secure booting and any ufi type booting (think I changed it to csm) to get it to boot but got this error10:23
bajaXfce i guess10:24
bajayea it looks like Xfce10:24
EriC^^chxane: it looks like you have another os installed in uefi mode maybe10:24
chxanewindows 8.1 is in uefi mode10:24
chxaneI think10:24
EriC^^chxane: ok, you need to install ubuntu in uefi mode too10:24
chxaneEriC^^, ok is there a guide on how to make a uefi bootable usb?10:25
EriC^^chxane: use linux live usb creator10:25
k1l_baja: make sure the package "libreoffice" is installed10:25
EriC^^!uefi | chxane more info10:25
ubottuchxane more info: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI10:25
bajakil how do i check?10:25
chxaneEriC^^, ok thank you10:26
EriC^^chxane: no problem10:26
k1l_baja: open a terminal, then "sudo apt-get update" and then "sudo apt-get install libreoffice"10:26
bajaok thanks i have located it already10:27
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velenohello. we use screen/byobu to share a terminal session between 2 users. is there some built-in feature to have a ‘chat’ messaing service between users attached to teh same screen/byobu session ?10:29
bajahi my desktop is Xfce is it possible to minimize10:31
bajai want to minimize windows that are open bu there is no minimize option on all windows10:32
bajathere is just menu up10:33
bajawith file edit....etc10:33
bajabut no minimize10:33
bajahow can i minimize10:34
bajaa windows like firefox10:34
EriC^^baja: alt+space then n10:34
bajano good...10:35
bajaits not working10:35
k1l_can you show a screenshot?10:35
k1l_sounds like its missing the windowdecorations?10:35
bajait does not have windows decorations10:36
bajait has only menu bar10:36
bajaand also i cant type in a another window im stuck here10:38
k1l_baja: what video card is it? what driver did you install?10:38
bajai have to close xchat to access the browser behind10:38
AceKingI use Witopia VPN service. I noticed today, when I connect to an openvpn server, it shows I'm connected, but if I check my IP address, it still shows my local IP. I've been using Witopia since 2010, and never had this problem. I tried rebuilding the ovpn files, and imported them again, still the same problem. Same problem on my PC, and laptop. Any ideas how to fix this?10:39
bajamy cursor is stuck on xchat textbox how do escape without exit so that i use browser?/10:40
bajaive trying pointing the cursor to another textbox but it continues to type here10:40
bajais there a way out or should i exit xchat10:41
bajawhere do i paste the iamge10:44
bajathat the screen shot. my window has no minimize and maximize just menu bar10:47
bajathat the screen shot. my window has no minimize and maximize just menu bar10:47
EriC^^k1l_: ^10:48
bajak1l_: ^10:48
BluesKajG'Day folks10:49
bajak1l_:  have you seen screen shot10:49
bajaanyone else who can help10:50
agent_white!patience | baja10:50
ubottubaja: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:50
k1l_baja: what ubuntu is that? that is not the standard xfce theme10:50
k1l_baja: its ubuntu studio?10:51
k1l_baja: well, try to logout and log in again, and see if its better. if not see if the guest account works. if not then its a driver issue.10:52
k1l_baja: but i need to leave now, so ask the channel then and name your driver and video card. so they can help10:52
bajathe guest account is ok i have used it before10:52
EriC^^baja: try dconf reset -f /org/compiz10:52
bajaon bye10:52
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bajadamn the cursor keeps getting stuck here now i cant type on my terminal10:53
bajado i have to exit everytime10:53
EriC^^baja: press alt+tab10:54
EriC^^baja: don't exit here10:54
EriC^^type /exec dconf reset -f /org/compiz here10:54
EriC^^in the chat window10:54
bajait snot working alt tab10:54
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bajanot found10:56
bajash:1 dconf: not found10:56
kalxI'm using ssmtp on a web server to send emails using a gmail account via smtp. I noticed that emails like cron error emails or failed sudo attempts are being sent "To: root Bcc: myemail@mydomain.com". Is there any way to fix that "To: root" part to use an actual email address I specify?10:56
EriC^^baja: odd, try /exec /usr/bin/dconf reset -f /org/compiz10:57
kalxI've defined root=... at the top of the ssmtp config (but this ends up being the BCC in the example above)10:57
newuser8hello, i am in 14.04 and firefox 39, there is not "hello" button in firefox, am i missing something? this option is not available?10:57
bajanot found again10:57
kalxnewuser8: maybe https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/where-firefox-hello-button ?10:58
EriC^^!find dconf10:58
ubottuFound: dconf-cli, dconf-gsettings-backend, dconf-service, libdconf-dbg, libdconf-dbus-1-0, libdconf-dbus-1-dbg, libdconf-dbus-1-dev, libdconf-dev, libdconf-doc, libdconf1 (and 6 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=dconf&searchon=names&suite=vivid&section=all10:58
baja!find dconf10:58
EriC^^baja: try pressing ctrl+alt+f1, login then type DISPLAY=:0 dconf reset -f /org/compiz , then press alt+f7 to get back here10:59
newuser8kalx: Thanx, i searche the preferences and there is not...11:00
gisliIs there a security announcement from Ubuntu concerning the latest OpenSSL bug? I don't see it on http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/11:04
MeltedLuxwas ubuntu even affected?11:05
DJonesgisli: This probably helps, it doesn't affect any released versions of Ubuntu http://goo.gl/UG7F2X11:05
DJonesI think it may be affecting 15.10 in development,11:06
gisliDJones: thanks for that, I had found that but thought there would be something more "official-looking"11:14
gisliyeah but if your running 15.10 you like to live on the edge anyway :)11:15
clausendoes anyone know what the default backend for burning CDs/DVDs is in Ubuntu (brasero)?11:16
jeffreylevesqueAnyone know why my upstart doesnt remove a file in the 'post-stop' dranza - https://github.com/jeff1evesque/machine-learning/blob/50301adc0ed3f13795ecdfd4c387179a23099d44/puppet/manifests/start_webserver.pp#L5911:17
maxg87Hi. I maintain an ubuntu server which is currently not public and therefor not yet 'important'. I'd like to switch from openssl to LibReSSL but don't know how. Can anyone point me to a manual or something?11:20
jeffreylevesqueCould my 'stop on' declaration be a problem?11:20
BluesKajHi again11:24
clausenhas anyone here ever successfully burned an ISO image in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS?11:30
clausen(I'm pretty sure there's a bug in Brasero, and it'd help me narrow down where it is...)11:31
BBLLCCwhere do I find the grub file?11:32
BBLLCCi forgot the path11:32
boichevIs there an ubuntu openstack channel ?11:32
clausenBBLLCC, which grub file?11:33
baizon_BBLLCC: /etc/default/grub11:33
baizon_(nick baizon11:33
=== baizon_ is now known as baizon
bubbasauresclausen, check out k3b it is a nice app, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BurningIsoHowto11:37
clausenbubbasaures, I would like to fix the bug, but you're right, I should check if k3b has the same bug...11:38
bubbasauresclausen, Never had a bug in 7 years using linux of many varieties personally.11:39
clausenbubbasaures, for me, it's chopping off the last few kilobytes of the ISO image11:39
bubbasauresclausen, How big is the iso?11:40
clausenbubbasaures, (the behavior is completely deterministic)11:40
clausenbubbasaures, about 2.5 gigabytes11:40
clauseni.e. less than half the maximum capacity of the DVD11:40
bubbasauresclausen, deterministic, yours or the apps. ;)11:41
clausensorry, more than half11:41
bubbasaureswindows iso?11:41
clausenthis one is for qubes11:41
clausenbut I've had the same problem in the past burning ubuntu iso's11:41
histoclausen: how are you verifying it's dropping a few kb off the end?11:42
clausenhisto, dd if=/dev/cdrom of=burned.image11:42
clausenhisto, then I compared the file sizes, and also the file contents with cmp11:42
histo!md5sum | clausen11:43
ubottuclausen: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:43
clausenhisto, the reason I found the problem in the first place is that the sha256sum's don't match11:43
clausenhisto, right, that also fails11:43
histoclausen: are you checking by block count11:43
clausenhisto, no, by bytes11:43
histoclausen: you can't just md5sum /dev/cdrom11:43
clausenhisto, yes and that gives a checksum mismatch11:43
clausenoh, sorry, you're saying that doesn't work?11:44
clausenit should!11:44
histoclausen: no because you have to tell it the length to check11:44
clausenah, good point11:44
clausenhisto,  in any case, brasero says the checksums don't match11:45
histoclausen: take say the length of the iso is 123456  tnen you'd have to dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=1 count=123456 | md5sum11:45
clausenhisto, anyway, I read in the data using dd11:45
clausenhisto, well, I did better than that with cmp11:45
clausenthe files match exactly, except there's data missing11:45
clausenin the burned imag11:45
clausen(md5sum can't tell you that)11:45
histoyeah it could.11:45
histothere would be a mismatch11:46
czwolfHello, searching for help with this: I am running server (mono app). I want my user to be able to start/stop that server, can be done through ssh. But I do not want them to see/harm my system. I made a jail using jailkit as described here. http://www.binarytides.com/setup-jailed-shell-jailkit-ubuntu/ I can ssh there remotely. I could copy mono program and run it from jail or I would need another way how to start/stop program on target machine. There will11:46
czwolf be only 2 commands that user actualy needs - starting and shutdown of a specified app. Can be done through sh script.  Nothing more is necessary to see, nothing more to do. A person with bad intents should not be able to harm the system. I do not know how to jail Mono and I also think it is impossible to start another program from jail. Can anybody help me?11:46
clausenI mean, md5sum won't tell you what form the corruption takes (in this case, truncation)11:46
histoczwolf: use sudo11:47
czwolfthanks histo - sudo - but what for?11:47
histoclausen: correct. But if you were checking the sum for the entire disk you are doing it wrong. You are hashing the freespace at the end rather then the content.11:48
histoczwolf: to allow them to only run those particular commands11:48
clausenhisto, right, but I did the dd thing when using cmp11:48
clausenhisto, so I think my conclusion that the data was truncated is correct, right?11:48
czwolfhisto: you mean to put the user in sudoers group, true? Not in jail but in main system? That would mean they would possess much more perms above the system or?11:49
histoclausen: So you're making an image of the burned media then hashing that?11:49
histoczwolf: no you can someuser somehost= somecommands, someothercommands   in sudoers11:50
histoczwolf: I believe you can also lock them into a directory11:51
czwolfhisto: So what you would do would be this: You would let a user to go to main system, you would not use jail at all true? And then you would edit sudoers file. Named the commands/scripts they can use. How would you restrict to see other things in system you do not want them to see?11:51
clausenhisto, yes, I made an image of the burned media using dd11:52
clausenhisto, and then compared that to the original iso (using cmp(1), and also sha256sum(1))11:52
clausenhisto, and ls(1) :)11:52
clausenhisto, the burned image is smaller than the original11:52
histoclausen: try hashing the disk itself vs. the iso as I described. First get the length of the iso with ls then pass that to dd's in file and pipe to hashing11:53
clausenhisto, dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=2147485095 count=1 > burned.iso11:53
clausen$ ls -l burned.iso11:53
clausen-rw-rw-r-- 1 clausen clausen 2147479552 Jul 10 12:02 burned.iso11:53
* histo suspects dd11:53
histoand sector size11:53
histoczwolf: ignore me I missunderstood what you were saying11:54
drmagoo"stupid" question: If I have a computer with one graphicscard and two monitors: Can I run diffrent DesktopEnviroments on the diffrent monitors, like unity on the left and fluxbox on the right ?  ;)11:54
bubbasauresdrmagoo, Run flux in a vm.11:55
histoczwolf: This looks more applicable http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/825711:55
czwolfhist: Thank you going there to read. :)11:56
drmagoobubbasaures: I'm doing that now, just wondering if it was possible to do it some other way =)11:56
histoczwolf: actually that doesn't discuss it hold on11:56
Delta706Is there any package to allow me to mount a remote FTP service as a file system?11:56
histoczwolf: http://serverfault.com/questions/407497/how-do-i-configure-sshd-to-permit-a-single-command-without-giving-full-login-ac/407508#40750811:56
histoDelta706: why are you using ftp?11:57
czwolfhisto: Understand, reading the new articles. ;)11:57
histoclausen: but to answer you question I haven't seen hordes of people complaining that iso burning is broken.11:58
kephuanyone here tried building ubuntu-touch? My attempt failed at "dpkg-deb: error: failed to read archive `/somepath/out/target/product/i9100/ubuntu/ubuntu-touch-generic-initrd/ubuntu-touch-generic-initrd*.deb': No such file or directory"11:58
Delta706histo: are you thinking of ssh instead?11:58
clausenhisto, are people burning iso's much, or do they just use flash drives now?11:59
DiehardI are burning flash drives11:59
* Diehard evil11:59
Diehardlike I used to burn soldiers when I was young11:59
histoDelta706: yes12:00
czwolfhisto: This article I read a long ago and now I see it could be realy solution. But, if they have even no some limited comandline, how will they select the command?12:00
Delta706histo: okay. Is there a way to mount a ssh file service as a file system?12:00
histoDelta706: yeah sshfs12:01
histoDelta706: is the other box on a local network?12:01
histoDelta706: then why not use nfs12:02
clausenhisto, the bs=1 approach takes forever... it seems to do one syscall per byte!12:03
Delta706remote machine has FTP server only12:03
clausen(but if that were the problem, why would brasero also complain about the checksum mismatch?)12:03
Delta706I will try sshfs12:03
histoclausen: yeah you could in theory use 204812:03
tomphreekhey guys, I am using vpn at the moment, but I've added an exception for one SSH server of mine via `route add`. However the X forwarding stopped working12:03
histoclausen: brasero should be aware of this and then you got a bad burned disc12:04
jzp113hi guys who has stackoverflow account?would you help me up vote my account .12:04
clausenhisto, well, I just did bs=[size of input iso]12:05
histo!ot > jzp11312:05
ubottujzp113, please see my private message12:05
clausenhisto, yes, brasero is aware of this, and says it's a bad burneddisc12:05
clausenhisto, it always gives me bad burned discs12:05
histoclausen: Try burning at a lower speed12:05
clausenhisto, I tried that too12:05
clausenhisto, but why would speed be related to truncating by a few thousand bytes?12:05
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histoclausen: Do you experience the same behavior with wodim ? or any other burning utilities?12:07
* mcphail has never managed to burn a disc with brasero12:08
clausenhisto, right, about to try k3b...12:08
tomphreekoh, sorry just wrong $DISPLAY variable, nothing to do with vpn :)12:09
histogrowisofs would be a better choice if it's dvd12:11
historather than wodim12:11
bazhang!info genisoimage12:12
ubottugenisoimage (source: cdrkit): Creates ISO-9660 CD-ROM filesystem images. In component main, is optional. Version 9:1.1.11-3ubuntu1 (vivid), package size 316 kB, installed size 1524 kB12:12
clausenhisto, sorry, I didn't try wodim.  I'm trying k3b now...12:13
clausenhisto, k3b warns me that the filesystem and image sizes don't image in the input .iso12:13
clausen(which is suggestive about what brasero's bug might be...)12:13
histoclausen: that could be an issue.12:14
histoclausen: where's the iso from?12:14
clausenhisto, http://heanet.dl.sourceforge.net/project/qubesos/Qubes-R3.0-rc1-x86_64-DVD.iso12:14
clausenbut even if the input iso is corrupt, Brasero should still faithfully burn it12:15
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pingowhat is the command to set custom gateway for an interface?12:16
histoclausen: does your download match they signature?12:17
bazhangpingo try ##networking12:18
histoclausen: http://iweb.dl.sourceforge.net/project/qubesos/Qubes-R3.0-rc1-x86_64-DVD.iso.asc12:21
clausenhisto, interestingly, it's a corrupt input iso12:21
clausen(which doesn't excuse brasero!)12:21
pingo=> There is 1 zombie process.12:21
pingooh noes12:21
histoclausen: garbage in garbage out12:22
clausenhisto, no, I don't think so12:22
clausenhisto, you can burn anything to a DVD, it doesn't have to be ISO12:22
clausen(e.g. you can burn ext2 directly to a DVD)12:23
R13oseHow do I increase the mic sound so people can hear me on Skype properly?12:24
histoclausen: correct but if your giving it garbage to burn. You're going to get garbage on the other end.12:25
clausenhisto, it should be the same garbage though!12:25
clausenI think it would be better if brasero didn't add it's own extra corruption on top12:26
NSAROOTgive me nick ;D12:26
clausenhmmm, I wonder if the corruption is a bug in chromium...12:27
Johnny_Linuxj #occupol12:27
clausenthe corrupted iso is coincidentally 2^31 + 1447 bytes12:27
bazhangJohnny_Linux, stop that here12:27
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Johnny_Linuxsrry, batts must be going12:28
clausenhisto, k3b has identical behavior to brasero12:29
histoclausen: it's not adding anything you're not giving it12:37
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FiddleTstHi, I made a mistake installing something else and began installing mysql 5.5 and mysql server.  Problem is I have already a mysql server 5.6 running with kinda critical stuff on it.... if i  run dpkg --audit it give me this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/11855799/      How do I remove this without breaking my running mysql  server?13:00
daftykinsFiddleTst: finish install, purge them, put 5.6 on.13:01
FiddleTstdaftykins:    can't do that, ...i have no idea what that will do to my running applications and I have databases with 10^6 million rows on there13:03
daftykinsyeah but you have lovely backups don't you, since you're sensible13:04
cfhowlett10^6 million rows?  of COURSE he has backups!13:04
FiddleTstHa, good one, this of project was of course a proof of concept that became automagically a production server....13:04
FiddleTstyeah i know....13:04
FiddleTsti confess that I have no clue what I'm doing most of the time....anyway for a simple fix?13:05
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cfhowlettFiddleTst, seriously?  stop now.  backup up your data.  do NOTHING until you accomplish this step.   Just my $0.0213:06
TJ-FiddleTst: "dpkg --remove --pending " might be what you need13:07
FiddleTstIs there a way to list packages and their status before with 'dpkg'?13:08
TJ-FiddleTst: test it in a VM first, but I think that's the way since the package is unpacked but not configured, then reinstall 5.613:08
TJ-FiddleTst: "dpkg -l mysql*'13:08
TJ-FiddleTst: see "man dpkg"13:08
FiddleTstwent to man, go lost...13:08
TJ-FiddleTst: did installing 5.5 say it was removing / replacing 5.6 or are they installed alongside each other13:09
FiddleTstTJ-: I think it was installing alongside not replacing...13:09
* histo can't wait to get paid for this data recovery job13:11
FiddleTstTJ-: dpkg -l give me a list but i dont see status http://paste.ubuntu.com/11855857/13:12
TJ-FiddleTst: according to apt-file list those packages conflict (same binary names) so you'll need to fully reinstall 5.6. Now, that infers the package postinst scripts will run and may try to do a database upgrade as well as stopping/restarting the running service, so you'll need to tread carefully. There are apt/dpk options to prevent some of those triggers being executed but you'll need to read the man pages carefully and test in a VM to be sure13:12
cfhowletthisto, yeah you could set your own price for 10^6 million lines ...13:12
FiddleTstcfhowlett: sorry, what do you mean?13:13
TJ-FiddleTst: the first 2 columns indicate the status. Try "dpkg -l mysql*" as I said and you'll see the meaning of the indicators13:13
FiddleTstTJ-: that command give me "no package dound matching mysql"13:15
TJ-FiddleTst: best to stop the running mysqld, move/dump the database files to safety, clean-up 5.5 and reinstall 5.6, and then put the database files back13:15
=== orion4444 is now known as orion44
lanoxxHi everyone, I have a problem with Remmina on Ubuntu 14.04, I have remmina and remmina-plugins-rdp installed but remmina cannot load the shared library to use the rdp plugin13:15
polyziumI have a problem with XRDP13:15
TJ-FiddleTst: you must have mistyped13:16
squaregoldfishI have a file with a line starting Exp. How can I delete that line and all preceding lines using sed or awk or whatever?13:16
polyziumWhen i connect from MS RDP Android client it gives bleck screen with white "Connection Log" text at the cornet13:16
FiddleTstTJ-: if I don't touch anything it seem to be running fine for now... I did the mistake yesterday, and by monday/tuesday I should have finished setting up the real production server, cant this wait 3 days?13:16
TJ-squaregoldfish: something like "sed '1,/^Exp/d' <filename>13:16
TJ-FiddleTst: that's for you to decide, it depends how valuable the data is13:17
TJ-FiddleTst: I know I wouldn't want to be running a production server for 5 minutes more than necessary in that state.13:18
lanoxxWhen I execute ldd /usr/lib/remmina/plugins/remmina-plugin-rdp.so I can see that it is looking for libfreerdp-core.so.1.1 and other libraries in version 1.1 but instead version 1.0 of these libraries are installed13:18
squaregoldfishTJ- : Ah, thanks. That's pointed me in the right direction I think13:18
polyziumI need help with RDP13:19
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FiddleTstTJ-: well it's a secondary source for analysis, the original source is intact and can be extracted, just take a day or two but It would look bad...13:19
rypervenchepolyzium: You're using XRDP on Linux and connecting to it from your Android device?13:22
polyziumrypervenche: Yup13:22
scriptmonkey00good morning, I actually have a question with mounting an SD card on ubuntu I was hoping to talk to someone about.13:22
rypervenchepolyzium: Are there any Windows machines involved?13:22
polyziumBut i got black screen with white "Connection Log" text at the corner13:22
FiddleTstwell thanks for the help, I'm backing up data, and will wait for the new servers to be ready before fixing this, dont see another way...13:22
polyziumrypervenche: I have Windows 7 VM13:23
ServerSagescriptmonkey00: Just ask. Don't ask to ask, or wait to be invited to ask.13:23
ZinjaI just installed Ubuntu 15.04 and coming from a Mac as my desktop, I can open spotlight and search for an installed app. When I open the unity search bar by just tapping the Super key, I can type 'calc' and calculator is never an option. But if I hit ubuntu button and type that, it shows a bunch of application results. What am I missing?13:24
rypervenchepolyzium: I'd use VNC then. You can use something like Remmina as a client, and use x11vnc or what comes by default on Ubuntu for the VNC server.13:24
histopolyzium: try a different client possibly?13:25
scriptmonkey00Sorry sage :)   So my question is this.. I have an SD card labeled "Stuffz".  I set up a permanent mountpoint, I believe, and set fstab with the format type and UUID and path to mount it.  when I have the card pluged in and not mounted, and use mount -a, it mounts right where I want it (/media/removable/Stuffz) but when I plug it in, the auto-mounting puts it on "media/removable/Stuffz 1"... how can I make it obey the fstab on the automatic mount?13:26
polyziumrypervenche: VNC is slow as hell13:26
historypervenche: xrdp is open source13:26
polyziumhisto: I'll try to connect from WIndows 7 VM13:26
FiddleTstcfhowlett: hey, you never acknowledged my question, about the price, when you mistyped talking to histo, did you mean from the pov of a consultant?13:26
rypervencheI disagree. I run it all the time from my phone without any problem, over an SSH tunnel nonetheless. And yes, I know it is open source.13:26
trijntjeZinja: that works for me, but its not very reliable. I useually try to avoid the dash because its super slow13:27
Zinjatrijntje, is there a better alternative that behaves like Spotlight or Alfred from mac?13:28
histoFiddleTst: I meant how much money I'll make when you lose all your data.13:28
trijntjeZinja: if you only want to search for apps you can use any flavour of ubuntu except lubuntu, afaik. You might want to give gnome3 a go13:29
historypervenche: he's using vnc anyways13:29
rypervenchehisto: True. I'll leave it be.13:29
FiddleTsthisto: ? well it's only fair that someone should laugh about my dumb mistakes... but I still don't get you13:29
histoHe just doesn't know it13:30
histoFiddleTst: You need to make a backup now.13:30
Zinjatrijntje, I just realized what I did wrong. I'm confusing Alt and Super in linux. The Windows key brings up a useless search bar, Alt works like I intended.13:30
polyziumhisto: Connecting from WIndows gives a XRDP login screen!13:30
jeroen___What's an alternative to GPG for signing/verifying release files?13:30
histopolyzium: So it's most likely a problem with that client not supported rdp 413:31
cfhowlettFiddleTst, yeah.  side conversation.  sorry to confuse. please ignore.13:31
trijntjeZinja: really? Alt should open the application menu for searching, the super key(windows on most pc's) should open the menu13:31
FiddleTsthisto: thanks I don't have an actual sql backup, but I do have the mainframe where I have my data, and can rebuild everything in a day or two, I may have overstated the importance of my db....13:31
histojeroen___: is there a problem with gpg?13:31
rypervenchejeroen___: What is wrong with GPG13:31
polyziumhisto: RDP 4?13:31
scriptmonkey00anyone have an idea?13:32
jeroen___It's too heavy for my purpose13:32
jeroen___Not cross platform13:32
jeroen___no C library13:32
FiddleTstcfhowlett: yeah got that, still I was wondering..13:32
polyziumhisto: But i've tried on another phone and it works. I don't have an13:32
jeroen___Well there is a C library (gpgme) but it wraps around cmd utilities :/13:32
polyziumidea what RDP client i should use.13:32
jeroen___I need something standalone in ANSI C13:32
jeroen___or C++13:33
histopolyzium: Find a different one in the play store there are many.13:33
histopolyzium: http://xrdp.sourceforge.net/documents/xrdpdesign/index.html13:33
RSplietis it possible to request a backport of gcc-arm-none-eabi 4.8.3 (as found in utopic and newer) for the ubuntu-trusty LTS release?13:34
polyziumhisto: Fresh MSRDP update gives protocol crash, Parallels one gives the crash too13:34
Zinjatrijntje, you are correct but this keyboard has the keys swapped because I was using it on a mac. But when I plug it into anything else, the key caps are wrong.13:35
RSplietit seems the kernel explicitly refuses to compile with the current 4.8.2 version, making it a rather useless tool for me :-)13:35
Zinjatrijntje, on mac, the command (or Super) key is next to the spacebar. So I swapped the caps on this mechanical keyboard.13:35
FiddleTstTJ-: to get back on topic i did not mistype dpgk -l mysql, it does not give me anything, but mysql-server does give me something http://paste.ubuntu.com/11855956/    still I dont see the status in there13:35
regeditwhat does it take / what do i need to know if i want to use latest drivers from Nvidia?13:36
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BluesKajregedit, you need to know that the latest drivers aren't necessarily the best or stable, the recommended drivers are the ones to use.13:38
regeditBluesKaj: and yet the recommended ones are quirky as heck13:38
BluesKajregedit, maybe your nvidia gpu is high-end or very new?13:41
regeditvery bottom of the bucket these days actually13:41
regeditappears to be the very last model supported by current nvidia drivers13:42
BluesKajwhich ubuntu version?13:42
lvc4_heyho again13:42
lvc4_if i try to start ardour 3 he cant creat a project13:43
clausenhisto, no, but it silently dropped stuff that I did give it...13:51
clausen(k3b, to its credit, did warn me the image is not valid isofs)13:52
RazzdollHello can anyone tell me why my videos on facebook arent playing correctly on Chrome? They stop about 20-30 in and the videos are about 2 minutes or more long14:03
daftykinsthat would be google's browser and thus not software from here :)14:05
Ionicis there any quick way to list all source packages in a repository?14:10
Razzdolldaftykins, are you sure? it worked fine in windows all the time. not being sarcastic about that comment. i just wanna know whats going on lol14:14
Razzdolldaftykins, do you have any recommendations that a browser would work flawlessly?14:14
gustopnI have this LTS ubuntu server and I am puzzled how is iptables configured here14:15
daftykinsRazzdoll: they're not the same14:15
gustopnand also what he does use seems to be neither systemd nor something eles14:15
gustopnbut he does have the systemd files in but no systemctl for example14:15
Razzdolldaftykins, they aren't? ok, now i'm totally lost.14:15
gustopnand this ufw tool for managing firewalls that is also nowhere to be found in the init14:16
en1gmawhy does it take so long to make the persistent partition when making a live usb14:16
Ionicgustopn: isn't ubuntu using upstart?14:16
TJ-Ionic: "grep '^Source:' /var/lib/dpkg/available | sort -u"14:17
en1gmais there anyway i can use gparted to make the persistent partition and then just unetbootin to install the iso to usb? i mean what is going on to the persistent partition area that makes it take forever14:18
IonicTJ-: mh, okay. that's actually not what I was looking for, but brought me to the right answer anyway. grep '^Package:' /var/lib/apt/lists/..._main_source_Sources14:18
Ionicso, thanks14:19
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=== rrr__ is now known as rrr_
=== lap_ is now known as Guest55887
Guest47555can someone help me find out why my `post-stop script` never runs on reboot, or shutdown - https://bpaste.net/show/9fcb14077d8a?14:41
xcyclistCan someone suggest an irc group where I could ask about behavior of "fio", the performance testing tool?14:42
lotuspsychje!alis | xcyclist14:42
ubottuxcyclist: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*14:42
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pbxGuest47555, is there a problem inside the script, or is it not getting run at all, or don't you know yet?14:42
Guest47555the script runs14:43
Guest94938hi room14:43
Guest47555pbx: it runs the `pre-start script`14:43
Guest47555and, the `flask_server.pid` is created14:44
Guest47555however, `app.py` is not running14:44
Guest47555and on shutdown `post-stop script` doesn't run14:44
maxg87Hi. I maintain an ubuntu server which is currently not public and therefor not yet 'important'. I'd like to switch from openssl to LibReSSL but don't know how. Can anyone point me to a manual or something?14:47
mcphailmaxg87: that isn't supported yet, as far as I am aware14:56
=== rrr__ is now known as rrr_
R13oseHow do I increase the mic sound so people can hear me on Skype properly?14:58
maxg87mcphail: Thank you14:58
mcphailR13ose: it has been a while since I used Skype, but there used to be a setting within skype to automatically adjust Mic volume. Turn that off, if it still exists14:59
R13osemcphail: adjust mixer level, is that the setting?15:01
mcphailR13ose: I don't have skype installed just now, so can't tell for sure. There used to be an option to "automatically adjust mic level" which used to make it too quiet.15:02
rtreleavenR13ose let us know if that works or not15:02
R13oseI will do that15:03
MonkeyDustR13ose  i have skype... look in Options > Sound devices > Allow skype to...15:03
TheEagerPadawanhmm skype on linux intresting if it whould work15:04
TheEagerPadawani can't even login15:04
R13oseMonkeyDust: right I will test that but last time someone thought I was in a wind tunnel15:04
MonkeyDustR13ose  i had that too... simple headphone solved it15:05
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R13oseMonkeyDust: if I had one.15:05
MonkeyDustR13ose  i got me the cheapest i could find15:06
R13oseMonkeyDust: is there nothing else that can be used besides Skype that is better?15:06
lopxtrying to build and getting path error15:07
MonkeyDustR13ose  skype uses its own protocol, and that's closed source, nothing else uses it15:07
Guest47555Monkey business15:07
Guest47555that's all this is15:07
lopxBy not providing "FindOpenCV.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has15:07
TheEagerPadawanskype your piece of @#! - i can't even login into your services15:07
lopx  asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "OpenCV", but15:07
lopx  CMake did not find one.15:07
R13oseMonkeyDust: I know but I mean another voice/video service that people don't need to login to15:07
MonkeyDustR13ose  to make things worse: skype is now owned by MS (Main Stream)15:08
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R13oseI know I hate that, I want to switch15:08
lopxcan I SS my error and can someone tips me? ;p15:09
lopxtrying to learn and stuff15:09
TheEagerPadawanhmm killed skype instances remove the .Skype config files in my local home folder and still no go15:09
TheEagerPadawananyone an idea why i can't login into skype15:09
TheEagerPadawanand what a good alternative whould be15:09
MonkeyDustTheEagerPadawan  did you install it from the 3rd party repos, or from the skype website?15:10
Fr0sti3Is there a good gui to see which apps are connecting to the internet/network which shows/records up/down traffic from those apps?15:10
TheEagerPadawanthe ubuntu repo15:10
SeveasFr0sti3: iptraf15:10
lopxmy error:: http://s12.postimg.org/4cjooagct/Screenshot_from_2015_07_10_11_10_05.png15:10
Fr0sti3ty Seveas will look at it15:11
daftykinsimages of text *facepalm*15:11
Guest47555am i allowed to have `post-stop script` if i have `stop on runlevel [!2345]`.  if my system stops, how is it possible to have a `pos-stop script`?15:11
rtreleavenR13ose try linphone. Are you saying that you don't have a headset?15:12
R13osertreleaven: no one has that.15:12
TheEagerPadawantime to purge skype and reinstall i suppose15:13
gustopnsome idea where the ufw gets its default configuration?15:14
baizongustopn: /etc/default/ufw: high level configuration, such as default policies, IPv6 support and kernel modules to use15:14
baizongustopn: more here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UncomplicatedFirewall15:14
TheEagerPadawanis there any decent alternative to skype that is cross platform15:15
rtreleavenR13ose it use the sip standard so yes people use it15:15
baizonTheEagerPadawan: yes, imho https://jitsi.org/15:15
MonkeyDustTheEagerPadawan  plenty are cross plotform, but none use the skype protocol15:15
daftykinsTheEagerPadawan: purge it and reinstall from skype.com before you go too far.15:15
rtreleavenR13ose do you have a headset or not?15:15
baizonTheEagerPadawan: but it cant use the skype protocol. For that you have to wait for the webbrowser plugin15:16
R13osertreleaven: no headset and can this be used online without logging in?15:16
rtreleavenR13ose you are not going have great results with any voip solution without a headset15:17
TheEagerPadawanbaizon: running on ff (standard)15:17
R13osertreleaven: well I have used online solutions that had good results that is not skype15:17
rtreleavenR13ose which one?15:18
R13osertreleaven: I can't remember15:18
rtreleavenR13ose you are not for real15:18
gustopn ok15:19
gustopnnow the ufw is not active15:19
R13osertreleaven: why?  I am a real person not a bot15:19
TheEagerPadawanthanks for jitsi ;)15:20
SchrodingersScatTheEagerPadawan: if you set up a jitsi-meet, you only need chrome to video chat15:21
TheEagerPadawani don't know if i heard the message or not Schrodinger:)15:22
taime1Hello all15:23
taime1One of our ubuntu backup servers went down and I removed the drive and placed it in a similar Dell Optiplex. Of course, everything is working very well without the need to reconfigure. However, despite no changes being made to any configuration files, it no longer accepts a push from our FreeNAS box (using modules). How do I begin troubleshooting this? Any help would be greatly appreciated.15:23
taime1sorry, using rsync* modules15:23
Jamesanyone around need some help15:24
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jertotaime1: Are you using rsync over ssh ?15:24
Seveastaime1: what's the error the client gets, and the error in the rsyncd log?15:24
taime1jerto yes15:24
taime1Seveas: I've only checked dmesg (I'm not particularly saavy)15:24
Guest10104is there some setting that is preventing me from moving files/folders while logged in as root via sftp... it used to work15:25
taime1but no erors there. Where is rsync log typically located?15:25
jertoDid you check your public key is still in your /home/<user>/.ssh/authorized_keys ?15:25
Seveastaime1: it shows :) dmesg is irrelevant. Check the logs of the freenas box where it tries to do the backup. And /var/log/auth.log on the backup box15:25
Guest10104i get a move error ..ir moving a folder from a home/user/ to a the /root folder.. ...it wont let me move the folder... and it used to before in previous ubuntu.. using 14 now15:26
taime1jerto: I'll check (tho no files have been deleted or changed)15:26
taime1Seveas: let me check those things15:26
tewardGuest10104: what's the error it gives you15:26
SeveasGuest10104: why are you moving things to /root? That's for root only.15:26
tewardGuest10104: also, note /root is owned by root:root, and isn't for the end user15:26
teward(root only space)15:26
Guest10104is there a setting that has changed that prevents this now?15:27
Guest10104like i said it used to work.. and no that was an example15:27
SeveasGuest10104: no, it did not use to work.15:27
tewardGuest10104: no, even in older ubuntu it wouldn't let you do it unless you ran the command(s) as superuser15:27
itstheduke_I'm trying to install NASM and KDbg on version 9.10 using Synaptic Package Manager, but no results come up on search. I also tried sudo apt-get install nasm from the shell but it says "Couldn't find package nasm".15:27
tewardso either permissions were broken in your old install, or you had something else going on15:27
OerHeksitstheduke_, 9.10 ? that is an old version, which is EOL end of life.15:28
Seveasitstheduke_: Ubuntu 9.10? Upgrade time.15:28
Seveasthat's beyond EOL. It's been eaten by the worms already.15:29
Guest10104i just want to know how to get it to work again.. ie root as superuser? ..15:29
SeveasGuest10104: first answer why you are doing this. There may be a better way of achieving what you wnat than to abuse /root15:29
OerHeksGuest10104, maybe you copied so much, your / is full ? what error do you get exactly?15:29
itstheduke_OerHeks: I know it's for the sake of a book (Duntemann's Assembly Language Step-by-Step). He says using 9.10 is important because it's the last version that supports Insight debugger (which he uses extensively in the book).15:30
Seveasitstheduke_: then buy a newer book :)15:30
Guest10104can you help or not? i need to be able to use ftp client like flashfxp.. i used to be able to login via sftp as root.. and move files/folders wherever i needed.. now upon installing newest ubuntu... its not working.. some setting ?15:30
OerHeksitstheduke_, sure, but ubuntu does not keep those old servers online.15:30
SeveasGuest10104: what does that have to do with moving files to /root?15:31
OerHeksitstheduke_, servers cost money15:31
Guest10104it doesn't.. that was just an example! of what used to work just fine.. but now gets move failure error15:31
itstheduke_OerHeks: I see. I didn't realize each version was separated in that way.15:31
Guest10104i'm guessing you have no idea on getting this working like it was before then15:32
taime1Seveas: Nohing particularly useful in auth.log (every entry relates to Mint Update)15:32
EriC^^itstheduke_: replace archive with old-releases in your sources.list if you want to use old software15:32
Seveastaime1: erm, you said Ubuntu15:32
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:32
OerHeksitstheduke_, there is however a way to get them, but you are not secure with latest updates.15:32
EriC^^itstheduke_: just know it won't have the latest stuff so don't run a server using it or something.. quite obviously15:32
jertoGuest10104: If I understand well, you connect to your server as root in ftp, right ?15:33
SeveasGuest10104: no, we're just trying to assess what you're trying to do so we can give the correct advice instead of random commands that make the situation worse.15:33
taime1Seveas: Oh, come now.. are we going to pretend that Mint is not Ubuntu?15:33
OerHeks!eolupgrade | itstheduke_ see the old-releases part15:33
ubottuitstheduke_ see the old-releases part: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:33
Seveastaime1: mint is not supported in here./15:33
taime1well poop15:33
OerHekstaime1, mint has its own issues15:33
SeveasOerHeks: issues? It has a subscription!15:34
daftykinstaime1: we don't even have to pretend - it's true! :)15:34
Guest10104i use flashfxp sometimse when i need to quicktly edit or move files/folders around.... and i would login as root user in sftp... its just this time its not completely working as it used to..15:34
itstheduke_So is it basically a matter of doing a "manual" install? If so, does that require advanced skill?15:35
Guest10104and no idea why or what config settings need to be changed to get it working15:35
daftykinsGuest10104: root doesn't have a password, if you set one you're breaking standard practice on this distro15:35
daftykinsand as such you're on your own :)15:35
Guest10104yeh thats great.. i dont care.. i have set root to have password so i can do it this way.. ok so no help15:35
Seveasitstheduke_: I think 9.10 didn't even have the gui installer, so at the very least you'll have to understand a different installer. And it'll be impossible to get any support.15:35
daftykinsGuest10104: and with that attitude you deserve to be ignored. goodbye15:36
Guest10104also ubuntu is not fking secure15:36
itstheduke_Seveas: I think I'll get a different book :-)15:36
Seveasitstheduke_: probably a good idea. There are also tons of online resources to learn (x86) assembly.15:37
itstheduke_Seveas: Good tip; thanks.15:38
Ionicpbuilder-dist and OTHERMIRROR... what fun15:38
Seveasitstheduke_: here's a starting point: https://www.coursera.org/course/hwswinterface15:38
taime1jerto: Seveas thank you15:39
Ionicif only it would actually add the repositories given in ~/.pbuilderrc - even with security and updates pockets enabled...15:39
itstheduke_Seveas: Thanks!15:39
jertotaime1: Did you fix your problem ?15:40
taime1jerto: no15:40
=== rrr__ is now known as rrr_
jertotaime1: try connecting to your backup server in ssh from your terminal15:43
taime1jerto: I've been able to ssh in without problem15:43
mcphail sudo chroot ~/vivid_armhf/mount15:44
mcphail(chroot)# apt-get install -f15:44
jertoAnd can you rsync from a terminal ?15:44
mcphailoops - paste error - sorry for spam15:44
jwashhi everyone, i have a few ubuntu computers. i share files via nfs, things like xchat's servlist_.conf and other common files. When i mount the share it assigns root permissions to all copied stuff, is there a way I can assign '777' equivalent permissions all the time?15:44
taime1jerto: haven't tried15:45
jertotaime1: Another question for you : Do you use a public key to connect to your server or login/password ?15:45
MaximMinihello there, could you suggest me a tool to convert flv and mp4 files to audio formats, multiple files at a time? I have audacity, but it converts one by one15:46
taime1jerto: key (which is still in .ssh)15:46
SeveasMaximMini: ffmpeg15:47
MaximMiniSeveas, ffmpeg runs on command line, if I remember right?15:47
SeveasMaximMini: it does indeed15:47
Seveasthere's also avconv from libav-tools (also  cli)15:48
LaykeCan someone help with quick permissions. If I have /var/www/example.com hosting my site, and my current user is "layke". And nginx/php5-fpm runs as user www-data, what user:group should I have for this directory? So that both www-data can access, and so can my local user?15:48
MaximMiniSeveas, I havent tried it before, will do so now. can I ask you for help along the way? :)15:48
MaximMiniif I need to15:48
tewardLayke: layke:www-data15:48
IonicSeveas: does ubuntu really ship both ffmpeg and libav?15:48
Seveas755 for the directory, 644 for the files, owned by layke:layke15:48
tewardLayke: provided you give the www-data group the permissions it needs in those directories and such15:48
tewardLayke: or what Seveas said if www-data just needs read only15:49
SeveasIonic: yes.15:49
jertotaime1: OK and there was no change in your permissions ?15:49
Ionichum, okay, must be diverging from debian then15:49
LaykeSeveas, I always get confused, when I do ls -hal, I see drwx------15:49
LaykeHow can I see the "number" equivalent15:49
SeveasMaximMini: you can ask but I have only limited experience with them. So best just ask the channel :)15:49
SeveasLayke: that's 700. For directories you want to chmod a+rx them15:50
MaximMiniSeveas, yet I got this when I wanted to install ffmpeg: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11856532/15:50
taime1jerto no. However, I suspect something may have change since I put this drive in another machine15:50
SeveasMaximMini: enable the 'universe' repo15:51
LaykeThanks. I get confused on how to be able to tell by looking at it15:51
LaykeSeveas, This answer helped: http://stackoverflow.com/a/11512211/19452815:51
LaykeFor getting 755/644 correctly15:51
jertotaime1: launch your backup script from a terminal in verbose mode and you'll know what the issue is15:52
MaximMiniSeveas, universe is already enabled15:52
SeveasLayke: yup, that'd be a correct way.15:52
subterfugeI was trying to clean up my /boot DIR but I think I may have deleted more than I wanted.  How can I ensure that I have the most current grub installed before I reboot and find myself with a dead system... BTW I am backing the system up right now just in case15:52
ioriaMaximMini, ubunru 14.04 ?15:52
MaximMiniioria, yes15:53
ioria!info ffmpeg trusty15:53
ubottuPackage ffmpeg does not exist in trusty15:53
ioria!info ffmpeg vivid15:53
EriC^^subterfuge: type dpkg -l | grep grub15:53
SeveasMaximMini: which Ubuntu version are you on?15:53
ubottuffmpeg (source: ffmpeg): Tools for transcoding, streaming and playing of multimedia files. In component universe, is optional. Version 7:2.5.7-0ubuntu0.15.04.1 (vivid), package size 1144 kB, installed size 1751 kB15:53
MaximMiniSeveas, it is 14.04.15:53
Seveasah, you already answered that :)15:53
ioriaMaximMini, avconv, then15:53
ioria!info avconv trusty15:53
ubottuPackage avconv does not exist in trusty15:54
MaximMiniioria, does avconv convert multiple files at a time?15:54
Ioniclibav-utils or somesuch15:54
taime1jerto I will. thank you15:54
SeveasMaximMini: maybe they were in multiverse back then. I'm sure I've used them around that time as well.15:54
ioriaMaximMini, at the same time ? don't remember but you can do a script15:54
subterfugeEriC^^ Thanks, I have the output of that, I don't know what I am looking at/for should i pastbin it for you?15:54
EriC^^subterfuge: ok15:54
MaximMiniSeveas, multiverse is enabled, too.15:55
MaximMiniit seems neither ffmpeg nor avconv15:55
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subterfugeEriC^^ http://pastebin.com/2RmZMDty15:55
SeveasMaximMini: time to upgrade then :)15:55
ioria!info libav-tools trusty15:55
ubottulibav-tools (source: libav): Multimedia player, server, encoder and transcoder. In component universe, is optional. Version 6:9.18-0ubuntu0.14.04.1 (trusty), package size 3187 kB, installed size 9350 kB15:55
Seveasah libav-tools is there, that'll be easier than an upgrade15:56
ioriaMaximMini, or you install libav-tools ... or you compile ffmpeg from source ....15:56
EriC^^subterfuge: ok, type dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ /grub/ {print$2}' | xargs sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall15:56
MaximMiniI have been able to indeed install libav-tools.15:56
ioriaMaximMini, so ?15:56
MaximMiniioria, it has been installed just now. I dont know the tool, checking web15:57
ioriaMaximMini, ok15:57
SeveasMaximMini: it also has a manpage :)15:57
ioriaMaximMini,  http://askubuntu.com/questions/80954/how-can-i-extract-audio-from-mp4-or-flv-video-files15:58
subterfugeEriC^^ Ok i did that and here is what I have http://pastebin.com/kp9vnbb915:58
en1gmai downloaded ubuntu amd 64 15.04 iso. i am in kali-linux live enviroment right now. i am using unetbootin and selecting the ubuntu 15.04 iso and i am setting the max persistent size that i can do.15:58
en1gmawhy the heck is this taking so long?15:59
en1gmai am in a linux enviroment and this should be pretty quick15:59
EriC^^subterfuge: ok, type dpkg -l | awk '$2 ~ /grub/ {print$2}' | grep -v gfx | xargs sudo apt-get -y install --reinstall15:59
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MaximMiniioria, thank you :) winff is also listed..it used to be the tool for what I want to do now, but stopped working at some point16:01
subterfugeEriC^^ Ok i did that and here is what I have http://pastebin.com/XejbPVJF16:01
EriC^^subterfuge: ok, you're missing the kernels, so don't reboot yet16:01
EriC^^subterfuge: type dpkg -l | grep linux-image16:02
subterfugeEriC^^ roger16:02
EriC^^subterfuge: and ls -l /boot16:02
rainbowwarriorhello I am running Ubuntu 14.04 lts and would like to upgrade to 15.04 how can I force the upgrade please ?16:02
EriC^^rainbowwarrior: sudo do-release-upgrade16:02
EriC^^rainbowwarrior: check /etc/upgrade-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal16:03
Ionichttps://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mate-dev/trusty-mate/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-ppc64el/ < ah... that explains why it's not working16:04
rainbowwarriorEriC^^ have tried that but it says " no new release found "16:04
Ionicoh well16:04
EriC^^rainbowwarrior: you're going to have to upgrade to 14.10 first then 15.04 by the way16:04
subterfugeEriC^^ Ok i did that and here is what I have http://pastebin.com/UgRPSEDt16:04
EriC^^rainbowwarrior: did you check Prompt= ?16:04
Ionicno mate then16:04
ioriaMaximMini,  ouch ...16:04
EriC^^subterfuge: which ubuntu is this? kernels seem kind of old16:05
ioriaMaximMini, you can use command line  ?16:05
MaximMiniioria, yes, I tried one file. it seems to convert it, but a bit slow..a 6-minute video still not finished :)16:05
EriC^^subterfuge: type dpkg -l | awk '$1 ~ /linux-image/ {print$2}' | xargs sudo apt-get -y purge16:05
rainbowwarriorEriC^^, I do not seem to have an upgrade-manager directory16:06
MaximMinijust did..16:06
meanjoegreene01why is my wireless hotkey (f12) linked to my softblock and not hardblock16:06
subterfugeEriC^^ 12.04 LTS I think16:06
EriC^^rainbowwarrior: sorry, it's update-manager16:06
en1gmasomething is majorly wrong when it takes 1hr to put ubuntu 15.04 desktop on an 8GB usb stick with maximum persistent partition16:06
ioriaMaximMini, used this : avconv -i input.mp4 -vn -f mp3 output.mp3 ?16:07
en1gmafrom a linux envirmoent16:07
subterfugeEriC^^ Ok i did that and here is what I have http://pastebin.com/AuZBfzk416:07
rainbowwarriorEriC^^,  can you repeat what I had to add to the update-releases file please ?16:08
EriC^^subterfuge: sorry that should be a $2 instead of $116:08
MaximMiniioria, oh, this is different from the command on the page of your link. I will try this one with the next file..is it possible to add multiple files at a time, or a folder?16:08
EriC^^rainbowwarrior: set Prompt=normal in /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades16:08
subterfugeEriC^^ Ok i did that and here is what I have http://pastebin.com/THFP07ET16:09
EriC^^subterfuge: ok, type sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-generic16:09
rainbowwarriorEriC^^ thank you16:10
EriC^^subterfuge: also, type uname -r16:10
EriC^^rainbowwarrior: sure16:10
ioriaMaximMini, needa a script , i think... like for i in *.mp4; do avconv -i "$i" -vcodec copy -ac 2 -strict experimental "out-$i"; done   make a try first16:10
MaximMiniioria, it tells me this: bash: syntax error near unexpected token `done'16:12
subterfugeEriC^^ Ok i did that and here is what I have http://pastebin.com/h5nkD8hk16:12
ioriaMaximMini, can you paste the exact command you run ?16:12
EriC^^subterfuge: ok, looks good! :)16:13
subterfugeEriC^^ Thank you so much for your time.  Is there anything else you think I should do or check before attempting a reboot?16:14
EriC^^subterfuge: i think you should be ok16:14
ioriaMaximMini, ok.... try this : for i in *.m4a; do avconv -i "$i" "${i/.m4a/.mp3}"; done16:14
MaximMiniioria, it is this one: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/11856653/16:14
subterfugeEriC^^ again thank you16:15
EriC^^subterfuge: no problem16:15
penthiefCould somebody let me know the command to enable 32 libc? Perhaps something starting with "add-apt-repository ...."16:15
ioriaMaximMini,   for i in *.m4; do avconv -i "$i" "${i/.m4/.mp3}"; done16:15
OerHekspenthief, as ubuntu is multiarch now, just install libc:i38616:16
MaximMiniioria, I am supposed to paste this in command line, right: avconv -i "$i" "${i/.m4/.mp3}"; done ?16:16
EriC^^MaximMini: the for i .. is part of the command16:16
MaximMiniEriC^^, thank you :)16:17
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ioriaMaximMini,   you have to change just the 'do' thing with the command you want16:17
penthiefOerHeks: Ubuntu 14.04 reports "unable to locate package libc" when running "apt-get install libc:i386"16:18
rrr_why i could not add my username into docker group?16:18
julian-delphikirrr_: what error do you get16:18
rrr_no error. but 'id' does not show docker group16:19
MaximMiniioria, it works, too. can I use this command for multiple conversions?16:19
OerHekspenthief, err, just checked, it is libc6-i38616:19
julian-delphikirrr_: is your username in the group in /etc/group ?16:19
ioriaMaximMini,   well,   sure you have to put it in the 'do' loop16:20
penthiefdocker exec node2 apt-get install libc6-i386 => E: Unable to locate package libc6-i38616:21
MaximMiniioria, I mean to convert all files in the same folder..will it do to go to the folder in the command line, and enter the command?16:21
julian-delphikipenthief: which version of ubuntu are you on.16:21
julian-delphikipenthief: have you done an "apt-get update" first?16:22
* penthief runs apt-get update ;)16:22
MaximMiniioria, I tried, it seems to work!16:22
rrr_julian-delphiki: yes there is a group name which is the same as my username16:23
ioriaMaximMini, the best is to copy 3, or 4 files in a new dir... and make some test16:23
rrr_julian-delphiki: is that the issue?16:23
wfreemanI am trying to do something somewhat unorthodox: my mother has a dualboot ubuntu 15.04/Windows 8 laptop. In order to best use her disk space, I have set the machine up with a large ntfs partition and a small ext4 partition, but have replaced her home directory with a symlink to a directory on the Windows partition. This works okay for most things, but pulseaudio dies on boot with a "Home directory not accessible; permission denied" error. Is what I'm16:23
wfreemandoing a bad idea? If not, how can I fix Pulseaudio?16:23
penthiefThanks OerHeks & julian-delphiki16:23
julian-delphikirrr_: I asked if your username was also in the "docker" group.16:23
julian-delphikirrr_: typically one just becomes root to manage docker stuff anyway16:24
ioriaMaximMini, check some of these http://www.capuchado.com/articles/ShellMC.html16:24
rrr_julian-delphiki: my username/groupname is in docker group, I don't know if it is group or user16:25
julian-delphikiit's user rrr_ .16:25
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ioriaMaximMini, i think you can change the ffmpeg command with avconv16:25
julian-delphikirrr_: but the `id` command doesn't show the docker group?16:25
rrr_julian-delphiki: yes that is the problem16:26
julian-delphikirrr_: okay, but if in /etc/group there's a line that says16:26
daftykinswfreeman: that's a really, really terrible idea. NTFS is non-POSIX so you'll break many other things with this approach16:26
rrr_julian-delphiki: /etc/group shows my username belongs to docker group16:27
julian-delphikirrr_: "docker:x:111:rrr_" or whatever your username is.16:27
julian-delphikirrr_: maybe try reloading your terminal after making that change16:27
MaximMiniioria, it works, converts them all!16:27
wfreemandaftykins: Yeah, I figured there might be something like that -- didn't know how much software relied on the home directory itself supporting all the POSIX bits.16:28
rrr_julian-delphiki: same16:28
wfreemanI'll just restore the home directory and hopefully train her to put her heavyweight files in another directory that's symlinked to ntfs.16:28
julian-delphikirrr_: paste me the output of your `id` command please.16:28
ioriaMaximMini, ok ^_^16:28
rrr_uid=1000(bq) gid=1000(bq) groups=1000(bq),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),108(lpadmin),124(sambashare)16:29
daftykinswfreeman: leave the /home root on ext4, but you could try symlinking the flat media directories like ~/Pictures, ~/Music etc16:29
julian-delphikirrr_: okay, can you pastebin me the output of your /etc/group file?16:29
Ionicnow I made a mistake16:29
wfreemanAh, and those are safe? On my own system I don't really use the media directories for anything,16:29
IonicUploading (ftp) to upload.ubuntu.com:/ < how do I remove this upload again? :/16:30
MaximMiniioria, interestingly, I typed the command in a folder like ~/music/songlist$ but entered a folder destination like /music/*.mp4. I found out that in this case it was applying the latter.16:30
wfreemanThank you for your help!16:31
rrr_julian-delphiki: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11856732/16:32
MaximMiniioria, thank you very much! I learned to use a new command today :-)16:32
ioriaMaximMini, that's great ... chhers16:33
MaximMiniSeveas, thank you for your help, too!16:33
julian-delphikirrr_: that all looks correct to me.  Lets go about this a different way -- what are you attempting to accomplish by adding yourself to the docker group16:35
rrr_i am following a tutorial to install openvpn16:37
julian-delphikirrr_: oh man, and that tutorial has you using docker for it?16:38
rrr_yes docker-openvpn16:38
minas114Hello. I have told a friend to try ubuntu and she said yes :) I have one question: will it be faster to install it on a virtual machine or on a USB stick (a USB 2.0 one)?16:40
baizonminas114: usb stick16:40
minas114baizon, Thanks a lot :)16:40
julian-delphikirrr_: rather than adding yourself to the docker group you can just run the docker commands as root, but based on your group file you should be in the group16:41
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rrr_julian-delphiki: rebooted and problem solved16:42
julian-delphikirrr_: odd, but alright!16:42
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gentry1hi my system is intermittently crashing. x, ssh, both lock up. how do i begin to diagnose the source?16:58
Guest47555i can't get my `post-stop script` to run when i shut down, or reboot my machine - https://bpaste.net/show/9fcb14077d8a16:59
Guest12599I NEED a pre-written script, including modifying some file within maybe a folder so that the screen doesnt turn off and then log me out every 5 minutes, when i try to access the power management tool it doesnt open, I am on lubuntu desktop but it doesnt work either on gnome or lxde, i need a script so that i am never logged out after a couple of minutes, it's so annoying to be listening to a podcast or watching a movie and get logged out16:59
Guest47555could someone provide another set of eyes16:59
daftykinsgentry1: memtest #117:00
daftykinsgentry1: disk health check would be good too17:00
gentry1daftykins, thanks for the reply. i will start with those. i have a patched kernel with rt linux next to ubuntu, so will look at that after17:02
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anderson_boa tarde17:12
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br " sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.17:13
DeMiNe0_Does anyone know what the userspace componant of KVM in the QEMU package is licensed under? I'm considering using KVM as a hypervisor to virtualize an application stack that I'll be distributing with different hardware. I'm unsure of the licensing terms though..17:14
daftykinsDeMiNe0_: doesn't kvm or qemu have a channel? the alis bot may know17:16
lucidguyHow long do systems cache DNS results .. is it based on the dns servers TTL result .. or do they have their own cache rules17:17
utfans05DNS cache is based off of the TTL of the records.17:18
julian-delphikilucidguy: afaik theres no system wide cache on ubunt17:20
julian-delphikior maybe i'm wrong. i really only use server.17:20
blupi'm trying to secure some servers and i'm a bit confused with the alternatives. basically i created some ssh tunnels for the appropriate services and its working fine. now im looking into configuring iptables and (i think) the same thing can be done by only accepting traffic from servers within the network. is this correct and tunnels are overkill?17:22
rypervencheblup: It depends on what services you are using over them and how you're using them.17:23
ljoseHi, I trying to build a package for armhf in a x86_64 machine, getting a issue with dependencies, dpkg-shlibdeps: error: couldn't find library libssl.so.1.0.017:23
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bluprypervenche: nodejs/postgresql/nginx, each on its own server17:24
daftykinsblup: ##networking may be good17:24
blupdaftykins: thanks, i'll check it out17:24
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julian-delphikiblup: I've been in security for a while. I'm not sure why you'd use ssh tunnels. In general I'd say you're pretty safe if you have a firewall at your border and just have nginx reverse proxy to the node app.17:26
blupjulian-delphiki: like i said, i'm not sure of the alternatives. i thought it was tunnels or vpn - now learning about iptables, etc.17:27
julian-delphikiblup: are they all on the same network?17:27
julian-delphikiand is it /your/ network?17:27
blupjulian-delphiki: its 3 DO droplets with pseudo private networking17:28
julian-delphikiblup: yeah I wouldn't worry about tunnels then. I'd just make it so the only one that lets port 80/443 traffic in is your nginx box, and then allow other access from your IP only.17:28
blupjulian-delphiki: thanks, ill do that17:30
jayar_i'm getting a "dependancy not satisfiable" error17:36
Dro__hi, i'm trying to install gnomeradio, when i type "sudo apt-get install gnomeradio" it says cannot find paquet.. any solution please?17:37
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julian-delphikiDro__: did you apt-get update first17:39
Dro__julian-delphiki, already done17:40
ioriaDro__,  apt-cache policy gnomeradio ?17:40
julian-delphikiDro__: what ubuntu version?17:40
Dro__ioria, 14.04 trusty17:40
Dro__julian-delphiki, , 14.04 trusty17:41
julian-delphikiyep, should just be "apt-get install gnomeradio"17:41
Dro__ioria, apt-cache policy gnomeradio ==> not found17:41
Dro__julian-delphiki, i tried it but the paquet is not found17:41
ioriaDro__,  ...........17:41
ioria!info gnomeradio trusty17:42
ubottugnomeradio (source: gnomeradio): Listen to FM radio. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8-2ubuntu26 (trusty), package size 219 kB, installed size 1359 kB17:42
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ioriaDro__,  did you edit sources.list ?17:44
Dro__ioria, no17:44
julian-delphikiplease run `apt-get update` again Dro__17:45
Dro__ioria, here is my sources.list file http://paste.ubuntu.com/11848247/17:45
julian-delphikiand pastebin the output pls17:45
=== Yukkino is now known as Yukkii
ioriaDro__,  are you 32 or 64 bit ?17:47
Dro__ioria, 64 bit17:47
kohouteki accidentally lvm encrypted my whole hdd whileinstalling ubuntu. is there a way to restore the old partitions (data, windows)?17:48
EriC^^kohoutek: yeah boot a live usb and see what you can do17:50
EriC^^is it uefi or legacy?17:50
ioriaDro__,  well... i canonly think that it's not present in your local repo.... but it's unlikely :-(17:50
Dro__ioria, is there an other way to install it ?17:51
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html17:51
ioriaDro__,  well, i think we should understand  what's wrong ....17:52
ioriaDro__,  do as julian-delphiki said17:53
Dro__ioria,  well yesterday i had a similar problem when i was trying to install libjpeg62 , it was not found but it was solved by this : " wget http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/libj/libjpeg6b/libjpeg62_6b1-4ubuntu1_amd64.deb && sudo dpkg -i libjpeg62_6b1-4ubuntu1_amd64.deb && sudo apt-get -f install && sudo dpkg -i libjpeg62_6b1-4ubuntu1_amd64.deb "17:54
Dro__i'm wondering if there is a similar solution for gnomeradio :D17:54
BBLLCCTJ-, the trick doesnt work anymore. Last 3 times I shut down the laptop it only displayed a blank screen, thus, i had to unplug17:55
ioriaDro__,  if you want you can download the .deb file from here http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/amd64/gnomeradio/download17:56
ioriaDro__,  but apt-get should work...17:56
Lunariois it possible to restore data of a hdd that has accidentally been full-encrypted with lvm?17:56
Lunarioi wanted to encrypt my new ubuntu installation but not the whole disk...17:57
daftykins'restore' as in 'decrypt' ?17:57
daftykinsor did it have another OS on it?17:57
julian-delphikiprobably not much to be done unless you have backups Lunario17:57
Lunarioit had windows and data partitions on it17:57
Lunarioi do have backups of all partitions but i am not sure how to restore them because the partition tables are all lost too, naturally17:58
Dro__ioria, yes but it seems no solution with it :/17:58
ioriaDro__,  what you mean ?17:58
daftykinsLunario: it's too late, then17:58
daftykinsLunario: what did you backup with? clonezilla?17:59
Lunariodisk utility17:59
Dro__ioria, no solution with apt-get, i'm looking for an other way17:59
ioriaDro__,  oh, yes... i got it17:59
Lunarioi have .img files of all partitions17:59
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ioriaDro__,  by the way, we are still waiting  for the out-put of sudo apt-get update18:00
Dro__ioria, its too long i can't paste it or even select it :D18:00
daftykinsLunario: recreate them then dump the data back18:00
ExecSlimOut of curiosity, has anyone dual booted windows and ubuntu on a macbook pro, and erased the "mac" partition? If that's possible is it possible to reinstall mac?18:01
ioriaDro__,  pipe to a file and the copy and paste on paste.ubuntu.com18:01
Lunariodaftykins: which tool would you advise me to use for recreating the images?18:01
k82wongHey, I have an embedded board running ubuntu; it can't find any packages using apt-get. How do I confirm it's connected to (whatever it's supposed to be connected to)? It has internet, by the way18:01
daftykinsExecSlim: hah. sure, if you have the OS on some flash drive.18:01
daftykinsLunario: none, just try some18:01
Lunariook, thx18:02
ExecSlimdaftykins do you mean having mac on the flash drive or ubuntu/windows?18:02
daftykinswell OS X is what you said is missing...18:03
daftykinsExecSlim: though this topic is mac support so being in a channel for that would make a lot of sense. you're not doing too well on picking channels today :P18:03
julian-delphikik82wong: so you can browse the web, etc?18:03
ExecSlimdaftykins I'll try it in ##apple or #mac, I'm not very good at channels18:04
daftykins!alis | ExecSlim18:04
ubottuExecSlim: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*18:04
k82wongjulian-delphiki: yep, and it can run apt-get update18:04
k82wongbut i can't get htop or i3 or anything i want running18:04
k82wongnot even dependencies18:04
julian-delphikik82wong: it just says not found?18:04
k82wongapt-get install htop returns "E: Unable to locate package htop"18:05
julian-delphikiWhat chipset is this? some arm or something?18:05
k82wongYeah + custom kernel stuff done by a third party18:06
k82wongI can't tell if the company screwed around with it or if I'm missing something18:06
daftykinsi bet it's not running true ubuntu18:06
daftykinsand pointed at suspect repos18:06
teeray76I am using Ubuntu 15.4 and "Cntrl+Alt+T" is not working....any suggestions?18:06
ioriaDro__,  do you have synaptic installed ?18:06
k82wongdaftykins: can I send my /etc/apt/source.list ?18:07
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:07
rainbowwarrior!lame mp318:07
julian-delphikik82wong: maybe they don'18:07
julian-delphikit have packages for the chipset you're running?18:07
k82wongit's arm with an fpga attached as a device18:07
rainbowwarriorhi I am running Ubuntu 15.04 and i can not remember what the name for the mp3 lame package is called , can someone please help me ?18:08
brainwashk82wong: maybe ask in #ubuntu-arm18:08
OerHeksbetter join #ubuntu-arm for that, k82wong18:08
julian-delphikiNo problem.18:08
Mr777ls -h gives you human readable list of files however I tried comparing output of ls and ls -h, both seem similar. So, what's exactly the difference?18:08
OerHeks!find lame18:09
ubottuFound: flamerobin, flamethrower, lame, lame-doc, libmp3lame-dev, libmp3lame-ocaml, libmp3lame-ocaml-dev, libmp3lame0, libtwolame-dev, libtwolame0 (and 6 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=lame&searchon=names&suite=vivid&section=all18:09
Mr777ls -h gives you human readable list of files however I tried comparing output of ls and ls -h, both seem similar. So, what's exactly the difference?18:09
Mr777"ls -h" gives you human readable list of files however I tried comparing output of "ls" and "ls -h", both seem similar. So, what's exactly the difference?18:09
Mr777"   ls -h    " gives you human readable list of files however I tried comparing output of "ls" and "ls -h", both seem similar. So, what's exactly the difference?18:09
Mr777"   ls -h    " gives you human readable list of files however I tried comparing output of "  ls  " and "   ls -h   ", both seem similar. So, what's exactly the difference?18:09
ExecSlim!enter | Mr77718:10
Mr777I have a question regarding listing (ls)18:10
ioria!info lame18:10
ubottulame (source: lame): MP3 encoding library (frontend). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.99.5+repack1-7 (vivid), package size 43 kB, installed size 135 kB18:10
Mr777I have a question regarding listing but this won't write on the working area if i type command, how can I do that?18:10
brainwashMr777: -h is used in combination with other paramters18:10
Mr777Scroll was up and I thought, it's not writing in :D18:10
PiciMr777: ls alone doesn't show file sizes, use ls -l vs ls -lh18:10
OerHeksrainbowwarrior, just install the lame package, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CDRipping18:10
Mr777even if i do ls -ah and ls -a both seems similar18:11
teeray76I fixed my issue....Im was just dumb for that moment18:11
rainbowwarriorOerHeks thank you18:11
brainwashMr777: "with -l and/or -s, print human readable sizes (e.g., 1K 234M 2G)"18:11
brainwashMr777: please read the manual page18:12
Mr777Okay thanks18:14
Mr777brainwash: Thanks, yes it's for sizes only :D18:14
=== Guest25361 is now known as jayar
jayari'm getting a "dependancy not satisfiable" error18:26
ioriajayar, what are you installing ?18:28
MonkeyDustjayar  probably a 32/64bit issue18:29
Bogdanielhey everyone could someone help me out with a package install  ?18:44
Bogdanielafter i install the package ajenti on latest ubuntu version i get this error Failed to restart ajenti.service: The name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 was not provided by any .service files18:44
en1gmaim really having problems with this ubuntu 15.04 usb install with persistent partition18:44
en1gmait held all my settings fine on a reboot but after i booted back up i did an "apt-get update && apt-get upgrade"18:45
en1gmahere is my http://pastebin.com/b3Zw4aKt18:45
daftykinsen1gma: you can't use it like a fully normal install.18:46
SenarzHi, today a partition is completely unaccessible/invisible. How I can try to restore data with Ubuntu18:46
MonkeyDust!info ajenti18:46
ubottuPackage ajenti does not exist in vivid18:46
en1gmacertainly you can apt-get upgrade18:46
MonkeyDust!restore | Senarz18:46
en1gmaif you cant apt-get upgrade might as well throw this live distro in the trash can18:46
daftykinsthere's nothing wrong in that log though really.18:46
Bogdanielubottu, they have they own repo that i have to add18:46
ubottuBogdaniel: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:46
MonkeyDust!recover | Senarz18:47
ubottuSenarz: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel18:47
en1gmai already made a duplicate bug report18:47
daftykinsen1gma: or just don't try and run a full OS from a cheap slow drive ;)18:47
daftykinse.g. you won't be able to update kernel18:47
en1gmadaftykins already was doing that with ubuntu til yesterday18:47
daftykinsdoing what...18:47
MonkeyDustSenarz  is it visible with lsblk ?18:47
en1gmai dropped my keys with a canteliever hood right from my FP mantle and it dropped right onto the center of my external 500GB usb 3.0 drive18:48
en1gmadamaged the head18:48
en1gmahood = hook18:48
SenarzMonkeyDust: no18:48
MonkeyDustSenarz  and with sudo blkid ?18:49
SenarzMonkeyDust: no. Completely hidden from windows and linux. Is an NTFS partition18:49
MonkeyDustSenarz  and when you use a live session? can you see it from there?18:50
SenarzMonkeyDust: currently im on a live, I cant see it18:51
en1gmai have a SSD that has NTFS on it. will ubuntu 15.04 amd64 desktop partition it correctly? it dont have a boot os partition. its only for storage of my windows stuff18:51
en1gmawill it resize and put the boot partition on that drive E: and not my windows 7 boot C:?18:52
MonkeyDustSenarz  is there *any* way you can see the partition?18:52
en1gmai dont want grub to mess with my C: or D:18:52
en1gmashould i resize the urfi ntfs partition from within windows 7?18:53
dennis_Hey people! I how are you?18:54
dennis_*how are you?18:54
MonkeyDustdennis_  this is the ubuntu support channel18:55
SenarzMonkeyDust: no, its possible that the HD is corrupted? But run windows 7 on the other partition without problem18:55
dennis_I have a Problem, i want to make a textfile with all filenames from a special directory18:55
dennis_how can i make that?18:55
dennis_If i am in the directory /home/dennis/ for examble18:56
dennis_And i write ls > ./text.txt18:56
SenarzMonkeyDust: i can see sda3 and sda4 with sudo sfdisk -l18:56
MonkeyDustSenarz  can you see the partiton when your in win7?18:56
MonkeyDustSenarz  ok, that's something18:56
dennis_He just saves my directories form /home/dennis18:57
SenarzMonkeyDust: no in windows 7 its hidden18:57
dennis_not the hole structure in this directory18:57
dennis_Would be great if somebody could help. And sorry for my english.18:57
MonkeyDustdennis_  don't abuse the enter key, it has rights too18:57
dennis_enter fail :D18:58
dennis_Do you know what to do with my Problem?18:58
MonkeyDustSenarz  and can you mount /dev/sda3 ?19:00
dennis_I can give you another example, if I want to make a list of files with my Terminal, i write: ls > ./test.txt. But then it only saves the directorys and files from the actual directory. Not the hole structe19:00
MonkeyDustdennis_  try tree > test.txt19:01
SenarzMonkeyDust: mount: special device /dev/sda3 does not exist.... completely disappeared19:02
dennis_Ok that looks better monkey!19:03
dennis_But i need another form. I need a list of data in the directorys i this form: ./Documents/bla.txt19:04
MonkeyDustSenarz  what's the output of  sudo sfdisk -l ... use a pastebin19:04
ioriadennis_, try this  ls -a -R > file.txt19:04
SenarzMonkeyDust: http://pastebin.com/CT0JJEc619:05
dennis_that looks good too!19:06
dennis_But i need in every line the full path19:06
MonkeyDustSenarz  not disappeared, it has no file system ... or the FS is not recognized ... what is/was on it?19:06
SenarzMonkeyDust: NTFS with 3 folders and excel data. It worked until today19:07
MonkeyDustSenarz  this worries me, but I don't know what it is ... i'll stophere,19:08
MonkeyDustSenarz  this worries me, but I don't know what it is ... i'll stop here, before i give bad advice ... "Warning: The partition table looks like it was made for C/H/S=*/19/5 (instead of 1020/247/62).19:09
=== user is now known as Guest61181
SenarzMonkeyDust: thanks a lot!!!19:09
ioriadennis_, try to manipulate this ls -d (-a -R)  $PWD/*19:09
xhoch3anyone around here playing with QML?19:10
mgolischcan network-manager handle bridges?19:12
mgolischiam using a bridge for kvm19:12
mgolischbut id like to use networkmanager`s vpn support19:12
dennis_Hmm that doesnt work19:12
dennis_@ioria with that order it only shows the files and directory form the actual directory19:13
adrian_1908hello. When customizing the settings of my mouse, should I run a shellscript on startup (xinput set-props ...etc.) or should I add settings to some file that X reads on startup?19:15
bubbasauresdennis_, No @ use the tab key to complete nics.19:15
jayarioria: i was installing gdm3setup19:15
jayartrying to anyway19:15
dennis_Ok, thanks bubbasaures19:18
bubbasauresdennis_, No prob, this way the nic holder is notified. ;)19:19
Dro__iooner, here?19:19
Dro__iooner, the output of apt-get update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11857597/19:20
Dro__(always unable to install gnomeradio via apt-get install )19:20
Dro__julian-delphiki, , the output of apt-get update: http://paste.ubuntu.com/11857597/19:20
Guest13369My computer touchpad has stopped working. What should I do?19:22
bubbasauresGuest13369, This even after a reboot? Any preceding info pertinent?19:23
Guest13369I have restarted it many times19:24
Guest13369I have to use the touch screen, which doesn't work terribly well19:24
bubbasauresGuest13369, What helps is details/context, IE any changes you made before this, desktop and release helps.19:24
Guest13369I did not make any changes, it just suddenly stopped working. I am running Trisquel 719:25
bubbasauresGuest13369, This is ubuntu supprt only is all.19:25
bubbasauresGuest13369, Regiter with freenode and try ##linux, or maybe trisquel has a channel.19:26
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:26
Guest13369Trisquel is based in Ubuntu 14.0419:26
Guest13369It has a channel but nobody uses it19:27
bubbasauresGuest13369, This is not my opinion but a chanel rule.19:27
xanguatrisquel is not ubuntu, isn't it also based on debian¿19:27
Guest13369On wikipedia, it says that it is based on Ubuntu. But isn;t Ubuntu based on debian??19:27
Guest13369It says that the first version, and the first version only was based on Debian19:28
dennis_Is there a order to tell the cp command, that i want to copy without namechange?19:28
dennis_for example: cp ./Documents/bla.txt ./Pictures/19:28
bubbasauresGuest13369, What you may not realize is the subtle differences in OS setup makes it really hard in tis context to mix the support between, on the same channel.19:29
Guest13369Are you unable to help me then? Is there any way I can tell if it is hardware or software?19:30
xanguahttp://trisquel.info/en/forum  http://trisquel.info/en/wiki/documentation Guest1336919:30
Guest13369Thank you19:30
bubbasauresGuest13369, Wecan't here, but I would join freenode and go to ##linux if it were me, a very busy channel19:30
killfilli got ubuntu server running, and trying to set a password to the 'ubuntu' user, so i can login to it via password.19:31
killfillBut it doesnt work, ssh does not prompts my for a password. it just tried to use the ssh private keys, and then gives up inmediatly19:31
killfill'debug1: No more authentication methods to try.'19:31
killfillis ssh password logins disabled by default?19:32
Seveaskillfill: no19:32
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)19:32
Seveaskillfill: check /var/log/auth.log for more info19:32
killfillSeveas: i see this: error: Could not load host key: /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key19:33
jayaranyone use gdm3setup?19:33
Seveaskillfill: that's harmless19:35
ioriadennis_, still there ?19:35
dennis_ioria, Yes.19:36
dennis_All is working by me!19:36
ioriadennis_, you solved ?19:37
dennis_ioria, I get it work with: find -iname '*' > txt19:37
=== N is now known as Guest23041
dennis_But thank you19:37
killfillSeveas: here is what i see: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=HC9TjZxj19:37
ioriadennis_, graet !19:37
ioriadennis_, great ^^19:37
ludvig2008Pleae help!19:38
Seveaskillfill: hmm...19:38
killfillnice.. by error i shows my IP there, and there are some bot hitting inmediatly.. :P19:39
MonkeyDustludvig2008  let's hear it19:39
ioriadennis_, also find .19:40
ludvig2008How do I mount an drive called HP for Linux Mint 17.1?19:40
Seveaskillfill: sudo apt-get install --reinstall openssh-server19:40
Seveaskillfill: that should regenerate the missing key19:40
bubbasaures!mint | ludvig200819:40
ubottuludvig2008: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org19:40
MonkeyDustludvig2008  click on Community http://community.linuxmint.com/19:41
killfillSeveas, yup, the warning goes away, but still cannot login :S19:41
killfill(via password)19:41
Seveaskillfill: no other things in the server's log?19:42
Seveaskillfill: pastebin your sshd_config19:43
kohabyteI um, I installed Ubuntu Mate on my old Laptop and I ended up here19:43
dennis_ioria, i have another problem yet19:43
kohabyteI have no idea what I'm doing19:43
ioriadennis_, shoot19:43
bubbasaureskohabyte, What support are you needing?19:43
xanguakohabyte: do you have an ubuntu support question? what are you trying to do?19:44
MonkeyDustkohabyte  what brings you here? did you get here by accident?19:44
dennis_i want to copy without namechange: cp ./dennis/bla.txt ./test/19:44
dennis_And its not possible for me to write all filenames again, the script is very big19:44
killfillSeveas: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=3cnHzu4L19:44
Seveaskillfill: that's not a standard sshd config19:45
Seveasit has PasswordAuthentication no19:45
killfillSeveas: its the default one. at least for ubuntu@amazon19:45
Seveaschange that to yes and restart19:45
Seveasah, amazon. They modify things :)19:45
killfilli shit.. i didnt saw it19:45
ioriadennis_, what's your goal exactly ?19:45
killfillSeveas: forr and thanks for pointing it out!!19:45
Seveaskillfill: you couldn't have known19:46
killfilli actually checked for a config like that, my eyes passed over it, but didnt really saw it :P19:46
dennis_i have a list of files. And only that files should be copied into another directory19:46
Guest72943dennis_, paste the script19:47
Seveasdennis_: cp -t path/to/target/directory file1 file2 file3 file4 etc19:47
ioriaSeveas, i think i's a BUNCH of files19:48
dennis_Guest72943, the list is very big. And in every line stands one filename19:48
Guest72943dennis_, paste it with out the list, onlye the script19:48
MonkeyDustdennis_  it's easier if we know what we're dealing with19:49
Seveasdennis_: are there spaces in any of the filenames?19:49
dennis_Should i upload the script to pastebin?19:49
Guest72943dennis_, anywhere you whant19:49
dennis_Here is the script: http://pastebin.com/WMzaaA6919:50
ioriadennis_, you need a script that tahe in input the list and cp them19:50
dennis_And this doesnt work19:50
Seveasdennis_: are there spaces in any of the filenames?19:51
Seveaserr, that wasn't meant to repeat :)19:51
dennis_uff, i dont think so, but there a few scripts. and i havent seen all filenames19:51
=== root is now known as Guest78684
Seveasdennis_: I missed the beginning of the whole malarkey, but what's not working?19:52
Seveasthese look like sensible cp commands19:52
dennis_The script isnt working because the orders dont work^19:53
dennis_the cp wants a target filename too19:53
dennis_But i dont want to write it again in every line.19:54
Seveasdennis_: no, it should be happy this way. What's the error?19:54
dennis_cp: reguläre Datei »./elementary/mimes/22/“ kann nicht angelegt werden: Ist kein Verzeichnis19:54
dennis_that the error. haha, i have to translate it, or? :D19:54
Seveasdoes elementart/mimes/22/ exist?19:55
Seveas elementary/mimes/22/ exist?19:55
polyziumApt-get tries to uninstall everything because of a single package!19:55
Seveasbecause that's what I think the problem is :) If elementary/mimes/22/ doesn't exist, cp thinks you want to copy it to a file with that name, but the / at the end means directory and cp barfs :)19:56
k1lpolyzium: please put the output into a pastebin and show the link here19:56
dennis_omg! You are right!19:56
Seveaspolyzium: pastebin the command you are running and the output19:56
CainFBHello guys, Ive just bought a raspberry pi 2 model b and i want to share my movie folder to it by nfs. My /etc/export on my "server" /media/jonatan/dritt/film,all_squash,insecure)    my /etc/fstab on my pi// /media/filmer   cifs    guest,uid=1000,gid=1000,iocharset=uft819:56
MonkeyDustpolyzium  that single package is probably a meta-file19:56
polyziumk1l, Seveas, oh yes19:56
dennis_Ah, now i corrected the path, and its working!19:56
dennis_great, thanks!19:56
SeveasCainFB: in the fstab:
CainFBBoth server and node has correct packages19:57
Seveasand not cofs but nfs19:57
fry_I have distorted sounds under wine. Anyone know of a fix for this?19:57
fry_I go and test the audio and it's just awful19:58
polyziumk1l, Seveas, here we go19:58
Seveaspolyzium: apt-cache policy libjpeg6219:59
Seveaspastebin the results19:59
k1lpolyzium: seems like you removed a package before. so please show the apt log in /var/log/apt/19:59
binarydepthI need some info on installing Ubuntu with F2FS. Can it boot into a F2FS partition  ?19:59
polyziumSeveas, http://pastebin.com/YTjcMcG620:01
CainFBIt didnt work Seveas :/20:01
k1lpolyzium: wait, are we talking about a debian?20:01
SeveasCainFB: what's the fstab line now?20:02
=== DeMiNe0_ is now known as DeMiNe0
CainFB1 sec20:02
Seveaspolyzium: are you using Ubuntu?20:02
polyziumk1l, i used ubuntu before and i'm tired of canonical's spying on Dash and instability and the guys at #debian don't wnat to talk with me. So i'm using debian instead. Ubuntu is a debian derivative20:04
BabySupermanis there a good way to kill all processes running from a folder? like kill /some_temp_directory/ where some python process was accidentally left running20:04
SeveasCainFB: ok, anythin in /var/log/syslog or dmesg on either side when you try to mount?20:04
SeveasBabySuperman: fuser -k /some_temp_directory20:04
CainFBHow should i mount it? Thought i just restared the process on the pi,20:05
polyziumi actually have ubuntu 14.04 and debian 8 dualboot with grub20:05
k1lpolyzium: its your choice, what distro you use (no need to to call it spying tho) but we cant help you on corrupted debian package management packages. that is #debian guys job.20:05
gentry1daftykins, turns out it was indeed a memory issue. thank you!20:05
MonkeyDustpolyzium  what's the outcome of   cat /etc/issue20:05
SeveasCainFB: sudo mount /media20:05
CainFBmount.nfs: Failed to resolve server / Name or service not known20:05
CainFBill remove the slash20:06
CainFBmount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting
Seveaspolyzium: poke us again if the problem happens on Ubuntu :)20:06
daftykinsgentry1: np :>20:06
SeveasCainFB: on the other side: sudo exportfs -a20:06
polyziumSeveas, i haven't booted on ubuntu more than weeks20:07
polyziumbut anyway see you in ubuntu20:07
Seveaspolyzium: then off to #debian you go :)20:07
CainFBsudo exportfs -a20:07
CainFBexportfs: /etc/exports [1]: Neither 'subtree_check' or 'no_subtree_check' specified for export "".20:07
CainFB  Assuming default behaviour ('no_subtree_check').20:07
CainFB  NOTE: this default has changed since nfs-utils version 1.0.x20:07
BabySupermanSeveas: no way... in all my searching how did I not find that!20:07
SeveasCainFB: that looks like a harmless warning to me20:07
CainFBI still gget the access denied on the pi though20:08
SeveasCainFB: on the server: showmount -e20:08
CainFBExport list for cain:20:08
CainFBExport list for cain:20:08
Seveasand nothing after that?20:09
polyziumSeveas, it's me20:10
polyziumi'm in ubuntu right now20:11
polyziumit's 14.04.220:11
polyziumWait! Ubuntu doesn't remove all stuff...20:12
polyziumIt installed libjpeg62 without any "The following packages will be REMOVED"20:13
dennis_Ok, my script isnt working that good.20:13
dennis_So or so :D20:13
polyziumAhh damn how it's possible20:13
polyziumGonna add Ubuntu repos20:13
Seveasthat's a good way of losing even more support from the debian folks :)20:14
dennis_Maybe you could help me, if i describe what i want to do. I want to change the icons displayed in my databrowser.20:14
dennis_And if i activate the numix icon paket, its all good. But i want to change the look only in my databrowser. Is this possible?20:15
polyziumok back to debian20:15
Razzdolldaftykins, Whered you ./run off to?20:17
en1gmaok i made an ubuntu 15.04 amd 64 desktop live usb stick that i am trying to "Install" to my E: SSD (NTFS non-os). i made an ext 4 partition and a swap area. i then select that partition and swap to install to20:23
en1gmawhen computer boots up bootloader is there. and then it tries to load but i get stuck in busybox (initramfs)20:24
en1gmawhat the heck. isnt this supposed to be an easy install?20:24
daftykinsRazzdoll: when20:24
rosy01What are we talking about?20:24
k1len1gma: you installed onto a ntfs partition?20:24
OerHeksrosy01, read the topic please20:25
en1gmak1l no. i "resized" the ntfs partition so  i could "create new" ext 420:25
rosy01SOrry but I'm new here. Where is the ropis displayed?20:25
Razzdolldaftykins, before. i asked if you had any recommendations since you said chrome was the problem with the video play20:25
k1len1gma: ok, what error message do you get there?20:26
k1lrosy01: at the top in your client, or type "/topic"20:26
en1gmait puts me in "busy box" with a prompt of (initramfs) and no keyboard input20:26
en1gmahttp://askubuntu.com/questions/614055/ubuntu-15-04-boots-into-busybox  <<<<20:26
daftykinsRazzdoll: yeah i don't have an answer, dealing with facebook is definitely not a concern of mine :)20:26
kalxIs there anyway for ssmtp to resolve usernames to email addresses I specify? I'm using ssmtp to have emails sent thru a gmail account I have. I noticed that sudo/cron/etc send emails are getting sent "to: root".20:27
kalxFrom reading, it seems it's only possible if mail/mailx is used (which will then look at aliases in mail.rc or nail.rc). But "sendmail" which directly uses ssmtp seems to have no way of applying aliases20:27
k1len1gma: the last answer from that site says it was a bad install. maybe try it which checking the iso?20:28
en1gmai was in kali-linux and used unetbootin to install ubuntu 15.04 from an iso i had on a windows ntfs partition. maybe it didnt like it20:29
en1gmaim now using universal usb installer from within windows 720:30
en1gmaill probably do a checksum on it though.20:30
k1len1gma: when i am on a linux i use "dd". but checking the md5sum should give a clue20:30
daftykinsen1gma: 'dd' would have sufficed20:30
en1gmaim in windows dd not gonna work20:31
canonprinteri'm unable to play my music in banshee20:31
canonprinteror any media player really20:31
canonprinterdoes ubuntu not come with audio codecs? or at least, mp3 codecs20:31
vemacsdebian doesn't either20:32
daftykinsnot as default20:32
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/ubuntu-help/media.html  - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:32
vemacsinstall ubuntu-restricted-extras20:32
canonprintervemacs ah thanks20:32
ayior_hey, sorry for interrupting - I'm trying to build Caffe but 'make' returns a segfault (I haven't edited the makefile) anyone got any tips?20:33
fission6_i am having issues with screen. i do control + a and then " to get a menu selection, in that menu selection my arrow keys don't work (usually they do) when i hit up for instance it just drops me out of the menu selection20:34
=== Ionic is now known as Guest64021
dearnfission6_: did you change terminal ?20:44
fission6_what do you mean dearn20:45
daftykinsfission6_: try another terminal emulator20:46
dearnfission6_: if you're using xterm, try rxvt or gnome-terminal20:46
dearnfission6_: also try if Ctrl+n and ctrl+p work to move in C-a " list20:49
fission6_ctrl+n works and so does doing Ctrl+A and then " to get a selection list and then using numbers [0-9] to choose a window, but my arrow key doesn't work it drops me out of the selection window20:50
fission6_usually i can go "up" and "down" in the window selection20:50
daftykinsfission6_: right, so which terminal is this and have you tried another?20:51
dearnfission6_: try ctrl+n and ctrl+p in window selection, does it work or drops you out ?20:51
dearnIt will tell you if it's somehow arrows related or function related which I doubt20:51
fission6_dearn ctrl+n works in window selection, but not up and down arrows20:52
EriC^^fission6_: try k and j20:53
EriC^^for up and down20:53
dearnwell so it's something with arrows - either your keyboard is broken or something wrong with your terminal emulator20:55
fission6_k and j work20:55
dearnfission6_: or just use only true gnu-way C-n C-p and not arrows :P20:55
fission6_this happens every now and then, someone solved it once before, i thought it had somethign to do with bindings20:56
fission6_usual my arrows work find but some how i fat finger something every now and hten20:56
fission6_and then arrows get f'd20:56
canonprinterIn the file manager, is there any way to add some columns to the visible columns? http://i.imgur.com/y4JaVU6.png I'm trying to sort my music, and it'd be nice if there was an "Artist" column or something similar20:57
canonprinterfor music file tags basically20:57
apt-get_installHi, by default apt-get installs recommended packages. I know I can disable the automatic installation with the flag --no-install-recommends, but can I just say I don't want *one specific* recommended package to be installed? Thanks.20:59
xanguacanonprinter: you can sort your music by author in any music player21:00
OerHeksapt-get_install, that is not an option that i know of21:01
EriC^^apt-get_install: what is this for?21:02
canonprinterxangua: Yes but I would like to also have the raw mp3 files sorted into Artist->Album folders21:03
canonprintertoo messy otherwise21:03
EriC^^apt-get_install: is this for a script? or ?21:07
DsXxhi there21:12
xanthippeI added a https sources.list entry (after installing the https-transport package) and now I'm getting this error:  Protocol "http" not supported or disabled in libcurl on apt-get update....any idea what's causing this?21:13
OerHeksxanthippe, what sources.list entry exactly?21:15
xanthippeOerHeks: it's a personal mirror, deb https://url/debian testing main21:16
OerHeksxanthippe, don't mix debian and ubuntu sources21:16
xanthippeOerHeks: that doesn't matter in this case21:16
jhutchinscanonprinter: I think there's at least one music manager that does that, possibly the KDE one.21:17
jhutchinscanonprinter: I know most of the GUI ripper front ends will rip to a structured tree like that.21:17
jhutchinscanonprinter: The problem is if you're trying to read the internal tags, only a music manager is going to be able to do that, not a file manager.21:18
xanguajhutchins: canonprinter what about Clementine¿21:18
jhutchinsxangua: iirc Clementine wanted to install 900 gnome packages, so I left it unexplored.21:19
jhutchins...but yes, that's another music manager.21:20
OerHeksclementine does that, i use clementine daily21:20
jhutchinsAmarok was great until they went to kde4.21:20
xanguajhutchins: why would clementine want to install gnome packages¿ it's a qt app21:20
xanguawhat desktop are you using canonprinter¿21:21
jhutchinsxangua: Must've been another one then, I dunno.21:21
OerHeksnautilus-columns do what you ask for, old post, but the ppa is still updated http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/music-and-exif-metadata-information-in.html21:22
Striking7Hey all. I have a strange problem with my micro sd cards.21:23
Striking7When I mount them at first they're read-only. I remount with -o rw,remount21:23
Striking7and root can write to them21:23
Striking7for the next 30 or so seconds21:23
xar-!enter | Striking721:23
Striking7at which point it complains "read only file system"21:23
bekksStriking7: Check dmesg21:23
Striking7bekks: It's reporting some i/o errors21:24
Striking7but this card works fine on my android phones21:24
bekksThey are the reasons for the read-only-filesystem.21:24
Striking7and other cards act up too... I wonder if it's the adaptor?21:25
Striking7bekks, yeah - I tried re creating the partition table, re-creating the partitions, giving them a good fsck21:25
Striking7errors were found in the journal and fixed after the first mount21:25
bekksStriking7: So the filesystem was damaged.21:26
Striking7The problem is it keeps getting damaged21:26
bekksBecause of the IO errors, which means your card is broken.21:26
=== Guest64021 is now known as Ionic
jhutchinsbekks: or the adapter.21:26
OerHeksmaybe the adapter can handle up to 32 gb, and the card is bigger?21:27
jhutchinsOerHeks: He gone.21:27
Striking7Sorry about that - I got disconnected. bekks - the card (and others) work fine on other machines but not on this one. jhutchins - I'm starting to think it's the adaptor since this is the only machine that uses one to access the microsd cards.21:30
bekksStriking7: Could you try to use that adaptor on another machine too?21:30
Striking7bekks: on it. I'll be back in a few with more info on that21:31
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vmusrhello, how can I get a newer radeon/ati driver for 12.04 ? I have a 7000 series card, and the driver supports only up to 600 series21:33
apt-get_installEriC^^: nope21:34
apt-get_installbut do you know?21:34
EriC^^apt-get_install: it's probably not worth it unless you're scripting it, cause you can just manually copy and paste the list of recommends and remove the one you don't want to install21:36
OerHeksvmusr, ati 7000 is too old and not supported by the FGLX driver https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver21:36
EriC^^apt-get_install: i'm not sure if you put -<package> name at the end if it would just not install it, i think it would install then uninstall21:37
vmusrOerHeks: i meant HD 7000, and I want to use the free/open source driver21:37
OerHeksvmusr, after install, you already use the open driver, and hd7000 is supported by the ati/radeon driver according to the wiki21:38
vmusrOerHeks: yes, i checked that. but it seems that the xserver-xorg-video-ati/radeon package that is in 12.04 supports only up to HD 6000 Series21:39
IonicOerHeks: he's using 12.04. chances are the open source driver didn't support this card back then.21:39
Ionicvmusr: well, you're screwed and will have to find a backport or build a newer version yourself21:40
vmusrman radeon lists devices only up HD6000... is there any backport?21:40
vmusrIonic: mkay thanks21:40
Ionicvmusr: there's an even more simple solution, though!21:41
Ionicjust don't use 4+ year old software21:41
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bekksHe's on 12.04, not 10.04 ;)21:42
Ionicso 3 years old21:43
Ionicgive it a bit slack for software already being outdated when released with a stable ubuntu version and it's about to fit21:43
vmusrIonic: on this machine particularly updates are not easy - that's why the LTS21:44
vmusrand I'm not entirely confident how a "do-release-upgrade" would go21:45
vmusrbetter safe than sorry21:45
Ionicvmusr: I guess at that point you'll need to update incrementally anyway. also, there's no harm because you have a recent backup, so just go for it21:46
k1lthe updates are automatic tested. so if you did non change too much it should work. but as always its better to have backups, because of murphys law :)21:46
Ionick1l: everyone has backups, right?21:48
k1lIonic: always :)21:49
Ionicsee, totally unproblematic21:50
Striking7bekks: I suspect it's the adaptor now. Thanks for the advice.21:55
Striking7jhutchins: you too - thanks21:55
apt-get_installEriC^^: but apt-get install recommends anyway, don't it?21:56
apt-get_installEriC^^: well, ill try that21:56
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Guest90431Hey guys. I tried to install Ubuntu 15.04 (x64, desktop) on my computer. I tríed multiple installation medias (including the network-boot)21:57
apt-get_installGuest90431: and?21:57
Guest90431However, write-actions to my SSD are very slow, and a message spams dmesg / the syslog when installing21:58
EriC^^apt-get_install: just tried it, it works, run sudo apt-get install <package> <package not to install>-21:58
apt-get_installEriC^^: wait, now the - should be *after* the package name?21:58
EriC^^apt-get_install: yeah, my bad21:58
Guest90431excerp of my syslog:21:59
=== Guest90431 is now known as flai
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flaiUnder Windows the SSD seems to perform fine21:59
flaiThe smart-values are all "OK"22:00
apt-get_installEriC^^: Awesome, tthank you22:00
EriC^^apt-get_install: no problem22:00
Johnny_Linuxapt-get install no-problem ??22:00
apt-get_installflai: seems like it's failing22:00
EriC^^Johnny_Linux: :P22:01
=== salvum is now known as uncle_salvum
flaiapt-get_install: Are you sure? http://i.imgur.com/ubptAr6.png - Rest looks normal, too22:03
=== uncle_salvum is now known as salvum
flaiBecause I really dislike talking to my vendor :/ And Windows is fast as hell, just like it should be22:04
flaiAnd it worked 100% until I tried to reinstall (tried to install arch in the meantime, but already remade the partition table)22:05
flaiAnd I saw no similar message in arch22:05
apt-get_installflai: you can never be sure, but yes, i think that22:06
apt-get_installbased on the log22:06
kc9iid  1400000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000022:07
flaiDevice is barly 1 year old :/22:08
apt-get_installflai: i had an HDD failing after only half an year22:09
Johnny_Linuxwd ?22:11
apt-get_installJohnny_Linux: how the fuck did you know that?! xD22:12
ubottuThe main Ubuntu channels require that you speak in calm, polite English. For other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList22:13
apt-get_installmeh, bubbasaures:22:13
Johnny_Linuxi had 7 go bad, they need a class suit against them, i went seagate.22:13
bazhangstop the cursing apt-get_install22:13
apt-get_installyeah, WD is just horrible22:15
apt-get_installI mean22:15
apt-get_installthey suck22:15
bazhang!ot | apt-get_install22:15
ubottuapt-get_install: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:15
AvatarAwhy did Johnny get kicked? :D22:16
bazhangtake the chit chat elsewhere please22:16
flaiapt-get_install: Wow. Just ran badblocks -n /dev/sda. Got like 4 pages of numbers22:17
flaiHm, more like 10 actually :/22:17
daftykinsflai: waste of time that program.22:18
daftykinsread the SMART info table -> bin the drive / seek warranty.22:18
apt-get_installflai: i guessed so22:19
apt-get_installback it up and throw it away22:19
jmaderohi all - my computer running 15.04 keeps freezing after it tries coming back from suspend, is there anywhere that I could find a log of what's going on22:19
* jmadero lost some work right now because of it :(22:19
flaidaftykins: How do I read it correclty. I already posted a screenshot of what gnome-disks says22:19
AvatarAfrom what I saw in your kernel log it seems like the kernel cannot detect the right settings for your drive22:19
flaidaftykins: http://i.imgur.com/ubptAr6.png22:19
AvatarAseems like a driver/firmware issue22:19
daftykinsflai: sudo apt install smartmontools pastebinit && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX | pastebinit22:20
daftykinsflai: hang on, is that an SSD?22:21
=== Jeff_ is now known as Guest22922
AvatarAthat's what he said22:21
flaidaftykins: yes22:22
flaidaftykins: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5451839bf9d69043f84822:22
flaidaftykins: Crucial_CT240M500SSD3 (MU03)22:22
daftykinser that's a hitachi 1TB22:23
flaidaftykins: Oh, sorry, ran it on the wrong drive22:23
flaidaftykins: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9a7bd305b1f6fbdd449e22:24
daftykinsflai: ooh my, 16 reallocations. yeah you want to back that up and then secure erase it22:26
daftykinsonly way to resolve SSDs.22:26
flaidaftykins: Holy Fuck. According to this stat I have 5580 power on hoursa22:27
daftykinsflai: don't use that language in here please22:27
daftykinsit upsets bazhang22:27
flaidaftykins: Plot twist: The laptop is 12 months old, and was 3 months in repair22:27
flaidaftykins: I'm sorry22:27
daftykinswell i doubt this was the original SSD it came with o022:28
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flaidaftykins: So the computer was on 20h/day on average. I'm not sure how this is possible.22:28
bubbasauresIt can possibly offend others in different social or cultural context is all, a little thought is all.22:28
bubbasauresage or gender included22:29
daftykinsflai: anyway, back it up and secure erase22:30
flaiI'm sorry :/ I was just surprised. So either the stat is wrong, I interpret it wrong (does it count standby-hours?) or I didn't get a new one with the computer22:30
flaidaftykins: Stuff is backed up. Was always encrypted.22:30
AvatarAit still doesn't explain why the kernel tried to configure it as UDMA 133 then 100, then 33 even and then continued to loop on that22:30
daftykinsquite frankly the ins and outs of the Power_On_Hours variable don't excite me all that much22:31
kokuthey, anyone knows some old rpg games i can run on windows to waste some time22:31
kokuton linux*22:31
MonkeyDustkokut  ask in #ubuntu-offtopic22:32
=== Kaneki is now known as Yukkii
meLonHow  I prevent `unity-settings-daemon` from requesting volume adjustment?22:38
meLonI ask because my logs are filling with the following: http://pastie.org/private/t9t7o2yq0gsedvbwvu2q22:38
meLonAlso, it makes it extremely hard to type, as the keyboard cuts out every time it is requested22:39
meLonWhy would it do this?  So frustrating22:41
gr33dy1can anyone help me setup a wifi printer in ubuntu 14.0422:42
gr33dy1can anyone help me setup a wifi printer in ubuntu 14.0422:44
gr33dy1can anyone help me setup a wifi printer in ubuntu 14.0422:45
OerHeksgr33dy1, there is a good wiki for that > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu22:45
gr33dy1i tried that, it doesn't discover my printer22:45
meLonWant to tell us what printer you're using?22:46
gr33dy1canon mp62022:47
gr33dy1canon mp62022:48
meLonOnce is enough, gr33dy122:48
xkoananyone have a resource for beginners to linux?22:48
sehnsuchti've got "eclipse java ee ide" installed but i need to do some c++ sometimes.  do i have to download the c++ eclipse package or can i somehow configure my  existing install to do both languages?22:48
bazhang!rute | xkoan22:49
ubottuxkoan: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com22:49
OerHeksgr33dy1, you might need cups-backend-bjnp for that, http://askubuntu.com/questions/320800/how-to-install-canon-pixma-mp620 ++ http://askubuntu.com/questions/441337/i-need-help-installing-a-canon-mp620-printer22:49
bazhang!manual | xkoan and this22:49
ubottuxkoan and this: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:49
bazhang##linux for generic linux issues xkoan22:50
gr33dy1OerHeks, will i still need that even if im trying to install it over wifi instead of directly?22:50
OerHeksgr33dy1, i think so yes22:51
OerHeksi am no fan of canon, but that guide is pretty clear.22:51
xkoanThanks for the help guys!22:52
OerHekshave fun xkoan22:52
gr33dy1thank you soo much that helped completely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!22:56
OerHeksgr33dy1, great, have fun with printing22:56
gr33dy1what did you google if you dont mind me asking22:56
OerHeksjust on " ubuntu + mp620 "22:57
OerHeks+ i remember this package that is designed for canon, so when i read it, it became clear to me.22:58
gr33dy1ah well thanks so much man, i spent like 2 hours trying things that the docs said, and a 5 minute irc chat with you fixed it lol23:00
MonkeyDustOerHeks  +123:02
PalleSHey guys23:07
PalleSanyone knows how to get ubuntu mx4?23:07
MonkeyDustwhat's ubuntu mx4?23:08
daftykinsPalleS: #ubuntu-touch for all phone chatter.23:08
=== dearn_ is now known as dearn
oscarhbpwith install wepcrack ubuntu 14.0423:29
jgriffithbrody88: ping23:30
andy_mahurinHi everybody.23:31
daftykinsoscarhbp: don't understand your question there, but that topic is not permitted here23:31
andy_mahurinI am trying to prepare to upgrade my distribution.  Update says, W: Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/vivid/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80]23:36
rypervencheandy_mahurin: You will see that vivid is not there:
OerHeks1st time i see an old mirror23:38
andy_mahurinI have been following the procedure of changing my sources.list using sed, whenever I update: sudo sed -i 's/utopic/vivid/' *.*23:41
Ben64you shouldn't23:42
Ben64"sudo do-release-upgrade" is the right way to upgrade23:43
andy_mahurinI thought that method had errors.23:44
Ben64its the proper way to upgrade23:45
OerHeksThat would choose the right mirror for you23:45
paulsmithi need help with air crack if any one can help23:45
OerHekspaulsmith, sorry, that is offtopic here.23:45
paulsmithok then no worries sorry i didnt know23:46
andy_mahurinThanks Ben.23:46
erkburgleshi, im trying to install kde, and im getting this error: erkburgles@erkburgles-Inspiron-3451:~$ sudo dpkg -i kde-config-telepathy-accounts_15.04.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa1_amd64.deb23:46
OerHekspaulsmith, try #kali-linux, especially for pentesting23:46
erkburglesdpkg: error processing archive kde-config-telepathy-accounts_15.04.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa1_amd64.deb (--install):23:46
erkburgles cannot access archive: No such file or directory23:46
erkburglesErrors were encountered while processing:23:46
erkburgles kde-config-telepathy-accounts_15.04.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa1_amd64.deb23:46
paulsmithok cheers23:47
andy_mahurin!paste | erkburgles23:47
ubottuerkburgles: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:47
noobsieI'm having problems installing pip3 for Python3 on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. I tried installing python3-pip, but it has "unmet" dependencies that I cannot install either?23:47
OerHekserkburgles, what ppa are you using?23:47
erkburglesyou know i don't even know what that means23:47
Ben64erkburgles: why are you trying to install a deb manually? what are you following that says to do that? what is your goal? what version of linux are you on?23:48
erkburglesgoal is as i said to install kde23:48
erkburglesubuntu 15.0423:49
bazhangis that MINT erkburgles23:49
Ben64erkburgles: you answered 2/4 of my questions23:49
bazhangkubuntu-desktop to install kde23:49
andy_mahurinI thought that sudo 'do-release-upgrade' was the brand new way of upgrading, so it was not stable yet.  I thought that changing the sources.list and associated files was the right way to prepare for an upgrade.23:50
erkburgleseh im following my terminal i guess, i ran sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:50
Ben64andy_mahurin: that was never the right way to upgrade23:50
popeyit was on debian, which a lot of people brought over23:50
erkburglesand i guess i dont know the answer to your first question23:51
popeyand it does work on ubuntu for some people in some situations23:51
Ben64erkburgles: ok well you can install kubuntu-desktop as bazhang suggested, which will pull in the full kubuntu desktop23:51
erkburglesdid you read what i wrote23:52
andy_mahurinBen64, Thanks.  I guess I thought the consensus of the community was different from yours.23:52
Ben64erkburgles: yep23:52
erkburgleswell thats what i did23:52
erkburglesand now my question again23:52
Ben64erkburgles: the error you posted was nothing about that23:52
erkburglesyou asked questions23:52
OerHekslooking at the filename, there is a PPA enabled somehowe23:52
erkburglesi told you i ran: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:52
Ben64erkburgles: ok, and?23:53
erkburglesand i got the error i initially posted23:53
Ben64no you didn't23:53
Ben64<erkburgles> hi, im trying to install kde, and im getting this error: erkburgles@erkburgles-Inspiron-3451:~$ sudo dpkg -i kde-config-telepathy-accounts_15.04.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa1_amd64.deb23:53
Ben64"sudo dpkg -i kde-config-telepathy-accounts_15.04.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu15.04~ppa1_amd64.deb" is not "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"23:53
erkburglesmy bad23:53
erkburglesi did that because i did sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop23:54
Ben64makes no sense whatsoever23:54
popeynote, you might be better off doing "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop^"  (note the ^ hat)23:54
popeyit installs the task23:54
erkburgleslet me go back and review everything so i can satisfy your logic trap23:55
Ben64theres no trap23:55
noobsieAnyone know how I can get venv to work with Python 3.4 in Ubuntu 14.04? This is a frustrating problem with many "solutions" that do not work such as installing python3-pip or python3-venv as suggested.23:55
Ben64you posted an error you got by typing a weird dpkg command23:55
Ben64absolutely nothing at all to do with installing kubuntu-desktop23:55
OerHeksnoobsie, python-pip package is available in the universe repository , go into softwaresources, and enable universe23:57
OerHeksnoobsie, and unmet dependencies can be resolved with: sudo apt-get install -f23:57
=== rrr__ is now known as rrr_
noobsieOerHeks: so I can force the install, but what does it mean that it is "unmet" and why wouldn't it fulfill those requirements?23:59

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