
=== thomas_ is now known as Guest21447
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sattyhey guys , I want kubuntu to be fastest desktop02:18
sattywhat to do to boot kubuntu in 5 secs02:18
lawn5 seconds seems pretty fast to me02:24
=== ErichEickmeyer is now known as ErichE
=== ErichE is now known as ErichEickmeyer
lawnbootchart has some nice info02:36
=== Yukkii is now known as Dhs92
beepiesry to hear the events surrounding kubuntu04:03
beepieare the rumours true of kubuntu no longer being a project or is that just hogwash?04:04
valoriebeepie: rumours are just that04:12
valorieit's been difficult, but we're moving forward04:13
valorieand 15.10 is being created even now04:13
valoriein fact, many of the devels are already running it daily04:13
beepiei hope kubuntu stays, it's an awesome distros and i fully support you guys04:13
beepiereally it is04:13
valoriewe can always use encouragement04:14
valorieand more people to help out!04:14
beepiebeen on debian long time, thinking of actually switching to kubuntu seeing just how well it's put together04:14
valoriecool, give Wily a whirl04:14
valorietesting is always useful04:14
beepiei'm not using kubuntu as my main system, but i took a look at it in vbox and was very impressed04:14
valoriewe work as closely as possible with Debian04:15
beepietesting is good, and i've been testing for a very long time across distros no worries :)04:15
valorieand have our packaging on Debian git04:15
valoriefor the past year04:15
beepiegreat you work with other distro teams04:15
beepiethe debian git is that the aliot server?04:16
valorienot sure about that; i'm not a packager04:17
beepiebut it's all great, ppa/launchpad, it all tends to work up against upstream so it's good04:17
valorieI'm on the alioth ML though, so maybe....04:17
radkinsI just installed kubuntu and my windows keep flickering04:55
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=== Guest97841 is now known as thelionroars
lordievaderGood morning.09:28
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=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92
ethanghey folks, I screwed up java.  Any ideas?11:52
BluesKajHowdy all12:38
ethanghaving problems with java.  I installed both openjdk and oracle's java.  I'm a noob to java/kubuntu12:56
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lordievaderCan (u)efi-grub still be configured in the traditional way?13:54
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ethangI am having trouble with my java installation - both openjdk and oracle are installed14:52
=== emil is now known as Guest46218
cofoI have permission denied because I'm trying to execute a file I programmed in hard drive15:32
cofoWhat can I do?15:32
cofoI'm running live cd15:32
BluesKajcofo,  opening the file as root ?15:50
lordievaderProbably forgotten to set the execute bit.15:50
cofonm I fix in #ubuntu15:50
=== Mitchell92 is now known as Mitchell92[A]
=== Mitchell92[A] is now known as Mitchell92
SeyleriusThe main kubuntu download is a livedisc, right?17:43
BluesKajSeylerius,  live-media yes, you can also put it on a usb stick17:44
lordievaderAll Kubuntu iso's are live-dvd's.17:44
SeyleriusBluesKaj: Wonderful. Need diagnostics out of someone before I build something custom for 'em.17:44
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=== Mitchell92 is now known as Mitchell92[A]
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=== drawkward_away is now known as drawkward
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kubuntuuuuhttp://i.imgur.com/lrTa4b3.png can anyone help me fix this issue?22:39
kubuntuuuuno size numbers in the dropdown menu22:39
valoriethat looks a bit broken indeed22:40
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